hamartiologic · 20 hours
How would pandora act to someone who flirts with him? Like if it's a stranger, her friend, or her lover?
Stranger: 50% chance it goes over his head entirely, 50% chance he'll think the gesture was weird and fishy.
Friend: Oh, it definitely goes over her head in this case. Pandora will take it as either a joke or just a normal display of platonic affection.
If the attempt is ambiguous or a compliment: "Aww, thank you! You're so nice." If the attempt directly mentions dating or kissing: "Haha, you're so funny! You better not go around breaking hearts like this!"
Lover: He tries to pass it off as a joke because he's super shy about it. You can probably tell from the other answers, but he's not really used to romance at all, so he's the equivalent of a baby deer learning to walk for the first time, you know? He also thinks the affection might be taken away, so he tries not to act too desperate to save face for that possibility.
"I know I'm cute, haha! If you wanna hug me so bad, then, uh, I won't go down without a fight!"
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hamartiologic · 20 hours
What's M!Pandora's favourite ending in M!Milo's route?
Walls, by far. Nobody gets hurt because of her, but she has all of Milo's attention even when she isn't the person she's 'supposed' to be. It doesn't matter to Milo if Pandora's too tired to keep up airs—he loves Pandora in his entirety, which is what Pandora had been waiting for all this time. Even in Pandora's worst desires, Milo will take it all, never leaving her side.
If Pandora has just one person's unconditional forgiveness, then she can become anything—in their forgiveness, she finds freedom. Free from the burdens of expectations. What's more that Walls!Milo will heed his every word? Walls!Milo's devotion is something Pandora never knew she needed.
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hamartiologic · 5 days
(Ran out of options...)
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hamartiologic · 7 days
(Ran out of options...)
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hamartiologic · 12 days
(By the way, I got the asks in my inbox! I want to answer them but I am swamped with college reqs. I promise I'll get around to them though!!)
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hamartiologic · 18 days
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Milo siblings concept... 🚶
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hamartiologic · 20 days
We went to a cute cafe today!!!
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With Portia, Elena, and Emir!!
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hamartiologic · 21 days
esoteric form of roleplay where instead of actually roleplaying you just make up characters together and discuss in abstract how they'd interact and how their story would go
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hamartiologic · 23 days
college is beating my ass guys I can't PL it up rn 💔 cruel world I miss my son
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hamartiologic · 25 days
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hamartiologic · 25 days
Dew the Milos (did different styles from certain artists)
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Last one’s just me trying a diff style and not copying anyone dtogh h g
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hamartiologic · 25 days
So Yuka's redesign is finally finished!!!
I've been wanting to change it a bit for a while now, not much has changed, I've just added some stuff and a new hobby!
I wanted her to be more of a cottage style now. She's always trying to be a little more optimistic.
And she now roller skates! I found it rather funny and it suited her well, don't panic she still does cosplay and often asks Milo to go with her! (bodyguard?)
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hamartiologic · 1 month
Day seven of posting until Eris takes me back
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hamartiologic · 1 month
If Eris blackmailed Ryan in that one scene in the alleyway, what would Pandora’s action be in the same scenario?
This is a really good question! I had said before in the PL: Pandora Edition P2 post that I don't think Pandora would be involved in that incident, but if she was, I think it would go a little something like this:
I think Ryan is the type of person to still pull his fatal prank, even without Eris' goading—anything for the thrill, right? Here, Pandora would act as the voice of reason, assuming he somehow got wind of Ryan's shenanigans or just happened upon the scene. As Pandora tries to stop the tragedy from happening, it turns out that she's a little to late to save anyone, so now there's blood on Ryan's hands—and Pandora feels like she's stained her own as well.
That night, Pandora would go home stricken with grief over the harm that he inadvertently caused through his inability to save those poor people. Surely that couldn't have been real, right? She'll try turning away from her guilt, trying to convince herself in various ways of all the scenarios that could absolve her of the responsibility that weighs on her shoulders from being a witness. Moreover, he shuns Ryan, opting to distance himself from someone who could so recklessly put other peoples' lives on the line like that. Still, she wonders if it's the right thing to do, if being closer to him would put her in the right place to actually save anyone else, should he do it again.
Ultimately, she sticks with her decision to pretend like she doesn't know Ryan. It makes things easier for him. But if she were to get her hands on that USB... he would keep it in tow to convince himself that he did nothing wrong, that there was nothing he could've done. As for the confrontation, well... Ryan would have to piss Pandora off real bad for her to actually go back on her resolve to never involve herself with Ryan again. I imagine Pandora would be in tears from the overwhelming anger in this instance, airing out all his grievances with Ryan in that moment, and when Ryan brings up the incident, Pandora will reveal that, surprise surprise, he has the USB so if Ryan doesn't want to get in trouble, he'd better stand down and listen to everything Pandora has to say. In the end, the evidence puts Pandora in a position where he's in control, so... she'll keep holding onto it.
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hamartiologic · 1 month
Does Pandora have exes just like Eris?
Pandora doesn't take a second to think before she answers. He doesn't see a reason to lie, so lie he doesn't. "No. Admittedly, I've never been in a relationship..." There isn't a trace of embarrassment in her expression—it's a factual statement, nothing more, nothing less. "I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but it's not like people haven't confessed to me! I just, hm, didn't think I was ready?" In lieu of break ups, Pandora thinks about the trail of otherwise broken hearts he's left in his wake as a result of his rejections. This time, she only tells half of the story, lying by omission: the real truth is that he was afraid of the control being in love would grant over him to his partner. In the first place, she didn't think any of her suitors truly saw her for who she was—he shuddered at the thought of being tossed aside once they would inevitably find out about his darker desires, being exposed for the horrible person he feared he was. After a long pause, she speaks up again. "I think I might be ready now, though? I figure since I'm in college, I might as well get the experience, right?"
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hamartiologic · 1 month
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Perfect Love Devlog #40
I'll be going to be camping with family and friends until Wednesday, so I might just skip next week's devlog in that case. I was able to finish Ryan's extra route and I also made something for someone's birthday (cough Pandora) so that's also in the game now I guess.
I was watching a video on how undertale was coded and I got this horrible idea based off of the fun value that Toby Fox did. Well not horrible, but the idea is that you would get a random extra scene that gets rolled when you first open the game. Of course that would mean that I would have to make a bunch of scenes, but considering that I made two of the easter eggs on the menu screen the day before I released the game, well I could probably just make some scenarios for all of the character's interactions. Like I said, horrible idea.
If I have time next week, I'll either do some corrections based on Vivian's corrections or I'l try to do Valli and Gamma's route next. I still have no idea how I'm going to do the holographic look that Gamma's gonna have, but I'll just try it out. I'm really into dredge again though so I'm just going to go back to fishing.
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hamartiologic · 1 month
happynybrithdayu. to child
Pandora birt
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