The Obligation of Saey
The saey must be performed after the tawaf and its prayer. It is not permitted to willfully bring forward the saey before the tawaf, neither in the Hajj nor in the Umrah. If one deliberately performed the saey before the tawaf for no reason, he must repeat it. However, if this was for a compelling concern, that should be sufficient. This is also applicable if this was done due to an oversight, although it is recommended to repeat it. The same applies to one who is not conversant with ruling of the case.
Continuity is not a requirement for the rounds of saey, in fact it is permitted for him to engage in prayers, or even eating and drinking for example, or stopping for a rest on either mountain, or in between, and then resuming the saey.
If one started his saey, and during the saey he realized that his tawaf was incomplete, if the incompleteness concerned the second half of the tawaf, he should abort the saey and go back to complete the tawaf, and then return to complete the saey from the point he stopped, if he had finished four laps [of the saey]. The same applies if he had not finished four rounds of the saey, although it is recommended to renew the saey altogether. On the other hand, if the incompleteness of his tawaf was more than half, he should also complete the tawaf and then the saey, even though it is recommended, as a mostahab precaution, to renew the tawaf from the beginning and then renew the saey too. In the case of repeating the tawaf and the saey without completing them, he may do so with the intention of discharging his duty; whether by completing the remaining ones, or repeating them altogether.
If after finishing the saey he had a doubt about the number of saey laps [he had done] or its requirements, he should ignore his doubt.
If one doubted the number of laps he had done in the course of the saey, then if he was at Safa and was sure that he had done an even number of rounds but not sure as to whether he had done say four or six rounds, or if he was at Marwah and was sure that he had done an odd number of rounds but not sure as to whether he had done say three or five rounds, he should assume the minimum [number of rounds], and [go on to] complete his saey, and it is valid.
If one doubted the number of rounds he had done in the course of the saey, but contrary to the case above, in that he was at Safa and was sure that he had done an odd number of rounds, but not sure whether they were three or five, or he was at Marwah and was sure he had done an even number of rounds, but not sure whether they were four or six, his saey is invalid and he must renew his saey.
If he had a doubt either in Safa or Marwah as to whether he had done an odd or even number of rounds, or if in the middle of saey route could not tell which direction he should go to – like when stopped for a rest for a while and he wanted to resume his saey he forgot the direction of his journey – his saey is invalidated and he must restart the saey anew.
If after completing the saey he was sure that he had missed one or more laps, it is sufficient for him to perform the lacking ones, and if he could not do so he should assign someone to do it for him by proxy.
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Stoning [stoning] of Jamarat-al-Aqabah
The fourth rite of Hajj is the Stoning. When the pilgrim arrives in Mina he should first go to Jamarat-al-Aqabah, which is the first obelisk, also known as al- Jamarat-al-Kubra – The Greater Obelisk. The pilgrim should stone this obelisk with seven stones that he collected from the Mashar, or from within the borders of the sacred Haram.
The time for the Stoning [stoning] of the first obelisk is on the Day of Eid, from sunrise to sunset. The Stoning is the first of the rites of Mina, and thus it is not permissible, as a precaution, to bring forward any of the other rites, namely the sacrifice and the shaving.
 Obligations of the Stoning
A number of issues are obligatory in Stoning:
Niyyah or intention,
number [of stoning],
hitting of the Jamara,
sequence of stoning,
Stoning during the day.
 1. Niyyah
[Declaring] the niyyah or intention is mandatory in Stoning, and it should be declared at the time of the first throw, and continue to be the same to the last one. It is preferable for the Haajj (pilgrim) to utter niyyah by saying, "Armi (I stone) Jamarat-al-‘Aqabah seven times seeking nearness to Allah Almighty".
 2. The Number of Stoning
It is obligatory that the Stoning consists of throwing seven stones, and therefore if they were less than that, it would not be qualifying, and he must ensure to make up for the missing ones. On the other hand, if one threw more than seven, [doing so] as a precaution, then there is no objection to that.
 3. Hitting the Jamara
It is obligatory in the Stoning, that the Jamara, or its location, is hit with every one of the seven stones in that Stoning. If one [of the stones] went astray, it is mandatory to attempt another throw so that it hits the Jamara. [The stones] reaching [the Jamara, as opposed to hitting it] is not sufficient, nor is placing the stones on the target, [as opposed to throwing them].
If one threw the stone at the Jamara, and it hit something en route, but it still hit the Jamara, then there is no objection to that, and it counts [as one hit]. Unless the stone bounced off something that is solid such as another stone, and eventually hit the Jamara, in this case this does not qualify [as a hit], as a precaution.
If during the process of the Stoning, the Raami [the person performing the Stoning - throwing the stones] doubted whether the stone(s) hit the Jamara, he should assume not and throw others instead.
If after completing the Stoning he doubted whether he had hit the Jamara or not, he should ignore his doubt, regardless of his doubt being about the number of hits or any other obligatory aspect of the Stoning.
It is permissible in general to perform the Stoning from the upper level, instead of the ground level, whether out of choice or due to compulsion. Also it is permissible to hit the extensions of the column of the Jamara, longitudinal or latitudinal.
