“I think I can do that” Kushina mused. Getting out of town for just a while would be easy enough. The village wanted to make sure that Kushina always had an escort of some kind if she ever had to leave the village. At first, it made Kushina feel absolutely stir crazy, though she figured out an idea.
“I’ll take a look at some D rank mission we can do that will make us go one town over. Something like a package delivery or something. We’ll do that and then we got the whole day to relax!”
A Friendly Face
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“Well there’s plenty to do now that we’re together.” The possibilities were endless in her eyes. Two of the top kunoichi in all of Konoha could easily find ways to occupy themselves.”Training, maybe see if there’s any missions we could take, maybe even make our way to small town and see what’s going on there.”
A Friendly Face
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Kushina chuckled. “Well, I’ve been trying to look over a few seals from the scrolls Mito-dono had left me before she passed. I didn’t understand them when I was younger, but I’m really getting the handle of it, you know?”
Before her death, Mito had been developing a strong seal for Kushina from the very start. Kushina was grateful, but she knew her role as a jinchuriki was very different compared to Mito. “Aside from that...testing a new recipe.”
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“I’m always happy to have your company!” Kushina was gleeful at the idea. Jiraiya was always a welcome guest in her household, especially for teaching Minato. “And a cafe sounds wonderful.”
@habanero-not-tomato-uzumaki [X]
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Jiraiya smiled, admiring Kushina. She became a real beauty. “It’s okay, I just wanted to chat with him. Maybe you’ll make me a company? I hope Minato will not be jealous if I invite you to a cafe, for example?”
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Kushina beamed at the sound of that voice. Whirling around, her hair looking like a red buzz saw, she beamed and waved to her friend. “Mikoto! Are you busy at all?” She prayed that she wasn’t. She was already walking to the house to get to the door.
A Friendly Face
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Part 2 
A story about Kushina’s and Mebuki’s frienship. Some pages were fully edited while other were still in progress. Sorry for the missing speeches, I don’t feel like adding them.
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A Friendly Face
The chores around the house were thankfully taken care of. She wouldn't have to be haunted by that by the time she came back home. Coming back home and seeing clothes and dishes in the sink just made her skin crawl.
Making her way to the Uchiha district, she was hoping to see her friend. She knew the route fairly well and she could hope that her friend was home.
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"Hi there, Kushina-chan! Did you see Minato?"
“Oh! Hello Jiraiya-sama. Minato is busy but I can help you out.” Her smile grew, covering most of her face. She was always happy to see the legendary sannin. “What’s happening?”
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“Adorable little boys” Credits: to the respective author.
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Yikes. XD
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She was a monster. It was like the legendary oni that the priestesses often warned them about. The kids had fun and laughed at the idea. Kushina was hardly laughing as Mimiru whipped her sword around with little restraint. Nothing could be left uncut in her wake and she was aiming to capture her.
Was this the panic her clansmen felt in those hopeless moments before they took the kuni and sheathed the weapons within their throat? It felt that way. The world didn’t feel like it would be there to save her again. Mimiru was going to hunt her down because she would always stick out. Her and her horrible red hair would be a signal fire for Mimiru.
Yet Danzo was still there. It was a battle of wasting chakra he had insisted. Mimiru had to still use it and there was one jutsu that could curb the battle to their ends. It was advanced and she had the basics down. She was even able to do it. She just never found the time to use it in battle.
She was getting closer.
That sword was really sharp and she couldn’t afford to be cut by it.
Danzo-sama would have to get out of that mud soon. Kushina knew she wouldn’t be good against everyone here.
Her feet were having a hard time moving in fear as she clenchced her wrist.
Kushina let go of her kuni which landed with a hollow thud on the ground. Maybe to most people, it looked as if Kushina was surrendering. That wasn’t the case. She needed her hand open to do what needed to be done.
When Mimiru was close enough, Kushina let out a yell and attempted to slam her hand into Mimiru’s belly.
Brand New Life
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“But--” Kushina had to rescue him. For so long, it had been a every Uzumaki for themselves. Kushina didn’t want to believe in that, but her group had been in a survival mode. Kushina was going to need Danzo if she wanted to survive and she couldn't abandon him.
