halaatmahala · 4 years
Covid-19 PSA
*Much information is largely made exclusive due to the language used in the news and media. I wrote this piece in a way that people of color, but specifically black people will understand due to the disproportionate amount of black people being affected by COVID-19 in the United States. 
Information about COVID-19: How to Prevent It & What to Do If You Get It
Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, or “the rona” is an extremely contagious virus which causes respitory illnesses. There are many versions of Coronavirus, but COVID-19 is just one version that emerged in December of 2019. While the virus emerged from China, we should not use this information to be racist or prejudice, rather use the source as another pillar to further our knowledge about the virus. COVID-19 causes flu-like symptoms, but affects everyone differently. For weeks, one may be A-symptomatic (meaning showing little to no signs of the virus) but will still able to spread the virus. The main symptoms which we know of so far include: fever, cough, and trouble breathing. However other symptoms include: phlegm (found in 33% of case studies), fatigue (found in 38% of case studies), shortness of breath (found in 19% of case studies), muscle or joint pain (found in 15% of case studies ), sore throat (found in 14% of cases), headache (14% of cases), chills (11% of cases), vomiting (5% of case studies), stuffy nose (5% of case studies), and diarrhea (4% of case studies). These symptoms are sourced by the World Health Organization and based on 56,000 lab cases. More recently, scientists say that swollen or red feet is a symptom of COVID-19 in children. 
The virus is spread through droplets released from coughs and sneezing can travel a few feet, and then fall onto the ground or surfaces such as door knobs and car doors. The virus is also spread commonly from it being on the surface and bottom of shoes. To combat the spread of the virus, health officials created an act called “social distancing” which creates distance between one person and another. People are encouraged to stand 4-6 feet from one another to limit the spread of the disease. In addition to this, people are encouraged to stay inside and to wash their hands frequently. 
Those with pre-existing health conditions and elderly people, are the most susceptible to contracting COVID-19. The unfortunate truth however, is that health conditions such as hypertension, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, and asthma affect Black people at higher rates, making them at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. The reason for this is simply institutional racism, and further racism in health care. Although Black people are being affected at disproportionate rates, we are all being affected in some way or another so it is important to take precautionary measures to prevent spread of COVID-19. 
To protect yourself from COVID-19, you can practice good hygene, stay indoors, and take immune system boosters. Many people speak about prevention of contracting the virus, but it is rarely talked about what to do if you are to get the virus. Natural remedies such as osha root, garlic, ginger, citrus, tumeric, and elderberry can be used as natural antibiotics. In addition to this, it is so important to stay hydrated and drink as much water as you can. 
The following are some natural immune boosters: 
Osha Root: treats sore throat, bronchitis, cough, common cold, influenza, swine flu, and pneumonia. 
Garlic: sickness, Including the Common Cold. 
Ginger: reduce nausea and help fight the flu and common cold
Citrus: immune-boosting vitamin C—which is why so many people reach for these fruits during cold and flu season.
Tumeric: Can help you fight off a variety of viruses, including herpes and the flu. 
Elderberry: Packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system, helping to prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms. 
As the government searches for a vaccine, thought provoking conversation arises. Many people do not trust the federal government, causing a vaccine to seem like more of a form of control. On the other hand, vaccines are created to prevent the spreading of viruses. Please do personal research on vaccines and determine if they are best for you. 
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, remember to practice social distancing, cough or sneeze into your elbow or inside of your shirt, and remember to wash your hands thoroughly. There is never a time that racism is acceptible, and it is important to note how the healthcare system fails us as black people, as we are being disproportionately affected in the United States. If you are to contract COVID-19, natural immune system boosters such as tumeric and elderberry should be considered. Finally, stay safe, hydrated, and do what is best for your mental health during this time. 
