h3lenn1s 4 months
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From a young age, Helennis displayed an extraordinary affinity for the art of swordplay. Her movements were as fluid as the dance of the northern lights, her blade singing through the air with a grace unmatched by any other. But it was not just her skill with the sword that set her apart鈥攊t was the blade she wielded, known throughout the realm as Lullaby.
Forged from the enchanted ice harvested from the heart of Coerthas, Lullaby was more than a mere weapon鈥攊t was a relic of ancient power, imbued with the magic of the Ice Seraphs themselves. Its crystalline blade shimmered with an otherworldly light, its edges as sharp as the biting winds that swept across the frozen plains.
Helennis cherished Lullaby as if it were a part of her very soul, for it was more than just a tool of war鈥攊t was a symbol of hope, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to engulf her kingdom. With Lullaby in hand, she rode forth alongside the knights of Ishgard, her presence inspiring courage in the hearts of her allies and striking fear into the hearts of her enemies.
But Helennis was more than just a warrior鈥攕he was a leader, a voice of reason in a world consumed by chaos. She walked amongst the people of Ishgard, offering aid to the needy and solace to the downtrodden, her compassion a guiding light in the darkest of times.
Yet, even as Helennis fought to protect her kingdom, shadows gathered on the horizon鈥攁 darkness that threatened to consume all that she held dear. With Lullaby in hand, she ventured forth into the heart of the storm, her resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.
Through trials and tribulations, she faced her fears head-on, confronting the darkness that lurked within the depths of her own soul. And in the end, it was not through strength of arms that she prevailed, but through the power of her convictions鈥攖he belief that even in the darkest of nights, the light of hope still burned bright.
And so, the tale of Helennis Lockheart, princess of Ishgard, and her enchanted sword, Lullaby, passed into legend鈥攁 testament to the enduring spirit of courage, love, and the bonds that unite us all.
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h3lenn1s 6 months
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Halone blessed
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h3lenn1s 8 months
In Ishgard's halls where snowflakes dance,
A tale of courage and valor's chance,
There lived a princess, Helennis fair,
With Lullaby, her sword beyond compare.
From House Lockheart, she did arise,
A lone heiress 'neath northern skies,
In a realm where tradition reigned supreme,
She dared to chase her lofty dream.
Lullaby, her blade of ice and light,
A beacon in the darkest night,
Forged by seraphs in ancient lore,
With magic bound forevermore.
With every swing, a symphony played,
As foes fell silent, debts repaid,
In battles fierce, she carved her name,
A paladin of Ishgard's fame.
Yet whispers stirred amidst the court,
Of gendered scorn and whispered retort,
For Helennis, a woman bold,
Defied the tales that ages told.
Her strength unmatched, her spirit free,
A warrior born, for all to see,
With Lullaby held firm in hand,
She led her people to distant lands.
Through storm and strife, she held her ground,
With courage as her trumpet sound,
And though some doubted, she remained,
A testament to the dreams she'd claimed.
For in the annals of Ishgardian lore,
Helennis' tale forevermore,
Shall echo through the ages long,
A testament to the brave and strong.
So raise a toast to Helennis fair,
And to Lullaby, her sword of air,
For in their story, we find our own,
In the hearts of those who stand alone.
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h3lenn1s 8 months
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From a young age, Helennis displayed an extraordinary affinity for the art of swordplay. Her movements were as fluid as the dance of the northern lights, her blade singing through the air with a grace unmatched by any other. But it was not just her skill with the sword that set her apart鈥攊t was the blade she wielded, known throughout the realm as Lullaby.
Forged from the enchanted ice harvested from the heart of Coerthas, Lullaby was more than a mere weapon鈥攊t was a relic of ancient power, imbued with the magic of the Ice Seraphs themselves. Its crystalline blade shimmered with an otherworldly light, its edges as sharp as the biting winds that swept across the frozen plains.
Helennis cherished Lullaby as if it were a part of her very soul, for it was more than just a tool of war鈥攊t was a symbol of hope, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to engulf her kingdom. With Lullaby in hand, she rode forth alongside the knights of Ishgard, her presence inspiring courage in the hearts of her allies and striking fear into the hearts of her enemies.
But Helennis was more than just a warrior鈥攕he was a leader, a voice of reason in a world consumed by chaos. She walked amongst the people of Ishgard, offering aid to the needy and solace to the downtrodden, her compassion a guiding light in the darkest of times.
Yet, even as Helennis fought to protect her kingdom, shadows gathered on the horizon鈥攁 darkness that threatened to consume all that she held dear. With Lullaby in hand, she ventured forth into the heart of the storm, her resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.
