hades-10397 · 5 months
So like
 this day is actually ass what the fuck
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hades-10397 · 10 months
I feel like this might be my only place to express how I feel. I don’t know what I feel or how to express it but I think the more time goes on the more I’m just
 not going to speak anymore. It feels like all I do it mess up if I do so I won’t be speaking physically anymore. So with that to the 35 people who follow me which half don’t even use this app any more lol if you see this on you tl sorry. I’m about to get real annoying
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hades-10397 · 11 months
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imagine serving this hard.
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hades-10397 · 1 year
Minho: What are you supposed to do when you... like someone?
Chan: Well, normal people usually tell their crush that they like them
Minho: People actually confess their feelings?
Chan: Uh, yeah? What do you do?
Minho: I die? What kind of question is that
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hades-10397 · 1 year
Chan: Yeah, maybe I don’t get “a healthy amount of sleep,” but can other people do this?
Chan: *stands up and blacks out for a second*
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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Bang Chan :: MANIAC Fancam 220409
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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àŁȘ ˖ ✿ ( stray kids ) lockscreens
like / reblog if u save and use please
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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Bang Chan ✧ Dispatch LA
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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hades-10397 · 1 year
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be quiet, he sleeps đŸ€«
i saw my really [old drawing] (from 2017) in my notes today (used reference from the movie High Rise) and i had the burning urge to redraw billy the way i draw him now (2022)
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hades-10397 · 2 years
31 days of Harringrove
Prompt pt 3
Billy stood there like a deer in headlights listening to Steve speak. “I- I’m honestly surprised. I mean I never thought you would like me let alone be gay.” He leaned up against the counter crossing his arms and sighing. “I just
 I get the interesting part I mean everyone in town feels the same way but..” He paused trying to look for the words. Steve was nothing like him. Sure he heard the stories about ‘King Steve’ but Steve didn’t scare kids. He didn’t beat someone for no reason. Billy had a reason at the time but not for how hard he hit.
“Before you start talking down about yourself, yes I know we are different in ways but we were both assholes trying to hide how we really felt. I wanted people to like me so I wasn’t so alone.” He watched Steve stare down at the floor. “And I never cared about things like that I just.. I like people for who they are.” He stood in silence processing everything. It was only recently he knew how lonely Steve had actually been for years. Max told him why the party was over there so much. “I get that Steve I really do but you just wanted to be liked by the world.. I wanted to burn it down.”
Steve reached his hand out to meet his cheek. He closed his eyes leaning into the touch. Steve felt like his own fire source as he spoke. “But I understand why you wanted to now. Billy I like you because you understand what it like to hide and I see how hard you’re fighting to not anymore” Billy scoffed leaning into the touch. “You read to many romance novels princess.” He was sure Steve could feel him smile in his hand since he joined him in a soft laugh. He didn’t know how long this snow storm would last but he prayed for a Christmas miracle that it never would.
“There you go with the pet names again. ‘Pretty boy.’ ‘Princess’ ‘Harrington’ what else do you got.” “With the big brown eyes I’d call you Bambi too.” They moved there way back to the living room. Steve put on some Christmas music and returned to his spot by the fire with Billy doing the same. They started talking about what Christmas was like when they were kids and what Steve got the party this year. “You got them new what?” Steve laughed from his confusion. “New dnd sets. Like books and dice. It’s a role playing game they all play. I don’t understand it much but it’s fun to watch them play.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Of course you’re be into that nerd shit Bambi.”
Their attention was taken away when the clock stroke midnight. “Well Harrington. Merry Christmas.” Billy smiled at Steve sweetly who returned one in favor. “Merry Christmas BIlly.” He stood up fixing his clothes and put his hand out. “What are you doing” “What does it look like? I’m asking you to dance with me Princess so come on.” Steve sat there for a few seconds debating if he wanted to but ended up talking his hand. They swayed along to the music. ‘Baby it’s Cold Outside’ was playing and Billy started singing along loudly as Steve laughed.
At some point Steve rested his head on Billy’s shoulder as they danced in silence. He never thought he would be here, in this house in the middle of the night on Christmas, holding Steve in his arms swaying to music. “You’re sweeter than you look Hargrove.” Steve broke the silence laughing. “Sure you haven’t been reading to many romance novels yourself.” Billy pulled back looking at Steve. “Oh you want romance? I can do romance.” He pulled him over to the doorway into the kitchen. “What are you doing?”
