haikyuuforyou · 4 years
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
hiii! :))) First of all I just stalked your blog and I LOVE IT ABDHSH And I was wondering if you also do matchups, if you do are they open?
Thank u sm bb! And yes i do matchups!! Send em away (rules can be found on my sidebar hehe)
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Do you have masterlist or have the Piaf in hashtags to be easier to read them
yes i have a masterlist on my sidebar or http://haikyuuforyou.tumblr.com/masterlist OR you can see all my works under #writings ^-^
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
so glad that you're back^^ not sure if the ask box is open, If not I'm sorry>,
“___-chan! Look what I found!” You looked up from your notebook when you heard your friend call you.
“What is it?” Her hands were full as she jogged over to you.
“Old pictures of the boys’ volleyball team.” You chuckled as she laid down the pictures on your desk.
“These were taken about two years ago.” The photos were of their old matches, school training, and training camp. You couldn’t help but smile seeing the young faces of the guys you now call your friends. And of course, your heart warmed when you saw your boyfriend, Kuroo, in the photographs.
“Who’s that?” One particular photo caught your eye.
It was Kuroo; he had shorter hair and there was a girl next to him. His smile was wide, and so was the girl’s. She had long hair that went down to her waist, and it was complemented by a pink headband. 
“Oh, uh. Just a girl Tetsu-kun used to like.” Your friend replied hesitantly.
“Oh.” Just a girl he used to like.
You observed the other photographs and noticed that the same girl was in some of their matches, sitting on the bleachers. 
Guess he liked her for a while. 
Why wouldn’t he? She looked very pretty. Especially her long hair.
Your train of thought was interrupted by the bell; it was now lunch time.
After gathering your things, you left the classroom to see Kuroo. You two usually have lunch together, and you usually meet by your lockers. 
When you got to your usual meeting place, you were taken back by what you saw. Your boyfriend was surrounded by three girls; obviously flirting with him. They were holding their math books, so maybe they were trying to get his help on a problem. You stood there, not sure if you should just leave or go up to him. You saw that he was entertaining them; he was even smiling. 
Those girls all have long hair. They’re very pretty. You shook your head, getting rid of those ridiculous thoughts. He’s not that simple.
“Oh, ___!” Your eyes widened when he looked up and called you. You looked at the girls around him and felt their eyes all over you. You looked down, feeling yourself get red.
He excused himself and jogged over to you. 
“Hey.” You felt his hand under your chin. He lifted it up, forcing you to look up at him.
“Sorry about that.” He gave you a soft smile.
“It’s okay.” 
“Let’s get lunch?”
You watched him as he ate away. Your hands were clasped together and rested on your lap. You didn’t notice you’ve been staring at him since you two sat down.
“___-chan?” He waved on of his hands in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.
“What’s wrong? You haven’t eaten a single bite.” You could tell he was concerned, and you felt bad that you were worrying him over a stupid thought.
“Tell me.” 
“It’s stupid, I’ll get over it.” You tried to brush it off. You unclasped your hands and grabbed your spoon. 
“Hey,” He stopped you by grabbing on to your hand. 
“It’s not stupid if it’s bothering you.” 
You unconsciously tucked your hair behind your ear. Your hair went just above your shoulders, completely different from the girls Kuroo liked.
“Sorry my hair isn’t long like the girls you like.” 
Kuroo’s eyes widened. His face was a mixture of sadness and confusion. 
“W-what are you saying, ___-chan?” You dropped your head, feeling embarrassed.
“You like girls with long hair, right? I just feel bad because I’m completely different from the girls you used to like.” 
“That’s just ridiculous, ___-chan.” You looked up at him.
His face was soft. His brows were slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth curled up. 
“Want to know what I like?” He took out his cellphone and held the screen in front of you.
You felt yourself blush when he showed you a picture of you two. 
“And I don’t just like this,” He held both of your hands with his.
“I love this. I love you.”  He smiled, and it filled you with ease. 
“Long hair, short hair, blonde, brunette, I don’t care. As long as it’s you, that’s all I could ever ask for.” 
