hamdiyaa · 8 years
I’m going to teach my son to love. To care for women. To go after a mind, and a soul. I will teach him that a body can be the most exquisite thing in the world, and he should love it like no other, but it is nothing when it is mindless and soulless. I will show him to appreciate girls who think and believe. Who help and wander. I will teach him to be a decent soul, s0 he can teach others to get over their bodies.
Hira (via hedonistpoet)
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
A husband is supposed to be the one who cures the heart of his wife. He is her friend, her companion, her support and the one she confides in and he covers her faults. He drys her tears of pain. He makes her smile. He brings joy to her life. He trusts her and his love for her is eternal. He honours her during hardship and ease. He respects her and misses her when she is not around. He plays and jokes with her to show his affection and he prays with her to show their sacrifice. He supplicates for their love and blessings to increase, and he asks Allah to gather them together in the palaces of paradise. This is what the Messenger of Allah ﷺ taught us throughout his blessed life. This rule can be applied for both genders.
Shaykh Mohammad Aslam (via islamicrays)
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
A sure sign of a man’s strength is how gently he loves his wife.
(via halal-love-stories)
And respect her.
(via aphroniya)
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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Instagram : Niabaya
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
It might take a year. It might take longer. But it’s worth the wait.
(via deeplifequotes)
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
The best attribute a believer can have is forgiveness.
al-Hasan al-Basri
Originally found on: islam2011
(via islamic-art-and-quotes)
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
اللحظة التي تشعر ان عليك اثبات اهميتك لشخص ما هي اللحظة التي عليك فيها الرحيل the moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away
(via quotes117)
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
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hamdiyaa · 8 years
I taste the good and bad in you and want them both.
Anita Ofokansi, Literary Sexts  (via blackbruise)
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