Mutual Feelings
You’d grown up with Ominis and the Sallow twins, and it was no secret to anyone but Ominis that you’d always had feelings for him. Now in your seventh year at Hogwarts, you had been waiting patiently for him to finally get a grip and ask you the the Yule ball. Much to your dismay, however, you overheard in the courtyard, Poppy beaming about how Ominis had asked her. So now you find yourself having a Sebastian sized tantrum in the Undercroft. Broken boxes lying about, wisps of smoke from your fiery magic still swirling, you on your knees in the middle of it all, silently crying now. Having exhausted yourself, you could do nothing but listen as the door opened, and brace yourself for whichever of the slytherin boys it was about to be, questioning you about the state they’ve found you in. “What’s all this about?” You sighed, almost in relief, at Sebastian’s voice. “Just sorting some things out.” You answered flatly. You turned to look at him, noticing the tears welling up in his eyes. “And what’s all that about?” You didn’t want to make light of his feelings, but didn’t want to sound too serious, as he hadn’t with you. “I was actually coming here to, well, sort through some things myself.” Without answering him, you got up and moved to the side of the room. Once settled again against a wall, you gestured towards some boxes you hadn’t made your way to yet, but he didn’t move. After what felt like ages of silence, he crosses the room to sit by you. “She’s chose Weasley.” Your heart hurt for him, he’d only met MC in fifth year but they’d been through so much together and he would have done anything for her. “Did she tell you why?” You asked quietly, deciding to push for more. It might be good for him to talk to someone about it. Merlin knows you’d have felt better if you’d sought out someone to talk to rather than waste all your energy throwing your fit in a dungeon. “Says Weasley is more stable. She told me she’s needed to move on for quite some time but hasn’t been able to because she didn’t want to feel like she was abandoning. She said she was worried I would spiral back into the dark arts without her. Can you believe that?” He was starting to raise his voice. “I didn’t always need her! She didn’t have to do anything for me! No one forced her hand to be involved!” He stood, pacing as he went on. “I was in a bad place, I was desperate for my sister back, and she spoke to me as if I became a daily chore for her! I’m not that person anymore, (Y/N)! I’ve grown, I’m healing, I’ve not used an unforgivable curse since then.” You were hanging onto every word he said, his sorrow mixing with your own. “Sebastian-“ “I loved her, but I was nothing more than another duty for her.” You stood and placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping his pacing. He looked at you, tears staining his cheeks, and your train of thought completely derailed. Unsure of what to say, unsure if anything you did say would even help, you wrapped your arms around his waist. He returned the hug and rested his chin on top of your head. “I’m so sorry.” You whispered into his chest. He let out a heavy sigh and took a few deep breaths before saying anything more. He released you from the hug, looking into your eyes, “Well I suppose it’s your turn. You destroyed half the Undercroft, it better be good.” You can tell he was trying to lighten the mood, and you didn’t want to cause any more tension, so you came back with a simple, “we have mutual feelings.”
A/N this is my first time writing ;-; I like Ominis with poppy and MC deserves time to heal from trauma too
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