halfavamp · 5 years
“I listen to you well enough to know that you will complain tirelessly about anything and everything that you can manage to,” Larten replied with a yawn. He sat up fully and turned his attention completely to the boy as he said, “I do extend my deepest apologies that becoming practically immortal as well as literally running away to join the circus has not been the whirlwind adventure that you had in mind. Perhaps while I am sleeping you could make yourself useful around camp, make a friend…. maybe bathe. I highly recommend that last, you are quite nearly as pungent as Vancha March. The name may not mean much to you, but I assure you that it means you should try to clean up just a bit.”
“that’s not true.” darren replies, a huff escaping from his lips. “you blooded a kid. you didn’t think it would be annoying after a while?” darren bites out. he was 11. 11 and forced to grow up all in that second. “i do make myself useful. I bring food and stuff to Mr. Talls Little People and....” there’s another huff as he straightens up. then his eyebrows perk up at the mention of Vancha March. Was that a vampire? he had never met one besides Crepsley. He longed to meet one, but wasn’t sure exactly when he would be able to. “I would take a bath but I don’t have any other clothes but these.” he bites. he hadn’t been able to bring any of his clothes as they would surely be missed. 
“not that you ever asked.”
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halfavamp · 5 years
🕸 @halfavamp
“I am wounded, Darren,” Mr. Crepsley replied in a voice filled with faux offense. It was not the first time that he had heard such sentiments from his assistant since the time that he had blooded the boy, nor would it be the last. While he could still find amusement in it now, he was certain that the novelty would soon wear off. The vampire turned to look at Darren and said simply, “There is not much use in hating me for what has happened to you. Everything that your life has become stems directly from your own personal choices.”
his cheeks color with frustration and embarrassment, shifting uncomfortably in the suit that he was buried in. it was falling apart at this point, but he couldn’t really bring himself to care, even if a small part of him was embarrassed. he was just a kid. he wanted to scream that at crepsley, the old vampire who had taken away his entire world in a single night. but crepsley was right. it was his fault. he had stolen the spider. he had agreed to the deal. it was all his fault, but he would continue to place blame elsewhere. it was what he did, wasn’t it? “whatever.” he grumbles. “not like it really matters. you don’t listen to me anyways.”  a pause. “it’s boring when you’re sleeping, you know. i have nothing to DO!” 
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halfavamp · 5 years
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   “I hate you.” 
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halfavamp · 5 years
CROWLEY’S LURKING, lingering and slithering about. Crowley’s never really ENJOYED lurking. No, they much prefer just SLIPPING OUT loud and proud for temptations. Unfortunately for Crowley, this type of job required DISCRETION. Getting a scope of the land before JUMPING IN.
Which, is why, Crowley bites of a series of curses when a young voice speaks up.
Slowly, the Serpent turns their head, eyes hidden by PITCH BLACK sunglasses, frowning down at the BOY before kneeling to his eyes.
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“Ah, er – I’m a NEW HIRE,” Crowley says fluidly, easily. Crowley’s always fit in so EASY with the FREAKS. Being apart of a circus shouldn’t be too hard. So, they offer a smile, one that just barely shows the slight pointed fang in their mouth. “My name’s Anthony Crowley, guess I might’ve gotten a bit – er – lost.”
the boy observes the other for a brief second, sniffing for a second. his eyebrow raises. mr. crepsley hadn’t mentioned someone new coming, but then again, what did mr. crepsley really know? people came and went in the cirque du freak all the time. there were times that people left and other joined. it was a part of the fun. there was always someone new to interact with. this was just someone knew then. 
“new hire? so you’ve met with mr. tall then? where’s your tent?” he bounces forwards eagerly stretching out a hand. “anthony crowley. can i call you crowley?” mr. crepsley would not be amused with darrens actions, but again since when did he listen to the old vampire? 
“what’s your act then?” he raises an eyebrow higher. “mr. crepsley and i are...well, really mr. crepsley is...” he pauses. 
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“well, i really shouldn’t tell you, should i? he’s all about secrets. privacy and all that. he says i talk far too much about everything.” he shoves his hands into the pockets of his suit, the same suit he had been buried in during his burial, something staged to make everyone think he was dead. 
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halfavamp · 5 years
The Doctor looked up at him “Oh thanks.” He smiled. “It is basically  another dimension inside,  it is able to add and change rooms as well.” The time lord was grinning “Of course you can come in.” he stepped aside to let the young boy see inside the TARDIS.
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the young boy bounds inside, his eyes wide. “it’s huge on the inside.” he says, bounding towards the console, his hands stretching outwards to touch it before pulling them back. that was inappropriate wasn’t it? he still is only a child though so listening is not REALLY his thing. 
