halfparcel · 4 years
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halfparcel · 4 years
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halfparcel · 6 years
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halfparcel · 6 years
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halfparcel · 10 years
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On March 28th 2014, one of my best friends took her own life. Her name is Jordan Howe and she was a transgender female. This is a drawing that Jordan drew which I think perfectly depicts the daily struggles that the transgender community has to face. Jordan was an amazing human being and I really really feel like this drawing should go viral to raise awareness and to educate the world on transgender people. It is NOT ok to discriminate, it is NOT ok to make them feel like less of a girl/ boy because of the body they were born in and it is NOT ok to let ignorant people get away with all of this unnecessary transphobia and downright abusive behaviour. I would really love if each and every one of my followers could reblog this to spread awareness. It’s unfortunate that my perfect, talented and beautiful friend had to leave us the way she did but I can only hope that her love and wisdom and music and art lives on and furthermore helps and encourages other people to see that this is happening daily and it can be stopped. RIP Jordan Howe you are going to change the world xxx
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halfparcel · 12 years
Catoptrophobia Subject #9 ♀
She developed her phobia around the age of 12 or 13. It was after she read a graphic novel which involved a narcissistic man and an infinity mirror, a mirror reflected upon itself. She believes her reflection is either a version of herself or an imposter. She feels like she has to smile at her reflection other wise the reflection may steal her soul or something equally evil. She believes her reflection has a negative presence. She doesn't want to think about what her reflection would say if it could speak but she thinks it would speak in another language. She feels uneasy and frightened when she looks into her reflection’s eyes. Looking into her reflection’s eyes, she realises it has what is meant to be hers which makes her uncomfortable. She has seen ghosts in real life but it has faded over time. She has never seen a ghost or anything in a mirror. The thought of her reflection escaping the mirror scares her a lot. She believes there may be a part of her that wants to escape the mirror and hurt her. She believes if she is polite to her reflection, it will not attempt to escape the mirror however she cannot be sure it still wont try. She believes it may be possible to cross over into the mirrored world but she wouldn't want to as she finds the mirrored realm very intimidating. Her fears have increased as she had become more aware of her phobia. If she broke a mirror she believes she may anger the reflection and it would try break through and hurt her. She believes it is impossible to overcome her fear. She is very superstitious and spiritual and her reflection is a part of that. If she were to suppress the thought of the alternate mirrored world, then she would have to suppress her other superstitions too which she believes she cannot do.
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halfparcel · 12 years
"Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."
The Ballad of East and West, Rudyard Kipling
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halfparcel · 12 years
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halfparcel · 12 years
Catoptrophobia Subject #8 ♂
He developed his fears recently through his teenage years. He believes his reflection is something evil that is inside of him. The reflection could be the evil version of himself. If his reflection could talk he believes it would threaten him and take his body for itself. If he looks at his reflection’s eyes, he believes his reflection will become something evil and maybe come out of the mirror and do something to hurt him. The longer he stares at the reflection’s eyes, the more dangerous he thinks it is. He is mostly happy with his current body image. He has never seen anything strange in a mirror apart from objects looking like people. He believes the reflection could escape the mirror and often pictures it sticking it’s arms out of the mirror. He can also picture himself being pulled into the mirror by his reflection. His fears have increased since he developed this fear a few years ago but he doesn't think it will get much worse. He has broken a mirror in the past and thought nothing of it, but he would usually believe in the seven years bad luck superstition. He doesn't think breaking a mirror would solve anything since his reflection can still exist in another mirror. He believes he can overcome his fear if he stared into a mirror for long enough, maybe even talking to another person with the fear of mirrors might help him.
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halfparcel · 12 years
Catoptrophobia Subject #7 ♂
He has had his fear since he was 12. He has never thought his reflection is him, not to say it isn't him but he does not feel a connection with his reflection. He feels that his reflection is something that he could be. If his reflection could talk, it would have the opposite ideas to him and he can see himself disagreeing with his reflection. When he looks at his reflection’s eyes, he feels distant as he doesn't see his reflection as being himself. He is somewhat happy with his current body image. He has never seen anything in a mirror but he has a constant fear that he might see something. He doesn't believe the reflection could escape the mirror but he maybe thinks things he is afraid of seeing may come out. They could use the mirror as some kind of door. He does not believe he can pass into the mirrored world. His fears have increased a little over time, he blames it on refusing to admit he has this phobia and avoiding any coping techniques. He doesn't believe anything would happen if he broke a mirror. He believes that if he was exposed to mirrors his fear may go away. He has been exposing himself to mirrors over the years and he can now use mirrors even though he feels uncomfortable.
