hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
this blog is now an archive! my new blog is over here now! (same url and such)
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
❀┊🇹🇷🇴🇺🇧🇱🇪 ( hateshade)
“ subtle? who said I was trying to be? ”
she’s irritated, now, and the snarl that rolls from her throat hints at her restlessness – she doesn’t have time to waste conversing with a child, and the thin veneer of flirtation and politeness melts away easily as ice in the midday sun.
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“ leave them alone? oh, now, I don’t think I can do that. do you not see the problem, darling? I was going about my life already. ”
her outline twists, shifts, then melts. 
“ but I know your type – children like you are always so… ugh. ”
in the space of a breath she’s no longer corporeal, a wisp on the wind – less than that, even, the echoes of her voice the only evidence of her passing.
“ i guess – let’s play a little game, you and I, if you’re going to be… persistent. I really don’t feel like listening to you, so if you want me to, you’re going to have to make me. ”
   An annoyed sigh. Aaaand here we go. Will a confrontation like this ever not end in a fight?
   … Probably not. Beat it into her it is then.
   “Oh well, can’t say I didn’t try.” Even now her tone remained nonchalant, a response given to the seemingly empty air with another quick shrug.
   Talismans materialized from the air into her free hand. Unfortunately for the demon, Reimu didn’t need to see Evelynn to get a good read of where she likely was. She closed her eyes, allowing her senses to focus on picking up the demon's aura. Even as Evelynn’s physical body melted away, the aura of her presence would remain all the same. As completely not subtle as the rest of her.
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   Eyes opened. A swipe of her hand, talismans sent out with deadly perception in hopes of finding their mark.
   If it was a fight the demon wanted, a fight she’d get.
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
❀┊🇹​🇷​🇴​🇺​🇧​🇱​🇪​ ( hateshade)
she blinks, slow, before answering.
“ my reputation? ”
a giggle is ( poorly ) stifled behind one hand as lashers unfurl behind her, loosely curling about her legs with bladed tips still cloaked in shade.
“ oh, so you do know me! ” fingers lace together and are brought up to her chest in a show of mock-delight, voice shifting from an approximation of innocent to overly joyful in a second –
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– and then it goes cold in an instant as her eyes narrow to slits, softer smile morphing into a sneer.
“ so you also know that I don’t enjoy picking girls like you out of my teeth. ”
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   Ah, it seemed the demon was threatening her now, what a pain.
   A sigh, “...You're not exactly subtle either, you know.” She sounded almost too casual about that, a free hand shifting to rest on her hip.
   And here she had thought she’d get to sleep in today.
   “Look, it's pretty clear neither of us wanna be dealing with this right now. So why don’t you just leave this town and its people alone and we’ll just go on with our lives?”
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hakureimaiden-a · 4 years
❀┊🇹​🇷​🇴​🇺​🇧​🇱​🇪​ ( hateshade)
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“ now, now… you haven’t even gotten to know me, and you’re already pointing a weapon at me? and just think, i could be the nicest person in the world… ”
in a heartbeat, her hands are up in mock surrender. ( but the curl of her lip shows fangs, and the gleam in her eye is anything but benevolent. )
“ …but even if i’m not, it’s not like i’ve done anything wrong, here. aren’t you being a little prejudiced? ”
    Really? Reimu wasn’t even trying to hide the annoyance clear in her gaze, the shrine maiden watching the demon in front of her with the same sort of practiced caution a snake wrangler would to a poisonous serpent before them.
   In all honesty Reimu wasn’t looking for a fight, something like that would be too much of a bother really. Still, if her suspicions were right (they normally were) the demon in front of her would be nothing but a migraine if left undealt with.
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   “I don’t think I’m being prejudiced at all.” She spoke frankly, with a slight shrug to her shoulders, “Your reputation precedes you I guess.”
