Violet took the tea from him and let Hugo take her other hand. She didn’t know if anything could top what was in the attic but she let him guide her to the other room. When they got to the room she didn’t know what she was expecting. Maybe more dancing figurines or balls that bounced by themselves, but not a couch in a blank room.
Violet chewed on her lip as she let him pull her down. As she took a small sip from her tea is when the room went dark. It reminded her of fireflies in her backyard or the magical creatures in the forest back at school. It was hard to think that it was just magic that was doing this. “How did you…this isn’t something from your prank shop is it?”
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“No… it’s not a prank shop trick…” Hugo leaned back on the couch with Violet. No one else had been in here that wasn’t related to him. Hugo wasn’t sure if that carried any significance or not.
“It’s a variation of a light spell my mum taught me… took hours to tweak it until I made every constellation. I always loved planetariums… so I sort of made my own.”
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Violet wandered over to a shelf and looked at everything as she walked slowly. Each item was alive and she could only imagine Hugo up here by himself putting it all together. “Good something,” she said softly. 
As he started to ramble about what his family thought about it all she nodded at him, still looking at each toy by itself. “It has the Hugo touch. You know, crazy but controlled at the same time.”
Violet was lost in thought as she stared at a shelf that had dolls singing a soft lullaby when he asked if she wanted any tea. She was glad she decided to go to Hugo’s as an escape. At first she thought it was intrusive but looking around it was a good distraction for why she needed to escape. “Yeah, thanks,” she said, looking over her shoulder.
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Hugo poured them two glasses of tea and handed one to Violet. “Come on, let me show you my favorite part.” Hugo reached out and took her hand, leading her into a tiny room off to the side. The room looked completely stark in comparison to where they had just been. There was a couch in the center of the room and the walls looked white and bare. 
“Here... sit with me.” Hugo gently tugged her onto the couch next to him and with a wave of his wand the room slowly grew dark. As the lights faded tiny little bright balls began to glow, shifting around the room as they began to form what looked like constellations seen in the night sky. “pretty right?” 
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Violet was about to ask what could possibly make her distract her enough but Hugo left before she could. She might be a bit stupid for leaving her mother at home alone again, but she wasn’t thinking clearly when she left. She was only thinking that she needed time away and for some reason the first place she thought of was Hugo. He made a mistake by giving her his address for if she wanted to owl him over the summer. Showing up at his actual house was maybe not what he had in mind, but he wasn’t kicking her out or anything. “Of course you would pick the attic out of all the rooms in the attic. Do you still do it to spite your sister or are you just naturally odd?” Violet rolled her eyes at him but let herself grip the sides of the stairs and climbed up.
When she reached the top she stopped short on the stairs, not even letting herself get out. She let herself look around at everything that was all moving together. Everything in the room was alive and she knew it was magic but she never saw it work like this before. She realized that she was still standing on the steps with Hugo probably under her and quickly let herself stand up fully. This wasn’t the distraction Violet was looking for, but it certainly was a distraction at its best. “This is…,” she said, allowing herself to look at everything in detail again. “This is something.” 
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Hugo studied the blonde, curious as to what thoughts were going through her mind. “Something? Is that a good something or?” Hugo moved around the room, tinkering with a few things that seemed to not be performing perfectly for Violet. 
“Too much? Rose hates it... hell Mum does too, but she won’t tell me. Thinks it’ll ‘stifle my creativity’. I don’t know... it’s sorta how my mind works, a lot of little intricate things going on all at once. A bit overwhelming, but it suits me.” 
Hugo moved over to a stuffed bear that was holding a kettle and turned him on, the bear almost coming to life as he heated the water. “Tea?” 
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Violet let himself smile at him when he invited her inside. She knew going to someone like Hugo would cheer her up immediately and his charm was already doing that. She stepped inside and looked around his home. Violet never imagined what it would look like but by glancing around he could tell this was his home. “I don’t think I’m up for pranks at the moment. Maybe later, yeah?”
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“Not a problem... I’ve got something that’ll distract you for the time being.” Hugo winked. “But get your head out of the gutter Raine.” Hugo playfully bumped her shoulder and lead her up a flight of stairs. “When Rose was little she used to hate the attic, so I decided that’s exactly where I wanted my room. Mum argued with me for a bit, but Dad swayed her eventually.” Hugo pushed a hidden button in the wall and a thin staircase descended from the ceiling. “After you m’lady.” 
