Im supposed to be sleeping but i see this xD oh well time to go through the @asapscience blog again
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Always. Check. The. Seal. [Via Reddit]
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let your character fuck up. please. let them fuck up on a scale so massive that this particular thing cannot be salvaged. let their fuck up have permanent consequences. and stoooooooooooooooop having them being the smartest person in the room who always has a sharp comeback to put their enemies down, and who always handles their enemies with grace or at least an air of superiority that s justified because they’re so cool and smart and clever™ let them bleed for their mistakes, let them MAKE those mistakes, and let that bleeding be ugly and disgraceful. let them suffer for their own mistakes, and let them suffer in knowing that they cannot fix. and let other people hate them for the shit they’ve done, and for once let the haters not be ‘petty bad people’. Let the haters be right.
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Daichi: Get off of me
Well..no one's requesting anything yet so :0 Have some fluff? ----------- Sunlight had just began to peek through your window curtains and you brought your hands to your eyes in an effort to make everything around you look clearer. You try to push yourself up into a sitting position, until you felt a weight on your lower body that made you groan. It was none other than Sawamura Daichi, Volleyball bae and also your boyfriend, in his sleeping glory, drooling all over borrowed pillows and draping his leg over yours in a position you could not help but find uncomfortable. Light hit his face making him look like some kind of god, but you couldn't let this creature keep you from having an early start on the day. You didn't want to wake him up, they had just played a very important match yesterday and you knew that they were very tired. But you could not take care of your favorite volleyball team if your favorite volleybae was driving you crazy. You tried to poke his cheek, mumbling every nickname you could think of. "Daiiichii, dude, babe, Sawamura, Daaaiiiiii. Oh come on, you know I love you, but babe just get off of me," you let out in an exasperated tone while trying to swat his leg off you. That didn't work out as well as you hoped, because this time, he put his arm on you. Now he looked like a starfish and you wanted to scream in his ear. You heard the rustling of blankets somewhere else in the room and your eyes looked around to where they could reach. "Someone help me," you called out softly. Sure enough, the oh-so-reliable Sugawara Koushi was standing above the both of you. "Ohmyghod (y/n) do you need help?" he asked holding back his laughter as he slowly brought his phone out. "Well duh? Mr. Captain over here has trapped me in his muscly glory," you said, all the sleep gone from your voice because you have been awake for awhile. "Hey (y/n) do you think he'll get mad if I put him on snapchat?" the grey-haired setter asked. "Are you kidding me Koushi? I'm not sure he even know what snapchat is!!" you said trying not to laugh, "Now get me out of here I need to cook breakfast for all of you." He took a quick picture and lifted his friend's limbs off you. You mumbled a thanks before heading over to the kitchen to cook food. You took your phone out of your pocket and giggled at the pictures you had taken. I mean, who said you couldn't have fun while you were trapped? ______ Daichi woke up in the middle of the night. He found himself in your house with Suga and Asahi for another sleepover because, why not? He slowly became conscious if the light snores of the people in the room, especially the light puffs of breath of the person beside him. It took him awhile to realize that you had your arms wrapped around him like he was a pillow. You looked like you were bathed in moonlight, and he could not help but sigh happily at you. His phone was soon in his hand, and he struggled to take a clear photo of you. Later, he realized that a pillow would he much more comfortable to hug than him, so he tried to wake you up. "(Y/n)? Babe can get off of me first, I'll get you a soft pillow?" he asked softly in your ear pushing hair out of your face. He didn't hear a response, instead he felt you snuggle closer to him hugging him a little tighter than you had before. Daichi felt himself stiffen up a little at the action as a faint heat traveled onto his face. A soft smile made it's way to Daichi's face as he looked at his partner's cute face. "I love you," he mumbled before pressing a kiss to your temple and wrapping his arm around you as well. Oh, Daichi knew he could get used to this. ______ Sugawara and Asahi looked down at the couple who had somehow wrapped themselves in a cocoon of blankets in the middle of the night. "You know, sometimes i just want to douse them in water," the smaller of the two stated blankly. "Me too, sometimes I mean," the other agreed before looking at his friend. "You wanna wake them up with water Asahi?" Suga said with a devilish smile. Let's just say that Sugawara Koushi's snapchat stories were to die for whenever they had a sleepover. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope you enjoyed, whatever this was xD -Admin M
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Requests open!!
Hii so I finally had the small amount of courage to make a haikyuu scenario blog…so here i am??
This should be the rules then?
• 1-4 characters per request! (For now?? :3)
• NO NSFW please? I don’t know how to (haha sorryyyyy)
• As much as possible, please also send in a prompt with the request so I can know what you guys want <3
• There are characters in Haikyuu that I’m not super familiar with..so I hope you understand if it takes a while or I get the personality wrong. ( orz )
• I’ll focus on mostly scenarios and maybe the occasional hc? But I won’t do matchups sorrrryy again!