Billy pointed up and smiled. There was mistletoe hanging in the middle. He spotted it when he went to call Susan earlier. “Oh you have got to be kidding me.” Steve rolled his eyes at him. “What you asked for romance here it is.” He enjoyed the pink forming across Steve’s cheeks. “Come on Steve. It’s Christmas.” He looked up at Billy with those eyes and whispered as sweet okay. He touched his forehead with Steve’s breathing ïżŒin the same air.
When they finally kissed Steve let out a soft groan while Billy pushed him up against the door frame. His hands found their way to Steve’s hips as Billy moaned. Steve slide his tongue into his mouth. He tasted so sweet. He wanted more. Billy slide his hands up Steve’s shirt feeling the warm smooth skin. He was rewarded with a whine. They kissed for what felt like hours. When they finally took a breath they were panting. Billy had his eyes closed smiling.
“How’s that for romance.”
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hades-10397 · 2 years
31 days of Harringrove
Prompt: Baby it’s cold outside pt 2
Billy removed his jacket setting on a near by chair. He toed his boots off and walked them back over to the front door. He made his way back to the living room. He looked at the book selection. He picked a book that peaked his interest and sat on the opposite side of the fire place from Steve. He opened the book and began to read about this guy Arthur Dent and his friend Ford. “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy! That’s one of my favorites. You know if you end up liking it it’s a series.” He responded to Steve with a hum getting really into the book.
They sat in silence for awhile and read. It was peaceful. The warmth of the fire made him forget how cold he was. The quit company was nice. Billy couldn’t remember the last time he just sat and read a book. He was about half way through the book when Steve closed his book. He looked up and watched Steve remove his glasses once more and set them on the table along with his book. “There is something about vampire books that just draw me in.” “Steve chucked. “What was the book about?” He was interested in what Steve liked so much about it.
Then it began with Steve talking about this vampire, Louis, who tells his life story to a reporter. Then Steve was talking about how he hopes the writer will put out another book soon. Then how he started reading more recently because he was diagnosed with dyslexia. He talks about how it was frustrating that this whole time he wasn’t stupid, He just had a harder time than other. Billy sat there and listened while Steve talked about his life. He didn’t speak unless he had a question or a small comment on something.
“So what about you man. You’re basically like a whole mystery to this town.” Steve pulled his blanket to cover more of his body. He sat back waiting to listen. Billy felt a little uncomfortable with being put on the spot but hey maybe this was a chance to start something he had wanted for so long. “Alright well.. I’ve always liked school. I have a photographic memory so learning came easy to me but I always wanted to learn more. At least I did when I was young.” He continued to talk just like Steve had. He had listened just like Billy did for him.
“So what made you move out to bumfuck Indiana.” He chuckled. Billy really wanted to avoid this but now with Neil gone and being in Susan’s care he knew he was safe enough to open up. Maybe even ready to. “My dad.. he caught me with a guy in my room. My dad was a real piece of work. He was racist, homophobic just about everything in the book. So he.. he beat me and said we had to move out of this liberal state.” He looked at the fire avoiding Steve’s stare. He sighed waiting his breathe effect the flames. “My mom left us. When the beating got to much she left. I would call her but as more time went on she stopped answering.”
He finally met Steve’s eyes to find and understand look. “I can’t imagine how hard that was. Shit my parents suck but their not even around to know what goes on in my life.” Billy was surprised he didn’t have a negative thing to say about him being gay. “I guess that fight at Byers makes more sense. I’d be angry at the world to if I had a dad like that.” Billy scoffed softly. “Preaching to the choir pretty boy.” Steve sat up at the name. He gave him a confused look. “What?” “Is that why you call me pretty boy?”
Billy laughed at that. “Yeah dude it’s called a crush? You pick on them sometimes and call them pet names.” Steve sat there for awhile. He just stared at him. It started making Billy uncomfortable. “You got a problem or something?” “No no! No problem here!” Steve stood up and walked away to the kitchen. He sighed and followed the other. “Come on Steve what’s wrong.” This was making him more anxious. It’s not like people can help who they like. He couldn’t really be upset at him for that.
“First, I wouldn’t call punching someone in the face picking on them.” Billy rolled his eyes. He thought they were pass this. He already apologized. “Second, I’m sure most people would be overwhelmed when their crush says they liked them too so give me a break would ya.” Steve leaned up against the kitchen counter staring at the ceiling. Wait did he just say he liked him. There’s no way. “Hold on. You like me too?” Billy inhaled scared Steve would say ‘Sike! Got ya!’ but it never came. God why wasn’t Steve saying anything.
Finally. “Of course I like you! Have you seen.. you! Plus you’re like really interesting and I don’t know. I use to put on a mask and be an asshole so it felt like someone understood how I felt. That’s one of the things that drew me in.”
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