Through trials and tribulations, she faced her fears head-on, confronting the darkness that lurked within the depths of her own soul. And in the end, it was not through strength of arms that she prevailed, but through the power of her convictions鈥攖he belief that even in the darkest of nights, the light of hope still burned bright.
And so, the tale of Helennis Lockheart, princess of Ishgard, and her enchanted sword, Lullaby, passed into legend鈥攁 testament to the enduring spirit of courage, love, and the bonds that unite us all.
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h3lenn1s 8 months
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In the storied halls of House Lockheart, nestled within the towering spires of Ishgard, there existed a legacy unlike any other鈥攁 legacy embodied by the sole heir of the house, Helennis Lockheart. Born into a lineage steeped in tradition, Helennis bore the weight of her family's expectations upon her shoulders, a burden made all the heavier by the fact that she was the only child of House Lockheart.
From the moment she drew her first breath, whispers of discontent echoed through the corridors of power. For in a realm where tradition reigned supreme, the idea of a woman inheriting the mantle of leadership was seen as an affront to the status quo. Yet, despite the murmurs of dissent that surrounded her, Helennis remained undaunted, her spirit unbroken by the weight of societal expectations.
From a young age, she displayed an unparalleled aptitude for the arts of war鈥攁 natural born warrior whose skill with a blade surpassed even the most seasoned veterans of the battlefield. Trained in the ways of the paladin, she honed her abilities with unwavering determination, her resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.
With each passing day, Helennis grew stronger, her prowess on the battlefield becoming the stuff of legend amongst the knights of Ishgard. She rode forth into battle alongside her comrades, her presence a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of war. And time and time again, she emerged victorious, her blade carving a path through the ranks of her enemies with unparalleled skill and precision.
Yet, for all her triumphs, there were those who refused to acknowledge her worth鈥攆or in the eyes of many, she would forever be seen as lesser, simply because of her gender. But Helennis paid their scorn no mind, for she knew that true strength lay not in the opinions of others, but in the steadfastness of her own convictions.
And so, with Lullaby in hand, she continued to fight鈥攄efying the expectations of those who sought to diminish her, and proving time and time again that greatness knows no bounds, save those we impose upon ourselves.
In the end, it was not the whispers of her detractors that defined her legacy, but the resounding echoes of her victories鈥攖he battles won, the lives saved, and the hearts inspired by her unwavering courage.
And so, the tale of Helennis Lockheart, the sole heir of House Lockheart, passed into legend鈥攁 testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit, and the unyielding power of those who dare to defy the expectations of a world that seeks to keep them shackled in chains of tradition.
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h3lenn1s 8 months
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Helennis draw by my best friend
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h3lenn1s 10 months
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Faerie tale princess and former Snow White Queen, Helennis Lockheart
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h3lenn1s 11 months
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Darkness and light will be all embrace
Together fighting, like a dragons dance
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h3lenn1s 11 months
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Pink warrior
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h3lenn1s 1 year
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Righteous Paladin
Guardian of the Justice
Keeper of the Light
Snow White Princess
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h3lenn1s 1 year
In a garden of love, under the azure sky,
Two hearts beat as one, ready to fly high.
With joy in our hearts, we invite you to share,
A moment of love, a bond so rare.
Helennis and Gregory,
Together forever, on this special day,
We'll join our lives in a beautiful way.
Please join us in celebrating our love,
As we embark on this journey hand in glove.
The date is set, the venue is grand,
With music and laughter, we'll dance hand in hand.
Please save the date, it's a love-filled night,
As we say "I do" and our futures unite.
Join us for the joy, the laughter, the cheer,
As we begin this adventure, drawing near.
Together, we'll start a new chapter in life,
As husband and wife, through all joy and strife.
So mark the date and RSVP soon,
Underneath the stars, beneath the moon.
With love and delight, we'll say our vows,
And create memories that forever will arouse.
Join us on Saturday, September 30th at 10pm ((GMT-5))
Ivory Chapel, Primal - Lamia to the Eternal Bonding celebration
Party at our Asteri FC - Plot 31 Ward 25 Shirogane - Primal, Lamia
Formal invitation to follow.
Please share in our joy,
As we become one,
Helennis and Gregory,
Together under the sun.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
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h3lenn1s 1 year
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Nothing great was ever achieved without a personal sacrifice. You have to pay the price to realize your goals
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h3lenn1s 1 year
#FFxivwrite challenge 2023
Prompt #10
####### (Re) unions #######
Winter. Snow. Wind. Loneliness. Those were the words that echoed in Helennis's head. It was night in Coerthas. Despite the cold and snow, the sky was starry. Helennis observed the constellations, remembering one of her father's teachings - many adventurers are guided by the stars.
