hail-doofania-blog · 3 years
So found a review I made a while ago (like, quite a while ago) and holy fucking shit, i- i want that side of me back. It reads as follows
“As much as I very strongly dislike Blaine, he managed to save this song. Sue’s cover of Superbass was terrible. Even the most hardcore fans of this celebrity Cheerleading coach have to agree that this performance is amongst the worst in Glee history. And there’s a good few in that hall of lame. But not Hall Of Fame. Oh, no. The choreography primarily consisted of a twirling Blaine and Sue riding her trike that she stole from the Circus of Blacklights as well as her and the Cheerios outfits. Somehow I think Blaine’s is the closest to a realistic reaction we’ll get, because the rest of the club seem to have taken Skippers advice with the smiling and the waving”
Like, where did that flavour of me come from? I wanna know
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