hahahahaok · 12 years
where can i find the themes?
you cant
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hahahahaok · 12 years
is she back yet? :) xx
not yet! she hasn't responded to my last message xx
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hahahahaok · 12 years
when is she coming back? :) i really love her blog! xx
i'm giving her the URL when she comes online next!
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hahahahaok · 12 years
OMG are you killing yourself? PLease don't, it's not worth it.!
no no no! i'm not! she's taking the URL back haha
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hahahahaok · 12 years
You are so annoying. This isn't even your blog so stop answering all these questions pretending to be her
well i'm not going to be here much longer..
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hahahahaok · 12 years
hi! i just wanted to say that i'm happy that you got the url and nobody else. i also love how you're not using it for your own personal reason. it just really bothers me how much hate you're getting because you didn't do anything. i'm sure vivian is happy you got the url and not someone else. c:
thank you :) xxx
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hahahahaok · 12 years
omfg people are so fucking stupid to send YOU hate like i am sooo glad that out of everyone who had the chance to get her url its you, omfg ilysfm
thank you so much bby omffgg ilsym too
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hahahahaok · 12 years
what the fuck is wrong with you anons? you can't just give her hate like that! you guys are rude and cruel and you guys should not be on tumblr because you disrespect other people, and if you don't stop, and if they killed themselves, then it is your own fault and you guys just need to stop. do not lie and say that it wasn't your fault. it is really upsetting to get hate by other people that you don't even know. that is just wrong, and you guys need to know that.
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hahahahaok · 12 years
it sucks because it turns out 1/2 of the people followed her / liked her her for her themes.
i know! i had followed her because i liked her blog and i thought she was nice, not just because of the themes.
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hahahahaok · 12 years
good she deleted she better not come back ever again no one care about that whore
you're extremely rude. i'm disgusted that you would even say something like this.
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hahahahaok · 12 years
just wanted to know if you're okay
i think she's ok!
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hahahahaok · 12 years
gtfo u ugly twat u think u own her url? bitch no, just no. i can easily hacked it and change her url
good try me.
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hahahahaok · 12 years
u probably hacked her lol go die
thanks i will
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hahahahaok · 12 years
stop being a bitch i was just asking about her themes
that's exactly the point. all you care about is the themes. i wasn't trying to be a bitch, i was saying some of you guys are so mean and you don't even care that the hate forced her to delete. sure, she had amazing themes but that's not what you should be caring about right now.
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hahahahaok · 12 years
do you still have her themes? that's all i care about.
what's wrong with you? i think it's utterly ridiculous that she deletes and all you care about is her themes. you don't even care about the fact that she deleted because of hate. you don't deserve her themes if that's all you care about. tootles. x
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hahahahaok · 12 years
why are people sending YOU hate and saying you hacked her and you wanted the URL. like what the fuck. the owner CLEARY TOLD HER, THAT SHE WAS GLAD that she got the url. Everyone needs to grow up. Im really happy also that you out of all people got this url
thank you so much and ily
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hahahahaok · 12 years
i heard she was z-e-b-u-l-0-n but idk because the girl in the picture is not her...
no, it's not her. x
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