ham0ma · 4 days
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Narinder and young Leshy
Content plan for today that's all xD
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ham0ma · 4 days
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Another one of my old works: a comic about Leshy and Heket
In my AU, she died first
(And this is the context for the art below)
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ham0ma · 1 month
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[Cult of the Lamb] Gone were the Bishops of the Old Faith, left was the usurper of Death
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ham0ma · 2 months
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ham0ma · 2 months
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Starry starry night 🌌
This will be a foil print eventually 😈
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ham0ma · 2 months
First, I want to address the rumors that I used AI to paint A Thousand Skies. Here is a condensed version of the 10 part video recording of how I painted everything. I normally reserve the full hours long video recordings for my patrons but here they are in case there is still any doubt https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d-3hxjZWROiZPaI8XeU93cKBBKB1Gz9Z?usp=drive_link
All of my past paintings have full video recordings for my Patrons, going back to 2018 when I first got a Patreon.
Long time followers will also know that I care deeply about the environment, not only in the themes of my art but also in my actions to the best of my ability and knowledge. So much so that every year since 2016, I’ve donated 100% of my Black Friday sales to environmental charities, and you can see all the receipts of the organizations I donated to here https://www.yuumeiart.com/blog 
I realized a comment I’ve made at 2am and while sleep deprived was confusing. I want to clear up the misunderstandings from yesterday's post where I said AI isn’t that bad for the environment. I thought I was specifically answering the question of how much energy it takes to generate 1 AI image on my own computer without any servers, but I realize now that people were talking about how much energy it takes to train AIs by big companies. This was not what I was trying to refer to in my comment, but I recognize it is one of many legitimate concerns with the way current generative AI is developed.
I want to reiterate that I did use AI for a gag scene in my comic—the character, Vance, was objectifying women by seeing them as anime cat girls and pasting them over AI backgrounds. I thought that such a character having AI goggles was making a point. I recognize that regardless of the context, the use of AI carries other ramifications. I will be taking all of this into consideration with my future artwork.
I know AI art is a very heated issue with very real concerns attached to its use. I don’t expect people to change their minds. I will continue to make art as I always have for the past 2 decades before AI existed, and continue to make available to my patrons full video recordings of the paintings I’ve made and will make. Thank you.
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ham0ma · 2 months
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I've been told that there are rumors about me using AI for my paintings. Please use some common sense, I've been posting on DeviantART since 2003 and sharing full video recordings on Patreon since 2018. If I'm a fake, wouldn't my Patrons have noticed by now? Since AI has been turning artists against each other, accusing each other of using AI, I have no choice but to share of some the Patreon rewards as proof. Here is the 10 full video recordings of me painting A Thousand Skies from scratch
I built the 3D model base for this painting in Sketchup, which you can see here
When AI was at it's infancy, I was very excited to have a new tool to help me make comics. Long time followers will know I struggled with repetitive strain injury that forced my comic making to a crawl. A decade before AI, I was experimenting with 3D backgrounds for comics.
I still remember the hate I got for using 3D models in my comic backgrounds, even though today nobody blinks at other artists doing the same. 3D is now accepted as a tool to help artists create. I even remember hate for being digital instead of traditional.
I tested out painting over AI generated backgrounds a few times in the very early stages of AI. There are a lot of screenshots taken out of context from my Discord where I share how I paint everything with complete transparency.
The only other time I've used AI in my art is for a gag scene in my comic, the full context is my character, Vance, who is a weeb and tech nerd, was objectifying women by seeing them as anime cat girls pasted over AI flower backgrounds.
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If I had downloaded a flower stamp brush from ClipStudio and made a similar flower background, nobody would care. But somehow this is not okay even though it fits the theme and joke of the comic?
It's 2AM where I am now so I won't say much else other than I wish people would stop taking my posts out of context. With everything going on in the world, artists should support each other, not make up reasons to hurt each other.
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ham0ma · 2 months
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@artfight attack on @silverus-kvassus
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ham0ma · 3 months
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"A customer complaint has an angry parent reveal that her child, who previously had no sleep-related issues, has begun refusing to sleep with the lights off and started wetting the bed after being left there. It is implied that said child has been traumatized by Moon."
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ham0ma · 3 months
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ham0ma · 3 months
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Disney's "Peter Pan", BEHIND THE SCENES (Released on Feb 5th, 1953)
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ham0ma · 4 months
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eyy ik it’s june now but you guys still like mer-things still right?…. right?
i swear every fantasy creachur i draw looks a little dragony can’t do anything bout it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ham0ma · 4 months
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Ah bootleg sun figure i bought at the tianguis my beloved 💖
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ham0ma · 5 months
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Tiny messy spoiler for little cheer up. (Hope I finish it in few days). @chimkin-samich
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ham0ma · 5 months
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fun outfits and hugs
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ham0ma · 5 months
SmEpro_1 has been at Eclipses throat, doing absolutely anything to get his own body back. But as the pizzaplex collapses, they only get one last interaction before SmE's programming gives out.
This is my own Au! Not TSAMS related‼️‼️
Hope you enjoy!
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ham0ma · 6 months
The way you paint Moon's hands… I just can't help myself, I see that he's wearing gloves! (I have almost no experience in drawing realistic hands… But I hope it looks aesthetically pleasing enough.)
Taking the opportunity, I would like to say that I really like your skill, style, facial expressions and proportions (and complex emotions, as well as communication between Tari, Sun and Moon).
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Omg ima be honest, I only colored it like that so his fingers could be blue but to add a lil more white to his hands but like this?!
Your absolutely right it does look like he has gloves! I’m not gonna be able to unsee it now but it’s so damn cool!
Also the way you drew the hands? PEAK PEAK PEAK LIKE DAMN THEY LOOL FANTASTIC I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, it’s like so aesthetically pleasing to look at! I keep looking back at them and I’m just like “DAMN”
A JSKFF and thank you! Feral has a lot of practice but I am also her muse when it comes to expressions, and our relationship is a basis for exploring the boys and Tari’s dynamics and relationships so we have an example that really helps us with world building ✨
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