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halaatmahala · 5 years
Blog Post #6
Mahala Herron 
Slavery was a large part of African American history for Black Americans. I enjoy watching movies that discuss the history and traumas, because we are often not able to visualize the depths of American slavery. The black horror films we have seen in class all showcase the specific dynamics between white and black people or between the black family. However, specificially how the black family was affected by white people or slavery is a fundamental of black horror films, whether obviously stated or not. While I enjoy watching black horror films because of this, I want to explore other topics and dynamics of a utopic world if black people were never affected by white people in America. A short scenerio of a horror film with no white racial dynamics follows.
A Black family who live in California on the beach of Eureka consists of a mother, a father, and their one child. They are the ancestors of the minors who first discovered gold in America along with Native Americans. They came to America via the first ship that wanted to discover new land from Africa, but instead of depleting people or their resources, they shared and added to them. The family is well off because they were able to ship much gold back to Africa, further making the continent even richer than before. Horror ensues when a strange dark cloud covers their land. At first they think it’s rainy season, until they realize that it’s July. The dark cloud begins to lower and encompass their home. Soon the cloud is in every room and they are unable to see eachother or breathe. The cloud is a thief of natural resources, and needs the gold which the family has in the house to grow bigger. The family escapes to the cellar where the cloud can not reach, and together they ecstract an atom from the gold which casts away the cloud. When the cloud clears, many families are lacking their gold, but the family is able to share their gold and help the other families in the area get back on their feet. 
I chose this narrative because it makes use of nature. Nature is a large part of our ancestry as African Americans and Native people. Our ancestors found solutions in forestry and herbs, and prayed to their respsctive Gods before the use of Western medicine. I wanted to highlight a utopian world which we see in many horror films of the black family, but one that was not affected by white people. 
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halaatmahala · 5 years
Blog Post #5
Mahala Herron 
Get Out
In this blog post I will discuss how Jordan Peele and other Get Out, written and directed by Jordan Peele, highlights an upper echelon lifestlyes of black people. In so many films and media lower class Black people are highlighted. Because of this, white America views Black people as a monolith of low income people, who may only listen to rap music, people who are unintelligent, and the list goes on. Although lower income Black people shape the culture of American trends, it is important that we shift away from low income Black people being the standard for white society. What I like about Peele’s films is that he showcases an idealic lifestyle of Black people, while also using the typical horror tropes. In Neither Get Out or Us, is the Black family low income. In addition, he combats popular narratives that we see in the media by showcasing the opposite of the sterotypic black family. The stereotypic black family may have a light skin or mixed mother, a black father, and somehow the children are always mixed or racially ambiguous. In addition, many sterotypical black families do not have fathers or have problematic, inactive fathers and someone in the family is abusive or unintelligent to a fault. I appreciate Peele because he does not perpetuate these stereotypes to the viewing white and black America. Instead he showcases an idealic Black family, while still following the typical tropes of a horror film, often reversing roles. For instance, in many horror films, there is the sacrificial negro. In Get Out however, the first person to die in the white family is the brother. 
Other films which highlight nuclear Black families in the horror genre are Us and Eve’s Bayou (before the horror ensues). A film that highlights Black love with powerful black female leads who are not racially ambiguous is lighter skin are Ganja and Hess. The girl with all the gifts is a great example of a film that breaks stereotypes because the lead character, who is the most intellegent of the bunch is a black girl. She is simply different than her other counterparts, and in the end of the film she leads the “others” to freedom and becomes the bridge between the normal people and the people who eat others. 
To conclude, Peele and the horror genre as a whole does an excellent job of combating stereotypes in the media about the typical black family. There is irony that the horror genre does this, but neverthless it needed to be done. Thank you Peele.