The room looked like something out a children’s novel. There were gadgets everywhere, muggle and wizard alike. A regular toy store wonderland. Trains on tracks that also managed to fly from time to time, tiny animated solider men reenacting some battle in the corner with what looked like real miniature explosions. There was a whole side of the massive room that had some elaborate potions set up straight out of a Mary Shelly novel. It was a bit insane, but it was Hugo. 
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“Thank you for letting me come over for a bit. You don’t know how much I need to be away from home at the moment.”
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Hugo smiled as he opened the door for her. “No problem, Vi. Mi casa es su casa.” He moved aside so she could come in. “Besides, Rose is gone for the summer and my parents are always gone during the week, I need someone to keep me out of trouble... or get me into trouble. I’m up for anything.” 
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Violet looked around the corridor carefully, making sure that no one was doing their rounds. “I don’t really want to ask other people,” She replied, rolling her eyes. 
“Marry? Well if it’s something as easy as jumping you from behind you may be hearing wedding bells in the near future.” Violet looked back at him with a smile. She was quickly becoming more confident and less shy around him and it was odd that a prank is what resulted in that.
“Come on, Hugo. I don’t want to get detention for being past curfew so stop taking your time,” she giggled as she quickened her stride.
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Hugo followed Violet down the corridor, smiling as she confidently guided them along. It was really nice to see this side of her, the quiet and shy type shining as soon as they lights were out there was mischief to be managed. Maybe Hugo had pegged her all wrong. 
“Vi... hold on.” Hugo whispered, looking at his watch. “Come here.” He took her hand and tugged her into an empty room, storage of some sort. He’d been so distracted by their evening, he’d almost let her walk straight into the professor assigned to rounds that evening. 
“Sorry... shhh.” He placed a finger on her lips as there was noise outside the door. Muffled footsteps and shuffling that drew closer before eventually fading away. Hugo counted down from ten before smiling and peaking out the door. “That was a bit too close, even for me.” He chuckled. 
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Ain’t It Fun || Violet & Hugo
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Violet shrugged as she watched him pack his things away. She was about to offer to help before he was already done. “I prefer doing things like art as a hobby and not as a class. I don’t want to get grades for things I enjoy.”
She gave him a smug grin as Hugo kept saying she was the only one on his long list of girls to prank. “Should I be flattered?” Violet asked, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear which had become a habit lately. “Not yet. I’m sure my next one will be on you though,” she said, as she passed by him. “You know the student becomes the teacher.” Violet looked over her should and gave him a teasing smile before she slipped out the door.
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“I guess I’m lucky that they don’t offer a class on pranking people then.” Hugo tugged his bag onto his back and moved with her to the door. All and all this had been a pretty successful night and Hugo wasn’t sure if he was ready for his time with Violet to end. 
“Most people would probably tell you not to be, I’m just Hugo the prankster after all.” He winked at her as she passed by him, smiling as her smell of floral tea filled his senses. 
“If you were able to prank me, I may have to marry you. Even Fred has a hard time getting one over on me and he’s been at it for over a decade.” 
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Ain’t It Fun || Violet & Hugo
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“Well… lucky Rose then. Molly had never been up to play any pranks on me as far as I can remember….,” Lucy shrugged her shoulders and laughed, “can’t I just borrow you as my big brother instead over the summer or something?”
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Hugo grinned. “Of course! I’m definitely up for rent this summer. You can pay me fee in pizza and butterbeer.” 
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You’re a Firework || Hugo & Lucy
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“Sounds perfect. It makes me wish I had taken his class so that I can see his face when his own tea explodes in front of him,” she said, giggling. This was unlike Violet to do and she felt more excited than she should be about pissing off a professor. 
She looked up at him from his perch on the desk as he thought about it. “Ah, the Hugo appearing trick. How many girls do you use that on? Plenty I’m sure,” Violet replied giving him a smile. 
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“I don’t even think seeing this prank would be worth taking his class, to be perfectly honest.” Hugo began packing his things, making sure there was no trace that they had ever been there. 
