halfbloodsisters · 5 years
Recovering from injury sentence starters
1. “You’re in no condition to be walking around. Just stay in bed and let me take care of you.” 
2. “This cast is itchy.” 
3. “I think I’m going to go crazy with boredom before my _____ heal(s) enough for me to get out of bed.” 
4. “This is so frustrating! I can’t do anything with my arm in this sling!” 
5. “Want me to sign your cast?” 
6. “Sorry about your ______. But think of it this way: you don’t have to help with the chores until it/they heal(s).” 
7. “No, you can’t come. You need to stay here and heal.” 
8. “I thought a little fresh air would help you/me heal.” 
9. “Need some help? Getting up/down the stairs must be tricky with that/those injured ______.” 
10. “You shouldn’t be moving around so much. You’ll pop your stitches.” 
11. “I can’t believe you’re making me stay here just because I hurt my ______.” 
12. “Back off! Just because I’m hurt doesn’t mean I need you hovering over me all the time.” 
13. “Just because you’re hurt doesn’t mean you need to be so grouchy.” 
14. “Are you still on pain meds? You’re awfully happy for someone with an injured ______.” 
15. “This is embarrassing, but could you help me? I can’t get the bathroom by myself.” 
16. “Don’t even think about trying to walk with that injured leg. If you need something, call me and I’ll do it for you.”  
17. “Good thing I’m a lazy person. Except for the fact that my ______ is/are broken, laying around for a few weeks sounds great.”
18. “I swear, if you try and sneak out before you’re fully healed, I’ll strap you to the bed.” 
19. “What are you doing? Are you trying to make your injury worse?” 
20. “I feel like such a jerk, lying here on the couch while you do all the work. Injured or not, I should be doing something.” 
21. “I can’t believe I have to lay like this until my _____ heal(s). This is so humiliating.”
22. “Once I’m healed, I am never getting injured again. This is all just too inconvenient for a repeat performance.”  
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halfbloodsisters · 5 years
// Changed the faceclaim of Kiela. Prev one was Natalie Portman, new one is Tamsin Egerton.
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halfbloodsisters · 5 years
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halfbloodsisters · 5 years
Your muse finds mine, bloodied after being brutally attacked by something inhuman. Send “What did this to you?” for a starter.
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
* illness and injury starters
‘ my head hurts. ’
‘ you’ve been asleep for two days. ’
‘ i think it’s broken. ’
‘ don’t mess with your iv. ’
‘ will you carry me? ’
‘ shh, it’s okay. get everything out. ’
‘ someone needs a nap. ’
‘ i threw up. ’
‘ it’s just a scratch. ’ 
‘ hey, accidents happen. ’
‘ you’ll feel better after your bath. ’
‘ i’m just glad to have you home safe. ’
‘ you ate too fast. i told you to take it easy. ’
‘ here’s some ice. ’
‘ i’ll come check on you in a little while. ’
‘ stay in bed. ’
‘ could you rub my back? ’
‘ i’m not even that tired. ’
‘ you need stitches. ’
‘ i brought you another blanket. ’
‘ let’s clean up those cuts and get you to bed. ’
‘ i think you caught some kind of flu. ’
‘ how many fingers am i holding up? ’
‘ i’m a little dizzy. ’
‘ congratulations. you have pneumonia. ’
‘ time for your medicine. ’
‘ i’m going to set your shoulder on the count of three. one, two, three – ’
‘ better take a look at that burn. ’
‘ you have to stay awake. can you do that for me? ’ 
‘ i found the tissues. ’
‘ that was a bad fall. need any help? ’
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Helping My Injured Muse Sentence Starters
"Oh, God, you're bleeding. You're bleeding a lot."
"Stop squirming, I'm trying to help."
"Hang on, I got you."
"Just lean on me, I'll help you walk."
"We should get that looked at."
"Don't tilt your head back, you'll make your nosebleed worse!"
"Just sit up and breathe, ok?"
"Eh, you'll be fine. I think. Maybe."
"What ever you do, don't go to sleep. Stay awake."
"Oooooo. That looks painful."
"Oh, thank God! Don't scare me like that!"
"How the hell did you do this to yourself?"
"Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?"
