h4unted-skull · 15 hours
Hey friends, I have a favor to ask of y'all -
One of my close friends, who I met through the online chronic illness community, is in need of assistance in acquiring a mobility aid better suited to their needs. Insurance takes a long time to go through with regards to medical equipment, as many of us know, and her quality of life is really declining due to lack of access to a wheelchair to allow her more freedom and independence.
If y'all could please share this GFM that I made for them and send a few dollars if you can I would really appreciate it. Marley is very near and dear to my heart and struggling a lot with disability progression right now. The chair we found them is only $500 as it's from a charity but she will need it delivered to her which costs extra.
Thank you so much in advance!
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h4unted-skull · 3 days
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h4unted-skull · 4 days
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If you ask the neighbors which one of them is the funniest, most would say its Barnaby.
If you asked Barnaby who's the funniest neighbor? He'd say its Frank XD
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h4unted-skull · 8 days
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
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h4unted-skull · 14 days
An incomplete list of things that employers commonly threaten that are 100% illegal in the United States
"We'll fire you if you tell others how much you're making" The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 specifically protects employees who discuss their own wages with each other (you can't reveal someone else's wages if you were given that information in the course of work, but you can always discuss your own or any that were revealed to you outside of work duties)
"If we can't fire you for [discussing wages/seeking reasonable accommodation/filing a discrimination complaint/etc], we'll just fire you for something else the next day." This is called pretextual termination, and it offers your employer almost no protection; if you are terminated shortly after taking a protected action such as wage discussion, complaints to regulatory agencies, or seeking a reasonable accommodation, you can force the burden onto your employer to prove that the termination wasn't retaliatory.
"Disparaging the company on social media is grounds for termination" Your right to discuss workplace conditions, compensation, and collective action carries over to online spaces, even public ones. If your employer says you aren't allowed to disparage the company online or discuss it at all, their social media policy is illegal. However, they can forbid releasing information that they're obligated to keep confidential such as personnel records, business plans, and customer information, so exercise care.
"If you unionize, we'll just shut this branch down and lay everyone off" Threatening to take action against a group that unionizes is illegal, full stop. If a company were to actually shut down a branch for unionizing, they would be fined very heavily by the NLRB and be opening themselves up to a class-action lawsuit by the former employees.
"We can have any rule we want, it's only illegal if we actually enforce it" Any workplace policy or rule that has a "chilling effect" on employees' willingness to exercise their rights is illegal, even if the employer never follows through on any of their threats.
"If you [protected action], we'll make sure you never work in this industry/city/etc again." Blacklisting of any kind is illegal in half the states in the US, and deliberately sabotaging someone's job search in retaliation for a protected action is illegal everywhere in the US.
"Step out of line and you can kiss your retirement fund/last paycheck goodbye." Your employer can never refuse to give you your paycheck, even if you've been fired. Nor can they keep money that you invested in a retirement savings account, and they can only claw back the money they invested in the retirement account under very specific circumstances.
"We'll deny that you ever worked here" not actually possible unless they haven't been paying their share of employment taxes or forwarding your withheld tax to the government (in which case they're guilty of far more serious crimes, and you might stand to gain something by turning them in to the IRS.) The records of your employment exist in state and federal tax data, and short of a heist that would put Oceans 11 to shame, there's nothing they can do about that.
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h4unted-skull · 16 days
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h4unted-skull · 20 days
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Her name is Valentina Petrillo and she is a visually-impaired sprinter.
Time to support her, because even without the racism element I expect she will be getting some flak from Awful, Awful People.
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h4unted-skull · 20 days
the right hairstyle for your face is the one that makes you smile when you see yourself in the mirror btw.
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h4unted-skull · 21 days
i'm such a friend lover. i genuinely believe that my friends are the coolest funniest loveliest most ridiculously joyous people out there! im biased as hell!! i think theyre all rad! and the universe just so happened to slip all these beloved people into my orbit! and vice versa!! wtf!
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h4unted-skull · 21 days
(¡First post!)
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They would help me a lot by sharing my posts. ^^ ⚡️
A small vignette inspired by the trailer <3. So much waiting was completely worth it!!! 💙💙💙 ✨
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h4unted-skull · 21 days
"the world isn't kind" ok??? Much more importantly are you?????
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h4unted-skull · 21 days
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messing around with human designs >:3
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h4unted-skull · 22 days
This is so silly and cute I love it
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h4unted-skull · 22 days
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h4unted-skull · 28 days
Help Disabled Lesbians of Color Eat!!!
My partner and I have food allergies and digestive/immune issues, and due to my partner only finding this out recently we havent been able to buy all the food we both need to eat! My partner is basically loosing a lot of weight and starving at work because we dont have any food shes not allergic to for her to eat. I just need $200 to get us some foods that dont make us sick, it has been really hard for my partner so if you can pls show us some support.
$200 Goal
CA: $sleepyhen
VN: wildwotko
DM for Paypl
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h4unted-skull · 1 month
can they invent a mobility aid that helps with the joint pain & also does NOT cause different joint pain in a different area from use
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h4unted-skull · 1 month
Shoutout to all my fellow ppl who see themselves as being simultaneously a boy and a girl. People who often wear clothes traditionally associated with their agab, or who don’t feel extreme dysphoria towards their body. People whose gender issues stem from within, and from knowing that they can’t just metamorphosise on a whim. People who’re a multiplicity in of themselves. People who’ve never known a life of gender singularity. People who’ve always been this way, people who’ve never known different. People who live exactly how they are, as confusing and conflicting as it may be sometimes. People whose friends and family would be beyond shocked and surprised if they told them they weren’t cis. People who love being this way. People who love having their own unique version of the masculine and feminine experiences, who use contradictory sets of pronouns. People who don’t really know if they can call themselves trans, but definitely aren’t cis, and altogether definitely don’t really care. People who are boys and girls and men and women and both and neither all at the same time. I love you. We’re the coolest. <3
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