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halfavamp · 5 years
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           “Sure about that? Sure look like a kid to me–” There’s a clever sort of grin tugging the edges of his lips at his words.
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“i’m a vampire prince.” he replies coldly. “physically, i’m sixteen. but i’m actually almost thirty something.” he’s forgotten after a while. 
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halfavamp · 5 years
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           “You know there is a curfew in place for a reason? Students are not meant to be roaming the halls at this hour.” And yet still they challenged that. Why was she surprised at this point?
@halfavamp​ II sc
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   “er...” the boy feels his cheeks flood with color. “I’m not roaming. Just walking around.” he ignores that it’s the same exact thing. “I got a little lost on my way to the Gryffindor Common Room.” he lies. 
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halfavamp · 5 years
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like for a starter with a smol vampire’s assistant
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halfavamp · 5 years
darren, physically 14 years old: I AM A VAMPIRE PRINCE vampires: wait, is he serious.
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halfavamp · 5 years
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halfavamp · 5 years
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She frowned. It looked like dried blood. Cassie knew the look of it well enough. and he seemed…unhappy? She wasn’t sure, but he looked somewhat unhappy in her eyes. She wasn’t always good at reading body language, but shudders tended not to be good. “It looks like blood,” she said, though stopped quickly when he kept talking, trying her best not to interrupt.
When it was clear he was done, she started talking again, making sure to be polite before answering his question. She was, after all, always flattered when someone complimented her hair. It was her favorite color, even if the upkeep and dye was a lot to deal with. “Thanks. People have blood on their face for lots of reason. Usually it’s from a nose bleed or a split lip, I think. But there’s other reasons to.”
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the young boy observes the other for a brief second. he wipes at his mouth...at his face once more and then turns on his heel, stalking off towards Cirque du Freak. “I don’t want to talk about it.” he says loudly. There was a lot that Darren had undergone in the eight months since he first met Mr. Crepsley. He wishes he had never met him. He wishes that he had never stolen that DAMN spider. Now staring at the deadly spider made him sick. It was her fault that he was in this situation. But no, he couldn’t say that. Young as he might be, he could recognize his situation was not the result of Madam Octa or of Crepsley either. It was his fault he had stolen her. It was his fault he was now a half-vampire.
he had to deal with it. “Really. Don’t know why you’re so interested in talking about the blood.” a pause. “Do you want to see something cool? I can show you the Wolf Man.” he stuffs his hands into the worn pockets of his ragged suit. The sun would be setting soon. This much he knew. Crepsley would be up in a few hours and once again pestering him to drink human blood. 
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halfavamp · 5 years
me clapping my hands; mr. crepsley cared so much for darren and you can see that develop in the books and it warms my HEART. especially when Crepsley says “anyone that wants to touch my assistant has to go through me” and then telling them that he wasn’t going to let darren be killed without a fight. one might argue this was because of his love for arra sails and the promise he made her on her deathbed and yes, I agree but I also think that Crepsley cared so MUCH for Darren by that point. You don’t spend almost 10 years watching over your assistant and teaching him without growing fond of having him around. 
we know that darren is fond of mr. crepsley. when crepsley dies, darren goes into an intense grieving session. although crepsleys death is not canon to this blog, it still shows darrens fondness for the vampire that sired him. 
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halfavamp · 5 years
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“I don’t appreciate your tone.” the vampire prince scowls. he may be young in appearance, but he is old in mind. and he certaintly doesn’t appreciate being treated like a little kid. at almost thirty years old ( 16 in appearance ) the vampire prince still appeared youthful, but not as youthful as he once had been. those dark eyes flicker from the other and then towards what he was doing. 
“You don’t have to like me taking control of this, but it’s not up to you. I’ve earned my position. I’ve dealt with things worse than you can imagine and I will NOT be disrespected like this.” he huffs. “Besides, you’re one to talk ‘bout appearances. You’re not human. Did you choose your appearance?” 
   @soulstcne​ asked for a starter
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halfavamp · 5 years
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Finn Wolfhard as Boris Pavlikovsky in The Goldfinch (2019), dir.  John Crowley
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halfavamp · 5 years
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halfavamp · 5 years
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“There are a lot of things you don’t tell me. But, that’s okay.”
finn wolfhard as young boris pavlikovsky in the goldfinch (2019) dir. john crowley 
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halfavamp · 5 years
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“your box is amazing. can I come inside? does it have some sorta thing to expand itself? how do you operate it?” the young boy eagerly strides forward, glancing towards the timelord and raising an eyebrow. the sun would be setting soon. he’d have to get back to his mentor, but for now...for now he wants to see the box. 
 @heavensmostterrifyingweapon​ ( for 10 or 11?) 
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