ham236 · 2 years
Entry 6
On July 14, Tiktok Group's public welfare project "Toutiao Seeking People" announced that by July 2022, it had helped more than 19000 separated families to reunite, and helped 59 people go home at most one day. Among the lost people who were recovered, the longest was 80 years, the fastest was 60 seconds, the oldest was 101 years old, and the youngest was only 3 months. Toutiao Search is a public welfare search project launched by Toutiao in February 2016. Its core principle is to distribute search information based on geographic location accurate pop-up technology, and it is committed to helping all kinds of separated families find the lost with scientific and technological means. According to the White Paper on China's Lost Population (2020) issued by the research institute under the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the elderly, minors, disabled and mentally retarded people, migrant workers, vagrants and beggars with no means to live are vulnerable groups. With the development of the headline search project, platforms such as Tiktok have gradually joined. Since December 2021, Tiktok platform and volunteers have started the live broadcast of family searching to help parents and children spread the information of family searching. As of June 30, 2022, Tiktok has successfully helped 751 people go home by pop-up window and releasing 14681 notices. For more than six years, "Headline Search" has launched "Cross Strait Search for Relatives", "Search for Martyrs' Descendants", "Search for Old comrades in arms", "Chinese Search for Roots", "Tiktok Search for Persons" and other special projects, and has cooperated with a number of public welfare organizations, local civil affairs departments, and relief stations to continuously expand the type of search for relatives. At present, Headline Search has become one of the largest Internet public welfare search platforms. The relevant person in charge of the headline search introduced that Tiktok search made the search more diversified, opening up a new channel for searching for relatives, and the creator ecology of Tiktok platform also provided more resources for searching for relatives. As of July 10, Tiktok search volunteers have successfully recovered 458 people. Huang Defeng (net name: Xiao Xiao) is one of the search volunteers active in Tiktok, and has helped 7 search for relatives to find their families. He was originally a Bouyei youth who was keen on spreading national language. In September 2020, Feng Xiaoxiao received help in Tiktok. Through voice recognition, he successfully helped the Bouyei elderly Deliang, who had been abducted for 35 years, find his relatives. In May and June of this year, he helped a 60 year old man of Yunnan Zhuang and an 80 year old man of Guangxi Zhuang to find their relatives who had been separated for more than 30 years by identifying national languages and releasing videos. Li Jingwei, a recipient of the Headline Hunting Project, was abducted at the age of four and has been searching for relatives for 33 years. On December 15, 2021, he used his memory to draw a map of his hometown by hand, and asked Gan Biao, a volunteer looking for people on Tiktok, to release a video of looking for relatives. 13 days later, he finally found his mother, brothers and sisters in Zhaotong, Yunnan. After the successful marriage recognition, Li Jingwei has also become a Tiktok search volunteer, releasing nearly 100 videos of family search, and has helped many people find their families. In July 2021, Li Shuqin, a native of Zunyi, Guizhou, found his brother who had been missing for 33 years within two days through the video released by Wang Xiaoxin, a search volunteer on Tiktok. Now, he has also become a Tiktok looking for people volunteer. He has released 39 videos of looking for relatives, successfully helping to find two people. It is reported that Li Shuqin's story of looking for relatives has been adapted and shot into a public service short film Two Trees, which will be officially launched on July 15.
