hackedhisheart-blog · 5 years
For gencyfan23
There was a faint downturn to her lips as she shifted on her chaise, the heel of a foot digging in slightly. Through the amber lenses of her sunglasses, she studied her bare legs, hand absently tracing along a pale blue thigh. The skin was warm beneath her hand, looking almost...normal, through the amber tint.
It had been a very long time since she had seen herself as anything close to normal.
She stiffened slightly at a flash of movement from the corner of her eye, her heartbeat slowing as she breathed out. But as fast as it had appeared, it disappeared, sinking back into the water. An arm. The rhythm of it - in, out, in, out - eventually grounded her again. There was little threat here in the austere quiet of Hanamura, only broken by the splash of water lapping at the side of the pool.
She enjoyed watching him. The clean slice of his powerful arms into the water, the intricate blue dragon tattoo on his left shoulder and arm almost seeming to take on a life of its own with the movement. The glint of the sun off his dark hair, shot through with silver. The twist of his narrow hips as he kicked.
He took notice of her, his dark eyes watchful. He turned gracefully in the water to move towards the edge closest to her.
She rose to her feet, the short sarong riding high along her thighs as she stepped gracefully to the edge of the pool. Water-cold fingers wrapped gently around one of her slender ankles, only letting go when she moved to sit on the edge. She stiffened at the temperature of the water, so cold against her sun-warmed skin. Even him moving between her knees, his palms resting on the edge of the pool against her hips, wasn't enough to fight the chill.
It did, however, coax a bit of color onto her cheeks, a faint purple blush spreading as she leaned into him. "The blood of the dragon has been restless today." She murmured, leaning her forehead against the top of his head.
She felt the cool weight of his hand settle against her, the rasp of his beard as he pressed a fleeting kiss between her breasts, thumb rubbing along the swell of her abdomen.
A child. Their child. She had never thought much about having children, not as Amelie-wife-of-Gerard, and certainly never as Widowmaker. It certainly hadn't been something she had planned on; with all the experimentation she had undergone through Talon, she hadn't even been sure it was possible. But there it was, that faint butterfly-flutter under his fingertips. She could feel his lips curving into a smile, still pressed against her.
She wasn't entirely sure what to call the feeling, she reflected, combing her fingers through his wet hair. Was it love? Amelie might have known. Widowmaker would not have cared.
If this was love - the quiet affection, the weight of his calloused palm coaxing the child within her to shift towards it like a plant to the sun, the warmth in his eyes when he looked at her...she didn't mind.
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hackedhisheart-blog · 6 years
Sign it, pass it on. This is how revolutions happen, people.
Hey, sign this petition to get tumblr staff to rethink and hopefully repeal the NSFW ban scheduled for December 17th.
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hackedhisheart-blog · 7 years
McSombra Valentine's exchange, here's me at the deadline frantically trying to finish one of the lovely prompts from @navochao ! But I did a thing!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
She looked down at their hands, fingers casually slotted together as though this were the sort of thing they did every day. The copper of her skin almost glowed against the tan of his, her palm fitting quite neatly in his own. He didn't even seem to be paying any attention to the fact that he was holding her hand, almost oblivious in that country-charm way of his. He just kept walking, and she could either disrupt foot traffic by stopping or just go along.
She went along.
She wasn't entirely sure about him, not yet. Jesse McCree was still a bit of a mystery, even after all these months and apparently at the point of allowing herself to be dragged to a farmer's market. She was beginning to feel a bit foolish - he had said he needed her help with something, and she had assumed it had something to do with...well, you know, information.
She had learned a little about him, true. He favored southwestern food, liked a little bit of spice. He had a good eye for produce, a skill she herself had never quite been able to develop. And he was friendly. Well, sure, he was an approachable enough man in the daytime, all broad muscle and laughing eyes and the rogueish tilt to his cowboy hat, but this was different. Knowing some of the stall vendors by name, asking after others. 'Jake', it would seem, was a regular.
