hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Happy 2018!
This is somewhat belated, but as of today, all the presents are in! Thank you for everyone’s participation in the 2017 Secret Santa, as well as cooperation and eagerness. We hope everyone has seen and enjoyed their gifts.
If there’s any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, please let us know. Have a good year, and hopefully we’ll see all of you in the coming Christmas!
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Kyuuka (Holiday) written for @ilovethecheshirecat
[ For @@hakuokisecretsanta , albeit belatedly as I’m a reserve. ]
Pairing: Saitou/Chizuru Rating: PG/PG-13 Timeframe: Set after Saitou’s route, in 1872
“I have a question.”
“The holiday. What is the name of it?”
“Oh, it’s Christmas.”
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
I’ll Wait for You
“One day,” Chizuru murmured, fingers tightening around his as she lifted her head to meet his gaze. “One day I’ll be ready.” It was a promise, he could hear it in her words. A promise to him, that one day he would get his wish and a promise to herself, that she wouldn’t let everything end like this. A promise to them both, that they had a future in this changing world, where Onis were a thing of the past, still hunted, but largely dismissed as a legend of a bygone era. “Can you wait for me?”
Written for the @hakuokisecretsanta and for @hakuouki-matchups. I’m so sorry it’s late, and I hope that you enjoy.
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
@yumesagashite , Here is your Hakuouki Secret Santa gift (@hakuokisecretsanta) I hope you like it!!
[his morning]
Hajime rose from his futon, despite the cold, and the earliness of the hour. It was time for asageiko, morning practice, which he took alone before the others woke. The compound was silent, and snow blanketed the paths and the overhanging eaves over the well. The water from within it was icy, and to drink it dispelled all the dregs of sleep from his head. The sound of his sword slicing through the dry air was all he knew for long minutes, and by the time his awareness fully returned, the sky had gone from grey to peach to a pale blue. The same blue as the uniform of the company of which he was the Captain of their 3rd squad: the Shinsengumi. Before breakfast, there would be another training session with Kondo, Hijikata, and the other captains. And then, Chizuru would bring them all their morning meal, smiling brightly. That smile would clear away all his tiredness and the ache of my muscles, like her broom swept the steps. And just as she cleared the paths, she kept his heart free of hard things and obstacles that would trip up his step. The meal itself would bring him comfort: well-balanced misoshiru, always with more tofu if it was what the soup featured, broiled saba- not the biggest fish but she always picked a good one for him, and pickled radish. Hajime did not know if these were signs of affection, but, although he fought it, he dared to wish that they were. He would catch himself imagining her going about her domestic tasks about the compound not in her hakama but the kimono of a city girl. But then he would remember that she would not have the free range of motion that she enjoyed while wearing split hakama, bound up in the layers of more feminine attire.
The tip of his sword stopped at the end of his swing a fraction too low. He gripped reflexively to keep the fragile part of the blade from scratching the hard soil of the courtyard. It was then, as heavy breaths left his lips in wisps of mist, that he realized his cheeks burned hot as snowflakes melted on them. It would not do to think of her in this way. He had been ordered by fukuchou to monitor her, not to idle away hours in fantasy, but because she was a potential liability. She was the daughter of the Dutch-trained doctor, Yukimura Kodou, and he was bound by duty to do what was required if she became an obstacle to the Shinsengumi’s mission to protect the peace in the capital. Hajime returned his katana to his scabbard, bring it to click satisfyingly against the tsuba. He straightened from his iai stance, and stared at the flurries of white as they drifted down onto the frozen earth. A brisk gust of wind picked up the last of the dry cherry leaves. Sweat on Hajime’s skin started to chill, and he turned toward the Yagi residence. Blushing still, he left the snow, and his warm thoughts, behind him.
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Toshizo - Hakuoki Secret Santa Fic
For @hakuokisecretsanta
Hi @saitohajime, I’m your Secret Santa! I’m sorry this is so late, I had some technological problems that I had to get fixed before I could post this. 
Your prompt was “Hijikata or Souji interacting with cats bc they are totally cat people. My headcanon is that they kept the cat Souji found in one of the drama cds and it totally sleeps in Hijikata’s lap when he writes letters (or shitty poetry)”. I decided to do it with Souji (with Souma and Nomura from Shinkai thrown in because they’re amusing), with a bonus of Hijikata to make up for this being late. I really hope you like this!
On AO3 
Merry (Belated) Christmas and Happy New Year!
Souma and Nomura froze in the midst of their argument, the faux-cheerful voice from behind them causing shivers to run down their spines as they hurriedly turned around.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Okita Souji, 1st Division Captain of the Shinsengumi and the two pages’ occasional tormen-, er, instructor, stood before them with narrowed eyes as he glanced down at the cat hanging by the scruff of its neck in Nomura’s tight grip.