 4. Sequential order
It is mandatory that the Stoning is done in sequential order, i.e. to throw the seven stones one-by-one each hitting [the Jamara]. It would not be acceptable if one threw the seven stones all at once, even if all seven hit [the target]. Similarly it would not be acceptable if one threw two or more stones at a time.
It is not mandatory to throw the stone with the right hand, and one is permitted to do so with the left hand, even by choice. Although throwing by the right hand is preferred.
 5. To perform the Stoning during the day
It is obligatory to perform the Stoning during the daylight, i.e. from sunrise to sunset. However, if one cannot observe the Designated staying in Mashar al-Haram, and observed the Emergency staying during the night, and entered Mina, it is permissible for him to perform the Stoning during the night, like the women, children, the elderly, and the sick.
If due to an excuse one performed the Stoning during the night, but during the day his excuse was no more, he is not obliged to repeat the Stoning, although as a precaution it is [recommended to do so].
 Some of the Conditions of the Stoning
[When collecting the stones, one should consider] some of the conditions of the stones collected for the Stoning:
o   the stones should be virgin, i.e. they should not have been used for Stoning previously,
o   they should be of an average size, neither too big nor too small, but the size of a finger segment,
o   they should be stones or pebbles but not clay or dried mud,
o   it is not necessary for them to be taahir,
o   they must be collected from the Haram district.
Continuity between the seven throws is not conditional, and one may have a slight rest in the process. However, if the time gap was long, he must, as a precaution, renew the Stoning again. Similarly continuity is not conditional for the three Jamarat, i.e. one can perform the Stoning on the first in the morning, the second by midday, and the third before sunset.
This latter case is applicable to the 11th and the 12th day, when one must perform the Stoning on all three Jamarat.
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Performing Hajj & Umrah 2018
Stoning (Ramy) of the Jamarat
If the Hajj forgot to perform the stoning on one of the days of Mina, or deliberately failed to do so, he is obliged to perform it – as qadha’ – on the following day. He should start to perform the Stoning for the day he has missed, and then [upon completion] perform the Stoning for the current day. It is mostahab – desirable – to perform the missed Stoning of the previous day [soon] after sunrise, and that for the current day by midday.
If he missed [the stoning] one of the Jamarat, and he does not know whether it was the first (Sughra), or the second, or the Aqabah, he is obliged to repeat the stoning of the three Jamarat in order, starting from the first, (the Sughra), then the second, and then the Aqabah. The same applies if he missed hitting a Jamara four times and he does not know which Jamara it is. If he missed less than four [times] for a Jamara, and he is not sure which one it is, he should repeat the Stoning for the three Jamarat, but order of the Jamarat is not obligatory.
If he scored four and missed three, but he was not sure whether these [missed ones] were for one [Jamara] or more, he is obliged to stone each one of them [the Jamarat] with three stones in order, starting with the first (the Sughra), then the Wusta, followed by the Aqabah. If he hit the target three times and missed four, he should repeat the Stoning anew.
If one forgot to perform the Stoning of the three Jamarat, and entered Mecca but then remembered his oversight, it is obligatory for him to return to Mina to do so. If one did not remember his oversight until he left Mecca, he must perform it as qadha’ the following year, or appoint an agent to do so on his behalf. If one deliberately failed to perform it, his Hajj is not corrupted and as a mostahab precaution he must perform it as qadha’ the following year.
If a woman threw three stones, but then could not continue to complete [the Stoning], if delaying for later on the day, and resuming the stoning was possible for her without difficulty, then she may not appoint an agent to do the Stoning on her behalf. Otherwise Stoning by proxy is permissible for her, provided the order and continuity [of the Stoning] is maintained, as a precaution. If the woman delayed the stoning, and performed it as qadha’ in the following day, it is considered qualified.
It is permissible for a woman to perform the stoning by proxy if she is apprehensive about the overcrowding.
If a sick person does not consider himself able to perform the stoning when it is due, if he picks the stones in his hand and someone else helps him to throw them he should do so. Otherwise he could do so by proxy. If the person concerned recovered during the period of Stoning, as a mostahab precaution he should also perform the stoning himself.
If one completed the rites of Mina in the three days mentioned and performed the stoning in each of those days, he has concluded the rites of his Hajj, if he had also finished the rites of Mecca. He is therefore able to return back to his hometown. However, it is preferred that he returns to Mecca to perform Tawaaf al-Widaa’ – the Farewell tawaf – for it is mostahab.
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If you are performing Hajj Ifrad and Hajj Qiran, then you are already in ihram. You do not need to adopt another ihram.
If you are performing Hajj Tamattu‘, you will need to enter the ihram with the intention of performing Hajj.
1. On the 8th Zul Hijjah, you will be leaving for Minaa after sunrise; therefore, complete all your preparations by the 7th Zul Hijjah.
2. If you are performing Hajj Tamattu‘, then cleanse yourself, perform ritual bathing, etc. before the morning of
8th Zul Hijjah and put on the sheets of ihram. Women do not put on these sheets.
3. Go to Al Masjid Al Haram and perform two raka‘at with the intention of ihram with your head
covered, and sitting bareheaded make intention of Hajj and recite talbiyah.
Your ihram is complete and you must refrain from certain acts which become impermissible.
