halfliing-ormr · 1 year
Pool Party Akio has arrived!
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Perfect time for these summer trials, your local half-marai lifeguard is on duty
Artist: @/Rustredchaos on Twitter. 
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
"My beloved, I had brought ice cream for this summer time since I know you are very heat sensitive."
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It's true--the poor woman was practically dying from the heat already. 'Pon seeing her husband, Asta quickly approaches him; her cheeks were red from being outside for far too long. Peachy-colored lips pulled into a little pout as she reached for the ice cream.
"Hand me...too hot..."
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
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“One time, all I did was just breathed, and that night our son, Cyrus, was made.”
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
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“Nice try! I wasn’t born yesterday, thief! You have a five second head start before I knock you out cold and then burn you alive!” Just as she spoke, the whole pan went ablaze. “5, 4, 3--” 
Holds up a frying pan,ready to smack. “Who are you,and what have you done to my husband—“
"Whoa, whoa! Asta wait- it's me Akio." He was holding his hands up. "A friend of mine hit me with a funny spell that's all, this is only temporary I promise"
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
A long, drawn out sight escapes her lips, and those pointed ears began to droop down. She watches his every move and heard his words, but the pout still remains. 
“I guess,” that was all she could really muster up; Asta knew his work is important--truly, but alas, she wishes he would just stay home with her for awhile, or at least take her with him sometime. “Lets head home before it gets dark.”
Just as he took a deep breath, Akio slowly stopped to stretch his back momentarily and take in on the view. Only for him to instantly get thrown to the ground by a very familiar force and tone of voice. As well as the only person who could sneak up on him. 
Letting out a surprised yelp, Akio lightly panicked as he heard Asta’s voice. “A-Ah! Hey there Asta! What brings you here??” Akio said as he started to struggle to get back up, noticing that Asta had a really strong grip on him. 
“You promised me an evening together!” There was a hint of sadness lacing around her words. For far too long she had to wait for him to come home, and now that he is here, a walk is what he take–without her!? Asta couldn’t help but to start pouting.
“I even made your favorite, but you just went off..again.” She lets him go from her grip before standing up to look down at him. “Honestly, its like you don’t even want to see me anymore!”
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
Just as he took a deep breath, Akio slowly stopped to stretch his back momentarily and take in on the view. Only for him to instantly get thrown to the ground by a very familiar force and tone of voice. As well as the only person who could sneak up on him. 
Letting out a surprised yelp, Akio lightly panicked as he heard Asta’s voice. “A-Ah! Hey there Asta! What brings you here??” Akio said as he started to struggle to get back up, noticing that Asta had a really strong grip on him. 
“You promised me an evening together!” There was a hint of sadness lacing around her words. For far too long she had to wait for him to come home, and now that he is here, a walk is what he take--without her!? Asta couldn’t help but to start pouting.
“I even made your favorite, but you just went off..again.” She lets him go from her grip before standing up to look down at him. “Honestly, its like you don’t even want to see me anymore!”
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
The prey was in sight. How foolish of him to think he can just simply take a WALK when he promised her an evening together. Asta laid low on the ground, still as stone, watching as he takes a few steps ahead.
Before he could make it too far, she LEAPED at him from behind.  Her arms wrap tightly around his torso, and the force of her jump was enough to make both of them fall to the ground.
“Got ya!”
Akio simply talked around a forest path, such a nice evening with the perfect weather for a walk. Completely and purposefully unaware of what others would be doing in this day, nope, it won’t get to him at all. 
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
“Rumors? I’m merely stating facts my love! Besides,no one will look at you in THAT way—or they’ll meet my spear.”
“Don’t let my husband lie to you,I’ve taken both at the same time.”
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
“Aw,what’s wrong,my treasure?~ Surely you cannot be embarrassed of your—double package.”
“Don’t let my husband lie to you,I’ve taken both at the same time.”
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
“Don’t let my husband lie to you,I’ve taken both at the same time.”
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
Those porcelain cheeks were colored with a light flush, and a low, soft purr rumbled across her chest bone. Curse his charm, but she was the one to fall putty into his palms every time--no matter how hard she tries to resist.   