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ham236 · 2 years
Entry 5
Silence brings not only loneliness, but also the fear of being disconnected from the world. Due to the inability to obtain sound signals independently in time, hearing impaired people have lost some channels to perceive the world, and the communication gap between people, such as "islands". However, hearing impaired people should not become isolated islands, and everyone should be a part of the vast continent. On the eve of the International Disabled Persons Day last year, Vivo, together with the China Audiology Development Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Audiology Foundation"), officially launched the public welfare program of "Sound with Interest", which aims to improve the communication situation and quality of life of hearing impaired people and create a more friendly information accessible social environment by means of barrier free function research and development and upgrading, public welfare donation of barrier free equipment, and public welfare advocacy. This year, the public welfare program of "Sound and Interest" will start again. On the occasion of the International Day for the Deaf, Vivo will work with the Hearing Foundation to carry out a series of assistance actions for young people with hearing disabilities who are seeking employment. The actions mainly include secondary opportunities, employment assistance, public advocacy, etc., in response to the call of the International Day for the Deaf to "enjoy scientific and technological dividends, and run for a better life". This is not only the continuous implementation of Vivo's public welfare plan of "sound and interest", but also the core public welfare action of Vivo, adhering to the sustainable development concept of "science and technology light up a better future", to continuously improve and implement the hearing impaired care work. Breaking the isolated island of information with temperature technology As a technology company with temperature, how to let the deaf return to normal social life has been a problem Vivo has been thinking and solving for a long time. Last year, on the eve of the International Disabled Persons Day, Vivo joined hands with the Hearing Foundation to officially launch the public welfare program of "Sound has interest". In order to better help and serve hearing-impaired users covered by the project, vivo has established a dedicated customer service team to provide online and offline exclusive customer services for hearing-impaired users, including answering questions about the use of daily equipment, guiding the use of information accessibility functions, as well as free pick-up and delivery services and free door-to-door services in some cities. At the level of social advocacy, Vivo and the Hearing Foundation jointly shot the documentary Silent Love based on the real life of hearing impaired people on the Southern Weekend. From the perspective of a hearing impaired couple, they accurately portrayed the current situation of the family life and childcare of hearing impaired people, demonstrated the technological innovation of the accessibility of Vivo information, brought them good changes in life and social life, and aroused more public concern and resonance for this group, Let everyone realize the importance of barrier free environment construction, and advocate that everyone can participate in it to jointly build a friendly and inclusive society. Hearing impaired people have a certain degree of hearing loss, so they will have a certain degree of impact on communication and information acquisition. The impact of hearing impairment is not just sound. The lack of sound information has a lot of chain effects on the lives of hearing impaired people, and employment has become an important one. Vivo mentioned the employment experience of a hearing impaired mother in the Vivo Humanities and Technology Report (Hearing Impairment Care) released at the 4th Scientific and Technological Accessibility Development Conference. Before becoming a mother, she went to find a job, but found in her work that the hearing impaired people received lower treatment for the same job. She has made great efforts to remove the obstacles. She wears a hearing aid and can hear some voices. She can also speak with poor pronunciation, but the gap in treatment cannot be bridged. The experience of this hearing impaired mother is probably the epitome of what many hearing impaired people are experiencing, and it is a long way to promote the employment of hearing impaired people. With the promotion of national policies and the efforts of the Disabled Persons' Federation at all levels and all sectors of society, the employment situation of the hearing-impaired has gradually improved. However, while the employment demand of deaf people is rising, deaf graduates are also facing unprecedented employment pressure. Due to their physical conditions and the impact of the epidemic this year, they are in a weak position in the employment market. The employment situation urgently needs the participation of all parties to improve. On September 25, the Vivo "Voice with Interest" public welfare program was launched again, and the collection of donation beneficiaries will be launched. It is planned to conduct a collection of gift opportunities for 500 young people with hearing impairment (16-25 years old) who are seeking employment, and provide qualified graduates with Vivo barrier free technology products, so as to look forward to a more promising future with them.
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ham236 · 2 years
Entry 4
Internet Public Welfare Mobilization If we say that it is Tencent's active mission to promote the public welfare to practice social responsibility. Then it is their destiny to encounter doubts and pressures. Tencent obviously wants to go further on this road. In April and August of this year, Tencent announced to invest 50 billion yuan to launch the "sustainable social value innovation" strategy and the "special plan for common prosperity". Guo Kaitian said that Tencent was rooted in China and benefited from the times. It was natural that Tencent would devote 100 billion yuan to sustainable social value and common prosperity. "In a country with a population of 1.4 billion and a GDP of more than 100 trillion yuan, this fund is only a drop in the ocean and needs to be used where it is most needed. This money is received by the society and used by the society. Only by giving full play to its effectiveness can it be worthy of social support and expectations." Guo Kaitian explained the decision-making logic. It is not difficult to understand. When an enterprise becomes a national enterprise, it is its inevitable mission to participate in public welfare. The return and destination of global giants are public welfare. Moderate public welfare is not a