“S-sir! This cat, it scattered the leaf piles we’d just finished sweeping, and stole our rag! We’re sorry, we’ll take it out of the headquarters right away!” Souma answered, straightening hurriedly while nudging Nomura to do the same. In Nomura’s grip, the cat let out a particularly loud and distressed yowl.
Okita’s eyes narrowed even further, the smirk on his face disappearing entirely. “Give him to me. You’re hurting him.”
Nomura blinked, and hurried to do as told, practically shoving the black cat at the Captain, who, in contrast, carefully placed it in the crook of his arm, gripping it gently to keep it from falling. The two pages could only watch in awe as it immediately stopped yowling, instead nudging Okita’s chest affectionately and starting to purr.
“Um, sir….?”
Okita looked back up, having given the cat a strangely fond look while taking it in his arms, and narrowed his eyes at them once more.
“Toshizo is my cat. You better make sure you don’t hurt him anymore.”
“B-but we didn’t mean to hurt it! We just captured it!” Nomura protested, making the Captain’s green eyed glare turn to him.
“Cat’s a small and fragile. You have to be careful with them, or you could injure or kill them”, Okita stated, his voice about as warm as a winter night. “I don’t care if it was purposeful or not; if you hurt Toshizo, I’ll kill you. Understood?”
“O-of course sir! We’ll be very careful, sir. We’re very sorry!” Souma hurried to assure, and bowed, trying his best to suppress the shiver running down his spine, as Nomura did the same. They both knew Okita’s reputation well enough to know that that was no empty threat. And it wasn’t like they had meant to hurt the cat; they had no idea cats were so fragile.
Apparently satisfied by their response, Okita turned to leave, the cat still in the crook of his arm, being petted by his other hand gently.
“…Um, Okita-taicho?” Souma asked, opening his mouth before he could stop himself.
“Hm?” Okita paused, turning slightly to look back at them.
“How do you know so much about cats? Beside having one, I mean.”
Okita smirked mischievously. “Back when we still lived at our old headquarters, there was once a cat that broke in and messed up the kitchen. Made us chase it all over the compound until I and Chizuru-chan finally found it. Chizuru-chan scolded me when I grabbed it too roughly, said I could have accidentally killed it.”
They blinked. “Yukimura-senpai did?”
“Mmhm. Just about jumped down my throat.”
“Huh”, Souma said, a considering tone to his voice. He’d had no idea Yukimura-senpai had the courage to scold Okita, of all people. He rather doubted many people could do it. As expected of his senpai.
“…Say, Okita-taicho?” Nomura asked, both sounding and looking confused. “Why do you call the name ‘Toshizo’? Isn’t that Hijikata-san’s name?”
Okita’s smirk widened. “It is. Hijikata-san’s face when he heard Toshizo’s name was hilarious. It still annoys him. Also, Hajime-kun’s reaction was priceless. He still refuses to call Toshizo by name, it’s great fun. Chizuru-chan, Sano-san and the others insist on calling him ‘Tokkun’ though. Spoil-sports.”
The two pages stared at him, and came to the abrupt conclusion that really, they should have expected that answer. It fitted everything they’d learned about the Captain’s mischievous personality during the short time they’d been with the Shinsengumi so far. They shouldn’t be surprised.
“…Right”, is all Nomura could bring himself to say to that, somewhat regretting having asked.
Toshizo, having apparently recognized his name, let out a soft meow and butted his head against Okita’s chest, making the man grin and scratch him behind the ears, even as he turned around again and started walking off, having apparently decided that their conversation was over.
Once he thought the captain was a safe distance away, Nomura turned to Souma and complained:
“Geez, why is he that gentle with the cat when he’s so rough with us?”
“Because I actually like Toshizo”, Okita replied back while continuing to walk away, turning his head just enough to smirk back at them.
“Ack!” Nomura yelped. “Sorry sir!”
Okita let out a laugh even as he walked around the corner, the sound echoing even after he’d disappeared from sight.
Souma sighed. “You know, Nomura, one of these days you really should learn to keep your mouth shut.”
“Shut up.”
Hijikata sat at his table in his lantern-lit room, writing letters, when he heard a soft meow from the door. Glancing back, he saw Souji’s cat - Toshizo, although he resolutely called it Tokkun like almost everyone else except Souji himself - standing in the open crack of the door, watching him with its green eyes.
As soon as he noticed it, the cat walked over to him, nudging his hand demandingly. Hijikata chuckled with reluctant amusement.
“You know, Souji’s going to come looking for you and accuse me of ‘stealing’ you when he notices that you’re gone”, he commented wryly, even as he lowered his hand to scratch the cat behind the ears.
The cat purred and butted his hand, completely ignoring his words, before jumping up on his lap and curling up with a soft meow.