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halaatmahala · 5 years
Blog Post #4
Mahala Herron 
Beloved, directed by Jonathan Demme, highlights spirituality as an avenue of vengeance for former slaves. The plot happens during the American war and focuses on a former slave, Sethe. Sethe killed her daughter in order to protect her from being sold into slavery, and the spirit of her daughter has haunted her home ever since. The spirit causes her entire family to run away, except for her other daughter who longs to run away as well. An old friend of Sethe’s, Paul D, stops by the house one day, and eventually he and Sethe fall in love. Later in the story, Beloved arrives in the backyard, but as the story unfolds, we learn that she is a reincarnation of Sethe’s daughter. Paul D dislikes Beloved, and she in turn uses spirituality to rape Paul. Once Paul D., moves to tell Sethe about what has occured, he can not bring himself to do it and instead asks for a new child with her. A local of the town learns about Paul D.’s plan to start a family and divulges the news of Sethe’s daughter and what she had done in the past. 
There are two ways that spirituality is used to create horror in this film. The first way is that the spirit of Sethe’s daughter haunts the house and horrifies her sibblings and mother, enough to get them all to run away, leaving their mother alone at home. She continues to do so until Paul D. arrives, and even then, she continues until he drives her out. She makes it almost impossible and uncomfortable for people to visit, and does not care that her mother and sister are there lonely. The second way that spirituality is used in the film to encite horror is when Beloved arrives and continues to haunt the family. Beloved uses spirituality as a mode of vengeance to haunt Pauly D. for making her mother, Sethe, happy. There is further horror in the way that Beloved haunts Pauly D. (through sexual acts), and as she continues even after Paul D decides to leave. Sethe realizes that Beloved is the reincarnation of her lost daughter, and she is excited but disturbed at the same time. Sethe spoils Beloved so much so that she neglects herself. Months later Paul D. returns and him and Sethe’s other daughter take care of Sethe, even after Beloved has gone again. 
While religion was used to justify slavery, spirituality was used to attain vengence for past racist acts and injustice. Slaves believed that the only way they could escape their devastating situation was by the work of God. However, in the deep bayous and hearts of plantations, cultural traditions were used to justify slavery and injustice and make things right for the injust.
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halaatmahala · 5 years
Blog Post #3
Mahala Herron 
Ganja & Hess 
Ganga and Hess uses religion, specifically Christianity, to foster horror through seeking vengeance. Dr. Green, a middle class anthropologist, is researching historical African blood drinkers, Myrthians. He has an assistant in his research, Bill Gunn, who one day longs to commit suicide. Dr. Green talks Gunn out of committing suicide, but later Guinn stabs Dr. Green with a Myrthian ceremonial dagger and also kills himself. Dr. Green ends up surviving the attack, but upon his recovery he awakes and drinks Gunn’s blood. He has become a vampire. He initially steals blood from a doctors office to quench his hunger, but eventually he needs more and turns to living people. Estranged wife, Ganja, ends up at Dr. Green’s doorstep, and she seems to be quickly attracted to his lifestyle. They become lovers, and Dr. Green turns Ganja into a vampire as well. Horror ensues when Ganja realizes her new lifestyle and is scared of her own very existence. As the story unfolds, Ganja finds her estranged husband's corpses in the fridge of the cellar, and further horror ensues in regards to her own identity as well as her new lovers and what he has done. The new vampire couple finds ways to work together to find new victims/food. For instance Dr. Green brings a man home who Ganja seduces and kills. In a religious aspect, this is Ganja using her lustful attributes as a woman to seduce then kill her prey. Dr. Green eventually becomes unsatisfied, and his moral wrong-doings take a toll on him, so he turns to the Christian church. Notcoming.com adds an interesting take on religion in the film, to say that the directors view of religion throughout the film is ambiguous. 
“The entire structure of his film confuses the cause of vampirism with its cure. Hess, as we learn in the opening titles, is stabbed three times by George – once for the Father, once for the Son, and once for the Holy Ghost – with an ancient dagger. Here is another direct contrast between tradition, represented by the weapon, and Christianity, which is manifested in the symbolism of three; without the introductory titles, these facts would be unknown to us, which makes their inclusion even more noteworthy.”