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“No fair,” she whined just a bit, “you play dirty, my treasure.” Once those words left her lips, Asta turned back around to nuzzle into his arms.
"Quit telling people you tamed me!"
"I tamed you so good and you love it"
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
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“Hey, how about we get some delicious food and forget about most of this conversation, eh? I will even add a sweet treat” 
Akio even wrapped his arm around her shoulders, with the confidence of someone who is not about to sleep on the couch. 
A subtle pout forms on her lips, and she PURPOSELY turns her head away in  defiance. The sound of food, and sweets, does sound tempting, but she must stay strong!
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“Can’t just soften me up with food, Akio.” 
"Quit telling people you tamed me!"
"I tamed you so good and you love it"
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
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“Taming and domestication!?  My treasure, I’ll show you a whole new meaning of taming and domestication if you keep on!”
"Quit telling people you tamed me!"
"I tamed you so good and you love it"
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
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“Akio Rheo Elphida! That is NOT how we fell in love, and you know it!”
"Quit telling people you tamed me!"
"I tamed you so good and you love it"
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
As she rested against him, Akio couldn’t help but to softly laugh at her reaction when she realized there was a gift for her. Taking a small step back, Akio moved his left hand over to show a medium size box wrapped in blue and white wrapping paper. All neatly finished with a golden colored ribbon and a small note with the writing, “To My Precious Pearl, From Her Loving Treasure” in a rather impressive cursive. 
“Here you go my love, something that I remember you wanting for the seasons.” Akio added as he handed it over, once she begins to unwrap the gift. Inside it was a nicely decorated Dark Blue and White winter jacket/dress, he is aware of her resistance to the cold, but he knew that a nice outfit for this season was perfect to give her. Alongside it was a small box, which contained a small set of silver jewelry, perfectly fitted to adorn her horns. 
“I hope you love them my beloved” Akio said with a loving tone on his voice.
Azures eyes widen’pon seeing his gift.  A small, delighted squeal was heard as she held up her new attire. “Oh,Akio! It’s so lovely!” Her arms would quickly wrap around his frame, and those bright, red lips pressed against his temples, leaving behind a faded kissy mark. “How on earth did you find it?” Before he could speak, Asta’s attention rapidly shifted towards the jewelry; its’ shine caught her eye, and a look of pure, unbridled joy drawn’ pon her visage. Our halfling’s tail was now swishing so fast that it’s threating to knock over some the décor. 
“My beloved treasure, wait here!”  She grabbed both items and practically skipped away towards their room. As the door closed behind her, she wasted no time to try everything on. The dress jacket fitted her frame perfectly, and the jewels beautifully decorated her horns--there was even a little jingle every time she  turned her head. 
“Well, what do you think?” Asta called out, walking back into his view.
“Does it suit me well?”
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
And thus the long nights of loneliness had finally come to an end; though their home was decorated, from head to toe, in traditional, Frejlordian décor, emptiness filled these rooms--until today. Her heart fluttered’pon seeing his face once more, and when he stepped closer, those long, pointed ears twitched slightly. She rubbed her cheek against his hand, a loud purr rumbled across her chest. He was home now, safely back in her arms. From the look’ pon her face, it was  plain as day that when regarding him, there was a gentle, loving look within her eyes--her beloved treasure,and it was such a wonderous feeling to be reunited with him everytime he came home. One of a love that surpassed all else.
“You do,” she replies with a little excitement lacing her words, tail swishing from to and fro, “may I see it?”
With an ever soft knock, Akio opened the door to his house with one hand behind his back. Waiting for the more perfect person to walk into view, dressed in a heavy winter jacket, he began to undo the buttons keeping the jacket close as he began to hear the Half-Dragon approach. The second she came to view, a kind, heartwarming smile formed on the Half-Marai. “My beloved pearl, I have a small gift for you.” Akio whispered after closing the distance, his right hand caressing her cheek at the moment she was in range. It was a different feeling all together to see Asta this close after every travel he has gone to. A reassuring feeling of love filling his chest, the more he looked at her. 
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halfliing-ormr · 1 year
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Commission for @aquatic-hybrid and @halfling-ormr! These two just kill me every time I draw them~
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