Hey guys, sorry for my disappearances. Did I forget to mention that I live in the worst state at the moment? All the snow cut off my power, I got sick and it was just a big mess. But I'm back and would definitely love to see more applications. For now, I'm going to queue some promotions.
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Sophia Winters [x]
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the application count has been updated at 10: 19 pm EST  → [+001]
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As usual, those that were unfollow have until tomorrow to ask for their characters back before I delete everything. Those that have a warning have until tomorrow to post or contact the main. 
The points have been updated [x] with the girls in the lead! Thank you to everyone that decided to participate in the event, we're already planning another event for Thanksgiving! 
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due to inactivity;
Sera Augustine [x]
Mira Bhandari [x]
Vasilisa Alkaev 
Revan Marr
Dani Kennedy
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Congratulations Bella ! You have been accepted as our Premade Sophia Winters (Erika Toda). Please make sure to pay a little visit to the checklist so that we can see Sophia around the campus as soon as possible !
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“One action can speak more than a million words”
What have you done?
Name: Marise Anna Beliveau Age: Eighteen Species: Demigod, Unclaimed Daughter of Iris Occupation: Freshman Alliance: Neutral Major: Psychology Clubs: Astronomy and Art Sports: Cheerleader and Swimming Face Claim: Zoe Sugg
Is this what you wanted?
Her virtues are being optimistic, intuitive and artistic, but she needs to work on being less emotional, insecure and talkative.
What have you become? 
Before Marise’s life even began, her father had quite the tale when he was younger. When he was a young man, at the age of eighteen years old, he had been physically trained for the army, and once the enlistment came around to Germany in 1974 he joined in the Vietnam war. It wasn’t long before the war was over a year later. Marise’s father after the war was over, decided that if he ever got into another war, he wanted to have his legacy live on, and he wasn’t sure if he had the time to settle down with a woman and have children with him. So he donated his sperm to a few different donation banks. He donated enough for three children by the end of it. Time passed and Alex Beliveau hadn’t needed to go back into war, but he soon began to get survivor’s guilt and struggled with it for many years to come. Alex decided for his future children if they ever found out who he was, he’d have different token’s left over to be split up. It’s a mystery to what exactly he left to all his children but later on Marise gets hers. Eventually though Alex had committed suicide and he hung himself, and all the stuff he left for his children he left to his brother Axel Beliveau to keep for whenever his children find out who their real parents are.  Later on eventually, Iris was feeling a bit adventurous and wanted a new experience to add, so she decided to get pregnant from selecting a sperm donor’s sperm. She managed to pick Alex’s. Short nine months later, Marise was born. Iris figured out who was a relative of the donor and decided to give Marise to him. Axel who was her uncle accepted the offer to take care of her, and he named her Marise, after his and Alex’s mother.  Axel was a cool uncle and only raised Marise to know him as uncle, to let her know he wasn’t her father but she was fully aware of who he was, and told Marise heroic stories of Alex all the time. He taught Marise little tricks here and there, like lock picking, and picking pockets for a hobby. Not the best thing to teach young impressionable girls, but Marise had fun. They were very close. Growing up in Belgium, Marise’s main language she learned was German, due to her family heritage. Her second langauge she picked up in primary school was French. She’s fluent in both German and French, but after hearing about the institute, where she got a package from a boy she knew, who happened to be named Jean.  Marise then tried so hard to learn English, but she only knows a bit of the basics, and she still has trouble speaking English here and there and gets stuck and frustrated all the time but she really wanted to go to the school so she learned enough to go. Once she had everything in place and she was accepted to go, her uncle gave her a wooden lock box, which inside held the items she was to be gifted from her father. Marise still hasn’t opened it but once she gets down time at school she’s going to.
You're walking alone from heaven to hell
Rose Blackbourne: Rose is very helpful to Marise, as Rose knows English and German, and they have a common language they know which is German. It makes Marise feel a bit better knowing there’s someone who could help her out a bit better. Marise does know some words but Rose helps a great deal and Marise would like to believe she’s friends with Rose, whether Rose feels the same, is oblivious to Marise.
Power Control
Physical Training - Intermediate
Monster Biology
The role of Marise Anna Beliveau is ↳ taken
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"An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards, so when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great.”
What have you done?
Name: Candence Shea Age: Seventeen Species: Demigod, Daughter of Apollo Occupation: Freshman Alliance: Neutral Major: English Clubs: Orchestra, Drama and Book Sports: Archery Face Claim: Madison Mclaughlin
Is this what you wanted?
Her virtues are being cheerful, selfless and warm-hearted, but she needs to work on being less meek, naive and stubborn.
What have you become? 