“Well... let’s see, there’s you... then you... oh and you. So about that many girls.” Hugo smiled and playfully bumped her shoulders as he passed her. “We’ve got about 10 minutes before the monitor checks in here. Any last pranks you want to rig, speak now or forever hold your peace.” 
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Ain’t It Fun || Violet & Hugo
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“Well, I thought you were talking me somewhere late tonight, but if you want to change the plans, most weekends I’m good since I finish my homework during the weekdays so I can do what I want on my days off,” Aldric mentioned, a smile turning the corner of his mouth. 
Aldric shifted to have one leg bent in front of him and the other on the ground in order to directly face Hugo. He allowed a larger smile to play out. In all honesty, it was rather flattering to have a guy as good looking as Hugo be willing to go out with him.
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Hugo mentally smacked himself for forgetting the plans he’d already set in motion. “You distract me quite a bit, mate. Tonight should be a definite... but tonight will go so well that you’ll want to see me again, I’m sure of it.” Hugo winked at the other boy, grinning. 
“You’re fucking adorable, you know that?” 
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Closer || Aldric & Hugo
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Violet smiled at him from across the room as he commented about her going all out. “It’s my first prank cut me some slack. I want to be up to par with you is that bad?” she said, giving a shrug. “That seems good enough. How are we going to get milk though?”
“What all is in the backpack of yours anyway? Do you carry all of that around with you all the time?” She asked, leaning over to look at him. “It seems you know the perfect prank for everyone like you have everyone figured out,” she paused before giving him a playful grin. “If you were to prank me what would you do?”
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“Byron will bring the milk all on his own.” Hugo sorted through the professor’s cabinet tugging out the small container of tea leaves. He emptied the entire vial into the tea canister. 
“So when he goes to make his tea, adds milk... then about 45 seconds later, boom! This stuff is normally used for knocking holes in things, but my uncle George came up with a less violent version.” After Hugo replaced the tea back, he moved to sit on the edge of the desk near Violet. 
“Hmmm” Hugo studied her. She was quite lovely, he’d always known that, but this little mischievous streak in her certainly peaked Hugo’s interests. “A good jump scare of some kind. Something that would make you not want to be alone, then bam, I’d show up and you’d be forced to hang out with me. Pretty genius right?” 
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Ain’t It Fun || Violet & Hugo
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“Seaweed? Why is there seaweed anywhere remotely close to me?”
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“Just a prank gone wrong... “ Hugo climbed the bookshelf she was standing next to and pulled the chunks of seaweed hanging from the lamp down. “Nothing dangerous, just rather... well gross.” He held up the green melted plant in front of her. 
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“Ah, of course. Pranking is in your blood,” she said, teasing. Violet looked around the room as she walked towards the front. She grinned before she sat down in Davis’s chair at his desk. There were some students who would thank them for what they’re doing and maybe even some professors. Violet should feel bad but she heard enough stories about him to think otherwise.
“If only we knew what people say the most around him,” Violet mused, trying to think of what they could do. She didn’t even take the class but she saw him in the corridors during classes and would be able to see if he was done with everything tomorrow. “Do you have anything that could make a big explosion, but not blow up the classroom?”
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“It really is. I was born this way.” Hugo winked at Violet as he moved around Byron’s room, checking out all the books and niknaks. Maybe there would be something in here that would give him an idea.
“Explosions, jeez Vi. You really want to go all out.... it’s tricky, but it might work....” Hugo reached into his bag and pulled out a small vial. “He drinks a lot of tea with milk, yeah? If this shit is added to his tea before he pours the milk in, then the lactose will cause an explosion. Nothing deadly, but it’ll stink like hell and the mess will be epic...” 
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Ain’t It Fun || Violet & Hugo
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Lucy giggled quietly, taking a long sip from her hot chocolate while glancing over at Hugo. “The same way… you or Fred could prank me or any other of the girls,” she then stated, obviously very  confident about it. “I mean come on… you won’t tell me now you’ve never pranked Rose in the past, will you?”
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Hugo knew she had a point. He smiled and tossed an arm around his cousin. “You have me there... but she’s my sister. ‘Tis my duty as her annoying younger brother to prank her.” 
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You’re a Firework || Hugo & Lucy
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Alice, Rose, and Hugo at a party.
Taken by Dominique Weasley.
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