Too bad that Mugen Mimiru wasn’t going to allow her any freedom. She saw the woman cleave a tree stump in half. She yelped and pulled out her kuni. Her body was trembling, her read hair sticking out in the forest of green. She hated this hair most days. She was so easy to spot and the Mugen was always on the lookout for this hair color. Maybe it was how they had been able to locate her despite Danzo’s best efforts.
She hurled a spare shuriken at Mimiru, desperately trying to keep her far away. A lot of training and strategy was going out the window in a moment of panic. Distance was crucial if Kushina wanted to live.
Brand New Life
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Ramen? It had been ages since she had some good ramen and she would be fine with that. Licking her lips, Kushina could taste the warm noodles and broth in her mouth. It was heavenly, especially when it was good ramen.
“No way” Kushina said shaking her head. “That outfit can wait. Ramen sounds fantastic and I haven’t had anything all day. I’d love to see this place.” She clapped her hands and grinned. “I’ll take that over any outfit I saw.”
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Kushina had no time to say she hadn’t gotten to far. She knew some basics but not enough to preform the transfer. Even then, she would need time and not to be distracted. Mugen jumping from nowhere wasn’t helping her.
Everything froze for her. The wind, the birds and any wildlife around them were muted as the large hunters that had plagued her were surrounding her like a pack of wolves. And like an animal pack, Kushina saw the leader front and center. Kushina had seen glimpses of Mimiru, though she didn’t know her name. She just saw her as the alpha of the group and knew out of everyone this woman was going to be the hardest person to face.
Danzo acting as a barrier between the two made Kushina feel safer. Someone was here who was capable of fighting alongside her. Mimiru had to be lying about earlier about the cowardice. Everything she had seen from Danzo seemed like the opposite. It-
The ground suddenly became uneven. Kushina yelped as she felt her toes getting caked and mud and started to feel herself sinking. She moved quick to pry herself from the ground and toppled out of the range of the attack. “Danzo-sama!” she said, trying to reach out her hand. She could pull him out! Yet she had forgotten about her surroundings and the enemies around her.
Brand New Life
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She could do this. She just had to tell herself that. She had someone on the Hokage’s level in her corner and ready to help. That wasn’t even counting the two people Danzo had brought with, but he must have picked people he could trust to hold his own. They had bested the Mugen once before and they could do it now....even if the last time was a sneak attack.
“I only know a little about chakra sensing if that helps too” she mentioned. She was rusty and was hardly a legend like Lady Mito. Still, it was worth noting to Danzo. “I’ll follow you lead, Danzo-sama. Is there anything I can do?” Any plan was crucial.
Brand New Life
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Her heart was pounding faster and faster. She could feel her muscles stiffen at the impending danger. The Mugen were coming. It was a feeling she was used to and yet dreaded since the destruction of her village. There were times where Kushina and her gang were settling down after a whole night of traveling. Then just as they were setting their bags down, the Uzumaki lookout would scream out about intruders.
Several Uzumaki had split from the group, faded away or killed themselves in order to avoid capture. She was the last one and she just had three Konoha ninjas to protect her.
“Okay” Kushina had to loosen her grip. Her fingernails were digging into the skin and on the verge of breaking past it. “Do we know any big powerful jutsus to stop them?” She heard rumors about powerful summoners, big blasts or summoning trees to do someone’s work. Kushina had some skills, but was by no means an expert.
Brand New Life
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Kushina didn’t catch anything odd at first. She kept leaping alongside Danzo. Yet the moment she saw Danzo reading his weapon, she realized something was going to happen. She grabbed her kunis and gripped them with her life. Someone was coming and if Danzo was concerned, she had every right to be worried.
“Far enough” Kushina said. She had to speak quickly. If she stalled, she would hinder and be a weight for the team. It wouldn’t happen again, whoever was after them. Though if she had to guess, it would have to be the Mugen. They had been the one hounding her the most since her leave. They weren’t going to stop until they were in Konoha safe and sound.
“I know a couple of justus and I’ve learned some seals from my family. I know the basics of our kekkei genkai and I’ve been working on something else on my spare time. What do I do?” She felt her nerves on fire, the adrenaline pumping through her body. Yet fear couldn’t grip her. She was too tired to be scared and this time, she was with someone.
Brand New Life
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