halfbakedgamer · 5 years
Update: January 4th, 2019
I’ve really been neglecting this blog for a long time, but one of my goals for this year will be to change that. So what have I been doing?  We’ll live had gotten in the way, I have a kid now and he’s 18 months old, this has meant that my free time to play games has been somewhat reduced, but he’s great and I love him to bits. I’m also engaged now and due to get married later on this year. So with all that on the go my priorities in terms of gaming have somewhat changed.
As some of you may know I had a challenge to try and clear my backlog of games. These included games I’d bought, as well as games got through games with gold. The challenge has evolved over the past couple of years and has become quite streamlined. So my backlog only covers games I’ve bought and paid for. GWG have been removed, but we now have the addition of GamePass. 
I’m down to 9 titles that I’ve currently got on the go, as in I’ve started them and there are 4 in the yet to start pile. Which should be relatively easy to clear this year, providing I don’t pick up any new games! which considering Division 2, Anthem and Cyberpunk2077 are all due out this year, it’s gonna be difficult.
So what are the games I’ve already started?
Dying Light State of Decay Trulon Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen HomeFront: The Revolution No Mans Sky Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Stardew Valley Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
I’m not really which one to play next as I’ve just completed Fable Anniversary, on GamePass, and i always seem to have difficulty getting into another game straight away.
So yeah, I just wanted to drop by and let you know that this year I am to focus on paying more attention to my blog as well as building up my streaming channel. I try and tweet out when I’m going live on Mixer, so pay attention there and you’ll know when I go live, and you can feel free to watch me play and chat to me.
Catch you guys again soon.
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halfbakedgamer · 6 years
Challenge Update #3: March
So I managed to get 4/5 games completed, to 50%;
Peggle 2
CastleStorm – Definitive Edition
Lords of the Fallen
Worms Battlegrounds
However I’ve since gone back and finished all 4 campaigns for CastleStorm and i’m going to carry on with Worms as i didn’t finish that campaign either but will do. Peggle 2 I have one more master to complete along with all the trials for both of the last two masters this will give me a completed campaign. 
I enjoyed Lords of the Fallen more than I thought, i got really hung up on the achievement for finishing the first boss without getting hit that it kind of ruined it for me, but after a long break I went back at it, following a guide, and powered through. I will go back and play through the other classes as i enjoyed i and would like to see if the gameplay is all that different depending on class. 
In the mean time my playlist for march will be;
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
Crimson Dragon 
I’ve only gone for 4 this month as that seems to be a more realistic number. I’ve got 18 titles left on the backlog of already started games, but considering I’ve already gotten through 9 title this year I’m making good progress. I’ve also noticed that all 4 of these games are Games with Gold.
I’m not looking forward to when i have to get the Killer Instinct achievements as fighting games aren’t really my thing, but who knows by the end of it i could be a fighting master!
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halfbakedgamer · 6 years
Challenge Update #02
In 2017 I managed to complete 14 games to meet the challenge criteria, of those I completed 6 were to the full 100%.
I’ve decided that for 2018, I’ll pick 5 games each month and work on those, for January those were;
Knight Squad
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition
Slime Rancher
Pool Nation FX
for February they will be;
Peggle 2
CastleStorm – Definitive Edition
Lords of the Fallen
Worms Battlegrounds
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
You can follow my progress here;
I’ve also decided that going forward I won’t be buying any new game, until I’ve cleared my backlog in order to do that i’ll be first of all working on the games that I’ve already started, i.e. those that are already on the 50% page. 
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halfbakedgamer · 7 years
One day. . . . maybe. . . 
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Making Your Own Videogame: Expectation VS Reality
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halfbakedgamer · 7 years
Challenge Update - 01
While I’ve not had a lot of time this week to play and work on the challenge, I did manage to get one ticked off. 
Ryse - Son of Rome. I started a Legendary play through which, while a little difficult for not playing it in 3 years, The legendary play through gives you an achievement for each chapter that you finish. I managed to finish 3 chapters and managed to pick up a collectible achievement and a skill achievement, killing an enemy by perfectly deflecting an arrow back at them.
I’m not sure which game I’m going to try next, or when I’m going to get the chance, but when I do I’ll make sure that I let you all know.
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halfbakedgamer · 7 years
50% Completion Challenge!
It’s been a long time since i last updated this blog, mostly due to being busy with life, but I’ve found that recently, last couple of months, I’ve reverted back to my old gaming habits of Xbox achievement whoring. I even managed to get my Xbox One Completion Percentage up to 50% which gave me an idea for a personal challenge, 50% Xbox one Completion Challenge.
This involves me taking the games I’ve got under 50% completion on, according to TrueAchievements.com and getting them over the 50% completion point.
I don’t really have a date of when I want to complete this challenge it’s more just for the personal achievement, as I don’t know how much time I’ll be able to put into the challenge. I’ll try and keep the blog updated with my progress so you all know how I’m getting on.