"You stopped breathing."
"Oh look, it's alive."
"Take deep breaths, you'll be fine."
"Arms shouldn't move like that..."
"What happened to your leg?!"
"Yep, that's broken alright. How'd you manage that?"
"Here's some ice."
"You're welcome, by the way."
"Do you need an ice pack for that shiner?"
"Yeesh, you look like shit."
"Wait, you were mugged?!"
"Is that a stab/gunshot wound?"
"Ok, ew. I'm not cleaning that up."
"Easy, easy! Just lay down, you hit your head."
"You probably have a concussion, so I wouldn't be moving arou d too much if I were you."
"We thought you were dead!"
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?"
"Can you walk on your own?"
"You're getting blood on my clothes!"
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Send "🌨 Silent Snow" to huddle up beside My Muse and watch the snow fall..
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Kiela at first didn’t understand what made Mar angry so suddenly, be she wasn’t one to be easily intimidated either! “Now, first and foremost, my words didn’t have any malice! Maybe you skipped over it but I didn’t resent you to begin with!” She growled, her pupil turning into a slit, a set of red scales appeared at a few visible locatiosn on her body and her horns appearing.
“Secondly, night elves hates orcs by default thanks to them decimating the trees of Ashenvale after they decided to steal the wood for their city in Durotar! The burning of Teldrassil just added to that hatred against the Horde. I was there, trying to save as many as I could before being suffocated or burned to death. Not a good death, that.”
“Thirdly but maybe not lastly, don’t be so sure of that! My ankle might break even more, but I can bear with that.” It was Kiela’s turn to grab into Mar’s arm, her grip just as strong and unyielding as the halforc’s. Still leaning on her crutch but letting go of its grip, a ball of fire ignited over her now-free palm. “Also, I could incinerate you in a second... Believe me, you don’t want that. I may look slim or even thin compared to you, but on’t underestimate me.” With a growl, the halfdragon finally extinguished the flame in her hand, her eye and skin returned to normal, the horns also disappeared.
“crutches” - from Kiela
The corridors of the valetudinarium were at this hour quiet and so empty as if the rain outside had washed every healer and every patient out of the building like a stormwave. It was quiet, silent, but this soundlessness was soon replaced by the heavy sound of Mars crutch hitting on the hard floor as loud as a bolt of thunder. The Halforc forced herself down the corridor with the grim expression of someone who was ready to drag oneself forward by biting the ground while their limbs were cut off. So when the wooden crutch slipped on the wet ground beneath, all that escaped the Halforc was a frustrated growl, as she stumbled to her knees and her knees hit the ground so hard she could swear she heard her knees creak like old branches. Surpressing a whimper the young woman crawled to one side of the corridor to pull herself up on her feet again while her wounded leg was moveless dragged behind her like a useless piece of meat. It was then when one of the doors to the corridor opned.
Mars head snapped up so suddenly as if she had been slapped and from one moment to another shame- shame that she was on the ground with a wounded leg, shame that she was seen in such a terrible state, shame that she was so useless- bored in her mind like a broiling needle.“…what are you looking at?!”, the young woman grunted out from between her thick, razorsharp tusks. 
[ @halfbloodsisters ]
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Kiela frowned, but it quickly turned into a hiss as her ankle touched the wall accidentally. “Damn... ehh, to be honest, I can partly understand their reasons for hating orcs. Sorry, for first glance I also took you for an orc. But then again, you wouldn’t be in Stormwind if there’s nothing more to you.” The halfdragon mused before realizing she was speaking her thoughts. “Sorry, didn’t mean to insult you if it sounded like that.”
The young woman winced again but was glad when Mar helped steady her. “It’s fine, it’s fine. Just need to get another batch of painkillers prescribed.” She replied while looking down at her swollen ankle and foot. “I couldn’t just leave you on the ground, especially not with your leg like that.”
“Believe it or not, I was, ugh, brave enough to go a ball with my leg broken on the way. This little amount of pain is nothing. being unable to stand and walk withotu issues? Now that I find a lot more annoying. At least I convinced the doctor here to remove the bandages and leave my foot bare, keeping that on just hurt more. It doesn’t look nice, but far less painful this way with no splint nor bandages on.”
