haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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he’s a little dramatic.
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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Everything I do is bittersweet
You could tell me secrets that I’ll probably repeat
I’m not trying to hurt you, I just love to speak
Feels like we’re pulling teeth
For the anon who requesting Soukoku + Bittersweet <3
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
Aaaand this is the post that makes me quit this website for good. Jesus Christ, you people walk around LOOKING for shit to be offended by.
Newsflash, all pronouns are preferred pronouns since, you know, language is manmade
What a wonderful day to respect people’s gender identity, sexuality, preferred pronouns, and personal space.
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
Why do the straights think R&J was supposed to be a romantic story? It wasn’t... It was a mocking satire of bombastic Italian romances that were popular at the time... Shakespeare thought the “tragic lovers” cliche was overused and stupid and wrote R&J as a parody...  (If you want a source, just look at the very first printing of the play. The bard himself, or at least his theater company, describes it as a “conceited tragedie.” You may think this meant something different in 1597, but nope, it meant exactly what it means today.)
Also imagine being this disgusting that you assign a sexual orientation to your infant child...
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The heteros are at it again…
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
Quiz time: Would you rather fight a yaoi fetishist who produces/consumes content exclusively of waifish seme/uke character dynamics and makes jokes about being a “filthy sinner for my gayz” or would you rather fight a stringent hetshipper who thinks that making LGBT headcanons about their favs is offensive to them personally and wants to know why, like, you have to make everything about sexuality :/ 
The yaoi fetishist has a lot of pent up anger. Might pretend you’re the person who wrote them a bad review on ffnet
The hetshipper has an advanced sense of rhythm, having listened to Cascada’s Every Time We Touch over a hundred times when consuming every AMV of their otp in youtube history
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
She haunts me in the best way possible
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
This is going to be a really stupid non-question and I don’t really expect any answers but I just don’t understand why the alt-right hate Jews. Like I “understand” when white supremacists hate Natives, it’s because we were in America first and they don’t like the reminder. Or when they hate black people, it’s because they had grandparents and great-grandparents who remembered them as “property.” What the fuck is the justification for hating Jewish people, other than “They’re not us”... I don’t know, it’s late and I hate the world and should go to bed
There is a direct line between denying Hitler used chemicals and omitting Jews from Holocaust Remembrance Day and Bannon being in the White House and Roger Stone praising Holocaust deniers and Richard Spencer trying to pogrom in Montana. The alt-right believes Jews should not exist. They accomplish this by pushing Jews out of the narrative of history and by insisting that Jewish history never happened.
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
I feel like Tatu was a very validating, essential part of a lot of middle school wlw’s accepting their sexuality
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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Uma, daughter of Ursula
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
“i wish i lived in the country side!”
no u dont. You dont want to have to drive an hour just to get some McDonalds. There is nothing to do here and everyone is racist. My neighbour’s chickens got stolen last week
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
what you think propaganda looks like
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what propaganda ACTUALLY looks like
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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Return to Magenta, Marilyn Mugot
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
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haiweewicci-blog · 7 years
whys king kong………..so fucking large
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