gypsy-grimoires · 3 months
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💖 Kawaii Shop 💖
Use code "TUMBLR" for a discount
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gypsy-grimoires · 11 months
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
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Half Moon Mugs // Bottega Krua on Etsy
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
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Acrylic Earrings // Craft Bunny on Etsy
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
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The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún OVA trailer.
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
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Winter Magic (Anna’s teenhood)
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
Hey so I may totally be mistaken but did you make/reblog a post on different weather magic spells that linked to other blogs, I'm looking for that post and am hoping you can help me, thanks 🐓
Unfortunately I don't remember a post like that, but I hope you're able to find it.
Can anyone on the dash help?
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gypsy-grimoires · 2 years
for all the witches out there on a million different medications for chronic conditions or otherwise, disabled witches whose pill caddies are full to bursting, here's how i've started making the most out of my pills in the morning!
first, focus on the type of energy you want drawn to you--this morning, i was focusing on safety, protection, health.
next, arrange your pills on the nearest (mostly) flat surface to create a sigil; since we can't very well pick and choose our meds, we can't follow the typical sigil-making process that a lot of witches on tumblr use, but we can find an arrangement that calls to us!
finally, repeat your goals (safety, protection, health; safe safe safe) to yourself while focusing on the arranged medications. then all that's left to do is pop 'em! (by which i mean take them however they're meant to be taken 😅)
here's mine from this morning, it's a low pill day so i made do. excuse the low lighting and gatorade symbol, hydration is important! ;)
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if you were content with your pill sigil, don't forget to write it down in your BoS or take a picture so you won't forget how it goes if you want to use it again.
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gypsy-grimoires · 3 years
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another Witchy Stitcher finish! The Leshen 🖤 by asIeeponasunbeam
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gypsy-grimoires · 3 years
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gypsy-grimoires · 3 years
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gypsy-grimoires · 3 years
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Howl’s Moving Castle ハウルの動く城 2004 | dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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gypsy-grimoires · 3 years
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❥ | 60sec_scenes on ig
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gypsy-grimoires · 3 years
About Me
I’m Rune. it/they/he. If you wanna know more about my identity...I’ll let you know when I found out ok? All I know is I’m a void creature, deeply in love with my prince charming. First things first, I know people are going to be upset about my url. I’m from the stanley clan, distanced a bit but trying to reconnect with my roots. I’m reclaiming the word gypsy because I believe its only bad as long as we let people make us feel bad for it, and I refuse to let someone make me feel bad for what I am. Besides, reclaiming it takes away power from those who’d try to use it against me. Someone tries to use it as a slur I can proudly say “yes, yes i am a gypsy, what of it?”. Now that that’s done, I want to talk about myself! First off, I’ve known I’ve had some natural ability most of my life. I used to have a lot of dreams of the future, and even now I often find myself able to predict things inexplicably. When I found out about my heritage, a lot of things clicked! I did a lot of research and am really proud of where my family comes from, but I still have a lot of gaps so if there’s other romani witches out there I’d LOVE for some help learning more! My dad dabbled in magic when he was younger, and my best friend is a witch who has it running in his family too. I’ve learned most everything from my best friend with some research on my own, slowly over the years. So far I’ve vibed best with whimsical childish spells, protection, and earthy magic, but I’d like to dabble more in kitchen witchery and green magic, among other things. I’m using this blog as my grimoire of sorts, to log things I’ve learned, spells I come up with, and so on. I’m not really sure I could label what kind of witch I am. I suppose eclectic currently, but since I’m still learning and finding myself this could change. I’ve actually been doing this on and off for roughly 4 years now? I just struggle with energy and so I’ll go long periods without practicing, then come back and have to relearn everything. I’m keeping track of ideas, tips, safety, and learning stuff with the tag #magic tips on my blog, so if you’d like to peek through it there’s all sorts of stuff there! But it’s a bit chaotic and all over the place. Now for the DNI...everyone’s got one, you knew you expected it. I just don’t want any p3dos on my blog or any R3Gs, rac!sts, abl!sts..you know all the typical big bads. Outside of that it’s whatever! Nonmagic related, I’m autistic, ocd, and we’re looking at a strong possibility of bpd and/or cptsd. Due to my trauma I regress, and a lot of my magic reflects that. I tend to use it to cope, protect myself, or help myself get out some of that childish whimsy and wonder that I never got to have as a kid. I’m not gonna lie, I’m paranoid, and anxious, and I panic easily so there’s a huge part of me that knows the second someone sends me a nasty message about my url I’ll panic, but I also know that learning to deal with it will help me so much with growing so its no longer debilitating. Even though I know learning to deal with aggressive people will help me, I’d still really appreciate it if people tried to be kind and patient with me. I try to be an open book so I’m open to questions about me, but I’m not very good at filtering myself so it’ll likely be dark and untagged.
