gycasc ¡ 4 years
go to 00:40 for the REALEST CRINGE you’ll be served for a long time…
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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so this is a redo of my 2015 cockles op
this op was kinda a mess lol
but first, misha took my cane from the volunteer that’s why he’s holding it
ok so I wrote down what I wanted them to do on a little notecard cuz I thought it would be better than trying to explain it with words
I wrote: *hold hands *eye f-u-c-k *hold up signs
then I gave it to the volunteer cuz she asked what pose I wanted to do
so then I go up to jensen and misha, handed them the signs and went between them. I wasn’t saying anything cuz I thought the volunteer was gonna show them the card. so they’re like looking at the signs confused so I actually had to move their hands to hold each other then told them to look at each other
then after chris took the photo, jensen like bwnt down kneeling on the floor. I have no clue what’s going on cuz his back was towards me and all I can see is jensen like curled up towards the floor and I was like ‘what’s going on???’ then he stood up holding my card and he’s like ‘can I keep this?’ and he pockets it. I just nodded then walked away feeling so embarrassed lmao
I didn’t get to ask him about it during autos though, which omc I wish I did lol
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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it’s a gift, you keep those…
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
So to me there’s a big difference between the fuckery that Jared and Misha get into and the absolute tension between Misha and Jensen.    
Misha and Jared are ridiculous together but regardless of how they act, it just feels like them screwing around.  
Exhibit A:  This happy horse shit.
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If Jensen had done something like this everyone would have lost their minds.  Misha seems completely unaffected but he’d have been a blushy mess if Jensen was thrusting his hand at his crotch.
Exhibit B: I swear to god. they’re children.
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Zero anything but absolute teenage boy ridiculousness.  Jensen kind of looks like he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
Exhibit C: The sweetness between them is touching, but not intimate.
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I mean, I do that shit with my friends too.  They usually tell me to back the fuck up but that’s not the point.
Finally, Exhibit D: Awwwwwwwwwwww hugs.
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When they hug, it’s warm and friendly.  They genuinely care about eachother but there is just….nothing.
When Misha and Jensen are together, there is something there.  It’s palpable.
Exhibit 2A: The stare
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Jensen watches Misha intently.  He’s super close to him and still stays locked on Misha’s face.
Exhibit 2B: Touchy feely
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Misha stays so relaxed, like he knows it’s Jensen and personally for me, that’s pretty telling.
Exhibit 2C: Drunk Jensen
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Misha was SO uncomfortable, like he knew it was too public/too real.  The kicker though was he was in an “I’m not supposed to like this” mode.
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WTF is THAT.  Why the hell would Jensen feel the need to show off his crotch.  Can you see him doing this to Jared?  That’s not, “Hey check out my boxers.” That’s “Look what I got!” .  I love that Misha went to cover his face but peeked one more time before dropping his hand over his eyes.
Look, maybe it’s bullshit and maybe it’s all Misha and Jensen just enjoys fucking with him.  Who knows.  But the tension is the real deal and I’m hooked.
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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You know what they say about couples who mimic each other’s mannerisms?
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
not to be “that person who stares at gifs and makes a weird whining noise in the back of their throat all day” but
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I’m kinda suffering
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So here’s some gifs to drag you all down with me
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You know if you feel like watching Dean quietly implode via his hand on a loop all day
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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What? yeah I’m a sucker for Destiel/Cockles parallels. X. . . . . .
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
let’s do a quick recap on dean’s smiles/times we’ve seen dean happy in this really dark season
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wait im
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it’s almost like
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there’s a common trend????
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someone explain to me
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what is the secret ingredient??? [itisamystery.mp3]
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
“because a 16 year old girl who had her first orgasm whilst getting raped, had to watch her 34 year old rapist go free because she had an orgasm.
because when one of my guy friends told me and some friends he got raped by a woman when he was 12, a “friend” laughed at him and told him he should be happy he got laid that young.
because my 17 year old friend’s parents let her 14 year old brother roam the streets until 12am, but she has to be home by 10.
Because my brothers girlfriend, told the police she was raped and fell pregnant but the rapist didn’t get jail time as she got an abortion and the ‘evidence’ was gone.
because a guy from my old school was raped by another guy, but because he’s gay, they said it wasn’t considered rape.
because a 19 year old lesbian got raped by a guy, and he didn’t go to prison because he said “he only tried to turn her straight so she would be accepted by her parents”.
because in some cultures, girls (and boys, of course) still get thrown out of the family because somebody sexually assaulted them.
because they’re still teaching girls to walk faster at night instead of teaching boys that they shouldn’t rape.
Because they’re teaching kids that they’re only male rapists and not female rapists too.
because I have to explain why rape makes me mad.“
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
My JIB9 Cockles Auto Story
So I’ve been promising to write this for two weeks and here I finally am. Apologies in advance - this will be long, there will be a lot of swearing, excessive punctuation, and gross fangirling. Also, for the record, I am NOT a Cockles shipper, before anyone wants to go there. I love Misha and Jensen together as friends and I am endlessly fascinated by their relationship. I do NOT think they’re secretly fucking.
So picture this - it’s Saturday at the con. At this point, I don’t think I had actually seen Misha up close and in person yet. So this was my first interaction with him. If you haven’t been to JIB, the autos take place in a big tent off the side of the hotel. It’s hot as hell in there and you’re waiting in line for ages, so there’s plenty of time for anxious sweating. It wasn’t that busy though and there were only a few people behind me. I noticed Jensen was there too, just finishing up.