You felt yourself smile. You knew your cheeks were red from blushing, but you were happy. Nothing makes you happier than the boy sitting in front of you right now. He makes you feel like you’re on top of the world.
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Hi! So i just got makeup smeared on my bedsheets(oops) and i was thinking what would kags do if his s/o had a bad day but she wants to cuddle and she still has makeup on? But kags dont want no makeup on his shirt so she lifts his shirt up (hes practically shirtless) and lies on his bare chest? Lol random but ya know~ thank youuu
the amount of times ive smeared makeup on everything is unbelievable 
ps this is written in the s/o’s pov!
Nothing was going right today. I was supposed to meet up with my friend today; we agreed on meeting around lunch time, but I ended up sleeping through my alarm and missing the train. As if that wasn’t enough, the weather decided to completely fail on me, and it ended up pouring. My friend and I decided to just postpone our meet up, and reschedule it next weekend. I wouldn’t be too upset about it if it were just anybody, but this was my friend that I haven’t seen in months. I sighed deep as I slouched in my seat. 
Now I’m on a bench at the train station, calling up the one person who might be able to brighten up my day.
“___-chan, what’s wrong?” Just the mere sound of his voice was enough to make me smile.
“Everything. Everything’s wrong.” I was upset, but I didn’t realize I was actually close to tears.
“Why? What happened? Are you still out with your friend?” Concern was obviously in his voice.
“No-” My voice cracked.
“Can you pick me up? I’m at the train station, and I’ve got no umbrella.” 
“I’m on my way.”
Once we got in his house, I took off my coat and shoes. Kageyama did the same, following behind me.
“___-chan,” He rested his hand on my shoulder.
“Mmm?” I looked up at him with my tired eyes.
“Nothing. You didn’t say anything on the way here.” His eyes looked strong, like they always do, but his eyebrows were raised, softening up his face a bit.
“I’m just tired. Can we cuddle?” He smiled in response.
“Of course.”
We went up to his room and I headed straight for the bed. Kageyama followed behind me, closing the door. I sat up and opened my arms, signaling him to come next to me. He did as I pleased, and laid down next to me. I was about to bury my face in his chest when he suddenly stopped me.
It caught me off guard, so I looked at him with a confused face.
“You’re still wearing makeup, ___-chan.” He pointed out.
“I know, why?” 
“I know for a fact that your makeup’s going to stain my white shirt.” I looked away for a bit, feeling embarrassed.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll just-” I was about to lie down with my back facing him when he grabbed my arm, stopping me.
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m gonna face the other way so I won’t stain your shirt.” He chuckled before letting go of my arm. 
Then he started to unbutton his white shirt, causing my face to go completely red.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing…” I looked away from him, feeling really embarrassed this time. 
“I still want you to lie on my chest,” He replied after fully unbuttoning his shirt. 
“I love it when you do that.” I looked at him and smiled, despite being devoured by embarrassment. 
“C’mon.” He wrapped his arm around me, laying us both down.
His chest felt warm, and it instantly put me at ease. 
One of his hands was tucked behind his head, while the other was playing with my hair. I couldn’t help but smile to myself. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world right there. 
“Thank you, Kageyama.” I couldn’t see his face, but I knew he was smiling. I could feel his heart beat racing. He placed a kiss on the top of my head, which gave me such warm feelings inside. 
“How about you tell me about your day?”
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Hey! On your page it says requests are open but when I went into it, it said they were closed if they're open could you do some hand holding headcannons for Tanaka please♡ (if not its totally fine)
fixed it! sorry for confusing yall hehehe
at first was very shy about it bc even though ryu talks women a lot, the fact that he’s actually in a relationship makes him blush
sometimes hesitant about holding your hand so he’d just stare at your hands 
you’d be the one to hold his hand first, and when you do he gets all shy and laughs and scratches his head
when he got comfortable with hand holding, he’s always the first one to hold the other’s hand
of course he holds your hand to intimidate other men
whenever a guy looks at you he holds you closer and does that scary face he always does when intimidating people
the only person who gets to tease him about hand holding/pda in general is Saeko
whenever he senses you’re down/something’s bothering you, he gives your hand a little squeeze
his other hand is always in his pocket while holding your hand
still holds your hand despite using hand gestures when he talks
whenever he doesnt have time to talk/has to rush somewhere, he grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze before running off
loves kissing your hands!!! 