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hakureimaiden-a · 5 years
“are you still not moving forward?” “but i turned a blind eye to it.” “let me know your true feelings.” “as my partner, you made me proud.” “as my partner, you made me proud, and i really want to prove it!” “just one more time, let’s work together.” “i picture myself as a main protagonist in this world.” “you try to walk towards a path that leads toward the future.” “in your eyes, an unwavering hope prevails.” “i was living in solitude for a long time.” “don’t give up, let’s work together.”
“listen, listen, i want to turn this world upside-down.” “it’s such a simple, clear-cut wish.” “i can use this body i have now to lift the weight i bear.” “what’s something that only you can do?” “i don’t need your comfort.” “aah, how pathetic. nothing but selfish complaints.” “my emotions and spirit have rotted away.” “won’t you throw away everything you don’t need, and destroy me here?” “don’t let me see your tears.” “don’t let me see your tears; i don’t need that shame.” “that’s right, i’m telling you to leave.” “the demon within my heart will undoubtedly never forgive me.”
“how about we make today the last time?” “waiting for the ready, set, go.” “we held hands, just you and me.” “that was when i was still in my old brave phase.” “it’s alright if you don’t want me to stop now.” “i don’t want to hear that it’s too late now.” “hey, hey, i don’t get it.” “don’t even know myself.” “there’s no such thing as a perfect win.” “is this where our story ends?” “i’m trusting you, ‘kay?” “let’s keep at it until we understand each other.”
“if only i hadn’t figured it out.” “just can’t understand loneliness or love.” “so i threw away this human form of mine.” “i realized i want to get away.” “there’s no such thing as ‘me’ now.” “i can’t remember a single role i was suited for.” “it’s overtime, throw in the towel.” “you’ve been hoping to get something dramatic out of this storyline.” “we break the moment that we’re touched.” “all of us used to be so innocent.” “if we can’t acknowledge all that’s happened, how will we move forward?” “let’s be fair, it’s not like you could ever make it.” “i really don’t know why you even bother trying.” “everybody’s desperately waiting for the hand that will save them.” “i’d much rather play the idiot.” “we don’t need words to understand each other.” “why am i crying when i don’t have a reason to?” “i can’t help but steer clear of their helping hands.” “love keeps on oozing out of the open hole in my chest.” “you appear before those who’ve given up.” “i wonder how i must look to someone like you.”
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hakureimaiden-a · 5 years
longing  /  endearing  one  -  liners  as  taken  from  the  website  pinterest  . customize  as  you  wish  !
❛  the  first  time  i  met  you  ,  i  had  no  damn  idea  i’d  love  you  this  much  .  ❜ ❛  i  wish  i  could  just  protect  you  from  everything  .  ❜ ❛  i  noticed  you  .  how  could  i  not  ?  ❜ ❛  i’ll  hold  your  hand  the  whole  way  through  ,  don’t  worry  .  ❜ ❛  i  want  you  .  so  much  .  you’re  all  i  fucking  think  about  .  ❜ ❛  you  are  made  of  comets  and  stars  .  do  not  let  anyone  treat  you  as  if  you  are  dirt  and  dust  .  ❜ ❛  i  love  how  i  can  just  look  at  you  and  be  happy  .  ❜ ❛  i  woke  up  and  the  first  thing  i  wanted  was  you  .  ❜ ❛  i  love  everything  you  hate  about  yourself  .  ❜ ❛  pinky  -  promise  me  you  won’t  leave  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  always  tired  but  never  of  you  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  it  ,  you’re  my  person  .  ❜ ❛  you  are  the  peace  i  crave  in  this  chaotic  world  .  ❜ ❛  now  i  wish  we  never  met  because  you’re  too  hard  to  forget  .  ❜ ❛  i’d  pick  your  thunder  ,  i’d  pick  your  rain  ;  over  anyone’s  sunshine  any  day  .  ❜ ���  you  steady  me  and  stir  me  all  at  once  .  ❜ ❛  and  then  i  knew  that  i  could  become  homesick  for  you  too  .  ❜ ❛  i  just  want  to  spend  forever  getting  high  off  what  it  feels  like  to  be  around  you  .  ❜ ❛  you’ve  got  something  they  don’t  .  ❜ ❛  what  a  plot  twist  you  were  .  ❜ ❛  i  told  the  stars  about  you  .  ❜ ❛  stay  .  i  need  you  more  than  you  think  .  ❜ ❛  you  still  feel  like  home  .  ❜ ❛  come  over  here  and  make  my  clothes  smell  like  you  again  .  ❜ ❛  i  want  to  kiss  you  and  it  kills  me  .  ❜
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hakureimaiden-a · 5 years
dream  daddy  is  a  game  released  by  game  grumps  ,  a  dating  sim  to  date  dads  ! feel  free  to  customize  as  you  wish  !