The list of games are below, with the highest completion first;
Ryse: Son of Rome Destiny Minecraft: Xbox One Edition MASSIVE CHALICE Wolfenstein: The New Order Hand of Fate Crimson Dragon Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut Defense Grid 2 So Many Me SMITE Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die Chariot CastleStorm – Definitive Edition Dying Light Lords of the Fallen How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition Worms Battlegrounds Pool Nation FX Halo: Spartan Assault ZHEROS No Time To Explain The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Tembo The Badass Elephant Knight Squad Tumblestone Killer Instinct Halo: The Master Chief Collection Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
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halfbakedgamer · 8 years
Not been here in a while!
Do people still internet here?
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halfbakedgamer · 9 years
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Welcome Home x Fallout 4 by Marie Bergeron
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halfbakedgamer · 9 years
Not here!
I've been away busy with life. It's been a long time! What have I missed?
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halfbakedgamer · 10 years
Twitch Channel
I'm thinking of starting a Twitch channel to record/broadcast "Lets plays" of Minecraft & Diablo 3.
What do you guys think? Would you watch?
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halfbakedgamer · 10 years
I'm a marketing team's dream!
N.B.- This is the second time I've written this post, as the first one got lost!
HD remakes have leveled up with the current-gen consoles as we are seeing re-releases of last gen games on the new consoles. Some people see this as paying for backward compatibility, and they aren't wrong. I don't have a problem with this. In fact if anything it's probably helping me move away from my 360.
I've already thought that other than South Park: Stick of Truth I'm probably not going to buy any more games for my 360. GTA V is a great example of a current gen re-release, and one I will be picking up when it's released as I've not played it on the 360.
I've also bought Tomb Raider Definitive edition, which as I loved the story, gameplay and setting was definitely worth it. The Multiplayer content that came with it was a bit of a waste as I've not play any of the Tomb Raider multiplayer on either console generation.
Now I'm playing through Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition which has some interesting additions to the core game that i've played on the 360. Namely Adventure mode, paragon points and the campaign expansion. Unfortunately, All of these need you to finish the campaign first which I have done but i've not imported my 360 character across to take advantage of the new stuff, I have however started a new game with a new character and I'm enjoying it just as much as I did the first time.
Sleeping Dogs is a getting the same treatment as Tomb Raider but as I've already got this on both my 360 and my PS3, thanks to Games with Gold and PS+, and not played either of them I don't see the point in triple-dipping. That being said I would quite happily triple dip on the Mass Effect Trilogy if it came with ALL the DLC and the option to turn off the edited ending, which debunks the Indoctrination theory, that in my opinion is canon.
The other re-release I'd like to see is the legendary edition of Skyrim. This contained all the DLC, which I didn't get/play on the 360 so it would be worth it for that but I would be more than happy to go back and sink another 100 hours into that game again.
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halfbakedgamer · 10 years
Don't Judge(ment) me!
So I've played quite a but of the video games in the past couple of weeks. I completed my first playthrough of Mass Effect on the PS3, So only 3 and a bit more to go! I've also played and completed all the solo achievements in Tomb Raider Definitive Edition on the Xbox One. I've also decided that I'm going to get back into Ryse and rock through the campaign of that. I was going to carry on with that this weekend but I had a problem where when I tried to carry on the campaign it said it was installing, but didn't move from that point. so I reinstalled it and that seems to be more sucessful. I've also got a load of Games with Gold titles that I need to start, the first of which will be Saints Row IV, which I started tonight. That is until Dark Souls is out next month then I'll be playing that. I've also started Clash Of Heroes, which is a cool little game I've enjoyed playing so far. Last night I went over my mates to play through Gears of War Judgement. which is a good game actually. I think it was just released too soon after Gears 3 in my opinion. If you think that the multiplayer for Gears 3 was very well supported, by the season pass, following on from the release of the game. So people were still playing it there was no need for another Gear game. if they had waited until the end of last year instead of March I don't think it would have been has asmuch of a feeling of franchise fatigue as it actually recieved, it would have then given them another 18 months until the next Gears project. I'm away next weekend so I'm not going to get any gaming in then, but I do hope to get some in during the week work permititng.
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halfbakedgamer · 10 years
Walking (Dead) before I can run
So it's been another sparse couple of weeks of gaming for me, mainly becuase I wasn't at home last weekend for the extra long easter bank holiday weekend, however I did play plenty on my iPad on a couple of F2P (Free 2 Play) games. However today I did actually play some 360. I finally got around to playing through the first 2 episodes of The Walking Dead game. The other reason I've not had my time to play is becuase I've been catching up on my TV Shows. I'm almost there with those which is cool as it should mean I can start catching up on some of my gaming. I've got a load of Arcade titles that I need to finish off. 'Hydrophobia', 'D&D Daggerdale', 'Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax' and 'Flashback' to name a few. I've also got the large collection of games on my mantle piece that I need to get through, however the 'Games For Gold' program for Xbox Live Gold subscribers has caused me a little bit of a problem. My hard drive is now full. Yes I've got installed games on there but I intend on going back to them so I can finish off a few of the achievements on them. I'm not the only person to be facing this problem, a friend of mine asked me this week if i had a transfer cable as he'd filled his drive.