hindrance to the long-term development of enterprises, but involves brand image, talent introduction, community integration, government enterprise relations, employee cohesion, etc. From the external point of view, the government is advocating common prosperity, and the Chinese philosophy also pursues "wealth gathers and people disperse". The simple ability to earn money cannot win the public's respect. If Tencent wants to be a "respected company", public charity has become an inevitable choice. In this process, we need to think about how to position the role of a commercial company when it is deeply involved in public welfare and practices sustainable social values? First of all, it depends on its ability level and development stage. In the initial stage of an enterprise, public welfare is just a parasite and accessory of commerce, such as employment and tax. When the enterprise has accumulated huge wealth, public welfare has gradually become its strategic business. Therefore, Ma Huateng defined Tencent's public welfare as "the foundation of an enterprise, the base of growth, and it is by no means an ornament", nor a boast. Secondly, it is the ability to donate resources - today's public welfare requires the use of commercial professional operation means, as well as the support of hard core technology. From this perspective, high-tech giants should be more involved than just paying for things. Moreover, the government is also calling on the Internet. As early as 2018, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a document dedicated to promoting blockchain and other "Internet plus" technologies to be applied in the field of public welfare. The Internet giants should not shirk responsibility. The "99 Public Welfare Day" every year can be called a general mobilization of Tencent's products, technologies and organizations. During the period of 99 in 2021, more than 30 products and businesses including Tencent Growth Guardian Platform, Tencent Conference, WeChat Insurance, Tencent Video, Tencent News, and Financial Connect will jointly participate in the development of the six themes of youth growth, rural education, life assistance, technology to help the elderly, common prosperity, and carbon neutralization. The above products may not be produced for the public welfare at first, but they can be used for the public welfare. According to media reports, Tencent's products and technologies will continue to open up, providing a "digital toolbox" for public welfare organizations. The open source capability benefits from the effective guarantee of the organizational structure. In April this year, Tencent set up a new sustainable social value business unit under the enterprise development business group, which was jointly managed and led by several members of the General Office. After the establishment of the above business units, they can focus on doing great things, and a more long-term and grand public welfare layout can be implemented. At the same time, it is also conducive to opening the company's vision and linking more external resources to help the practice of social responsibility. On the other hand, in the process of building a public welfare ecology, all sectors of society also need to reach a consensus that enterprises are not omnipotent. Take "99 Public Welfare Day" as an example. Tencent involves resource contribution, social mobilization contribution (including mobilization and efforts to break the circle of public welfare) and rule contribution. Tencent plays the role of initiator, connector and overall platform. This means that it is necessary to clarify its capability boundary. For example, Tencent, as a commercial subject, is not a law enforcement department. Even though there are institutions and projects suspected of violating laws and regulations in 99 activities, Tencent can only take supervision, persuasion and appropriate punishment, but has no right to take any coercive measures. It must resort to the media, the public and judicial authorities to intervene. Multi party participation in the platform has become the norm. Since the first half of this year, Tencent has launched research on the rules of activities, inviting experts and front-line practitioners to discuss the optimization of rules. In early July, Tencent Public Welfare released the "2021 99 Public Welfare Day Rules". The new rules are divided into four parts: institution and project access rules, Tencent Foundation donation rules, enterprise donation rules, and platform advocacy and supervision. Indeed, a large public welfare platform involves the demands and games of more stakeholders, and there is no perfect solution. Only by constantly optimizing to match the needs of the times, can it respond to the historical mission of different periods. In this process, it will be the responsibility and mission of Internet enterprises to explore the ultimate boundary of public welfare and scientific and technological public welfare with the power of the Internet. Tencent and many other travelers have a long and hard way to go.
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ham236 · 2 years
Entry 3
As a volunteer, I have the greatest happiness and gain as a teacher of students. I can help others by myself, without seeking any return and no matter how much benefit. Although I only pay a small amount of effort, this is the most valuable meaning in service learning.
This time, the students are very special. They are physically and mentally handicapped. Their intelligence is lower than that of ordinary people and they can't adapt to the surrounding environment well. Their seemingly sound bodies can't handle daily chores well. I am very distressed about this. I decided to teach them useful knowledge and try to make them avoid detours in life. In the process of service, I saw that every physically and mentally handicapped person always learns in a simple and happy way, and I also saw and learned from them that learning is absolutely a happy and simple thing. In the service, every time I lead this group of students with physical and mental disabilities, including in the catering class, adult class, resource recovery and other courses, I can feel that each volunteer always teaches each student patiently. No matter how many times these people with physical and mental disabilities may need to be taught in learning or how difficult it is to act and interact, the volunteers still hold the most basic concept and mission of education, That is to say, we believe that every student is educatable. Although we need to spend more study time or more patience in teaching than ordinary people, as a volunteer, when facing different students, we must firmly believe that as long as we can attach our hearts to them, we can definitely help each student get the greatest help from education. Of course, this is definitely the biggest gain I have in service learning.