Suddenly, an amorphous being passed by the post where Helennis and a soldier were resting. It looked like a ghost with several heads, without a defined shape. A chill came over Helennis. *voidsents around here? AGAIN?*
She thought At the same moment he took his sword and shield, got on his Chocobo and decided to follow the creature. If there was one, there could probably be others, so he decided to follow his trail. She stopped in front of a gorge, and he could no longer see the creature. A shiver ran down your spine.
"Behind you!"
It was the last thing he heard He tried to get up. The body didn't respond. What is happening? She thought. The creature got close, and she couldn't move. The voidsent approached, getting close to her body. It seemed like he was controlling Helenis's mind, who was reluctant and trying to block her thoughts.
*I was behind him. And suddenly, I smelled you. And I'm glad I couldn't resist and decided to follow him. Apparently we're even now, aren't we Lady Lockheart?*
He carried her to a tree trunk, leaning her against the wood, and built a fire.
Your Chocobo must have returned to camp. If that's what you're wondering. Said the dark knight.
- Nothing is actually going through my head. It looks like a blackout. Helennis smiled and pointed to her head.
No worries, Lady Lockheart. This is peculiar from someone who has no training in hunting voidsents. Next time, be careful, miss, as it's not often I come this way. Especially in the presence of beautiful warriors like you.
He smiled and offered her wine.
Helennis was surprised by the dark knight, and ask to him:
What if I offer you a reward for ridding the area of these voidsents? You can request as many men as you need, and as many resources as you want. These creatures cannot remain free out there.
*It would be a great honor to be able to help you, my lady*
And so, the Dark knight joined the Camp dragonhead squadron. Who would be the person behind that black helmet?
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h3lenn1s 1 year
Prompt #9 - Fair, part 2
Their battle against the voidsent was fierce and harrowing. The creature possessed unimaginable power, and even their combined might was barely enough to hold it at bay. The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity, with Elysia's mastery of ice magic and Helennis' unwavering determination their only hope.
In a moment of self-sacrifice, Elysia summoned the full extent of her ice magic, encasing the voidsent in a frozen prison. It was a desperate gambit, one that required all her strength and resolve. But the voidsent was cunning, and as Elysia weakened, it launched a final, devastating attack. The force of the voidsent's power shattered the ice prison, and in the ensuing explosion, Elysia was mortally wounded.
Helennis rushed to her side, cradling her in his arms as she lay dying. In her final moments, Elysia gazed into Helennis' eyes, her own filled with love and gratitude. She whispered her farewells, her voice barely a whisper on the frigid wind, and then, with a serene smile, she passed away聽 "Fair enough, Master Helennis. Thanks for all聽these amazing聽days and for all our adventures".
Helennis was devastated by the loss of his beloved proteg茅 and friend. He buried Elysia with all the honor and respect she deserved, ensuring her memory would live on in the hearts of the people of Ishgard. She continued to serve the city and its people, but a part of him had been forever changed by the voidsent's attack.
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h3lenn1s 1 year
Prompt #9 - Fair, part 1
Helennis was mentoring one younger paladin,聽 Elysia.聽 Their story is one of determination, honor, and the enduring bond between mentor and proteg茅.
聽She was born to a noble family in Ishgard, a city perpetually at war with the dragons that roamed the skies. Elysia, however, was not content to lead a sheltered life within the confines of the Holy See. From a young age, she showed an extraordinary affinity for swords and shields. Her talent was a gift, but also a curse, for the Holy See often viewed mages with suspicion.
Helennis was a stern but fair teacher. She recognized Elysia's potential and was determined to help her harness her powers for the betterment of Ishgard. Under his guidance, Elysia's abilities grew exponentially. She learned to control the frigid winds and crystalline ice with precision, becoming a true master of her element. Helennis also taught her the ways of the paladin, instilling in her the values of courage, honor, and duty.
Elysia and Helennis spent years training together, honing their skills and forging a deep bond. They became a formidable team, defending Ishgard against the relentless dragon onslaught that threatened their homeland. Elysia's icy spells and Helennis' unwavering swordsmanship complemented each other perfectly.
Their most significant trial came during the Dragonsong War, a conflict that had raged for centuries. Elysia and Helennis played a pivotal role in the war, facing down the great wyrm Nidhogg himself atop the Steps of Faith. Their combined strength, along with the unity of Ishgard's people, finally brought an end to the war and secured peace for their city.
After the war, Elysia was known as the "Frostblade," a revered mage and paladin of Ishgard. Her mentor, Helennis, had achieved great renown as well, becoming a hero of the Holy See. Together, they continued to protect Ishgard and its people from any threats that arose.
As the years passed, their story became a legend, a testament to the power of mentorship and the unbreakable bonds forged in the crucible of conflict. The tale of Helennis and her聽 Frostblade friend remains an enduring symbol of hope and valor in the history of Ishgard, inspiring generations to come.