In case you perform sae of Hajj, which is normally performed after tawaf e ziyarat, you may do so. However, a sae cannot be performed without tawaf, hence, you will first perform a nafl tawaf and then sae.
This circumambulation will be performed before sae, with idhtibaa, in all seven rounds and ramal in the first three rounds only. Remember the rule every tawaf is followed by a sae will be performed with idhtiba and ramal.
For those performing Hajj Tamattu‘, performing sae after tawafe ziyarat is more preferable.
A person performing Hajj Tamattu‘ can enter into the state of ihram for Hajj anytime before 8th Zul Hijjah.
It is considered mustahab to make the intention of ihram in Al Masjid Al Haram
Many people leave for Mina at night after Eesha for convenience or feeling afraid that they may not find suitable place in Mina. This is not in accordance with the teaching of Islam and it is also a cause of unnecessary hardship. Therefore, leave Mecca after sunrise in the masnoon manner on 8th Zul Hijjah.
For those performing Hajj with Europe Establishment, it is advisable to form a group and arrange private transport for the five days of Hajj. By arranging your own transport, you will relieve yourself of many difficulties and travel with great comfort and ease.
Take as less luggage as possible. A sheet, a sleeping bag, a pair of clothes, soap, tissue and towel is all you require.
1. Proceed to Minaa after sunrise with talbiyah flowing from your lips.
2. Remain in Minaa and perform Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, ‘Eeshaa and Fajr of the following day. Also spend
the night in Minaa.
1. Leave for Arafat after sunrise. On the way, recite talbiyah, durood, zikr and takbeer in abundance.
2. On reaching Arafat, make all necessary preparations before zawaal. Relieve yourself of all
1. Perform Fajr Salaat as soon as its time commences.
2. A pilgrim must be engaged in prayers in Muzdalifah until just before sunrise. Stand facing the Kabah and engage in reciting talbiyah, tasbeeh and making dua.
1. Before sunrise, leave for Mina and whisper taliyah while leaving Mina.
2. Upon reaching Mina fulfill the following obligations:
Ramee: Pelting only the large Jamarat.
Nahr: Animal sacrifice.
Halaq or Qasr: Shaving or trimming.
Tawafe ziyarat.
The only element of Hajj to be performed today is ramee which is mandatory. You will throw seven pebbles separately at each of the three jamaraat known as the small Jamarat, middle Jamarat and large Jamarat.
Time for Ramee
The time for ramee on 11th and 12th Zul Hijjah begins at noon and ends at sub e sadiq following morning.
Follow the same procedure mentioned in FOURTH
DAY (11TH ZUL HIJJAH). Pelting before noon on this day too is not permissible.
The ramee of 13th Zul Hijah is not mandatory. However, it is more virtuous and of greater merit to pelt all the three Jamarat on 13th Zul Hijjah too. If you have decided to pelt the Jamarat on the 13th too, then follow the same procedure mentioned in FOURTH DAY (11TH ZUL HIJJAH).
For as long as you remain in Mecca, value every second and engage in tawaf, Umrah, zikr and ibadaah, etc. However, do not perform Umrah until after 13th Zul Hijjah.
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The Mufradah Umrah
Ther are two types of Umrahs i.e. obligatory and mostahab. The obligatory one is of two classifications: fundamental obligation, and secondary obligation.
The basic duty of the pilgrim is to be preformed Umrah at least once, along with the particular criteria of the Hajj, as specified by the Shar‘. The obligation of the [Mufradah] Umrah upon the people of Mecca, or those to whom the ruling of people of Mecca apply, is not conditional upon their ability to perform the Hajj as well, for they may be mostatee‘ – able – to perform the Umrah but not the Hajj, or the Hajj but not the Umrah, since the Hajj and the Mufradah Umrah are two different rites, independent of one other.
One who is remote from Mecca is not obliged to perform the Mufradah Umrah, but he is obliged to perform the Tamattu‘ Umrah and the Tamattu‘ Hajj. However, in case a person is has the capacity to execute Umrah instead of Hajj, then it is binding for him to perform the Mufradah Umrah, as a precaution. In case the person dies before the performance of Mufradah Umrah then it should be perform as by means of proxy.
In case the person / agent who does not has the capacity to perform Hajj finishes the proxy Hajj, as an obligatory precaution should perform the Mufradah Umrah for himself, if he became mostatee’ only to do the Umrah.
The other requirement of the Mufradah Umrah begins through a vow, promise, oath, hire, as a condition of a contract, or through corruption of the Hajj, or through missing the Hajj, where, in the latter case, he would only be released from the ihram [of the Hajj] by [performing] the Mufradah Umrah.
The Mufradah Umrah is obligatory for one who wishes to enter the holy city of Mecca, since it is not permitted for one who wishes to enter Mecca to cross any of the miqaat’s except by declaring and assuming ihram.37 As for the individual who wish to enter the Haram but not the  holy city of Mecca, the likelihood is that he is not obliged to the Mufradah Umrah [i.e. he is not obliged to assume ihram].
Despite being the compulsion, it is recommended that a pilgrim should execute Mufradah Umrah once a month, and its desirability is emphasized during the month of Rajab.