Moreover, what impressed me most was that in the first course of resource recovery for the physically and mentally handicapped, volunteers patiently led every physically and mentally handicapped person to start resource recovery from the top floor of the building, and every physically and mentally handicapped person was very patient and carefully classified the garbage. I believe that this is something that ordinary people are very difficult or even unwilling to stoop down to do, but they enjoy it, This made me understand that everyone has his own shining point, even if it is insignificant. And in this fast-paced society, everyone is eager for quick success and instant benefit, unwilling to slow down to enjoy life and experience the beauty that has never been found around. It is these people with physical and mental disabilities who taught me this truth.
Therefore, in this service study, I saw that these physically and mentally handicapped people were as dedicated to their work as they were, and always held a positive attitude towards learning. This was where I felt guilty and introspection. It was they who taught me to face setbacks positively. Life is not always smooth, and life is normal. Ordinary mind is too rare for modern people, so it is extremely precious. Even those who are born suffering can face everything calmly. What excuse do I have to escape and deny myself?
Therefore, I believe that service learning should feel and experience with heart, learn from doing, and self review and experience the spirit of education in practice. Therefore, I am more convinced that service learning should be implemented in everyone's life, and we, as volunteers, should understand that only if we know how to pay and don't care about returns, and do everything we should do, can education achieve outstanding and fruitful results.
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ham236 · 2 years
Entry 2
From September 27 to 28, the NGO parallel forum at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15 for short) was held in Kunming, Yunnan. More than 400 representatives from more than 30 countries participated in the forum online and offline, sharing their cutting-edge views, cases and actions around global biodiversity issues.
The forum released the list of "100+cases of biodiversity", among which 19 cases including "Ant Forest" of Ant Group, "Earth Artificial Intelligence" of Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd., "Penguins Love the Earth" of Tencent, and "Renniaofei Project" of Beijing Entrepreneur Environmental Protection Foundation were selected as "Global Special Recommended Cases". The global collection of "100+Cases of Biodiversity" was guided by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Office of the COP15 Preparatory Committee, and hosted by the China Environmental Protection Foundation and the Taohuayuan Ecological Protection Foundation. A total of 258 cases were reported by 196 units from 26 countries on seven continents. A total of 108 cases were evaluated as "100+Global Typical Cases of Biodiversity", of which 19 cases were evaluated as "100+Global Special Recommended Cases of Biodiversity".
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Note: Publicity of selected cases in the global solicitation of "100+cases of biodiversity" (partial)
Liu Ning, the COP15 negotiator of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Executive Deputy Director of the Executive Committee Office, said that the selection of "100+biodiversity cases" presented typical practices worldwide, providing an example of action for global NGOs to implement the global biodiversity framework after 2020.
Yang Fangyi, the project director of IUCN China Office, believes that it is a particularly good signal for enterprises to participate in the declaration of cases. Two thirds of China's public welfare donations come from enterprises, which have established a long-term funding mechanism. Many Internet enterprises and biodiversity conservation are internalized into their own business models and businesses, which is very different from before.
Taking Ant Forest as an example, in 2016, Alipay "Ant Forest" was launched on Alipay platform. By transforming users' low-carbon behaviors such as walking, subway travel and online ticket buying into quantifiable "green energy", Alipay exchanged a certain amount of energy for a real tree, and then planted these saplings in areas with serious desertification to complete the landing of public welfare projects. According to statistics, more than 280 million users are planting trees in the ant forest, which has become the world's largest all age personal low-carbon account platform. As of September 26, 2020, more than 223 million trees have been planted in the "ant forest", with a planting area of more than 3.06 million mu, and the future total ecosystem output value can reach 11.18 billion yuan.
Netizens' low-carbon behaviors, such as green travel, paper reduction and plastic reduction, energy conservation and consumption reduction, and recycling, can be counted as "green energy" through carbon emission reduction methodology. When they accumulate to a certain extent, they can apply for planting a real tree in a desertification area, or "claim" a one square meter conservation area in an area where biodiversity needs to be protected urgently. After that, enterprises will donate money to public welfare institutions, which are responsible for planting and maintenance, and forest and grass departments and ecological environment departments will guide and supervise the implementation of a series of public welfare projects for ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation throughout China.