Tragically, the ultimate test of their bond came in the form of a relentless and malevolent voidsent that had somehow found its way into Ishgard. The voidsent, a creature of pure darkness and chaos, posed a grave threat not only to the city but to all of Eorzea. Elysia and Helennis, true to their duty and their love for each other, confronted this terrifying foe together.
Their battle against the voidsent was fierce and harrowing. The creature possessed unimaginable power, and even their combined might was barely enough to hold it at bay. The battle raged on for what seemed like an eternity, with Elysia's mastery of ice magic and Helennis' unwavering determination their only hope.
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h3lenn1s 1 year
FFxivWrite Challenge 2023
September 1-30
Prompt #4 - off the hook
Helennis not your typical princess, for she had trained as a paladin from a very young age, guided by a sense of duty and an unwavering commitment to protect her kingdom from the icy threats that lurked beyond its borders.
All the people known Ishgard was a realm of perpetual winter, where frosty winds howled through the snow-covered peaks and icy plains.At this time, they was in constant siege from the monstrous forces led by the dreaded Ice Commander Beast, an ancient and powerful creature said to be born from the heart of the coldest glacier. The Ice Commander Beast was relentless in its pursuit of conquest, with its army of frost giants and ferocious ice creatures.
Helennis, determined to defend her homeland, had trained relentlessly in the art of combat, mastering the ways of the paladin. She wielded a blade forged from a rare enchanted ice crystal, a weapon of immense power that could harness the cold to protect and defend. Polaris. Her shield, the Vessel, carries an enormous amount of aether and light.
One fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the chill in the air grew even colder, the Ice Commander Beast launched a massive assault on Coerthas Western Highlands. Helennis, having anticipated this attack, rallied her fellow paladins, knights, and the Ishgardian inhabitants to prepare for the impending battle. The skies darkened as the beast's army approached, and the very air seemed to freeze with fear.
The battle that ensued was fierce and brutal. Helennis led her forces with unwavering determination, her blade shimmering with icy magic, and her heart burning with the desire to protect her people. However, the Ice Commander Beast was a formidable adversary, commanding the freezing elements to its will. It unleashed blizzards that threatened to engulf Coerthas Western Highlands, turning even the bravest warriors into ice statues.
In the midst of the chaos, the Ice Commander Beast focused its frigid fury on Helennis. The creature's icy breath encased her in a frozen cocoon, rendering her immobile. It seemed that all hope was lost, as the beast drew closer to deal the final, icy blow.
But Helennis had not come this far to be defeated so easily. With every ounce of her inner strength, she summoned the latent power within her enchanted ice crystal blade. The blade began to glow with an intense blue light, and a surge of warmth and determination coursed through her veins.
In a dazzling display of magic and valor, Helennis broke free from her icy prison, shattering it with her empowered blade. She unleashed a mighty strike, channeling the frozen energies she had absorbed into the Ice Commander Beast. The creature roared in agony as it was encased in a thick layer of ice, its power waning.
With one final blow, Helennis shattered the frozen shell, defeating the Ice Commander Beast once and for all. The beast's army, seeing their leader defeated, fled in disarray, leaving Coerthas Western Highlands free from their icy grasp.
Helennis had not only saved her kingdom but also proven herself to be a true paladin princess, a beacon of courage and resilience in the face of insurmountable odds. Her name would be remembered throughout the ages as the savior of Coerthas Western Highlands, the valiant princess who turned the tide of battle and brought warmth and hope back to her frozen land.
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h3lenn1s 1 year
FFxiv 30 Day Writing Challenge
SEPTEMBER 1st - 30th, 2023
Prompt #3 - *Free choice*
One more flag in the ground
Helennis Lockheart.
Born in Ishgard by the bless of the Fury.
Her mom, a Viera dancer.
His father, a noble Temple Knight.
Sigmund Lockheart fall in love for a Thavnarian dancer who was made a tour to present her show at Ishgard.
Sigmund fall in love in the first sight
A long time later, A viera with gray eyes was born. A tremendous amount of light and aether was on the room. Ellie could not resist and died during Helennis childbirth.
Hel growth up between paladins, warriors, dragoons and fighters. But she dream was magical studies. Sharlayan will be her destiny.
Currently, she have a research assistant call Arith who helps her to planning the experiments. They work with aetherology, and try to design time travel.
But at the same time, Helennis was promised to one closest friend she will be the strongest paladin in Ishgard. She inherited the Polaris sword and Vessel shield, blue as the Ishgardian sky. Icy as Coerthas winter.
Seeker of the Justice.
Warrior of the Light.
Princess of snow and ice
Pure heart
She has a long list of titles. And a long journey to do!
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