gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
Hiatus notice
Hey guys this is gonna be long so im just gonna put it under a read more.
So I've been making a lot of really big decisions in my life right now. I'm going to be 21 on the tomorrow and I just feel like I'm not going anywhere in my life. I've felt that way in rping too. I'm full of ideas for characters but I never seem to give them a chance before making a new one. I'm not the best at prioritizing my time which makes it even harder. So I've made the decision to just put all my accounts but one i'm currently working on on hiatus. Although I don't want to do it it already feels like a weight has been lifted. This hiatus is due to a big decision I've made for my future. I've decided to lose 60lbs so I can join the Air National Guard. It was always an idea I threw around but after talking to my parents, whom are both in the Air Force, i'm going to do it. Its also part of the reason I haven't been around much. I just need to focus on myself for a bit. I will have one active account instead of a bunch of hardly active accounts. If you want just send me a message or whatever and I'll let you guys know what it is. Sorry for this if I was rping with you. I still want to I just need to work on myself for right now. I will be back one day.
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
It has been a busy day. I went to my grandma's for a late easter get together and my sister left early only to call me 20mins later and tell me our cat had kittens! :3
another random thing...you ever create a blog for one thing and then you change it 20 times till you like it. and then it's a canon character that no one seems to keep playing long so your like, why not...and as soon as your ready to like open for business 10 of that character pop up?
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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Irene is very close with Robert and Rosalind, they did raise her after all. But she is slightly closer with Robert.
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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Anyone want a little starter?
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
and you underestimated me. your mistake.
the truest story in six words (via jaclcfrost)
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
I got fire in my blood and my bones are made of steel I am a hurricane of a girl not a porcelain doll you should save
bellarkeismyotp (via wordsnquotes)
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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Looking at her struck a nerve. She was the chosen one. Irene was just an accident. She watched as her father and sister ran around collecting things to try and survive. The police would be on them again soon. They didn't even know they were family, and yet they were already closer then Irene could ever hope to be with either of them. She so desperately wanted to just go up to them and introduce herself, but it never ended well. But why not try again.
❝Excuse me? I think you dropped this.❞ She held up a silver eagle towards the dark haired girl.
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
♥ - What does ‘love’ mean to them? ♠ - What are they afraid of? ♦ - What is one thing about them that they are most proud of? ♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general) ★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why? ☾- Are they prone to nightmares or dreamless sleep? ☼ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy. ☁ - If they’re caught out in the rain how do they react? ♪ - Are they musically inclined? ♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy? ✓ - How do they react to praise? ✕ - How do they handle rejection? ☺ - Do they prefer sour or sweet treats? ❄ -  Favorite season and why? ☮ - Do they have an idol or someone they look up to? ❤ - Do they have a love interest? ✖ - Who is someone they just cannot stand? ♔ - Do they value loyalty? ♕ - Do they trust easily?
questions about your character.
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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Anyone want a little starter?
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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Elizabeth/Anna is a constant. She is in every single timeline.
Irene is a variable. She only exists in a few. Out of the hundreds of thousands of possibilities she has only ever happened in three timelines.
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
I was never capable of being… average…
Salvador Dalí, Diary of a Genius   (via wordsnquotes)
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
✂ — a vivid memory
July 22nd, 1906.  Age 15
Irene did get bullied every so often. She wasdifferent. Her family was different. She ran from the smallgroup of kids that had been picking on her to the lab. Holding back tears asshe ran through the door and slammed it behind her. She could here Rosalind inthe other room.
“Don’t slam the door” she called absentmindedly. Justthe mere sound of her voice, so calm like nothing was wrong, flipped herswitch. Stomping into the next room the little blonde confronted the twins.
“You said you would come! And I should have knownyou wouldn’t!” she crossed her arms. They were doing another experiment, butthen again that was all they ever seemed to do.
“Come where?” Did Rosalind really just ask her that?!She was livid. Her emotions got the better of her.
“The talent contest! I told you about it! This wasreally important to me.” She pulled the small medal out of her pocket. Lookingat it for a second before throwing it into the room. “I got first place.” shefought back the angry tears that threatened to overflow from her eyes as sheturned and ran out of the room and up the stairs.
Flopping onto her bed she finally let herself cryinto her pillow. Irene knew she was overreacting because of the kid’s tauntsfrom earlier. A few hours later she came out of her room and down to thekitchen where dinner was being made. She looked down nervously.
“I’m sorry for yelling and slamming the doors.”Rosalind turned around looking at the young girl.
“Dear, I known you were upset, but we had more importantthings to do.” and just like that Irene was mad again.
“Well I’m just so glad I don’t rank on your scaleof importance.” She gritted her teeth and she spoke, trying not to raise hervoice again. Rosalind gave her full attention to the child.
“Now Irene…” “Please spare me your excuses MissLutece.” “Irene don’t speak to her that way.” Roberts’s calm voice came as hewalked into the room.
“Why am I always the bad guy?!” tears starting torun down her face. “I don’t ask for much. I always do my chores and helpwhenever you ask. So why is it when I ask for something it’s always pushedaside?!” Her emotions a mix of anger and sadness. The feeling built up the moreshe let herself cry. Robert stepped towards her to try and calm her down andjust like that she tore reality. Everyone froze. Unsure of what to do next.Robert and Rosalind had not seen that one coming. That Irene would be able tocreate tears like Elizabeth.
‘Did I do that?’ ‘How did I do that?’ ‘Whatis that?’ Question after question ran through her head as she staredinto the void that she had created. In her trance like state of shock she hadn’teven felt the blood start to leak from her nose and drip down her face. Robert’svoice felt a million miles away as she stood frozen. And in a second the tearclosed as felt the handkerchief wipe the blood from her face. Her terror filledeyes looked next to her at Robert who reassured her that everything was goingto be alright.
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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❝Do you need any help?❞ The person had walked into the shop and had been looking for quite a while. They went from one thing to the next. Comparing and putting one back and then doing it all over again.
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gxxdnight-irene · 9 years
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