❛  right  .  yup  .  definitely  repressed  that  memory  .  ❜ ❛  weren’t  you  the  one  who  threw  that  flaming  tennis  ball  at  the  police  station  ?  no  -  wait  .  that  was  me  .  ❜ ❛  aw  man  a  nap  sounds  great  !  if  sleep  wasn’t  ,  you  know  ,  for  the  weak  .  ❜ ❛  i  think  someone  needs  to  do  a  three - point  turn  on  their  attitude  .  ❜ ❛  I  GOT  A  PROBLEM  WITH  AUTHORITY  !  ❜ ❛  you  can  never  be  too  sure  .  see  that  baby  in  the  stroller  over  there  ?  government  operative  .  ❜ ❛  you  know  ,  frisbees  are  traditionally  caught  with  your  hands  ,  not  your  face  .  ❜ ❛  children  in  general  are  just  …  tough  .  ❜ ❛  …  are  you  just  afraid  to  meet  new  people  ?  ❜ ❛  c’mon  ,  what’d  we  say  about  meeting  new  people  ? ❛  …  perhaps  i  should  leave  saying  “  baby  ”  to  the  professionals  .  ❜ ❛  i  am  in  no  way  fit  to  be  responsible  for  any  living  thing  ,  including  and  especially  myself  .  one  time  ,  i  drank  an  entire  jar  of  marinara  sauce  for  dinner  .  it   was  unholy  .  ❜ ❛  medium  sized  dog  ,  handkerchief  around  the  neck  ,  i  get  to  name  it  .  that’s  what  it’ll  cost  me  to  give  up  on  my  dreams  .  ❜ ❛  yeah  it’s  just  like  ,  my  entire  future  .  no  big  deal  .  ❜ ❛  are  you  actually  fine  or  are  you  just  saying  that  ?  ❜ ❛  okay  ,  cool  .  while  you  do  that  i’m gonna  do  some  drugs  and  commit  some  light  arson  .  ❜ ❛  i  would’ve  expected  you  guys  to  be  up  to  white  collar  crime  by  this  point  .  maybe  money  laundering  at  the  least  .  ❜ ❛  i  love  someone  who  knows  their  way  around  balls  .  ❜ ❛  i  -  i  ,  uh  .  don’t  normally  …  do  this  …  ❜ ❛  aw  man  .  i  was  kinda  hoping  you  had  gotten  kidnapped  and  i  was  gonna  have  to  come  rescue  you  .  ❜ ❛  …  have  you  been  reading  my  tweets  ?  nevermind  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  a  beautiful  work  in  progress  .  ❜ ❛  we  have  to  be  fashionably  late  .  who  shows  up  anywhere  on  time  ?  ❜ ❛  i’d  shake  your  hand  but  i  have  a  glass  of  wine  to  tend  to  .  ❜ ❛  this  plate  of  cookies  is  my  new  _____  .  bye  .  ❜ ❛  that’s  cold  blooded  .  i  like  that  .  ❜ ❛  kids  ,  right  ?  gotta  love  ‘em  .  you’re  required  to  by  law  .  ❜ ❛  i’m  tired  of  talking  to  old  dudes  who  blame  my  generation  for  the  failing  economy  .  ❜ ❛  i  think  i  just  have  to  accept  the  fact  that  as  an  adult  ,  i’ve  become  the  machine  i  once  raged  against  and  accept  my  fate  to  unironically  wear  socks  with  sandals  .  ❜ ❛  my  ,  do  you  know  how  to  treat  a  lady  .  ❜ ❛  i  think  i  might  have  taped  over  a  veggietales  VHS  with  the  shining  .  who  knows  .  ❜ ❛  he’s  probably  stuffing  dirt  into  his  mouth  .  who  knows  ?  toddlers  are  pretty  resilient  .  ❜ ❛  you’re  not  gonna  do  the  thing  where  you  wait  silently  for  me  to  come  home  in  the  living  room  with  all  the  lights  off  ,  are  you  ?  ❜ ❛  you  really  scared  me  .  just  …  please  don’t  do  that  again  .  ❜
