habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
Childhood Trauma in Gaza for a period of 14 years💔
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Imagine not having the access to BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS TO LIVE for 14 years because a settler state decides these children shouldn't exist. Let's us all keep in touch with issues on Palestine. Somewhere out there, these children needs us 🚸🇵🇸🕊️
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
Orrrr they moved to the new state of Israel by *actually* ethnically cleansing Palestinians?
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
I've never felt so seen😅
a few of my adhd symptoms and experiences as john mulaney quotes because ?? yes ??
1) RSD
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2) Executive dysfunction or “I’m Going To Do This”
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3) Infodumping
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4) Having trouble sitting alone with nothing to do because it will make me overthink myself into a bad mood
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5) Extreme impatience
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6) Auditory processing issues
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7) Emotional dysregulation
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8) Impulsivity
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9) Memory loss, misplacing things, just forgetting everything man
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10) And last but not least the great experience of telling someone you have ADHD but they have no idea what the disorder really means so all they hear is:
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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This infograph is from @landpalestine on Instagram
Links to check if a particular company has ties to Israel if you’re interested in boycotting.
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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But here we hear just one side...
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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The infographic above (courtesy of Yalla! Let's Talk) was posted only six days ago and now Palestine is trending once again following Israel's new airstrike against the people of Gaza in the middle of the night.
Besides being a violation of the "ceasefire", which Palestinians themselves said would not resolve the core issue, this new wave of bombings is once again a reminder that a free Palestinian state cannot be achieved through lukewarm, inconsistent coverage and activism.
Here is a few resources, feel free to add more:
Build Palestine has provided a list of charitable organizations you can donate to, many of them are providing critical medical/ humanitarian aid to Gaza in particular.
The BDS Movement's Action Alerts, resource articles and images, and list of what to boycott and how to do it effectively.
A playlist of Abby Martin's Empire Files reports from Palestine
Working Class History's podcast on the history of Zionism, Settler Colonialism in Palestine, and Anti-Zionist Activism: Part 1 & Part 2
Article on how mainstream media and social media companies have targeted or marginalized support for the Palestinian cause
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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Defense for Children Palestine, the organization responsible for reporting on the various (unpunished) crimes against Palestinian children by both Israeli settlers and soldiers had their offices stormed by Israeli soldiers yesterday and had their documents and resources stolen by them.
Palestinians made a document that contains templates for letters to US, UK, & Canadian politicians, media outlets, and companies in relation to current events in Palestine as well as petitions & other resources. If you live in any of these countries then please select a template, edit it to your preference and send according to the instructions on the relevant page.
Here is a link to it (please share it): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RUOHHiEtr7uoclQgWN-tCWOihnHIp5hym89aNePi_E/mobilebasic
Aside from that, please protest, support the BDS boycott and spread awareness as much as possible.
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
i cannot find the tweet again but it said how weird it was that american people and government are sooo obsessed with reporting the fact that afghan people (i.e. taliban) took over their own country and how terrible that is but did not say a tiny thing when israel took over other's country, land, houses, streets and terrorised the hell out of everyone in no different manner.
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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“Six Palestinians escaped from one of Israel’s highest security prisons before dawn.
This act of self-liberation is an incredible feat. It dispels the aura of impenetrability around Israel’s surveillance and criminalization systems. It shows other Palestinians, and allies around the world, that even the most (seemingly) technologically-sophisticated occupier is no match for Palestinians who are determined to be free. Anything is possible
The sheer determination of these freed prisoners makes sense when we consider that most of them had been sentenced for life and all have likely been subject to torture and abuse for years. Plus, the Israeli government’s mass incarceration of Palestinians from the West Bank — which is illegal under international law — has had a devastating impact on the Palestinian population at large (swipe left). But today, many of those people are celebrating.”
Free Palestine💚🤍❤️🖤
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
*This* is what 9/11 was about. The saddest thing is that after 20 years people are still brainwashed by the narrative later instilled to calculated imperialist plans that were years in the making. Every year we should mourn not only the 2976 American people but also the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people who were killed for the sake of American interests and power 😔. People should be saddened more by the fact that George Bush isn't imprisoned than anything else imo, for the ugly head the US reared: one of exploitation, wanton disregard for the sovereignty of others and a ruthless readiness to murder however many people to have their grip tightly on regions of interest. RIP those whose deaths, unlike the American victims of 9/11, shall never be avenged. The thousands whose lives were worth a bit of oil and power for America.
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
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On September 11th 1973, US-backed General Pinochet overthrew the democratically elected leader of Chile, Salvadore Allende. Pinochet ordered an air strike on the Presidential Palace, labor activists and famous folk guitarists were rounded up for torture, disappeared, and killed. Pinochet converted the national football stadium into a detention facility like Guantanamo Bay. Chile’s economy was turned into a plantation for the 1%, as inequality and poverty skyrocketed under the imposed Milton Friedman-style economic model. Over 40,000 Chileans became victims of Pinochet’s terror. In response, the Nixon administration committed more money, more training, more torture equipment. The world didn’t begin on September 11th, 2001. Rather, for the first time in modern history, Americans were visited by the same violence the US has imposed since its creation. In Chile, the US murdered tens of thousands and impoverished millions. This wasn’t America’s first foray in international terrorism, nor would it be the last. The United States security state is a terrorist and a plague on the people of the world.
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habeshabarbie1 · 3 years
It’s been 47 years, and there’s still thousands of families who, to this day, do not know what happened to their loved ones.
Mothers and fathers who died of elderly age and sadness in the 90s, 00s and 10s, praying for at least a scrap of the clothes their children were wearing the day they disappeared, a lock of hair, a tooth… Something, so they could bury as much as that. So they could at least have a stone to cry on.
There’s records of teenagers as young as 14 among the disappeared.
Children left orphaned, now beyond middle aged, who keep running into the men who tortured and executed their parents, as they walk around their neighborhoods, as if nothing ever happened. Elderly men who get to live in peaceful retirement despite the crimes they committed, while their parents had their lives stolen from them, being thrown in bags, still alive, into the ocean from helicopters, after having been tortured.
Wives, husbands, siblings, friends and lovers with many similar stories to tell, if they have enough strength in them to tell them at all.
People who were arrested and tortured alongside loved ones, who were lucky to be released after weeks, months or more of military torture, but whose loved ones they went with were not, and they never saw them again. People living with an undeserved guilt that they survived, but their loved ones did not.
Children who were never born despite being loved and expected, because their mothers were taken while they still carried them, and suffered the same fate as everyone else. Fathers who lost both their lovers and unborn children at once.
And thousands of bodies crying from the ocean, from the desert, from Los Andes, from military bases. Waiting to be found, waiting to be named.
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