“Honestly, you’re as stubborn as your owner. Damn fur-ball”, Hijikata said with a sigh, tone filled with fondness despite the words.
He then returned to his writing, occasionally using his free hand to pet the cat sleeping in his lap, making absolutely no move to get it to move.
After all, it wasn’t the first, or the last, time that this happened.
There we go! I hope you liked this! Also I hope this at least somewhat matches what you wanted. At least it has a cat?
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Ninja vs. Samurai vs. Sake
Merry Christmas to the very awesome @hakuyamazakisensei! I’m sorry this was a bit late, but I wanted to give you a great ending. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I had fun writing it! You have been so good to me and you deserve the very best! Here is my @hakuokisecretsanta gift exchange!
Word Count ~ 2,800!!
Yamazaki woke up with the worst gift in the world: a hangover rendering him useless. He had no idea how he ended up in his room—naked—covered in a thick blanket, splayed across his futon. His hakama was in his hand, a sopping wet mess. What the fuck happened last night? He shut his eyes tightly—one, because the fucking sun hated him right now, shining down with a vengeance—and two, because he needed to recollect what had happened last night.
He turned to his side and inhaled deeply. His eyes flew open, crinkling his nose, a familiar scent tickling him. “Lavender.”
Holy shit, it was all coming back to him. Did he win his bet? Had he finally confessed to Chizuru? He was completely naked, his clothes scattered around his room.
Memories rewound back in his mind, step by step, muddled in a blur. He stretched his body, feeling the aches around his hips and legs.
After a few minutes of staring up to his ceiling, he realized he knew shit about last night. Nothing at all.
He needed to find Chizuru… and Saito.  
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
hakouki secret santa
Hello, @childofdemon! I was your secret santa and despite being held up, I come bearing fic.
Sakamoto/Chizuru written for @hakuokisecretsanta rated T; set post-Sakamoto route.
it’s a date fic. it’s totally a date ;)
Merry Belated Christmas ♥
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Sorry to bother you but have all the gifts been posted yet?
Hi! Sorry, we’ve lagged behind a bit on present reblogs. There are 4 people who have not posted their presents yet, 3 of which have gotten back to us and basically all said that the presents are finished but they haven’t been able to get to their computers yet with all the festivities. There is unfortunately 1 person MIA as of now, but we’re holding out for response for just a bit longer before we contact our reserve santas for help.
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Hi @abstractcactus :) I was your Hakuouki Secret Santa this year, I hope you’ll enjoy this short poem about the beautiful ship that is Hijichizu! 
(It is rather vague (because I’m better at writing reverie than an actual fic with a plot) so you can imagine pretty much what you want on it, even the actual couple ^.^)
I wanted to post this earlier but I didn’t had any access to internet yesterday, sorry about that… I hope you had a great Christmas and happy New Year to you in advance :D
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
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For @yaystew. I’m your HakuSecret Santa.   Apologies that I’m a little late <.<’’  Merry (late) Christmas! Here’s Heisuke playing with some doggies for you!
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
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My Hakuoki secret santa for @emeraldraindragon I hope you like some girls going around to shopping in Christmas lights!!
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Merry Christmas to my Santee!
Hello Moon! I was your Hakuouki Secret Santa this year! I hope you like the story I wrote, using the prompt you gave! :) MERRRRRRRY CHRISTMAS!
(note: this is EXTREMELY NSFW…. >.> and my first attempt at this type of writing, soooo…)
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
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Merry Christmas @hidetheremote! It’s a little early, but since you open presents on Christmas Eve, I couldn’t resist ;) I had to laugh when I saw your name appear in my inbox because I literally had just finished talking to you about your birthday present :P I couldn’t decide which of the three I liked best, so I decided to give you all of them and let you pick. 
You captured that moment when Kazama holds Chizuru in chapter 4 so well. It was the perfect modern reinterpretation for your story. 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
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Dear @eliz1369!
This year, I was your Secret Santa. Trying my best, I drew something for you to celebrate this special occasion -Chizuru x Okita under(?) the mistletoe -  I do hope you like it!
I wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Tagging: @hakuokisecretsanta (Thank you for hosting this event!)
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
Hi @kurokiorya !! I’m your secret santa for this year! This was my first time writing Souji, so this was something interesting for me to try and I hope you enjoy my Souji. I choose to go for your third prompt and write something with that in mind! I hope what I have written is okay! ^^ And finally, Happy Christmas!!!