I finally got up to Misha’s table and I had a piece of TFW art for him to sign, and a bar of Swiss chocolate to give him. The first thing I noticed is that his eyes are like freaking tractor beams. I couldn’t actually tear myself away from them (good to know my fics are accurate). And because of what happened next, I don’t really remember any of my interaction with him. Note to self for next year: pay attention when you’re talking to the handsome man!
I stammered my way through whatever I was saying (Probably: “No I didn’t draw this, I commissioned it from an amazing artist friend, useless blabbering etc”) when I felt a presence on my left. They’re pretty strict about who’s allowed at the auto table during the session so right away that was weird. Then I noticed that everyone around me (the handlers, people waiting behind me) had gotten really quiet, and Misha was no longer looking at me but at whoever was standing next to me, with a twinkle in his eye. So I turned my head to see who it was and stopped breathing.
It was Jensen Fucking Ackles. Standing right next to me. There may have been some other people with him (Cliff? Daniela?) but I was blinded by the absolute perfection of his profile. His face. It’s TOO MUCH. He was wearing a black button down shirt, and folks, he’s surprisingly small in person. Like he’s tall, but super lean. He was holding something out for Misha to sign. (At this point, if I had been able to function, I would’ve said something cheeky about him interrupting my auto, but alas, I didn’t speak the entire time this was happening.)
Each auto table has a piece of A4 paper taped to the front with the actor’s name on it. So Jensen had just finished his autos, apparently wanted to fuck with Misha, and decided to take the paper off his table and ask Misha to sign it. And Jensen also decided to pretend like this was an actual fan interaction, because who isn’t a fan of Misha (DON’T ANSWER THAT QUESTION I DON’T WANT TO KNOW). 
Jensen: “Hi Misha, can you sign this for me?”
Misha plays along, and takes the paper from Jensen. Jensen goes into full fangirl mode, says something like, “Oh wow, Misha”, and puts his hand over his heart while pretending to be super nervous and short of breath (I realize now that Jensen was possibly making fun of me - what a beautiful jerk).
Misha: “It’s great to see you again.” *signs paper*
Jensen: something like “OMG Misha, you’re so great” or “OMG thank you Misha” or something to that effect (If anyone who was there can confirm, please do!)
Jensen: *reaches out to hold Misha’s hand*
Misha: *takes it then remembers they’re role playing* “No I’m not - you’re not allowed to touch me. No touching!”
The handlers joined in at that point - “No touching! No touching!” - while Misha and Jensen were still sort of touching, and I think I giggled hysterically. Then someone, and I have no idea who this hero was, yelled, “No kissing!” Others joined in, “Yeah don’t kiss, you guys!” Everyone dissolved into laughter and Jensen took his paper back. And it was over. And I was somehow supposed to finish talking to Misha, get my stuff, and walk away without passing out. Obviously I had to record my reaction and post it on Twitter for posterity - I regret nothing.
As if that wasn’t enough awesomeness, fast forward to the next day. I was waiting in line for Jared’s auto. Once again, Jensen was finishing up his autos. I noticed the “Jensen” paper was back on his table, complete with Misha’s signature from the day before. I knew it was Jensen’s last auto session of the con. A crazy thought entered my head. What if I could get that piece of paper? (Side note: if you know me at all, this is not me. I am shy, reserved, cautious, hate to stick my neck out or draw attention to myself.) But what the hell. It was a con highlight for me and how cool would it be to have something to remind me of it.
The Jared line wasn’t long so I decided to risk it. I left my place in line and approached Daniela, not without a fair amount of trepidation, I might add. But I figured the worst thing she could do was say no. I went over to Jensen’s table, where Daniela was sitting next to him. Luckily he was talking to one of the other JIB people so I didn’t have the added pressure of having to talk to him. I told Daniela what happened and asked if I could have the paper. I’m surprised she even understood what I said, given how nervous I was and how quickly and quietly I was talking. (Even though Jensen had made the thing happen, for some reason I wasn’t sure I wanted him to know I was asking for it.)
At this point the other handlers figured out what I was asking, and Daniela very kindly said of course I could have it, so they got the paper off the table for me. They folded down the tape, smoothed it out, and gave it to me. I walked off, not quite believing I had gotten away with it. I went back to Jared’s line to wait to be attacked by yet another pair of beautiful eyes. (Edited to say that I thanked Daniela and the JIB staff so profusely that they for sure thought I was unhinged - and in case any of them read this - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INDULGING MY WEIRDNESS!!!!)
A few minutes later, Jensen got up to leave the auto room. As he was walking past our line, people were waving and screaming, and I held up the sign. He saw it and gave me the sweetest grin and a thumbs-up (maybe finger guns? I can’t remember). I like to think he remembered having broken me the day before, but let’s face it, he was probably just being a sweetheart to a deranged fan.
And that’s the story of how I got this:
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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Hello, here you have Jensen drawing lipstick on a pic of Misha, bye. How important is lipstick to you dean?
|| Credit to @jensenacklesgod for this ❤️.
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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Dance off
Who did it better?
(σ´∀`)σ [☆]
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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What do you think where Jensen’s thoughts were?
[video by Gayled_it]
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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“Can you crush a watermelon with your thighs?”
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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Jensen and his very selective memory X X . . . . . . . .
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gycasc ¡ 6 years
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What? yeah I’m a sucker for Destiel/Cockles parallels. X. . . . . .
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