In case a pilgrim executes two Umrahs consecutively, the reward is greater if there is a time gap of ten days, than if there were less. In any case, the reward for them is great. If [one was performing] the two Umrah’s for two different persons, then the issue of time gap [between the two Umrah’s] would not be applicable.
 The Rites of the Mufradah Umrah
 The rites of the Mufradah Umrah are eight:
The intention (niyyah).
To declare and assume ihram from one of the miqaat’s – designated locations – previously mentioned, if the adult passed by one of them. If one did not pass by one of them, he should declare and assume ihram from his hometown, if it was outside the [borders of] Haram, but closer to the Haram than the miqaat. If the adult was within the limits of the Haram, he should then declare the ihram from the borders of the Haram. As for the one who was inside the holy city of Mecca, he should leave Mecca for Masgid al-Tan‘eem – al-Tan‘eem mosque – to declare and assume the ihram from.
Tawaf of seven rounds around the sacred Ka‘bah, as mentioned previously.
Two-rakat prayer of Tawaf by Maqaam Ibrahim or behind it.
 saey between Safa and Marwah.
halq or taqseer.
Tawaf al-Nisa, as previously mentioned in the rites of the Tamattu‘ Hajj.
Two-rakats prayer of Tawaf al-Nisa.
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Elements / Rites of Umrah
Rules of Umrah
Following is the summarized rules associated with Hajj and Umrah. The sequential explanation of those rules is mentioned below:
 Essential Rites of Umrah
·         Intention ·         Circumambulation (tawaf) ·         Sai ·         Shaving/Cutting of the hair
Rukan (Piller) Meaning, in the context of the Hajj and Umrah, a particular act with must be performed. If any one of them is omitted, it cannot be performed on behalf by another and it cannot be compensated by paying the dam (atonement). The Hajj or Umrah will be invalid.
If the integral acts/rites of the Hajj and Umrah are examined, there is no difference between them, other than the additional rite of wuquf (standing at the Plains of Arafah) in the Hajj only. For this reason Umrah is also termed as a minor hajj and rites of Umrah are similar when compared with the rites of Hajj only the main pillars dissimilate.
Obligations Of Umrah
·         Ihram (to invoke the intention) from the Miqat
·         Refrain from acts prohibited in Ihram
Wajib (obligatory) Meaning:
In the context of the Hajj and Umrah, a particular act which is obligatory to be performed. But if any one of them failed to be performed, it can be delegated to another, or the penalty can be paid in the form of the dam. The Hajj or Umrah will be considered valid.
Umrah In Month of Zulkaedah:
This is about the Umrah and hajj being performed during the month of hajj, such as one from Singapore who performs the Umrah during month of Zulkaedah, then stay in Mecca until the invoked intention for hajj in Mecca.
In case the pilgrim comes with the intention of Umrah from Singapore in the month of Zulkaedah and intend to advance toward Madinah at the end of Zulkaedah and return again to Mecca with the intention of hajj from the miqat (Zulhulaifah), in this case, the Umrah and the Hajj has been separated by the journey, and so the dam is not imposed.
What to Perform First:
In case a pilgrim first intends to perform the hajj in this case it becomes the Ifrad hajj. It is often questioned that in case a pilgrim had performed the Umrah during the hajj month (such as Zulkaedah), travelled out to Madinah, for example, and subsequently returned to Mecca for the hajj in the same year, what is the name of his hajj, and is it subject to the penalty?
The consensus of the scholars (all four schools) said the dam is not imposed because his Umrah has been separated from the hajj by a journey, as also because he has invoked the intention at the miqat outside Mecca. Similarly after his Umrah, he leaves for Madinah and invoked the hajj intention at Bir Ali. In order to call his hajj, some researchers still declares it as Hajj al tamattu in support to emphasis of Umrah before the hajj even though the penalty is not imposed. Other scholars name it Ifrad because he invoked the ihram for hajj outside Mecca, such as at the miqat at Bir Ali.
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Tawaf un Nisa and its Prayer
After performing ritual shaving or trimming of hairs, it is obligatory to perform Tawaf un Nisa and its prayer, after which, it would be legal for a pilgrim to seek pleasure from his spouse.
 All those conditions that have been mentioned for Tawaf of Umrah, are applicable in this Tawaf also.
 Tawaf un Nisa is the tenth obligation while performing hajj or umrah. It is an obligation to a pilgrim to perform Tawaf un Nisa, however, it is not among the basic elements during the performance of Hajj or Umrah, therefore, if it is not performed or deliberately being skipped then there is no penalty on the pilgrim.
 A single Tawaf un Nisa is not sufficient for a few Umrah Mufrada or a Hajj, but one has to compulsorily perform Tawaf un Nisa for every Umrah and Hajj performed.
 After performing ritual shaving or trimming of hairs, one should circle the Holy Kabah seven times with the intention of Tawaf un Nisa, and also offer its 2 Rakah prayer behind Maqam-e-Ibrahim.
 There is no difference between Tawaf un Nisa and Tawafe-Umrah except for the difference in their intentions; thus, one should begin the Tawaf from the Black Stone and end it there itself and keep his left shoulder towards Kabah and follow all those conditions mentioned earlier for Tawaf.