Luna Shea was only seventeen when she met a stranger at the coffee shop she frequented, one who took a special interest in her, saying and repeating how much he liked her name, Luna. Said it was something of an inside joke to him and if she kept him around long enough that he would let her in on it. The idea had seemed to amuse him the entire time, and why shouldn’t it? He was tall with blue eyes and curly blond hair if Luna wouldn’t have sent him away if he asked. He said he didn’t have long, which worked for her well enough because Luna fell quickly and fell hard and Apollo, as she had learned he was, had been there to catch her. They made love one night, the only night, and he told her why he liked her name so much, though now that she knew who he was, she understood well enough. Apollo couldn’t stay, though. He had to leave seventeen year old Luna carrying his child, though she had no objections to it really.
Cadence grew up with a mother who cared for her more than anything. She helped her mom bake and she was well liked at school, if not a little troublesome but it was never her fault. And her mom understood that. She never got angry because she failed her tests, all the ones that she couldn’t read. She never yelled at her when her ADHD made it difficult to sit still and pay attention like any normal student should. Cadence only asked about her dad once, which was the only time she had ever heard Luna yell, saying not to ask about him and that it didn’t matter who he was. She said she didn’t know but Cadence didn’t believe it for a moment. But she didn’t dare ask again. She wasn’t interested for two reasons: She could see how much it hurt her mom to talk about him and that she decided she didn’t care who he was. He left them on their own when he had to have known that he was going to have a daughter. He left and that was his choice and she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of wondering who he was, because that was surely all part of why he left. 
But it pained her to see how broken her mother was because of it. The way she seemed lifeless and, while Luna raised Cadence well, she wasn’t all there all the time. She was loving and kind and everything a mother could be when it came to her child but she wasn’t fully happy herself, which only made Cadence feel guilty. For what, she wasn’t sure, but she doubted her father felt guilty for abandoning her and her mother so she did it for him. Luna was the best mother anyone could ask for, always making sure that Cadence was happy and protected and felt loved. Cadence figured that it was time for her to return the favor. 
Okay, so it hadn’t been the brightest idea to leave with nothing more than her backpack on her back and the money in her wallet but she was determined to find her father and let him know what he was missing. So, at sixteen years old, she had written a note, grabbed her wallet, shoving as much cash in as she could find, as well as her mom’s credit card, in case of an emergency. She left the note on the table and headed out of the apartment of the New York high rise building she had grown up with. She wasn’t coming back until she found her father. That much she was sure of. She didn’t want him to come back. She wanted to make him want to come back. She wanted to show him what he was missing, show him the amazing life he could have had if he had stuck around long enough after bedding her mother. This was the only time a mean streak had ever appeared and it was only because she wanted to let him know how much they didn’t need him.
After making it to Delaware with the feeling that someone was following her the whole way, she was attacked by a Lamia, a vampire who preyed on children. That, compared with the feeling crawling down her spine made her want to run as quickly as possible but she never got the chance. It moved quickly, blocking the only way out and Cadence swore her life flashed before her eyes. That was, until, she tripped over something that had been thrown to the ground behind her, a bow and, against her better judgment, although her other option was be killed, she picked it up and found an arrow, tipped with bronze, a few feet away. One clean shot and the Lamia had exploded into dust, leaving her heart pounding. 
The person watching her had been a friend of hers, Sebastian, who revealed things that made her head spin: One, he was a satyr, half man, half goat, which is why he always skipped gym class. Two, she was a demigod. Three, the worst, he had been in contact with her mother. She had grimaced at that, since she was sure that she was going to get an earful and in that moment, she had been hit with a wave of guilt for leaving her mother alone. She felt horrible and paid for their tickets on the bus back to Manhattan. 
They had gone back home, wherein, Luna had promptly sat down Cadence and had a long talk about how she was a demigod and how that shimmering gold bow and arrow over her head was the sign of her father, Apollo. She had refused to believe it for a long while, even after she walked in through the front doors of the Halfblood Institute for the first time. She warmed up to the idea eventually, though she was still a little resentful that her father had abandoned them without even checking in on them once. 
You're walking alone from heaven to hell
Mattias Romano: Cadence doesn’t know Mattias very well, if at all, but there’s something she admires about him, the way that he’s there for his friends or that he’s protective and trustworthy. She’s only spoken about six words to him in her life and doesn’t plan on speaking any more so she watches from afar, silently having decided to be more like him.
Kaius Hughe: Despite being his half-sister, Cadence is still rather shy around him. She doesn’t like to impose herself on anyone but she feels safer when she’s in his presence so she hangs around him as much as she can without it appearing weird.