Souji x Chizuru Drabble
Souji got up out of his bed ignoring the uneasy feeling in his stomach once again. This damned illness was stopping him from what he wanted to do. It was a pain in the back side and it was eating away at him. He wanted to carry on doing the work he had always done for the Shinsengumi and for, most importantly, Kondou-san, the man he admired greatly and loved. Souji knew what this cursed illness was and a Doctor had confirmed it. However, he’d decided to keep fighting no matter what. He didn’t want anyone to know, not one of the Captain’s or soldiers in the Shinsengumi and not Hijikata-san because they might tell the person whom most of all he didn’t want to know about this damn illness and that person was Kondou-san. He wanted to carry on fighting for the man who meant the world to him. He wanted to carry out the tasks he had as the 1st divisions Captains for him and he also was prepared to become the Shinsengumi’s sword and to kill for him. If it was what Kondou-san wanted and would help the Shinsengumi who followed the Commander, he would do it. He would do anything for him. That’s what mattered most to him, not this illness, no one, would stop him from carrying out his duty for Kondou-san.
Souji dressed himself, even though the raging pain in his stomach was still going on, he wouldn’t let this weakness defeat him. As he bent over to pick up his sword, his hand was detoured into placing his hand over his mouth and him going into a huge coughing fit. Another annoyance which he had to deal with and something which was harder to hide. Once it had calmed down, he pulled his hand away to see drops of blood, his blood that he had coughed up, staining his hand. Quickly, he wiped it up so one would see, limply picked up his sword and carried his ill ridden body towards the door.
“Okita-san!” Chizuru called, whom he saw to be standing outside with a tray of something or other.
“What is it, Chizuru-chan?” Souji questioned, opening his door.
He glanced over the tray, which Chizuru had just placed down, to see a warm broth in a bowl. Clearly she had thought that he’d actually listen to Hijikata-san and stay in bed resting? It was annoying that he had noticed his cough and now he was under the impression he had a bad cold and needed to stay in bed. To him, he didn’t feel this should stop him from fighting. He didn’t want to be stuck in his miserable bed while all the fun was happening outside.
“Hijikata-san said that you must rest! Please go back to bed and get better. You’ll make it worse if you allow the illness to linger on for a long time.” Chizuru-chan pleadingly looked up to him.
How cruel for her to say that. This illness had already signed his death warrant. It was only a matter of time. He wanted to make the most of the time he had left and he wanted to hide his weakness that was his illness for as long as possible, but she was now telling him to waste his time in bed?
“I’m fit enough to fight, it would only be a waste if I laze around in bed now.” Souji icily replied. “I can work through a mere cold.”
“Everyone is worried about you! We all want you to get better.” She bit her lip, clearly she was wondering if she should continue or stay silent and wait for him to reply.
Souji just looked at her worried face, he knew they were worried but he didn’t care. Even if it was Chizuru who was trying to get him to not strain himself, he still wanted to ignore them all and continue his tasks like he normally does.
“Please Okita-san. You don’t want to tell them about that…” She paused, clearly she was aware she was treading dangerously now. Bringing up the direct issue that he had that fatal illness. “I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone, but please, get some rest!”
Souji, although surprised by what Chizuru-chan did next, he stood firm as Chizuru tried to push him back into his room. It seemed that Chizuru-chan was somehow determined to get him to rest.
“I have been ordered to look after you and make sure you rest!” She told him, suddenly raising her voice.
Souji looked at her for a few moments to let what had happened to stink in and then somehow in all of this laughter came over him. “Hahaha, are you trying to blackmail me?”
Chizuru stepped back away from him, her face going red as she realised what she had just been saying. She must have realised, it could have been a form of blackmail. It was amusing to think that she would try that on him of all people.
“Mmm~ Well, I suppose it won’t be so bad to be nursed by a pretty girl for a morning.” Souji teased. Clearly, at this point, Hijikata-san wasn’t going to let him do anything today, so he might as well enjoy Chizuru-chan’s company and let her look after him.
Souji placed his sword down and then made himself comfortable in his room. It seemed that his decision to give in, for this time anyway, had made Chizuru relieved and it showed plainly on her face.
“The foods getting cold. Go bring it inside while it’s still warm.”
“Yes!” Chizuru-chan nodded, and went out to fetch the tray of broth and tea.
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This is my secret santa present for @flower-dragon, I hope you like it. Your wishlist had snow fun and I merged the silent night with s/o and we got really drunk on eggnog into short comic.
Since you didn’t specify characters I tried to put as many as possible in the first picture. Though Sannan-san was added kinda extra extra when I realized they indeed should be wearing winter clothes :P
Also I have never heard of eggnog before, I hope the knowledge I got from wikipedia was good enough for the comic. PLEASE READ THE COMIC FROM RIGHT TO LEFT. I don’t know what crazy idea it was but when I started to sketch this I just suddenly decited “hey I should do this from right to left”, even though all my rough sketches and plans were from left to right. I used Hijichi pairing as eggnog definitely sounded like something Otori would offer, and he’s mainly on Hijikata’s route.
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hakuokisecretsanta · 6 years
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A gift for @finrod-finwion! They wanted two people sharing an umbrella. I hope you like it!! Part of the @hakuokisecretsanta
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