hackeir · 5 years
here’s a little love from a polar bear to you, to warm up your winter! your writing is great, and you’re a pleasure to see here in the rpc! I hope things are going well for you in all areas of life and if so, fantastic!! and if not, remember that they’ll get better and there are lots of people cheering you on!
this is so cute especially because i’ve been on hiatus for months!!!! thank you. all love.
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hackeir · 5 years
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hackeir · 5 years
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“wait!”   raven follows the boy out of the shop.   there’s no sense in the way her feet carry her,  no reason to go to him   —   all she knows is that she must.   a short conversation,  ended too soon,  has stirred her and a flame burns where their jackets brushed only breaths ago.   with textbooks in her arms,  she looks innocent.   so unlike the hardened hunter she was trained to be,  a family of ghosts in her eyes.  “sorry,  i just…  i feel like i know you.”
@dievoted​ liked for a starter !
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hackeir · 5 years
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clarke rises like the phoenix and raven stands tall after being nearly incinerated at the pyre.   they’ve both been given a second breath of life.   the winds of victory blow through them,  family and new allies joined together under the golden sun,  hearts full and arms open.   as the celebration quiets to a hum,  raven finds her alone.   somehow,  past quarrels seem to weigh less now.   fading into nothingness,  washed out by the blinding,  new dawn.    
“clarke–”   she starts,  gravely.   
as if the world is coming to an end once more.     
softer,  now.   “i’m sorry.”    
@hasfought​ liked for a starter !
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hackeir · 5 years
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echo is the last to fall into slumber tonight   —   it’s not uncommon for her to sit with raven while she works,  fighting off sleep for as long as she can.   raven has never said it but the gesture is appreciated.   she figures she doesn’t have to;  she���s never told her to leave and that says enough.   eventually she’ll stir and rise to join bellamy in bed but this time,  as she passes behind her,  silent-footed and half-asleep,  raven grabs at her arm.    “thank you.”   her voice is calmer than it was at breakfast,  at lunch,  at dinner.   the same questions,  ones she can’t answer,  driving her to madness.   “for teaching me how to fight.   i feel stronger because of you.   stronger than i’ve felt in a long time.”
@azgedaspy​ liked for a starter !
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hackeir · 5 years
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IT IS NOT GLORY.   she gets enough of that by being the bird in the sky,  guiding him to the city’s ugliest criminals.   their journey behind bars begins at her keyboard and apollo knows this,  sings her praises while they pass a bottle back and forth  ---  glory is not what she seeks,  but the rush of battle.   to stand at his side,  carving justice.   to watch him take down an army with only a fist.  to see,  up close,  why he is worthy of a god’s name.   “was thinking about making another suit,”   she begins.   a slow test of the waters.   finally,  she lets the hammer drop.   "for me.”   i want to fight.
@geneticassassin​ liked for a starter !
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hackeir · 5 years
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SHE IS FULL OF MEMORIES.   finn,  casting a spell for the first time,  its light sending flashes of wonder through raven’s eyes.   his hair blowing in the wind while they sat by the coast,  sharpening arrows.   he’d never held a bow in his hands before,  had no need for one,  and yet he was happy to do archer’s chores.   their first battle together and,  thereafter,  their first kiss.   perhaps if she pours enough of these images into him,  he will remember.   he has to remember.   “we sat here,  under this tree…   do you know what i told you?”   her eyes take in the strong branches and singing leaves until she finds his eyes again.   “i said,  with you,  i was as free as the arrow.”
@mercyburned  liked for a starter!
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hackeir · 5 years
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history books were written for people like you  ,
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hackeir · 5 years
‘     i guess you could say that,     ‘      jessica baits,  slipping the picture back into her folder.     she takes in a deep breath of the crisp night air as she looks back up towards the other.         ‘     but i’m not obligated to tell you,  a stranger.     a friend,  i might feel a little more generous.     ‘
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‘     you know what i think ?   i think you’re the one running after me.     ‘      she tilts her chin upwards.   defiantly,  boldly.        ‘     you think i have information you need.    and you’re getting nothing unless you tell me why you’re looking for apollo.    ‘
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hackeir · 5 years
jessica squints at the other,  narrowing her gaze onto her.     jaw ticks.     jessica always hates wasting her time.         ‘     yeah,  this handsome fella,     ‘      jessica intones,  pulling out a picture of apollo on a bike,  earbuds in,  and a backpack full of mail.           ‘     ringing any bells?     ‘
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recognition splashes across her features   —   despite her efforts,  it’s clear as day,  and she can’t deny his existence.     she knows him.       ‘     ah,   the delivery guy.   i’ve seen him around the office a few times.   why ?   he in trouble ?     ‘     always,   she thinks.   under the cover of night,  he’s always in trouble.  