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halfbakedgamer · 10 years
Generation Next
So it's been a while since my last post! 7 months to be exact. That is a long ass time! I still play video games, and I'm next gen now. (In more ways that one!) So I've got my Xbox One and I really like it. I love the voice controls, it makes using it so much easier. especially when watching stuff on Netflix. In fact if it wasn't for the fact that it's not able to stream contexnt from my PC I porbably wouldn't use mty 360 except to download the Games With Gold free content each month. I've also got Titanfall. it's not that out of character for me to pick up a multiplayer title, one of the first titles I bought was Battlefield 4. What is surprising is that i'm actually quite good at it. Or atelast I'm leveling up quickly. I'm now a Generation 3 pilot. which means I've reached level 50. Twice! I've not "re-upped" in Gears of War 3, and I don't think Battlefield 4 gives you the option but I've not maxed out my level either. I also managed to get some time in on my PS3 today by making some progress on my Mass Effect 1st play through. I completed Noveria and my next missions will be to complete Virmire. If you know the game you'll know that I'm close to finishing my first play through. But I'm not sure if I want to replay it to get the platinum trophy or move onto Mass Effect 2 with the same character. I probably need to work out the minimum number fo play throughs I've got left and how little I can do on each one to clear up the trophies. Speaking of Sony, I've also now got a PS Vita. I thought it made sense as I already pay for a PS+ membership so i'd be getting the free games each month. Now I just have to work out how to fit that time in to play that as well. I would finish off by saying that I hope to write again soon, but we'll see!
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halfbakedgamer · 11 years
OMG! It's happened!
Yes, that's right, it happened.
I. . . .
I'm so proud of myself, and not only that but i managed to complete the story and mop up most of the achivements for it.
So the game was Spec Ops:The Line, which was a really good game. The story is interesting, the pacing is good and it's just enough of a challenge that it's not a complete breeze through the park.
I was also able to make a start on XCOM:Enemy Unknown on my PS3 as well. I've already gone through the story on my Xbox, but I really enjoyed the game so playing it again is all good with me.
So this begs the question whats next for me. Well I still have Borderlands 2 DLC to complete, but I think I might carry on crashing through Wolfenstien to get that game off my back log.
As for what else I've been playing I'm still working through Candy Crush Saga, but in my defence I am still not moving on to the next puzzle until I have all 3 stars on the previous one. The other game I've been playing is Marvel Avengers Alliance. Mostly because I'm a marvel fan and also because it's on the ipad. If you play MAA then hit me up as I need loads of the SHIELD Points so that I can train my team mates and I refuse to pay to play!
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halfbakedgamer · 11 years
Funny story about next gen . . .
So everyone on the interwebs seems to be up in arms about the Xbox One and the fact that you have to be connected in order to play your games, "but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies." Which leads me to my story, i was downloading some stuff on my computer and thought that while I was waiting for it I'd play some Dragon Age:Oranges. Unfortunately as it was loading my connection to XBox live and the Dragon Age Servers meant that the items I'd got for pre ordering/playing the facebook tie in game/buying Mass Effect 2 weren't available. Fair enough I thought, and tried to resume my game where I had one of the items equipped. At which point it told me I wasn't able to play my save. So no Dragon Age for me, if this happened with my XBox One, I wouldn't be too worried as I'd still have my 360 and PS3 to play on so it's not like I'd be missing out on my gaming!
I'll admit I was a little disappointed, and the realisation that this would be the case with all games on the Xbox One did make me stop and think. Not for long though, as most people seem to be forgetting, Sony haven't made any announcements yet as to the status of their console. Sony have also not made any announcements about preowned games. I'm not that worried, I buy most of games new anyway, and I don't trade in and on the rare occasion that I do it's usually so I can get the Game of the Year edition that has all the DLC with it.
My friend and his girlfriend, who is also a gamer, share their games. It makes sense for them and saves them money. He was worried that they would need to have 2 copies of any games but hopefully he shouldn't need to worry now, as the statement from Microsoft said that "your friends and family, your guests and acquaintances get unlimited access to all of your games. Anyone can play your games on your console--regardless of whether you are logged in or their relationship to you." So both he and his better half will be able to play the night away as they currently do.
Two other things that Microsoft have detailed is that the kinect sensor while being always on, which you can pause, when the system is in a low powered state will be listening only for the phrase "Xbox On". If I'm honest the whole "big brother is watching" thing doesn't really scare me. If some guy wants to watch me sit on my sofa swearing at my TV because I'm trying to fight that final boss or watch me for over an hour as a trawl over every inch of a map, twice, to find the last collectable then so be it. Am I going to know he's doing it? No. So no harm done. Secondly mandatory installs, again this doesn't me either the first thing I do when I start a new game is install it. Mainly because I believe that it cuts load times and also because it makes my 360 run quieter.
Recently I've not had the opportunity to play as much as I would have liked and I don't think this is going to change for the next couple of months, but I'm OK with this. I'm still looking to get a next gen console and I'm excited by what the Xbox One has to offer but life has a way of throwing you a curve ball ever now and again so it's all a case of rolling with the punches.
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halfbakedgamer · 11 years
Forever Reblog!
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