hadessmolchild · 5 years
One weird thing about ASPD is that, by virtue of narcisstic tendencies, (sometimes) high cognitive empathy, and the circlejerk that is our community, a lot of us have this impression that we can constantly see through the subtle manipulation of everyone around us and understand their very thoughts and intentions.
To all of those people, including myself, you fucking can’t. You can’t. You cannot!
You know how tone deaf nts sound when they try to understand what low-empathy must be like? How the #narcabuse idiots sound when they act like they see all the evil intentions of all the narcs around them just trying to live? That’s exactly what we’re doing.
I see this shit everywhere and we need to stop doing it because it’s so, so unhealthy and it’s probably a pretty big factor in how rocky many of our long-term friendships can get because we don’t listen and we just assume. Please, for the love of god, start acknowledging that having ASPD doesn’t make you a mind reader and, no matter how sure you are that you know someone’s hidden sinister intentions, there’s a really good chance you’re just jumping to conclusions.
Someone being nice is sometimes just someone being nice! Someone looking for attention is sometimes just someone who needs and deserves attention! Even someone using manipulative language is sometimes just someone who’s emotional and not choosing their words carefully! Before you jump to the worst conclusions about someone’s actions, talk to them.
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hadessmolchild · 5 years
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Machine Gun Kelly // Glass House
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hadessmolchild · 5 years
do u ever just take off your glasses bc youre tired of seeing things
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hadessmolchild · 6 years
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Autumn moodboard// Dark Autumn
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
Date a guy who says things like:
drive safe
text me when you’re home safe
choke me harder
I can’t wait to see you
I’m proud of you
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
Reblog if you wanna fuck right now.
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
*is romantically and sexually frustrated at the same time*
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
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click to trip balls
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
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Suck on it, FCC. Suck on it, Tumblr. Don’t fucking delete it.
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
Hey uhhhh theres a bunch of long ass posts on my dash abt this so HERES A TEENAGER-Y I CANT READ THAT MUCH EXPLANATION ON WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT
You like tumblr? Yeah? You need net neutrality
You don’t like tumblr but ur here to scream about how bad it is? You need net neutrality
You shop online?
You use literally any other social media site?
You have online friends?
You need net neutrality
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
I explained why taking away Net Neutrality will hurt the poor
“well why can’t they just GO TO THE LIBRARY?!?!”
“Why can’t they just switch providers?”
“Why can’t they-“
Yes. Why CAN’T poor people do the things that you can, upper middle class white man? Because gas money is expensive? Because internet prices are about to skyrocket and soon they won’t have access to it? Face it. They just don’t want the poor having access to the internet. They (cable companies) want to have so much power over what we see and buy, because they are greedy.
I bugged my senators. Time for you to bug yours.
Net Neutrality is important. Keep it safe.
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
Net Neutrality Is Important
Net Neutrality: doesn’t allow ANYBODY to fuck with where you go on the internet. Not the government, not companies, NOBODY.
Imagine a bunch microtransactions except you have to pay them in order to do all the things you used to be able to do for ONE payment! You know, how when people buy a full-price game, they expect the whole game. When you buy internet access, YOU EXPECT THE WHOLE INTERNET.
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
Hey everyone here’s the emails and info about the board members of the FCC and their stances on net neutrality. Please send emails and evidence to the 3 no’s. I’ll personally be writing an email to Michael O’Rielly tonight about how the internet is completely necessary for so many peoples lives and livelihood. So many of my friends make their entire earnings off of internet services and stores (consider: freelance artists/writers, programmers, entertainers, anyone who runs their small business off their website). This is not the time to back off, slow down, or get tired. The only way this will change is if we keep bothering them and showing them how fucking dense they are. Can everyone PLEASE reblog this!
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
I don’t usually talk about current issues but
What the heck? America is supposed to be a free country but they’re trying to take away the entiRE INTERNET?? They clearly realize how many of us barely get by financially but they still want to make us as broke as possible. Sign some petitions, or call your senators, please people if you care about your memes, art, and fandoms this is pretty darn important
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
hey guys, so being back in school after a not long enough long weekend has brought to my attention something very important.
@ y’all procrastinating students:
you’re fucked if you have to google something for your paper that’s due in a few hours
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hadessmolchild · 7 years
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