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What These 10 Baby-Sitters Club Books Should Have Been Called
Nothing wrong with putting a 13-year-old in charge of whether your child lives or dies.
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This is amazing
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Fandom Tag
BTW not gonna tag anyone LOL because i have no friends k here goes
Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood
Walking Dead: Carl Grimes
Shatter Me Trilogy?: Kenji
Hamilton: Thomas Jefferson/Daveed/Lafayette
Hunger Games: Finnink Odair
Cursed Child: Scorpius
Fantastic Beasts: Newt Scamander OR Jacob Kowalski
Stranger Things: uhh Eleven?
Adventure Time: Marceline
Youtubers: Dan and Phil duh
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Harry Potter Ask Meme
Harry: Most traumatic event of your life
Ron: Biggest insecurity?
Hermione: Favourite book?
Snape: Have you ever loved someone in secret?
Molly: Do you want to have children?
Draco: What is the bravest thing you ever had to do?
Luna: Weirdest hobbie?
Neville: Any secret talent?
Sirius: One ambition you had but was never fulfilled
Dumbledore: For you, what is the most precious thing in the world?
Hagrid: One unpopular opinion
Bellatrix: Biggest guilty pleassure?
Lupin: A lie you told to protect somone you loved
Lily: Would you die for someone? Who?
James: What thing from your past do you regret the most?
McGonagall: In which aspect of your life are you stricter?
Ginny: Favourite football team? (Or any other sport)
Fred and George: Greatest prank you ever did?
Hedwig: Do you have any pets?
Dobby: One person who has always been loyal to you
Tonks: What is the craziest thing you would do for love
Trelawney: How do you see yourself in five years?
Umbridge: A flaw you can’t stand in people
Nagini: How many languages do you speak?
Voldemort: Do you hate someone? Who?
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Rules: your 1 favourite character from 10 different fandoms
Thanks @miss-lyrical-leftie and @hecubas for the tags! 1. Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter- don’t judge) 2. Anna Bates (Downton Abbey) 3. Izzy Lightwood (TMI) 4. Jem Carstairs (TID) 5. Julian Blackthorn (TDA) 6. Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows) 7. Neil Josten (All for the Game) 8. Maddie Brodatt (Code Name Verity) 9. Johanna Mason (THG) 10. Scorpius Malfoy (CC)
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Will NEVER die
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Manly Tears Were Shed Upon Reading These Lines
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Hamilton Lolz Help Me K bye Just remember Hamilton
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me: You guys want to hear me sing Hamilton; a one man musical?
them: Isn't Hamilton really long? And have a really big cast?
me: How does a bastard, orphan, son of
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hamilton: [about laurens, laffayette, and herc] no, burr, you don't understand. these guys are my friends!
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