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hakureimaiden-a · 5 years
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sentences from the youtube series  ,  buzzfeed unsolved .  primarily taken from season 5′s supernatural investigations .
“ it doesn’t matter because you’re dead ”
“ it’s not impressive  ,  no one’s impressed ”
“ the spot of your death is now a lovely gift shop ”
“ as god as my witness  ,  he snapped him in half ”
“ i seriously want you to throw something right at my face ”
“ you can live in the cave ”
“ i’m a big fan of your name ”
“ the fact that you steal  ,  that’s really funny to me ”
“ that’s the greatest thing to steal  :  a man’s joy ”
“ because i’m a masochist ”
“ i’m going to regret this ”
“ i’ve lost the ability to feel ”
“ they’re gonna fucking murder you ”
“ the way you shushed me was quite rude ”
“ cowards  ,  all of you ”
“ i’m strange and off putting ”
“ i should not feel confident in the face of any man ”
“ here you are  ,  smiling in the face of the devil ”
“ i hate bats ”
“ bats sometimes carry rabies and that’s a thing i’m afraid of ”
“ not today devil birds  ,  not today ”
“ i think i’m blacking out right now ”
“ i don’t think i’m going to remember this moment ”
“ i think i’m gonna cry ”
“ i keep forgetting there’s ghosts in here ”
“ if you know me and my debilitating fear of bears  ,  this is my worst nightmare ”
“ i’m standing on an altar alone ”
“ maybe you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and eat your cat ”
“ i’m so glad that’s over let’s go eat taco bell ”
“ were you making horse noises ? ”
“ in case any of you needed a reminder this place is a twisting nightmare ”
“ there’s a good chance i’m gonna fart in here ”
“ well this is horrifying ”
“ let’s do each other a favor and not show ourselves to each other ”
“ if you could do me a big solid and not do anything that would be sublime ”
“ this is just as horrifying as i thought it would be ”
“ you talk to hide from the silence ”
“ do i look like the kind of man who could give advice ? ”
“ several bad choices have lead me to this moment ”
“ let’s play look at the ceiling tiles !  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 … ”
“ i just wanna know if you think they have belly buttons ”
“ i did meet some of the most insufferable people but they also met me ”
“ if it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck ”
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hakureimaiden-a · 5 years
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starters  /  prompts taken from various game grumps’   ten minute power hour   videos .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary . 