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halfparcel · 12 years
Catoptrophobia Subject #6 ♂
He has had his fear for as long as he remembers. He remembers when he was 4 years old and his parent’s bedroom had two large mirrors opposite each other, he used to stare into the mirrors and feel freightened and paranoid at the thought of infinity. He believes his reflection is the regular him, he doesn't like to let his imagination run wild with ideas of opposite things. If his reflection could speak it would say ‘Don’t look behind you.’ He is afraid he isn’t alone. He is more fear about his reflected surroundings rather than his reflection’s eyes. He is not currently happy with his body image but it doesn't tie in with his fears of mirrors. He is more freightened by his surroundings rather than his reflection. He is freightened he might see a demon or a spirit in a mirror but never has seen any. His fears increase in the dark. He has never seen anything in a mirror that shouldn't be there. He does not believe the reflection can escape the mirror and doesn't believe he can cross into the mirrored world. His fears have increased over time and especially after his interest and studies into the paranormal. He does not believe anything will happen if you break a mirror. He believes exposure therapy is the only way to overcome his fear. His fears are more pronounced when he is alone.
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halfparcel · 12 years
Catoptrophobia Subject #5 ♀
She doesn't know when she developed her fears but she has never really liked looking into a mirror. She doesn't like looking behind herself when looking into a mirror. She feels uncomfortable when two mirrors are facing each other, she gets bothered by the endless mirrors. Her family have told her stories of seeing creatures and people in mirrors. She doesn't like reflective surfaces and she imagines something wrapping it’s arms around her throat and squeezing when she looks behind herself in a mirror. She feels like when it is dark, something is getting stronger. If the reflection could talk it would say ‘We are not a monster but we are broken. I am you and you are me. Face what you are.’ When she looks into the reflection’s eyes, she feels uneasy. She sees how tired and dull her eyes have become. She sees a child that grew up too fast and the mirror reminds her that all is not well. She sometimes has bad days but mostly she is happy with her body image. She does not believe the reflection can escape the mirror. She thinks if you saw nothing in a mirror then something is playing with your head which freightens her. She doesn't like the idea of knowing what’s real and what isn't  She believes there could be a way to cross into the mirrored world if one existed. She believes if you wanted to or the world wanted you there bad enough, then there would be a way. She believes you could cross into the mirrored world by closing your eyes for long enough, then you would be trapped there. She does not believe the mirrored world is a pleasant place as it is endless. Her fears have increased over time and she requires a light if she wants to go to the bathroom during the night. She does not believe in seven years bad luck if you break a mirror, she believes you would only get cut from the glass. She thinks maybe by breaking a mirror you could anger something on the other side as you have shattered it’s only way of communication, like shutting it’s door. She thinks it would be difficult to overcome her fear since the fear runs in her family. Her fears are based on the dark and fear of others. She believes that mirrors are always open and therefore, she is particular with what she does with mirrors.
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halfparcel · 12 years
Catoptrophobia Subject #4 ♂
His fear started at around the age of 11 to 12. He believes his reflection is an evil version of himself. He believes the reflection is the opposite him and if it could talk, it would try and talk him into doing things he doesn't want to do. He once saw someone behind him that wasn't there in a mirror. He doesn't think the reflection can escape the mirror. He doesn't think he can cross into the mirrored world. Horror films have also not helped his fears. He believes he will receive seven years bad luck if he breaks a mirror and is unsure how he will ever overcome his fear.
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halfparcel · 12 years
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Robertson, J. G., An Excess of Phobias and Manias. 2003. Los Angeles:Senior Scribe Publications
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halfparcel · 12 years
Catoptrophobia Subject #3 ♂
He has had his fear for as long as he can remember. He believes that the reflection is him but it isn't him. He believes it is physically him but it scares him to stare into his reflection’s eyes, it overwhelms him. He believes his reflection always feels victimized. He sometimes makes hallucinations where someone is stabbing him or slitting his throat. He believes the hallucinations came from watching a scary film as a child. He knows the reflection’s feelings and he feels like his reflection is mimicking him as if it is trapped in a glass prison. He feels emotionally uneasy looking at his reflection. He is decently satisfied with his current body image. He often sees hallucinations in mirrors. He believes the reflection cannot escape from the mirror. He would be too frightened to go through the mirror if it was possible. Over the years his fears have increased and his fears have become more intense. He does not believe you will receive back luck if you break a mirror. He believes there may be some method to overcome his fear but he also thinks it can’t be overcome.
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halfparcel · 12 years
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Take a look at yourself now.
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halfparcel · 12 years
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