“crutches” - from Kiela
The corridors of the valetudinarium were at this hour quiet and so empty as if the rain outside had washed every healer and every patient out of the building like a stormwave. It was quiet, silent, but this soundlessness was soon replaced by the heavy sound of Mars crutch hitting on the hard floor as loud as a bolt of thunder. The Halforc forced herself down the corridor with the grim expression of someone who was ready to drag oneself forward by biting the ground while their limbs were cut off. So when the wooden crutch slipped on the wet ground beneath, all that escaped the Halforc was a frustrated growl, as she stumbled to her knees and her knees hit the ground so hard she could swear she heard her knees creak like old branches. Surpressing a whimper the young woman crawled to one side of the corridor to pull herself up on her feet again while her wounded leg was moveless dragged behind her like a useless piece of meat. It was then when one of the doors to the corridor opned.
Mars head snapped up so suddenly as if she had been slapped and from one moment to another shame- shame that she was on the ground with a wounded leg, shame that she was seen in such a terrible state, shame that she was so useless- bored in her mind like a broiling needle.“…what are you looking at?!”, the young woman grunted out from between her thick, razorsharp tusks. 
[ @halfbloodsisters ]
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
“That’s not a bad idea, though annoyingly, this isn’t my first time on crutches... and knowing my luck likely not the last either.” Kiela replied, looking at her broken leg again, making sure her toes didn’t touch the ground. “Damned swelling, I’ve half a mind to just keep it bare, bandages only make it hurt more...” She murmured to herself before focusing on Mar again.
“Do you need help getting up?” The halfdragon asked, hobbling closer carefully to Mar and let out a small gasp upon seeing the halforc’s other injuries, especially her face, half of it being one big swollen mess. “What happened to you?” She couldn’t help but ask as her only eye met the gaze of Mar’s open eye.
“Oh, well, first things first.” Kiela put one crutch against the wall and leaned down, offering her hand to Mar while standing on her good leg and one crutch, her broken ankle and foot extended behind her for better balance. Come oooooon, tka emy hand already before the pain becomes too much...
“crutches” - from Kiela
The corridors of the valetudinarium were at this hour quiet and so empty as if the rain outside had washed every healer and every patient out of the building like a stormwave. It was quiet, silent, but this soundlessness was soon replaced by the heavy sound of Mars crutch hitting on the hard floor as loud as a bolt of thunder. The Halforc forced herself down the corridor with the grim expression of someone who was ready to drag oneself forward by biting the ground while their limbs were cut off. So when the wooden crutch slipped on the wet ground beneath, all that escaped the Halforc was a frustrated growl, as she stumbled to her knees and her knees hit the ground so hard she could swear she heard her knees creak like old branches. Surpressing a whimper the young woman crawled to one side of the corridor to pull herself up on her feet again while her wounded leg was moveless dragged behind her like a useless piece of meat. It was then when one of the doors to the corridor opned.
Mars head snapped up so suddenly as if she had been slapped and from one moment to another shame- shame that she was on the ground with a wounded leg, shame that she was seen in such a terrible state, shame that she was so useless- bored in her mind like a broiling needle.“…what are you looking at?!”, the young woman grunted out from between her thick, razorsharp tusks. 
[ @halfbloodsisters ]
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
  Kiela (hiding her horns) also finally arrived to #WarcraftWinterBall over twitter, even if she suffered an accident while meeting up with a friend just before the ball :)
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
It’s now canon, Kiela was invited into the Winter Ball through her friend, and they decided to meet up before and going together after.
Kiela packed her ball outfit into her pack and left for her friend’s house, but during the journey she decided to help a little girl and her cat get down from a tree where they were stuck. Well, she succeeded, but the branch broke and Kiela landed really badly on her left leg, broking several bones in her foot and ankle. The kid’s mother gave her a pair rutches, sad and sorry she couldn’t help Kiela in a more meaningful way, but it was enough for her to make it to the friend’s place.
Shiyana was a warrior and had first aid experience, so she could set the anklebones,  and wanted to put Kiela’s leg in a big splint/temporal cast. As Kiela still wanted to go to the ball, she refused, using an arcane spell to lock her ankle and foot’s position in place. Shiyana only agreed on the condition that they will go to the med center when they leave from the ball.