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gypsy-grimoires · 4 years
20 Tips to being a Safe Witch
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Altar Safety
When burning anything always keep a glass of water near you, unless you are working with burning oils, then keep a fire extinguisher or baking soda on hand.
When working with essential oils(EO), do not burn them they are highly flammable 
Never leave anything burning unattended, be it a burn bowl, candle, incense. DON’T LEAVE IT!
Please remove anything flammable such as paper or string from the candle, it will ignite and you will be alarmed.
Make sure that what you’re burning your candle in is fire safe, metal and cast iron are good bets. Do NOT burn in a glass, if you have to put it out and dump water on it, it will explode. 
Make sure you tie back loose hair and don’t have any floppy sleeves or necklaces to get in the way. 
When putting out a candle it is best to use a candle snuffer and do not use water. 
Don’t burn kitchen sage, it gives off a toxic smoke. Not something you wanna inhale.
Essential Oil Safety
Please, please dilute them properly. I have a chemical burn scar I can never get rid of due to undiluted cinnamon bark oil. The proper dilution is one drop per teaspoon.
Never ingest EO, there are some that are now generally recognized as safe by the FDA, but the quality of EO are not regulated. Who knows what a bad quality EO could do to your internal organs, not something I wanna test.
Essential Oils are photosensitive, meaning they deteriorate in light store them in a dark area to prevent them from spoiling.
DO NOT put them near on your skin and get in the sun or a tanning bed, especially citrus oils, they will blister.
Water will not dilute essential oils, only other oils(canola, olive, sweet almond, olive will all dilute). If you want to use them in a bath it is one drop per a teaspoon of oil.
Please seek medical attention if anything seems off after using EO, they seem harmless but can be very dangerous
Pets can be very sensitive to essential oils(particularly cats) and it is almost impossible to cover all my bases here. The sources provided below have some great resources.
Always go by the scientific name, German and Roman chamomile are very different products.
Kitchen Magic Safety
Wear shoes if you’re doing anything, I nearly lost a toe the other day cause I dropped a knife. I got lucky I was wearing boots. 
Wear correct clothing, and tie back hair. No matter if you have a gas, electric or induction stove, I’ve caught a lab coat sleeve on fire thanks to a torch while making a creme brulee. 
Use your knives correctly, learn about the pinch grip and use the correct knife for the job. Using a paring knife for chopping potatoes is asking for trouble. There are tons of videos online, I like the ones from Alton Brown and Jamie Oliver.
As a side note use sharp knives, a blunt knife will do more damage than a sharp one.
Don’t leave knives in the sink, someone could begin to wash dishes and cut themselves. 
Watch the steam. Steam can give a worse burn than dry heat, open pot lids away from you and don’t stick your face and phalanges in steam. 
Don’t leave food products unattended. 
Use your damn pot holders, they protect you and your counters. 
Store raw meat on the lowest shelves, and never store cooked meat on the same shelf
Wash your hands before, wash your hands after handling raw meats, wash your hands after. 
Don’t leave food that is meant to be cold or hot out for more than 2 hours, this is to decrease foodborne illness. 
When using the store turn handles in, to keep yourself from bumping them off the stove. 
Cook meats to proper temps(there is a chart in the sources)
If you are using herbs be sure to use kitchen grade herbs, those that are not kitchen grade are not held up to the same purity standards and could have more pesticide residue.
Herbal Safety
Please be aware a lot of herbs can work against prescription medications, or should only be taken in very specific doses( St. John’s Wort I’m looking at you.) Check in with your doctor or a licensed herbalist or naturopath before ingesting herbs.
Crystal Safety
Identify your crystals, some are water solvent some are not and it matters
Some that aren’t safe in water include malachite and selenite. They have copper and if aren’t sealed they can become toxic. There is no way to know for sure if it was sealed or not keep -ite crystals dry as a good rule of thumb. 
Some crystals fade in sunlight like rose quartz, amethyst and citrine, in order to prevent fading try cleansing them with sound, flower petals, moonlight and energy.
VIV Sassmaster, WHC Blog Manager, WHC Moderator @thestudiouswitch
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