- Admin M
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Asahi: Hit on you
Hitting anyone with a volleyball was something he never intended to do.
That’s why when he found himself in this situation he could swear he was going to blow a fuse.
It all happened so quickly that he couldn’t even yell out a warning. All he could muster was a small squeak before she lost her balance.
He rushed to her aid immediately mumbling apologies as he helped her up to her feet.
One thing he hadn’t expected was the small smile she gave him as she dusted her skirt off.
“I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to do that!” He rambled on, feeling heat rise to his face as she stares up at him.
“That’s a unique way to sweep me off my feet Azumane-san,” she giggled before turning around to call for Tanaka, who immediately ran to her shouting, “Y/N!”
He didn’t notice that he was staring, but somebody else did, and they didn’t waste their opportunity to tease him.
“Well that’s the first time I’ve seen you hit on anyone Asahi,” a familiar voice stated behind him. He felt a bead of sweat drop from his forehead. “Stop it Suga, please,” he said quietly feeling slightly flustered.
this was short.. I kind of wrote this just randomly xD hope whoever reads it likes it though
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Hinata: I'm your hero
-fem pronouns used- This is my first scenario~ i hope you like it :) //////////////////////////////// You took a nervous step back as you realized the mistake you made after class. The familiar scenery in front of the school gym was oddly quiet. You sighed in frustration. All you wanted was to cheer for your boyfriend. Not this. You had accidentally spilled juice all over one of the biggest and meanest people in Karasuno, and he did not look happy. He looked at you in the eye, which made you waver and step further. Soon he was towering over you. "Did you think this is funny?" He asked, wiping away the remaining juice on his face, not to mention nearly spraying you with his spit. You crunched your nose in disgust and looked back at him. "Oh! Look at you. Thinking you can handle this. What? Your little pathetic boyfriend gonna come to save you?" He said in mocking tone that made you clench your fists. Nobody talked about your boyfriend like that. Just as you opened your mouth to spit back an insult, an all too familiar shade of orange entered your field of vision. "G-GET AWAY FROM (Y/N)!" The voice came out in a squeak as he positioned himself in front of you, filling the space between you and the bully. "Shoyou! What are you doing!?" You said in a whisper worrying for him. The gym doors were open a few meters away and you could see the rest of the team worriedly heading out. "I'm pr-protecting y-you!" He squeaked back. It warmed your heart, but now was not the time to make a fuss about your boyfriend. The buff man in front of you chuckled. "That's your little boyfriend? Hah! He's so small...and easy to crush. Just..Like..This!" He took a step forwards towards Hinata and aggressively swatted him away, hitting him at the face. Hinata let out a cry of pain as he was thrown to the side. This lit a fire in you. Anyone who saw you would know to stay away. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" You shouted, charging towards the person who irritated you. At this point in time, the whole team rushed out of the gym doors. Only to find you punching and bringing down the bully, your hands on his collar, glaring down and muttering what seemed like threats to him. The team watched in amazement and horror at how their small decoy's even smaller girlfriend (just pretend if ur not haha) could be capable of such violence. "If you ever think about hurting my boyfriend, or any of my friends...I can hit harder." He gulped and nodded quickly. You let go of his collar and watched him scramble away. You headed towards Hinata, and some team members also rushed to your aid. They brought him to the gym because he was unconscious. ----------------------- Hinata got up in a jolt soon after shouting "DON'T TOUCH (Y/N)!" Only to find himself on the benches with an ice pack on his face. "Shoyou!" Your voice nearby exclaimed rushing to his aid. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" He muttered eyes still adjusting. You giggled and answered, "Yeah, it's me silly." He grumbled and put a hand to his forehead. "What happened?" "Oh! Shoyou you were so brave! You scared him off! Thank you!" You replied, quickly giving him a peck on his cheek. This made him blush at your praise, which you found absolutely adorable. "O-Of course! It's my du-duty as your boyfriend! I'm your hero!" --------------- One of them didn't care at all. Two of them were helping the girl with Hinata. Now somewhere in the gym two people were snickering at the situation, a 'Nice Tsukki' was heard in between the silent laughter. Another one was slightly shaking at the sight he just saw, a small girl who could definitely kill him, and another trying to calm him down with nice words. Two were crying at how their kouhai had such a cute and strong girlfriend, while three were watching them, faces in their own palms disappointed at their schoolmates. And the last one, looked worriedly at their flustered teammate. Worried that he might be as reckless as that again. "Shoyou. Don't do that ever again! You can't scare me like that!" The small voice exclaimed, followed by a reply, "I won't! I-I promise!" He sighed in relief and called everyone to attention. That girl would definitely make sure to keep Hinata safe. "BACK TO PRACTICE EVERYONE!"
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