 Tawaf un Nisa is compulsory on all men and women (married or unmarried, widow or the one’s living away from their spouses and also those who have crossed the age of marriage), mature or immature, girl or boy, regardless of their gender; or else it would not be permissible for them to have any kind of physical relation with their spouses seeking pleasure.
 If someone has performed many Umrah Mufrada and has not performed Tawaf un Nisa for any of them, then as per obligatory precaution, he must individually perform Tawaf un Nisa for every Umrah along with its prayer.
 If a person has performed Tawaf un Nisa before Ritual shaving or trimming of hairs, then as per obligatory precaution, he should perform Tawaf un Nisa and its prayer again after performing Ritual shaving or trimming of hairs (or else it would not be permissible for him to seek pleasure from his
 In case a pilgrim does not remember or is in a doubt whether he has performed Tawaf un Nisa or not then he must go back and perform it again or should ask someone to perform the Tawaf and its prayer on behalf of him.
 If a person forgets to perform Tawaf un Nisa and wears the Ihram of Umrah Tamattu, then he can perform the Tawaf before or after Umrah Tamattu or even after completing Hajj; but a single Tawaf un Nisa for both Hajj and Umrah Mufrada would not be considered sufficient and he must perform Tawaf un Nisa for both these pilgrimages separately.
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Recommendations (Mustahabbat) of Ehram
The Recommendations (Mustahabbat) or Undesirables (makroohat) that are going to be mentioned here shall be better performed intending a hope for fulfillment of demand (i.e. it should be performed with the hope that God has demanded them and He will accept them).
         Before donning the Ehram, the body shall be purified, nails cut, moustache trimmed and the hairs of armpits and under the naval shall be removed.
         One who intends to perform Umrah-e-Mufrada shall increase his beard and hair one month in advance.
·         He shall perform the Ghusl of Ehram.
         Both the Ehram clothes shall be of cotton.
         The Ehram attire shall be worn either after an obligatory prayer, or after a six Rakah or 2 Rakah prayer in which, after the recitation of Surah-e-Hamd in the first Rakah, Surah-e-Taweed shall be recited, and in its second Rakah, after Surah-e-Hamd, Surah-e-Kaaferoon should be recited. Although, offering six Rakah is preferred, and after the completion of prayers, God’s mercies and bounties are to be praised and recitation of Salawat on Muhammed and Aal-e-Muhammed is Recommended.
         While donning the Ahram attire, recite dua as recommended.
         In the state of Ehram, Talbiyah should be repeated again and again.
Undesirables (Makruhat) of Ehram
A few things are discouraged in the state of Ehram are mentioned below:
         The Ehram attire should not be black in color (as per voluntary precaution) and must be preferably white itself.
         Ehram attire should not have a print or design on it.
         To visit Hamam (Iranian or Arabic) is discouraged and as per precaution, the body should not be rubbed by {Keesa} or anything of that sort in the state of Ahram.
         Saying “Labbaik” when called - As per voluntary precaution, the word Labbaik should not be uttered in such a condition.
         It is forbidden for the wife to seek pleasure.
         To use shampoo and soap with fragnance and having a good smell.
         It is forbidden to look in the mirror for self-beautification.
         It is prohibited to use a beauty cream for the purpose of making up however, If the cream does not smell good, and is used for the purpose of treatment, then there is no objection; there is also no objection in using a good smelling cream for the purpose of treatment..
         It is prohibited to use a wig or arficial hairs on the head however, If the wig or artificial hair is put on out of some necessity, then there exists no penalty, if not, he has to give a sheep as penalty.
         it is not permissible for one to move under the shade such as the shade of an umbrella, but there is no objection in travelling under the shadow of permanent buildings such as an apartment or a bridge
         It is not permissible to cut the nails of some other person in the state of Ahram; and as per obligatory precaution, cutting just the nails of oneself with the intention of Taqseer is not enough (It means that while performing Taqseer for himself, it is necessary to cut the hair even if he is cutting off the nails).
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Things you need to know about a Permissible Hajj Al Badal (A Proxy Hajj)
Muslims from all over the world perform / execute Hajj al-badal (proxy Hajj, i.e., Hajj on behalf of another), i.e., we give them money – to cover the expenses of Hajj – and some seekers of knowledge will do Hajj on our behalf.
People have a careless attitude concerning Hajj al-badal. There are guidelines, conditions and rulings on Hajj al-badal, some of them are mentioned below: 
It is not permissible to perform hajj al badal in case a person in able to perform hajj all by himself. 
It is permissible to perform Hajj al-badal on behalf of an ill person not capable of being recovered, or one who is physically incapable, or one who has died, but not on behalf of one who is financially not affording the expense of Hajj or one who is unable to do it because of some other circumstances. 
It is not permissible to perform proxy Hajj / Hajj al-badal on behalf of one who is poor and cannot expense to go for Hajj, because the responsibility of Hajj is surrendered for the one who is poor. Rather proxy Hajj is done for the one who is physically incapable. 
Hajj al badal cannot be performed on behalf of other until and unless he has already performed Hajj for himself. 
Performing hajj by a men on behalf of a woman is permissible and alike a women can perform hajj on behalf of a men.
It is prohibited to perform Hajj on behalf of two or more people in one Hajj, however, it is permissible to do Umrah for himself or on behalf of someone else or on behalf of a different person. 