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Kielastrasza was also on crutches, her left leg slightly extented before her as she hobbled out of the room, her foot and ankle bare, severely swollen and bruised by this time.
Kiela grumbled, she didn’t to come here to get her leg checked so late, but her friend insisted on it, especially as she just spent most of the evening at the ball. Still, she begrudgingly accepted it was necessary. While her friend could set Kiela’s ankle and by stoke of luck make Kiela secure it with an invisible magical splint, the true extent of the damage was not known until now: multiple broken bones in her foot and both bones fractured at her ankle. She hissed, the painkillers were starting to wear off.
The young woman only looked at Mar after the halforc grunted at her. “Was looking before my own leg, don’t want to slip on the wet stone and break my other leg.” She huffed, clearly annoyed at the antagonism in Mar’s voice. What was her problem?!
“crutches” - from Kiela
The corridors of the valetudinarium were at this hour quiet and so empty as if the rain outside had washed every healer and every patient out of the building like a stormwave. It was quiet, silent, but this soundlessness was soon replaced by the heavy sound of Mars crutch hitting on the hard floor as loud as a bolt of thunder. The Halforc forced herself down the corridor with the grim expression of someone who was ready to drag oneself forward by biting the ground while their limbs were cut off. So when the wooden crutch slipped on the wet ground beneath, all that escaped the Halforc was a frustrated growl, as she stumbled to her knees and her knees hit the ground so hard she could swear she heard her knees creak like old branches. Surpressing a whimper the young woman crawled to one side of the corridor to pull herself up on her feet again while her wounded leg was moveless dragged behind her like a useless piece of meat. It was then when one of the doors to the corridor opned.
Mars head snapped up so suddenly as if she had been slapped and from one moment to another shame- shame that she was on the ground with a wounded leg, shame that she was seen in such a terrible state, shame that she was so useless- bored in her mind like a broiling needle.“…what are you looking at?!”, the young woman grunted out from between her thick, razorsharp tusks. 
[ @halfbloodsisters ]
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
“If I’d have a messed up face after falling down a step of stairs, I wouldn’t mind you laughing.” Kiela retorted then winced as throbbing pain shot through her left leg as she shifted on the log. Her left foot and ankle was bare and severely swollen since she landed on it wrongly.
“Crutches is something I djon’t joke with, they are awful.” She hissed, making the campfire flare up for a moment before it returned to normal. “I gave you an eyepatch, now I’m curious what you can do as a ‘reply’ to that.”
Kiela glared at Tali with her only eye. "I warned you, if you dare to laugh again on my crutches, I'm going to lit a fire under your overlagre butt!"
“Why, you laughed when I was hurt. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it,” she chided without cracking a smile.
[ @halfbloodsisters ]
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Send “crutches” for a starter where my muse has to get around using crutches.
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Winter Veil Asks
Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper: Favorite Winter Veil memory?
Red Winter Clothes: What’s at the top of your Winter Veil list this year?
Merrymaker: Do you make or purchase gifts?
Gently Shaken Gift:  Who are the top five people you will be giving gifts to this Winter Veil?
A carefully wrapped present:  Do you open your gifts when you receive them or wait until Greatfather Winter’s presents are delivered?
Winter Veil Tree:  Do you decorate for the season? What is your favorite type of decoration?
Snowball:  Do you like snow? Share a memory around snow.
On Metzen!: Do you like to go sledding? Why or why not?
A-caroling we will go!: Do you go caroling? What’s your favorite carol? (okay to link a RL carol)
Honeyed Holiday Ham: What’s your favorite Winter Veil food?
Smokeywood Pastures:  What’s one tradition you always keep for Winter Veil?
Winter Veil Egg Nog: Do you like eggnog? Do you make your own?
Mechanical Greench: How do you help those less fortunate during the holidays?
Gingerbread Cookie: Do you bake your own cookies? Or do you just buy them? Do you make anything other than Gingerbread Cookies?
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halfbloodsisters · 6 years
Send “Who did this?” for your muse to discover my muse with a black eye or a busted lip
Potential TW warning
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