Brooke Green: Cadence feels entirely comfortable around Brooke, enough to stop being so self-sacrificing because she knows that Brooke wouldn’t take advantage of her kind ways like so many other had in the past. 
Creative Writing
Demigod History
Power-Enhancing 101
Pegasus Riding
The role of Candence Shea is ↳ taken
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Due to a recent complaint about the lack of diversity in the Magical Courses section, we have now added demigod history, magic and witchcraft theory, pegasus riding, weapon forgery, and swordsmanship. 
Other than that we would like to clear a few things up; The courses magic and witchcraft and charmspeaking & desire and love manipulation have certain restrictions. Since they train very specific abilities, they are only open to the offspring of gods and goddesses that hold power over the respective domains. We thought that was implied, but according to some 'feedback', it apparently wasn't. We are very sorry for the confusion that may have caused.
If you have any other recommendations for additional courses, please send them in.
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Cadence Shea [x]
Marise Belivea [x]
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would you consider extending the event a bit longer since most people were busy this weekend?
Well considering I was super busy this weekend as well, I guess I can do that. 
The event has been extended until Wed 5th, for those that want more time.
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the application count has been updated at 2: 53 am EST  → [+001]
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Congratulations Sor ! You have been accepted as your OC Marise Anna Beliveau (Zoe Sugg). Please make sure to pay a little visit to the checklist so that we can see Marise around the campus as soon as possible !
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Congratulations Julie ! You have been accepted as your OC Cadence Reese Shea (Madison Blaine McLauglin). Thanks for being patient with us throughout the revamp ! Please make sure to pay a little visit to the checklist so that we can see Cadence around the campus as soon as possible !
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I know you just did a revamp so you're probably kind of tired of editing stuff on here, but would you consider a most wanted premade character list at some point in the future, or just tagging them? I can think of some roles that would be helpful because of connections and such.
Of course we can do that! I’m currently submitting two exams but after it I can definitely get to work on that! What are some of characters you had in mind?
If our players/anyone has a character they would really like to see get taken can you please tell us? That would be really helpful in the making of this page. Thank you!
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"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
What have you done?
Name: Michael Whitley Age: Eighteen Species: Demigod, Son of Erebus Occupation: Freshman Alliance: Neutral Major: English Clubs: Astronomy Sports: Swimming Face Claim: Thomas Dekker
Is this what you wanted?
His virtues are being helpful, kind-hearted and protective, but he needs to work on being less impatient, moody and stubborn.
What have you become? 
Michael was a lonely kid. He grew up with his mother in a small town in Iowa. The loneliness never bothered him, he liked being in the shadow. He was never an outcast, he easily made friends if he wanted to but the shadows were so much more reassuring then people were. So yes, growing up he never had a lot of friends, he had his mom and his family and that was all that counted for him. He does everything for his mother, when she fell ill he made sure the house was clean, the food was cooked and his homework was done. The model son, is what he tried to be for her. Just like all demigods he didn’t have any contact with his dad, but after some research and finding out the possibilities he started experimenting with it. Manipulating shadows started out as a fun hobby, to make his mom smile even in her darkest days. Because he realized one thing: his mother wasn’t the most happy of women around, sometimes she would slip into a slight depression. She never had it easy at home which is one more reason why Michael tried to be a model son, he wanted to prove that unlike what everyone said and had ‘predicted’ that she could actually raise a good son, a model son. 
The shadow traveling was another great thing about having the shadow god as his father, although he could only do it once a day and it drained him to the fullest it was an easy way to not be late. He kept training it and now he can actually do two jumps a day, although it might knock him out for at least three days but that’s part of it. Michael hasn’t really met any other demigod, until he came to Half-Blood institute, which is now his home since for the first time he actually made friends. Although it’s not fully like home, he makes one jump a day to go check up on his mother, who is recovering from her depression and actually making a lot of progress.
You're walking alone from heaven to hell
Nate Parish: Michael doesn’t remember when he first met Nate anymore, but he knew that from the minute he saw hi that they would never hit it off, it just didn’t click like it was supposed to.
Benjamin Jackson: Although Michael talks a lot more to people he doesn’t trust himself to tell everything to his best friends, which is why he has Benji, who he knows is always ready to help him, and he is always ready to help him. Be it with word or actions.
Creative Writing
Physical Training - Beginner
Monster Anatomy
Monster Biology
The role of Michael Whitley is ↳ taken
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Is there like a roommate list? Or does everyone have their own room or something like that?
We do have allocated dorm rooms:http://halfbloodinstitute-rpg.tumblr.com/dorms(We will update it right after the next activity check, so don't worry if your character isn't on there yet, they will be added soon)~AdminC
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