Performing hajj or umrah on behalf of other person is only admissible if it is performed on an act of kindness toward brotherhood.
If a person having a capacity to perform hajj i.e. financially capable dies before performing hajj, then hajj must be performed on his behalf whether he left a will to do so or not.
The person who perform hajj on behalf of others also get the blessings of Allah.
It is permissible to appoint an unknown person to perform hajj or umrah on behalf of someone but it is better that a son must perform Hajj on behalf of his ancestors, and for a relative to perform Hajj on behalf their behalf. 
It is not mandatory for anyone that who performs Hajj on a person’s behalf should know his name; rather it is enough for him to have the intention to perform Hajj on his behalf. 
Appointed person cannot appoint any other person to perform hajj or umrah for the appointee in order to gain money.
Is it permissible to appoint a proxy for a supererogatory Hajj (Hajj naafil)? 
It must be kept in mind that a person must appoint someone who is sincere and trustworthy in performing hajj or umrah on his/her behalf. 
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Cheap Umrah 2017
SAI an Element of Umrah
Following are the elements of Umrah a pilgrim has to perform while executing an Umrah:
 The Umrah comprises of:
1. Ihrām,
2. Tawāf,
3. Sa’ee,
4. Shaving or shortening the hair.
Steps While Performing Sai
          Sai is an important element of Umrah and pilgrim is required to keep certain things in mind while performing Sai.
         Then he returns to the Black Stone and touches it if he is able otherwise he does not signal with his hand towards it. So if he is not able to touch it, he makes his way to Mount Safā.
         As-Safa and al-Marwah are of the signs of Allah.
         He must recite as recommended while his foot at Mount Safa and does not repeat it again. After that he climbs on Safa, if possible until he can see the Kabah and raises his hands and praises Allah.
         He repeats these three times and after the first and second recital only, he should supplicate to Allah with whatever dua he wishes, for as long as he wishes.
         Then he come down from Mount Safa and walks towards Mount Marwah until he reaches the green lights. Upon reaching green lights men should run quickly in accordance to his capability, without causing damage, until he reaches the next green light.
         Then he walks at a normal pace until he reaches Mount Marwah where he ascends for a while and faces the Qiblah and raises his hands and repeats what he did in Mount Safa. Then he climb down Marwah and walks towards Safa, running when he reaches the first green light and stopping when he reaches the second green light. At Safā, he repeats what he did at the first.
         In order to complete the seven circuits starting from Mount Safa, the circuit will be completed after reaching at Mount Marwah. Similarly from Marwah to Safā is two, then back to Marwah is three and if done correctly the seven circuits of Sai will be completed after reaching Mount Marwah.
         When one reaches Marwah at the end of the seventh circuit, he is not to recite the praises or supplications again.
         By reaching Mount Marwah, the Sai is completed.
         During the execution of Sai, i.e. walking between Mount Safa and Marwah, a pilgrim can recite anything he want to and can pray any dua he would like to pray.
         The main element of Umrah is to climb up the side of Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, while the walking and running between Mount Safa and Marwah is a sunnah and not an obligation. Women are not required to run between the green markers, however, if it is fear that one will lose relatives in crowd then he need not to run.
         The Tawaf and Sai can be performed at anywhere inside the Haram irrespective of the area to be covered as a pilgrim closer to the Kabah can complete the circuit early and the pilgrim on the upper floor has to cover large area to complete a circuit.
         Zamzam water taps can be found at various locations in the Grand Mosque. If prayer begins whilst one is performing Tawaf or Sai, a pilgrim must join the congregation prayers with them.
After finishing he carries on from where he left off.
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What are Mawaqit?
Mawaqit are those places / boundaries on all the four sides of Makkah, from where it is compulsory to proceed towards Makkah after assuming Ihram.
 Types / Categories of Mawaqit:
 They can be divided into the following three categories: 
A.       Miqat Of An Afaqi:
 If a Muslim residing outside the zone of Miqat wants to enter into Makkah for performing Hajj or Umrah or for any other purpose, he cannot pass through Miqat without Ihram. If he crosses Miqat without Ihram, he must go back to any Miqat, assume Ihram with the intention of Hajj or Umrah, recite Talbiyah (holy words), and then enter again into the precincts of Haram otherwise Dam will be compulsory on him but if he returns to Miqat and enters Makkah after assuming Ihram, Dam will be waived off.
 Following are the places from where an Afaqi should not pass without assuming Ihram:
i.           Dhul Hulafah:
Its new name is Abyar Ali. People coming from Madinah, should assume Ihram from here, or even from Masjidun Nabvi itself.
 ii.         Juhfah:
Muslims from Egypt, Syria, or west, now replaced by a locality near Rabigh.
 iii.       Qarn:
Pilgrims from Najd and Taif. This is close to the place now known as “ALSAIL”
 iv.       Yalamlam:
Pilgrims from India, Pakistan and Yemen by sea. It is the name of a mountain, some 32 miles to the south of Makkah.
 v.         Dhatul Irq:
For the people coming from Iraq (Basra and Kufa, etc.)