As the cross occurs periodically through the film, viewers can reference a specific time that it does, when Dr. Green returns home from church and kills himself by standing in front of a cross. The theme throughout the film which makes usage of the crosses is the use of religion as a catalyst for change. Director, Bill Gunn, uses religion in this film as a staple. Viewers can notice crosses throughout the film often where death will or is going to occur. 
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halaatmahala · 5 years
Blog Post #2
Mahala Herron 
This is US
I really admire Jordan Peele’s strategy of ambiguity within this is US. sophomore creative projects often have the most weight on them in terms of quality, so the ambiguity of US takes the pressure off Peele and pressure on the viewer to make something of their creative thoughts. The art style Mu Xin is not something I noticed until the professor pointed it out in class, but it being for the viewers interpretation is very befitting for the movie. I wonder if he had the movie concept or the artistic concept in his head first. In addition, I like how each character fits a typical scary movie trope, weather that be comic relief, the spiritual guide and so on. He does a really good job of mixing contemporary and different concepts into one and continuing them through the story. 
My personal view is that “US” is about the class system amongst African Americans. Specifically how as a culture we are always chasing a status or persauna that is beyond and even “beneath” our current standard of who we are. Many scenes lead me to this conclusion. One of them being the code switch that the father uses when he is attempting to scare the family away from his driveway. He first approaches them in his normal tone, then he begins to speak to them in a more colloquial manner or “black manner” when he is trying to scare them away. In addition to this, he is often attempting to keep up with the white family and their material possessions such as the boat and the bigger house and the generator. Class dynamics can also be found between in Lupita Ngyano and her Tethered character. Her tethered character explains the differences between them two, and details such as how the Tethered character had to eat bunnies, have the baby cut out of her, and marry a man that perhaps she did not want to, because she was constantly being Nyano’s living shadow, can parallel the struggles of what low class black people have to do in the shadow of successful black people. 
The main point that I took from the “US” is that we are never satisfied with our current situation. In addition, I gathered that we always have to look deeper into said person, place or thing, because everything is not what it seems. We never know somebody like we think we do, and everyone has two sides. However, we may never know someone if they are always striving to be someone better than who they are.
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halaatmahala · 5 years
Blog Post #1
Mahala Herron-Rutland
Eve’s Bayou
In this post I will discuss what makes Eve’s Bayou a horror film. 
Eve’s Bayou, directed by Kasi Lemmons, is about a young girl who uses magic to kill her father due to his sexual attention toward her sister. The young girl sees her father cheating and divying up his attention amongst women other than her mother, and a longing for her father in the home permeates her. She grows weary and upset that her father is constantly leaving and never home. The oldest daughter also feels upset that he is not home, and one night, after an argument she goes to comfort her father. Her pure actions take a “horrific” turn when her and her father exchange a more-than fatherly kiss and he slaps her. She eventually tells her younger sister Eve what has occured, and Eve is so upset that she seeks magic to kill her father. As a last resort and out of anger and spite, she goes to a spiritual practicioner to use voodoo to kill her father. She later regrets it, and returns to the spiritual practicioner to reverse what she asked. The spiritual practioner shares that Eve can not reverse what she’s done, and Eve quickly runs to find her father. She later finds him with his mistress at a bar, and soon enough the mistress’s husband arrives in a drunk state. He asks Eve’s father if he has been having sexual relations with his wife, and he ends up shooting him in front of Eve. We see in Eve’s Bayou, how spirituality is used to give justice to a horrific sittuation. What makes Eve’s Bayou a horror film is first the way that the spirituality has gone wrong, and two, the realistic possibility of father-daughter sexual relations.  Historically, sexual assaults against black women and police brutality have been real life things which horrify black people. Although historically sexual assaults against black women in slavery were acted upon by white slave owners, sexual assaults against black women no matter the perpetrator are nevertheless scary. Eve’s Bayou highlights a potential sexual encounter between father and daughter which is a scenerio which can happen, and horrifies black women, constituting the film as the horror genre. The avenue of spirituality to justify the wrongdoings toward Eve’s sister is a pillar of many black horror films because it uses spirituality as an avenue to fix the sittuation. Meaning that the horror is highlighted in this film when the magic/voodoo ensues, but “goes wrong” because Eve has changed her mind.