whenever you two are alone just chilling he loves grabbing your hand and kissing your fingers one by one !!!!!!!!!1!1!!!! this makes me melt tbh
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
This was a very busy week for me!! I have a party to attend to later, its a two hour drive to get there (-_-) im trying my best to write whenever im not doing anything tho! Pls bear with me ily all 💓
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
dude ahhhhdhdhhd im the one that requested the tsukki scenario and im screaminf!!!! it was so cute!!!!! i love this! im gonna make my boyfriend do this omg sbdhfnf
Yay u liked it )^o^(
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
OF COURSE U CAN !!!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
They're like these little hallow cookie shells that have a koala design on them, and they had strawberry creme inside, and it was really good. ^-^~dweeb anon
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Hey, thanks for the ship! It was really cute and I enjoyed it 🌻
youre welcome bb!!
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Hi! :D match up please? I'm 165cm, libra, have brown/black ombre hair, brown eyes. I'm really shy but talkative. I'm an artist, love to read, play the piano, sleep, and listen to music. I say lots of cheesy/lame jokes/pickup lines, and I enjoy smiles and laughter. People always talk about how weird I am, especially my laugh but they say its part of my charm. I am also a big dreamer and love to tell stories, whether it is verbally or through art. Thanks!
fellow libra!! 
Tumblr media
credits to the owner ^^
and yes, he is capable of loving someone other than tsukki, and that is you
you two would meet through mutual friends, and what really captivated him were your shining brown eyes. at first you weren’t talking much, and he wasnt too bc hes also a shy bean, but through your friends, you two were able to hang out more and more until you two became more than acquaintances.
you two started hanging out together rather than with your group of friends, and that’s when you two really started to get to know each other. he learned about your little quirks, and realized that you actually werent as shy and reserved as he first thought. this wasn’t a bad thing tho, bc he was able to also crack some jokes with you and he loves being with you because you actually enjoyed his jokes aw
what he loves most about you is the fact that there’s never a dull moment between you two, and how you always do your best to make the people around you smile. he loves admiring you from a distance, even when you two arent together, he always somehow has his eyes on you. it’s cause he loves seeing you happy and making other people happy nawwwwwwww
HCs !!!!1!!!!111!
you often think he’s not paying attention to you whenever youre talking to him because hes always just quiet and staring at you. but really hes just admiring your face, getting lost in his own thougts- he often thinks “wow how am i with such a pretty and amazing girl, how did i do that”
he loves your laugh more than anything!!11! thats why he either intentionally cracks lame jokes or tickles you just to hear it
he always walks you home 
you two hold hands the whole timeee
you two often facetime or call each other at night just to tell each other about your day
your favourite kind of date is when you two just lay down at night and watch the stars together while you talk about your dreams, and literally everything
since yama’s inches taller than you often tip toe to kiss him
sometimes when you two are talking to each other he can’t hear what youre saying so he has to crouch down aW this happens to me daily
whenever youre upset, he engulfs you in cuddles- he just pulls you in his chest and you two just stay like that without talking. just you two in comfortable silence :> 
hope you liked this!!
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
I'm doing pretty good. I had some koala cookies today, so it's a pretty fantastic day if I say so myself! ~dweeb anon
what do the cookies taste like :O 
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Hello, how are you today? I was wondering if you still do matchups? Thanks!
yep yep!!! 
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Just wanted to check in and see how your doing and how everything is come, and to remind you to stay hydrated, it's very important! ~you're friendly neighborhood dweeb anon
youre too cute dweeb anon ;_; im doing great!! how bout uu?
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
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haikyuuforyou · 7 years
Yay ^•^ ~dweeb anon
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