 B.     Miqat For The Residents Of Hill 
The people who are the residents of Miqat or Hill (area situated between Miqat and Haram),
 Those coming from Jeddah, whether they are residents of Jeddah or are staying there, for them the whole area where they live is Miqat. If they enter Makkah with the intention of Hajj or Umrah, it is mandatory on them to be in the state of Ihram, which they can assume from their homes. However, they can enter into the holy city of Makkah without Ihram, if they go there for some reason other than for performing Hajj or Umrah.
 Some of the pilgrims after performing Umrah, do not stay at Makkah but stay with their relatives at Jeddah. In such a case, they come under the category of those residing at Jeddah. They need not assume Ihram if they do not go to Makkah for Hajj or Umrah but for some other reason, for example just for prayers or tawaf in Masjid ul Haraam.
C.    Miqat From Residents Of Haram:
 For people residing within the boundaries of Haram, their Miqat for Hajj is Haram and for Umrah is Hill. The Afaqi, who after executing Umrah, ceases Ihram and stays at Makkah, is like the resident of Makkah. For Hajj, his Miqat is Haram and for Umrah, any place in Hill beyond the boundaries of Haram. Some pilgrims, who travel by air for Hajj or Umrah, assume Ihram at Jeddah instead of their homes.
Before landing at Jeddah, the plane is on level with Dhatul Irq, the Miqat for Iraqis, and almost flies over Qarn, the Miqat for people of Najd. There is a consensus among scholars that it is not permissible for the pilgrims to assume Ihram on reaching Jeddah. Therefore, they should assume Ihram from their homes, the airport, or the airplane itself, at least an hour or two before it lands at Jeddah. If they land at Jeddah without Ihram, they would commit the sin of passing through Miqat without Ihram, and sacrifice will be compulsory on them. If such is the case, they should go back to any one of the five Miqats of the Afaqi pilgrims, easily accessible to them. Here, they should assume Ihram with the intention of Hajj or Umrah, and then again enter Makkah. Thus, they would be absolved of paying the penalty of sacrifice.
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Performing Premium and Cheap Hajj 2017
London Star Travel, being situated in a busy travel market are concerned about the quality of their Hajj 2017 deals. Therefore, maintaining the right level of facilities offered to its UK bases customers, London Star Travel has attain the name of leaders in this field and offers packages to its customer that are economical but luxurious, easy but right processing, customized offer yet understandable.
During this year 2017 it is projected that a large number of Muslim pilgrims from UK will be performing Hajj pilgrimage. However, with the passage of time Muslims all over the world are desirous of Performing Hajj and their numbers are increasing day by day.
Points To Memorize While Executing An Economical Hajj 2017:
1.   Hajj packages 2017 are visit arrangements. However, it guides you what’s happening in another world, unlike from yours. The holy city of Makah & Madina will be filled with large number of pilgrims from different countries all over the world, from different classes and with different kinds of mindsets. Therefore, prepare yourself to meet different people from all over the world.
 2.   Being a tiring and exhausting tour, try to take a lot of water or liquid in order to avoid dehydration therefore prefer the holy water of Zam Zam as it has a spiritual place for Muslims and reminds the event of Prophet Ismail (A.S).
 3.   While executing Hajj 2017, time is the thing that would matter during the course of Hajj. It take days or weeks to finish the spiritual exertion you are here for. Due to multiple time zone you may be worried about the flight timing and travel during the holy cities of Makah & Madina. Try to take some mode of transport while traveling to your spot and do not carry a wrist watch as it will only worry you.
 4.   Performing a Hajj 2017 pilgrim is the most important ritual of Islam. However, while performing a Hajj you may be facing situations where you will meet people who will be bothering you in a wrong way. So try to be calm in any situation and just remember that you are here for a to be close to Allah by performing the Hajj in its right way.
 5.   Islam taught us to consider every human being as their brother and sisters. So try to build brotherhood while on Hajj 2017, because during the Hajj 2017 there will be people from all across the world joining you for the same spiritual set of mind, so try to greet anyone you meet which is also a Sunnah and help each other this will bring people close to you and making this voyage a memorizing trip of yours.
 6.   Avoid sleeping too much and wasting time at Arafat. You are here for a neat and religious purpose, learn the hardships of life. Camel rides and shopping can be postponed.
 7.   Avoid bringing high tech devices with you. You are there for prayers and invocation, respect the people around your and do not be too loud. Most of the people here want to be cut off from the daily ways of life, and hence need physical and moral relief for the same. Respect their needs and forget those important emails or calls for the moment.
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Performing Hajj 2017
Every year people from all over the world perform the Hajj pilgrimage and fulfill their desire along with the most important element of Islam.
London Star Travel being a quality travel agent act as companion or your during your spiritual journey by providing you with easy and quality travel services which makes your journey to this holy land most memorable and comfortable.
Pack your small carry-on bag with a provision for 5     days and nights. You will be hanging up in massy dusty camps. Get ready and     prepare yourself for such an experience for which you have traveled so far     to get mercy and blessings from Allah (SWT).
If you are in Mecca, take a shower and put on Ihram and     make the intention for Hajj and say Talbiya as you did for Umrah,     observing the restrictions of Ihraam.
Those coming from Mina, enter in the state of Ihram in     Medina or Dul Hulaifa making intention for Hajj. Say Talbiya and start     observing Ihram restrictions.