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halaatmahala · 5 years
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halaatmahala · 5 years
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Being the Editor of @nommonewsmag has been one of the highlights of my college career at UCLA. It’s taught me how to be a leader, honed my passion for creating, and given me confidence. Thank you to all the staff for being patient and compassionate. Happy 50th Year Anniversary Nommo! I look forward to continuing the journey next year. Love you guys. Hala at me!!!!!!! (at UCLA) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByWmyNXA7Kt/?igshid=q4hvn4avqq6m
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halaatmahala · 6 years
Interview with TK, Artistic Director of the Kind Music Festival
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interviewed and transcribed by Mahala Herron-Rutland
Hey there we are here interviewing my friend TK on UCLA Radio.
TK : How is going Mahala?
Everything is great apart from the fact it’s raining outside like crazy. Is it raining where you are? 
TK : Actually, I am in Palm Springs so it’s nice and clear right now but I think it’s meant to be raining this weekend. 
Oh I am so jealous. So to be clear you are the creative director for the “Be Kind” festival? 
TK: That is correct I am the artistic director and creative marketing director of the “Be Kind” festival. 
Wow, and how old are you? I know that you recently celebrated a birthday. 
TK: Yeh, I just turned 20.
How were you able to get this opportunity at such a young age? What was your backstory for such a deal for you? 
TK: I’ve been doing music my whole life and went to school for jazz and piano performance. I play about thirteen different instruments and I got into NYU after graduating but decided to dropped out after six months because I didn’t like it too much. Then, I started interning. At the internship, I learned about producing which led me to link up with other artists in the LA area. This made me move back to LA where I started producing, making money, and getting placements on records. Somehow I end up meeting Mike Tyson on a boat with a family friend. Mike mentioned his son who is sixteen is an aspiring musician so we linked up and had a great vibe.
That’s interesting, and what led from that point? 
TK: It turns out Mike wanted to throw a music festival to launch his cannabis company called “Tyson Ranch.” Next thing you know I am in the Tyson ranch office and they wanted my input because I was experienced with social media and well connected in LA. I guess they needed a millennial opinion on the festival since the audience they wanted was within our age and college kids. [laughs] After that moment I got full fledged involved and worked my way up to the artistic director of the whole thing. 
All this before the age of 20, congratulations. To my knowledge, this going to be the first all-ages CBD festival am I right?
TK:  Yeah, we are saluting California’s progressive stance on cannabis and how it is used for recreational and medicinal. The brand of the festival is not to do with cannabis or CBD but more to do with kindness, that’s why it is called kind music festival. We want to focus on unity, kindness, and bringing people together. 
I hear that. So when is the festival?
TK: It’s going to be down here in Palm Springs, CA and that’s why I am down here. We are getting football fields of astro turf laid down to do this festival, but the event is going to be on February 23rd. It’s a one day opening pop-up event that can be considered a micro-festival. We have A$AP Ferg and Miguel headlining it’s going to be a good time and we have plenty of activities at the festival. There will be a surprise at the festival that will mark the opening of our brand and Kind music festival. 
Sounds like a great time. How has it been working with Mike and the whole crew, what can you tell us about your experiences?
TK: Mike Tyson is a legend, everyone always says you can go anywhere in the world and people will know three names Mickey Mouse, Michael Jackson, and Mike Tyson.  He’s really the face of boxing ever since Muhammad Ali passed. Its crazy every day being surrounded by these people who come into the office, like we had Diplo last week. It’s a crazy experience getting all this at such a young age and being around this caliber of people. 
