h0neytarts · 5 months
marrying the man i (will) love is not enough, I need to read his mind.
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h0neytarts · 5 months
I'm like if a person was very afraid
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h0neytarts · 7 months
“magic isnt real” — plants just grow out of the ground. for free. everywhere.
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h0neytarts · 7 months
When Everything Everywhere All at Once said “The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Please, be kind, especially when we don’t know what’s going on" 
When the Good Place said “Why choose to be good every day when there is no guaranteed reward now or in the afterlife… I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone.” 
When Jean-Paul Sartre said ”‘Hell is other people’ is only one side of the coin. The other side, which no one seems to mention, is also ‘Heaven is each other’. Hell is separateness, uncommunicability, self-centeredness, lust for power, for riches, for fame. Heaven on the other hand is very simple, and very hard: caring about your fellow beings.“
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h0neytarts · 8 months
repeat after me: ai p*rn/nudes of anyone is disgusting, gross and vile and illegal thing to do. this shouldn't happen in the first place. it does not matter if you hate the person or how privileged or popular they are, this shouldn't happen to anyone.
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h0neytarts · 8 months
koreans speaking broken English is cute. Indians speaking tooti-phooti engris r gawar
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h0neytarts · 8 months
“barbie was just feminism 101” and look at how people responded to it….i fear we may need to retake the course!
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h0neytarts · 8 months
why, why do i feel this so bad rn 😭😭
God ji let's be face to face I only ask one thing that is not to sneeze or have anything during the exam bas ek wish pls 🙏
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h0neytarts · 8 months
anyway. onto better things
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h0neytarts · 8 months
The worst part about this allergy wala cold is that my teeth itch!!! But I can't do anything!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHH
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h0neytarts · 8 months
loving my friends online isn’t enough i need a plane ticket
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h0neytarts · 9 months
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Carol Rifka Brunt, Tell the Wolves I’m Home
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h0neytarts · 9 months
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Rebecca Perry, Beauty/Beauty; from 'Kintsugi 金継ぎ'
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h0neytarts · 9 months
[guy who doesnt do literally anything voice] there just aint enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done am i right
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h0neytarts · 9 months
i am an ally to all embarrassing and uncool women forever and ever
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h0neytarts · 9 months
I'm not like other girls. I've somehow angered the Gods.
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h0neytarts · 9 months
there’s so much intimacy in understanding. Someone who doesn’t understand you is not going to know how to love you because they don’t know who you are.
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