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hackeir · 5 years
‘     hey!    ‘      jessica calls for the other across the street,  walking over to get closer.         ‘     you don’t happen to know a guy named apollo,  would you?     ‘
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‘     son of zeus,  one of the twelve olympians,  died a long time ago.    ‘      she hugs the leather jacket tighter to her chest.   a small barrier against the seattle wind.   play dumb,  raven   —   it’ll only sting for a minute.        ‘     is anyone named that anymore?     ‘  
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hackeir · 5 years
@hackeir​ said:  with the helmet on, with her heartbeat thundering in her ear, with the pressure of getting her friends to the sky before praimfaya makes dust of them all—raven’s disoriented, unable to clearly hear apollo as he speaks, something dark and grave in his eyes. “what are you saying? apollo, what are you saying?”
there’s a countdown ticking,  and it’s not just the big red looming numbers on the screen to let them know when they have to go before praimfaya hits.     apollo didn’t see it before,  but he sees it now.     there’s a countdown for them as well   –   he and raven.     there was never a promise for forever with them,  and he recognizes it now.    realizes that this is what he has to do    –    and,  fuck,  he wants to damn all the stars for taking her from him.
reaching out,  he cups her helmet,  wanting to look at her one last time.    wanting to soak in the slope of her jaw,  the curve of her nose,  her inky lashes,  the chocolate of her hues.     he wants to remember it all before he blinks for the last time.     jaw taut,  his heart in his throat,  he sighs but with a sad smile on his face.     despite the absolute for his end,  he knows that she will succeed.    he doesn’t need to be there to know   –   she will bring her friends home.
‘     i wish we had more time,      ‘      he whispers,  a sigh on his tiers.     the mics in their helmet is breaking apart,  the frequency in the air becoming stale with the radiation of praimfaya,  even inside the lab.     raven may not understand it now   –   but she will with time.    she has to.     it has to be him,  he has to help clarke.     her head is dizzying with all the pressure and stress that is shoved onto her shoulders,  and he can tell.    her grip is becoming vice on his forearms as she seem to understand the weight of his words.     she may not hear him,  but he’s sure that she can see the emotions in his mocha orbs as he stares back at her.
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‘     it has to be me.     ‘       all of her friends,  her people,  are boarding the rocket,  sweating as the countdown becomes closer and closer to the end.     apollo wishes he didn’t have the helmet on,  wishes he could kiss her one last time,  wishes he could press his lips against her hand.     he wishes they had more time.          ‘     i can save today   –   you could save the world.     ‘       the building around them is threatening to shake,  give out,  as the roar of the apocalypse grows closer to their front door.     he has to go now,  he knows it.    no matter how much he wants to stretch this moment out,  he can’t.
he steps back,  letting their touch linger for as long as they could with arms stretched out to each other.     his breathing is growing ragged,  tension of what he’s about to do nearly suffocating him,  but he swallows the fear.     they were never given enough time to explore the idea of them   –    they have always been close,  but never completely together.     a relationship was never in the cards for them,  but for one brief moment…    it was at their fingertips.    just like they are now,  fingertips touching fingertips.
‘    i love you.     ‘      apollo firmly says,  giving her hand a squeeze with his words,  before he finally lets raven go.     the countdown is getting too close to zero,  and he knows that he has to sprint if he’s going to catch up to clarke and ensure the safety of raven into space.     apollo hates that she has another death on her heart,  that she has loved and lost again   –   but he has to do this to make sure that she’s alive.     she may be heartbroken,  but she would be alive.     before she can stop him,  apollo is up the stairs and out the door,  never turning back once,  not wanting to see the pain on her face when she realizes what he has done;    sacrificing himself so she can live.
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hackeir · 5 years
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like this for a starter ! 
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hackeir · 5 years
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hackeir · 5 years
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hackeir · 5 years
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i found my home  ;    raven & apollo soundtrack      (  insp  ) 
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hackeir · 5 years
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