Do you see yourself in the future being someone like Tariq? Rolling Louds co-founder?
TK: This festival in a couple of years is going to be another Rolling Loud or hopefully down the road turn into something as large as Coachella. So I definitely think I will hopefully be one of those names in the future. 
How much of a reference did you use of Rolling Loud for the Kind Fest?
TK: What we’re doing is very different but it’s still a music festival, so it is obviously going to be inherent things that are similar to other music festivals. I grew up going to Coachella as a local of the Coachella Valley so that’s one of my really big influences. Everyone knows that Coachella is probably one of the craziest music festivals in the world. They do an insanely good job doing the marketing to millennials and influencers and kids who are apart of our generation, so that’s obviously apart of my inspiration but what we’re doing is next level. Nothing that we’re doing has been done before. 
What kind of treats can we expect at the Kind Festival?
TK: There’s a lot that you can expect. We do have some fortune 500 companies that will be involved as far as sponsorships and stuff so you will see a lot of cool brands. A lot of stuff that is not normal for a music festival as far as creating an experience as opposed to just a festival. There’s going to be a ton of activities to do around the grounds such as theme park kind of feels and a lot of interactive stuff that you can do. And we have a huge surprise that’s going to be a part of it, so you gotta see for yourself or wait till the footage to come out because we’re selling out pretty quick. 
Talk about the lineup, how did that work out? 
TK: There are so many hip hop and EDM festivals nowadays so we wanted to tune it pack and make it a relaxed vibe at least for this first one. We do have that hip hop representative, with ASAP Ferg, a hip hop legend, but we wanted to make the headline vibe relaxed which is why we have Miguel. October we’re going have the full festival so as soon as this pop-up event ends February 23rd, we’re going to start working a week after for the one in October multiple days, multiple stages. It’s going to be huge. 
How is this February fest going to differ from the one in October?
TK: It’s going to be bigger and better. Every year it’s just going to get bigger and better. Longer, more acts, and crazy headliners for the one in October. 
So how do you think having more festivals besides Coachella is going to affect the community?
TK: Well I feel like we’re going to have a lot more kids running around, and I feel like that’s good for the valley, progressive. It’s good to have stuff that kids do because all these people come and retire here and they have kids and grandkids. Kids growing up don’t have a lot to do out here besides throwing house parties or… that’s pretty much it, you know? Other than Coachella every year, they really have nothing to do. Mike is building an entertainment complex so there’s going to be a lot of stuff that’s going to start catering to the younger audience. Hopefully, we see a shift to a community that revolves more around the future.
Yeah, ok so when you say ‘entertainment complex’ what does that mean exactly?
TK: Yeah, the Tyson Ranch is building an entertainment complex, CDB research facility, an arena for concerts year-round in the desert, a luxury glamping site–
Luxury glamping? I love it!
TK: Yeah, a waterpark, lazy river, pool, all types of stuff, so it’s gonna be insane.
Alright, so give us a re-cap again about what we can expect at the festival
TK: Alright yeah, so at the festival, it’s gonna be a really great time, you can expect ASAP Ferg, Ric La Flare, Miguel will be there, a bunch of other acts and a bunch of other entertainment and activities that you’re gonna be able to do. It’s February 23rd, it’s a pop-up concert, it’s gonna be a good time down in Palm Springs 2-11pm, all ages, bring friends, bring family. I have a discount code for you guys it’s BEKIND, all caps, you get thirty dollars off your ticket and it goes down to like fifty dollars. Fifty dollars for all that good time, it’s a no-brainer.
Yeah, it’s a no-brainer. So, how can we put that in? What website?
TK: it’s www.kindmusicfestival.com you scroll down to a pink button it says ‘tickets’, it’ll take you to Front Gate tickets site, that’s by Ticketmaster and there’s a discount option at the bottom, put in BEKIND, all caps, and just proceed to checkout and it’ll apply that discount in for you.