It is understood that as one of the important themes of the COP15 NGO Parallel Forum, the release and discussion of the "100+Cases of Global Biodiversity" gathered successful experiences from all walks of life in biodiversity conservation, and will also contribute to the COP15 official meeting opened on October 11 and the "Kunming Declaration" issued at that time.
Ant forest has explored a feasible and effective way for [Internet plus public welfare]. More importantly, we let the general public see the real picture of the Internet public welfare changing the environment. Users can also plant real trees in the real world through their own efforts, and make some contributions to greening the world. The correct value orientation inspires users' positive feedback and action. At the same time, users gain a sense of achievement due to their contributions to environmental protection.
It has to be said that Ant Forest is a win-win product.
Zu Wang, the product manager of Ant Forest, once said that technology is the greatest public welfare in this era. And I agree it very much.
Some users said that what wakes them up every morning is not a dream, but an ant forest. A girl wrote a paper for Ant Forest; A little fat man lost 70 kg because he saved energy; Someone's child was born on the same day as the tree. He said that he must go to see the tree in the future and tell the child about the tree. Of course, more users left messages on the Internet saying that after planting trees, they felt "finally the world is a little different because of my existence." Others said that this tree is "the first thing that I have given my living qualification for the first time in more than 20 years of life".
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ham236 · 2 years
Entry 1
Through a series of activities, the enterprise conveys positive ideas, such as respect, enthusiasm, environmental protection, sustainable development, charity, care, etc., which makes me deeply understand the close relationship between myself and the society, and also makes me understand the unshirkable responsibility of the enterprise to the society. Mutual benefit and common development can only last for a long time. The first thing to talk about is respect. In our life and work, etiquette generally reflects respect. The cultural construction of our enterprise is "respect, care, responsibility and dedication", and its respect comes first. I think respect is divided into self-respect and respect for him. In fact, all people are equal, and we should respect ourselves as well as others. Respect for superiors is a duty, respect for subordinates is a virtue, respect for customers is a common sense, respect for colleagues is a duty, and respect for everyone is a kind of education. Respect for others should be based on certain methods and principles, and should be good at expressing respect and friendliness to others, being accepted by others, and forming interaction. Otherwise, good intentions will not be well rewarded, causing unnecessary misunderstanding. There are three principles on respect. First, accept the other party. Second, appreciate each other and attach importance to each other. Third, praise each other. We are conscientious and responsible in our work, we are not afraid of tiredness, we serve customers wholeheartedly, and we meet all the needs of customers within our scope of responsibility, so that every customer is satisfied. The enterprise also respects employees very much, both in life and work, and tries to deal with the difficulties of employees, so that employees can do their jobs more efficiently and wholeheartedly. The enterprise also respects the vulnerable groups in the society, and will hire people with excellent character but limited conditions to take up their jobs, provide a certain degree of subsidies for families with difficulties in life, and try to provide jobs for people near the plant, forming a win-win situation. What the enterprise does affects my attention to myself. Self respect is a very valuable but difficult quality. And self-esteem includes the following aspects: Respect your career and love your own work. The ancients once said, "There is an order of learning about Taoism, and there is a specialization in the field of art." Only by loving their own work, can a person stimulate his own potential and creativity, and realize the value of life. How can you create value and sublimate yourself if you are listless at work, dissatisfied with your work, complaining about the world, and holding the idea of being a monk every day? Respect your unit. A person's work unit is his background and support. If you do not respect your unit, you will not recognize the basis of your existence, that is, you will not respect yourself. Respect your profession and don't spoil it. In addition to strengthening business learning and improving professional and technical level, we take things seriously and operate in strict accordance with professional and technical operation specifications to win the trust of customers. In a word, I think that a person's life and career success is based on his elegant appearance, perfect language art, and good personal image to show his temperament and cultivation and win respect. Therefore, learn to respect and tolerate others. At the same time, you must always pay attention to your own way of speaking and appearance, and welcome every day of life with an optimistic and positive image. Only in this way can we realize our life value in a harmonious social atmosphere.
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