All pilgrims in ihram from Medina, Mecca or from     anywhere proceed to Mina arriving before noon on 8th of     Dhul HIjjah.  You will stay all night in Mina.
During the period of your stay in Mina, do your prayers     and avoid all unnecessary conversations
Try to help other people on this journey with you.
After Fajr prayers, advance to the tents in within the     boundary of Arafat with your group members
Keep in mind that you are here just for today’s event     i.e.  Till the day of Hajj you will stay here from noon to sunset     during which you offer Zuhr prayers, Asr abridged and combined with one     adhan.
Do not be confused with other pilgrims offering prayers     at their respective times. Do not get into arguments and follow your imam     only.
Take lunch after Zuhr and Asr prayers and start waqoof     Arafat.
Today is the best moment of Hajj for the pilgrims. It     is the day you came here for physicality and spirituality. Ask forgiveness     and mercy from Allah (SWT) while everyone is also begging for forgiveness     which is the most loved by Allah (SWT).
Today is the best day for acceptance of your dua so be     committed for what you came for.
Remember to pray for your parents, family, relatives,     friends and those who helped and assisted you to prepare for this     important journey.
Upon arrival in Muzdalifah after sunset, first pray     Maghrib and Isha Salah. Combined and shortened.
Combine 49-70 pebbles to throw at Jamarat on 10, 11, 12     & 13th.
Stay in Muzdalifah. Pray Fajr early at the starting     time and engage in dua until day break
After sun rise, leave for Mina tents with your group
This is the day of Sacrifice
First, go to Jamarat site with your group, throw stones     at the last Jamarat only and return to the tent.
If you have availed the sacrifice vouchers, assume that     sacrifice is being done on your behalf. Shave your head.
Take off Ihram, take shower and come out of Ihram. Put     on regular clothes.
After that, go to Mecca, with your group leader.     Perform tawaf of Hajj followed by Saee and return to Mina and spend one     night in Mina.
On the day of 11th and 12th Dhul Hijjah a pilgrim has to throw pebbles on Jamarat. For this purpose collect 7 pebbles and throw them towards Jamarat in order to show hatred toward the Devil.
If you are in a hurry, you can return to Mecca on the evening of the 12th day.
Otherwise, stay until the 13th. Leave Mina after throwing pebbles after Zuhr salat.  When you have returned to Mecca, perform a farewell tawaf before returning to your country.
If you have not yet visited Medina, this is the time to go to Medina after farewell tawaf. Your hajj trip has come to an end. May Allah accept your Hajj
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Choosing the Best Hajj & Umrah Packages 2017
Every year millions of pilgrims perform Umrah and Hajj and walk towards the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Things can be a little awkward and messy, rough and tough if not planned accurately. This is why it is always right to check with at least two to three travel agencies or companies and then choose the right and cheap, economical and best Hajj & Umrah Packages 2017.
Londonstartravel.co.uk presents one of the finest and cheapest Hajj and Umrah Packages 2017. Although being cheap and economical for an desirous pilgrim as an individual or group, our agents not only guide the pilgrims in choosing the right package for Hajj and Umrah but also direct them in performing Hajj and Umrah in it rightful manner.
Things to Remember While Performing Hajj Or Umrah 2017:
1) Remember that the Umrah and Hajj packages 2017 are a visit arrangements. However, it directs about knowing what’s going on in another world, unlike from yours. The holy cities would be crowded with men and women who come to offer prayers. Each of them has their own privileges, major or minor to cope up with. Some walk into the holy cities, while others use different modes of transport to get there. You would find people living in tents, some at 5 star hotels and some may be living in motels as groups. Not everyone has enough money to eat lavishly, so be prepared to see various class of Muslims one place.
2) Drink lot of water during Hajj and Umrah 2017 and preference must be given to drinking Zam Zam water, because it gets very hot in Saudi Arabia. The whole trip can be very tiring, but remember your purpose. You are here to seek forgiveness from the Almighty Allah.
3) While performing Umrah and Hajj 2017, time is only the thing that should not bother you. Sometimes it takes days to finish what you came for. Waiting for flights at the airport can take more than a day, especially if you have multiple time zones to undertake. Be prepared to walk or take a bus to reach your spot, and do not carry a watch, it would only make you feel as not making it at time.
4) It is the right time of the year when you should be more focused on the connection with the Ultimate, and be a little less bothered about people getting too much under your skin. No matter how tolerant you are, the masses can upset you, especially strangers. Sometimes people may breathe down your neck, but remember the principle, do not lose calmness.
5) Build up brotherhood while being on Umrah and Hajj 2017, this is where many from across the world meet and greet one another. There are people from across the globe that come to offer prayers, learn more about them, join them to a limit and understand each others lives too.
6) Do not sleep too much and waste time at Arafat. You are here for a neat and religious purpose, learn the hardships of life. Camel rides and shopping can wait, Umrah and Hajj 2017 is what beckons you.
Do not take high tech devices with you. You are there for payers and invocation, respect the ambience around and do not be too loud. Most of the people here want to be cut off from the daily ways of life, and hence need physical and moral relief for the same. Respect their needs and forget those important emails or calls for the moment.
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