Perfect, well I know I’ll be there.
TK: Well I’ll be there too! I’m actually performing with one of the acts there, so I’ll see you guys on the main stage.
You’re performing?!
TK: Yeahhh
What will you be doing?
TK: I’ll be performing with Yonnie, he’s an artist that I produced for, so I’ll be back there doing a bunch of the background instruments so, it’s gonna be a good time.
Oh tight, congrats! Break a leg.
TK: [laughs] Hopefully not, it can get real serious on that stage.
Ok, well we’ll see you on that stage at the Be Kind Festival. Thank you for tuning in, thank you TK for calling in.
TK: Thanks Mahala, you’re the best!
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Yeah, alright. UCLA Radio, we’re here every Wednesday, Monster Mash is the show, I’m just filling in for them. See ya!
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halaatmahala · 6 years
Jussie Smollett @ The Troubadour (02/02/2019) // Show Review
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article and photograph by Mahala Herron-Rutland
In the light of the rumors that Jussie allegedly faked his own attack, and in the name of Valentines Day,  I want to start out by saying that love is love no matter the gender, ethnicity, or sexuality. No one deserves to be ridiculed, nevertheless, physically abused or tormented because of who they love. In the same light, it would be unfortunate if Jussie did actually fake this attack, being that it would denote the severance real hate crimes. My personal stance is that the show was far too passionate and the energy was way too real in the Troubadour for this to be a faked attack.
Jussie was attacked in Florida a week prior to his performance where his attackers threw an unknown chemical substance on him and wrapped a rope around his neck. He is literally the strongest person for not canceling his already sold out Los Angeles show. Before the performance he made a powerful statement, “I’m not fully healed yet, but I’m going to. And I’m going to stand strong with yall. I had to be here tonight y’all, and it sounds bad but I couldn’t let those MF’s win. So I will always stand for love, I will never stand for anything other than that. Regardless of what anyone else says I will only stand for love, and I hope you all will stand with me. So thank you so much.”
He put so much energy into his performance, and the energy that he dispelled was nothing but powerful. Jussie is an example of how music and doing what you love can truly heal any hurt.
The Troubadour a super intimate concert venue with two levels that each allow you to see the artist in a personal light. Because of this intimate setting, his family got a super close view of the performance. Even his significant other was standing on the balcony and got a special shout out from Jussie for being so attentive during his recovery and helping him realize how lucky he is to be in love.
Songs such as “You’re so beautiful,” and “Good Enough” were the highlights of the performance. Opening singing group, June’s Diary, had a beautiful harmony and array of voices in the group. They truly set a colorful tone for the performance. His dancers were so high energy and precise in their movements, that it made me want to bust a move! Finally, Jussie has the most silky smooth and genuine voice. He deserves all the love and praise that he got for his performance.
Life is too short not to love who you want and life is too long not to love who you want! So love whoever you want!” -Jussie Smollett (The Gay Tupac).
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halaatmahala · 6 years
Jacquees @ The NOVO (1/1/2019) // Show Review
article and photographs by Mahala Herron-Rutland
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I just rewatched my video footage from the Jacquees concert, and I have to say I feel concert high all over again. Jacquees really puts on an excellent performance. The only other performer who’s show I left with such feeling is H.E.R. I just love when artists are multi-talented. Jacquees is an excellent singer even when he’s tired, and he even inspired me to get in the gym and work on my Cardio because of it. He, his DJ, and background dancers are all power players, down to the Choreography. I then realized why he calls himself “The King of R&B.” After seeing him perform, I’m sure that if he keeps working toward that goal, he will achieve it!
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Jacquees was about 40 minutes late to the stage, and fans were in major anticipation of his act. The crowd was diverse and not the demographic I expected. Lucky for him, his charm definitely made up for his tardiness. Jacquees has a whole production going on during the 4275 tour, and his background dancers only made the man candy more surreal.