She'd have been blind to miss the inquisitive glances at their hands. He seemed oblivious to the fact, gesturing with the prosthetic well enough, his voice never faltering.
He must have been a much better actor that she had initially figured.
When they approached the outskirts of the market, she seized his arm, dragging him to an alleyway. To his credit, he merely followed along, letting her back him against a wall and entirely nonplussed when she glared at him.
"Darlin', if this is some kinda shakedown..."
"This would all be much easier if you just told me what you were looking for already, you know."
There was a slight twitch upwards at the corners of his mouth. "I did say I needed help with a couple things, didn't I?"
An irritated sigh, as she crossed her arms under her chest. "Sí, and here you are, worrying about produce. This is some kind of cover, right?"
"Well, all right, then. There is someone I'm watching. But I'm pretty sure they'd notice you watching them."
She bristled a little at that. "I've probably spent more time doing surveillance than you have, I bet. What's the target?"
He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He fiddled with the screen for a moment, before offering it to her. She grabbed it out of his hand, torn between continuing to give him a dirty look or to actually see what it was he was after. Finally, her eyes darted down to the screen, her brow knitting as she scowled at the phone. "It's just the front camera. What is it, like the first picture or something?"
"Depends on whether or not you take one, I guess."
She gave him a bit of a puzzled look, though the warm hand curling under her chin to tilt her face up nothing if not forward. He tasted faintly of cigar smoke, though he'd considerately refrained from having one during their afternoon together. His beard was coarse against her skin, but she found it not entirely unpleasant, the touch of his mouth against hers hard enough to be assertive - yes, this was indeed what he wanted to do - but she knew if she were to step away, she would be completely free.
Instead, a hand threaded its way into his hair, determined to not let him have his way with this moment, kissing him back with no small amount of interest. She may have started a bit when the heavy metal of his prosthetic slid onto her hip, but she moved to him, not away from him.
She never admit to being a little bit breathless when he pulled back, and certainly never acknowledge the flutter of something small and hopeful inside her. The hand in his hair drifted down, to rest against his chest, if only to satisfy her curiosity. It was nice to know her heart wasn't the only one beating a little face. Still, she found herself unable to look up at him. "...where does this go, vaquero?"
"Well..." He leaned back against the wall, fingers tweaking the brim of his hat upwards, letting him look at her. "Doesn't have to go anywhere, I reckon, but I was thinking dinner might be a start."
She huffed at him, looking up to see a smirk on his face. "That's not what I meant, and you know it."
"Why's it always have to be about something with you? It was a nice moment, one I wouldn't mind trying again sometime, but only if you'll let me."
"I bet your friends would make a big deal out of it."
"Yours probably wouldn't be too thrilled, either."
She shrugged slightly, taking a step away from the warmth of his body. "I'm not sure any of them are ever really happy."
"You could be."
She laughed, the sound unexpectedly bright. "I'm beginning to see why they call you a charmer."
"Only just now?" He sighed. "Must be losing my touch."
"Maybe I'll let you practice on me sometime."
A grin, slow and steady, settled onto his face. "Pretty sure I'd like that, darlin'."
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hackedhisheart-blog · 7 years
Same, though.
Headcanon: McCree's favorite mood music for him and Sombra is Despacito. Specifically the original Spanish version.
*whispers* you don’t understand how much I love that song and associate it with McSombra
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hackedhisheart-blog · 7 years
I love my gift so much, thank you! 💞💞💞💞💞
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Happy (late) Valentine’s day! It’s my present for @hackedhisheart for the McSombra Gift Exchange! Chillin’ on McCree’s couch with hot cocoa 😜 I hope you like it!! 😊😊😊
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hackedhisheart-blog · 7 years
there’s a lot of controversy where there shouldn’t be, so for those in the rpc, to give some ease at mind to those that are older, please reblog this if you’d interact with muns OVER 35+. 
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