“  stop throwing stuff  ,  what is wrong with you  ?!  ”
“  turn on the magic of colored lights  ,  you jerks  ”
“  there’s a warrant out for my arrest  ”
“  this is just a blob  ”
“  i’m yelling in general not at you  ”
“  what if a child ate these  ,  then they would die of glass poisoning  ”
“  how did kids do this when they were childs ?  ”
“  take your cup off the raft you animal  ”
“  how do you not know your soda trivia  ,  you dope ?  ”
“  it tastes like cough medicine but good  ”
“  i think i’m losing feeling in my right arm  ”
“  i should be in a carnival  ”
“  i got the sugar shakes  ”
“  it’s a four  ,  as in the amount of days i have left to live  ”
“  i feel so weak  ”
“  i don’t have a sense of smell anymore  ”
“  drink it you armadillo  ”
“  ew no no oh no no  —  oh that’s not bad  ”
“  it tastes like if i ate a fridge magnet  ”
“  i love MSG  —  that stands for mighty good soup  ”
“  if we could get something sharp and dangerous that would be great  ”
“  the moral of the story is you have to have a huge hat  ”
“  i’m your dad  ”
“  you need to grow up .  it’s time to grow up  ”
“  i can’t open my eye it’s glued shut  ”
“  i’m a little bumblebee  ,  bzzzzz  ”
“  who knew that eating frosting could be such great exercise ?  ”
“  great news on the friendship front :  you’re my friend  ”
“  we better call some hospitals  ”
“  i’m already so sweaty  ”
“  there’s some kind of dinosaur wearing pants  ”
“  looking at this makes me feel like i’m having a stroke  ”
“  what does arizona look like ?  ”
“  i’m here with all of my friends in a hot  ,  nasty  ,  sweaty corner  ”
“  you see a spiced up dino  ,  you want that boy to smile  ”
“  i’m not gonna pretend i’m not jealous  ”
“  dude you got a scoodily doop dee woop doop doop wah wah wah  ”
“  we don’t have the necessary amount of woops  ”
“  i don’t want a pumpkin growing in my belly  ”
“  what are you  ,  my bully from middle school ?  ”
“  pumpkins were made by god to scare children away  ”
“  he’s already dead  ”
“  i feel good about what we’ve done here today  ”
“  ooo  ,  sparkles  ”
“  i’m trying to be beautiful  ”
“  oh we’re gonna fucking die  ”
“  are we penalized for screaming ?  ”
“  we look tasty  ”
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hakureimaiden-a · 5 years
❀┊ sᴘɪʀɪᴛ. (kochoukyu)·:
➙ @hakureimaiden·.  //  ( starter call. )
The cherry blossoms are always beautiful in Heaven; they move gently alongside the late afternoon breeze, glowing prettily under the sunlight that never sets. This place stretches out vastly, and Shinobu has yet to find its edge. Not that she’s avidly looking for it though; afterlife brings a new sense of comfort, and the thought of this realm being limited is a mere curiosity.
Even so, there’s still the never ceasing worry gnawing at her chest at the thought of her beloved ones being still trapped in a war. Shinobu doesn’t think she can ever rest in peace until the war is over, and she’s always highly aware of the chilling feeling of another soul arriving in Heaven, immediately praying that it’s none of her comrades.
There’s no such a feeling right now though, and that’s why she stops dead — no pun intended — in her tracks at catching sight of a different face. Purple-colored eyes blink in confusion, and the feeling is only worsened as she takes in the other. There’s something eerie about their aura; not dangerous at all, but still misplaced, like they don’t belong to this place. 
But that should be impossible, shouldn’t it?
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“You… You are not dead, are you?”
   This place was almost like the Netherworld. Almost. To Reimu, it had the same sort of atmosphere as the ghostly realm she’d often visited before, yet she’d been to that realm enough times to know this wasn’t it. The banks of Hell perhaps? No, that wasn’t right either. Wherever it was, it was undoubtedly peaceful. The spirits which she had passed as she wandered the realm all seeming a lot more cheerful than the sort the shrine maiden usually encountered.
   Most of them, anyway.
   She looked towards the spirit that had called to her, one who seemed (rightfully, honestly) confused by her appearance in this place.
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“Nope.” She shrugged, her tone as casual as if the woman had simply asked her about the weather. “Don’t plan on being dead anytime soon either, that sounds like a pain.”
   “This place is pretty nice though.”
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