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Back stage was Jacquees’s family and friends enjoying the performance. Reginae Carter was there, Keke Palmer did a pop-up performance with opener TK Kravitz, and at the end of the performance, he invited the whole family on stage during his song.
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My favorite songs from his set were “BED” and “You.” The energy throughout the whole show was literally unmatched and reminded me of the energy at a Chris Brown concert I had attended years prior. There were about three clothing changes and the show knew how to keep your attention captive. It was truly an excellent performance where he engaged and made eye contact with everyone he could. He hosted a meet and greet after the performance and he also had plenty of merch for sale.
Thank you Jacquees for the excellent performance!
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halaatmahala · 6 years
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Got some flicks of my faves @jacquees & @issaiam Last night @thenovodtla 💕 Show Review for @uclaradio coming soon #halaatme (at The Novo DTLA) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHwoRfAABQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q7h4ekck2540
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halaatmahala · 6 years
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In case you didn’t know, I’m the new Editor and Chief of @nommonewsmag I’m super excited to publish meaningful content & host events on campus. Looking forward to all feedback! #halaatme (at UCLA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9ohOQAYba/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1259utlg97saa
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halaatmahala · 6 years
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Chase a bag 💼 Don’t worry bout what I’m doin ✔️ (at Link In Bio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs07mVPAvqw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zmm0tl7nrgiw
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halaatmahala · 6 years
Check out my show review for Blueface in LA! 💙
Blueface @ The NOVO (1/11/2019) // Show Review
article and photographs Mahala Herron-Rutland
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The line was laced around the corner with young people from diverse backgrounds. Doors opened at 10:45pm and what I love about NOVO is the first 50 or so visitors get to stand in the barricade. We all flock in and the concert begins on time. While doors opened at 10:45 Blueface wasn’t scheduled to come on until 1, so the crowd did get a little impatient but we had openers such as Salah Baby, N.L.U., FT Hop Out, and so on. About half of the openers were from the Bay Area, which is something I admire about Blueface, how he shows love to NorCal being that he is an LA artist, he’s not strictly LA, he’s West Coast. 
He comes out to “Thottiana”, another banger that the crowd knows and loves. In his usually Burberry fit, girls are throwing their bras and underwear with their phone numbers drawn on, from the balcony. There were about 50 people on stage with him and while they didn’t serve as entertainment, I can say that they aided in keeping the show lively. As I imagine it being hot, eventually Blueface strips down to his pants and throws a whole case of water from bottles on stage at the crowd and all of those 50 people who got the pleasure of entering the barricade were delightfully drenched.
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When I first heard of Blueface it was regarding his funny mannerisms and antics. I heard the song “Blow her Bacc” which genuinely made me laugh because of the lyrics, “That must be jelly cause jam don’t shake like that.” Blueface first got his co-sign from Drake, who said, “Next big thing and Dead Loccs so hardddd been my anthems I put mad people on.” These days in music, I’ve noticed stars such as Cardi B paving a way and setting a standard of a sparkling personality to accompany the music, and Blueface has that. During the entire show he was super interactive with the crowd, having the ability to reach even the balcony with his attention. 
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My favorite songs from his set were “Famous Cryp” and “Studio.” He brought out special guests such as Almighty and French Montana. The crowd was genuinely surprised and excited to see French come out and while I understand it wasn’t his show, I wish he could have at least performed one of his hit songs like, “Unforgettable.” Admirable enough, Blueface seems to have a lot of respect already as a new artist from his counterparts in the industry. His fans love him so much, and even I was converted into a fan and I ended up leaving the concert saying “Blueface Babyyy” (in his voice) every chance I got. I also left the concert with a new respect for Blueface, seeing how much his fans adore him and finally getting to understand why. 
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halaatmahala · 6 years
Dasani with the drip
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New wave.
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