hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
&&|| Interest Check and Activity Notice
Would anybody be interested in interacting with a shizune?? I’ve got her in my head, and wanted to do a serious check before putting in the work! Obviously can’t get this started for another week or so.
I’ll also be out until Sunday, and activity will be spotty until mid September! Feel free to hmu on discord though, tess#0644. always open for plotting and other tomfoolery!
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
“Murder,” he said. “Poison in my meal, a kunai in the ribs, a bloodliner set on revenge, nin-hunters? I style myself as eternal and immortal, but quite frankly, the opposite is true: /I die so often it has become my trademark to return – as if it’s easy!/ I may be the last version of me. I am always afraid of dying, Princess. Every day. That’s why I fought so well as a child - I am used to constant primal fear.”
He stirred his meal and ate it reluctantly. He trusted the innkeeper, a reliable man with a good heart and a steel judgement. As long as Orochimaru paid, no trouble.
“Why do you think I’m incapable of being taken advantage of?”
“Wasn’t it your point to be the strongest? It’s not my fault you piss people off,” a sharp huff, “Everyone's scared of dying. You’re not special. You’re not fragile. Get over it already.” 
She could feel her heart searing in annoyance. Unconsciously, she poured a drink from the bottle, stopping halfway when she realized what she was doing. The glass stayed in her hand, but Tsunade refused to look at it. 
“Go back to a hole in the ground if you’re that scared.”
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
“When you were cut in halves and I healed you, you said something that left a profound impression - It made me think, if only I had tried to change earlier.”
“So I want the impossible,” he said. “I want to change myself. Thank god anything considered an impossibility is usually my specialty. But I cannot tell right from wrong, and -fu fu fu- I am absolutely terrified to be influenced or used by anyone foul. A person like me, with my power, should not become a tool. I can’t ask you for guidance, can I?” He smiled faintly. In a way, he was asking.
“Please sit with me for a while as I finish my meal. You don’t have to say anything. I just want to feel safe for a moment. I can buy you a meal of you would like.” At least she had the decency to let him finish his rather embaressing monologue.
“What are you so afraid of?” she said, half to herself, “Are you even capable of being taken advantage of?”
Had she really had that deep of an impact on him? The events from that night were jumbled at best; most of what she could remember after being slathered back together was pain. It was only after his reminder that she could recall the gist of their conversation.
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
He could read her movements as good as she read his. It was a remnant from being teammates, both strange and familiar. He looked at the barman. He looked back. Their eyes met. Orochimaru lift a hand. He gestured for two more drinks. The barman nodded, got to work. Orochimaru thought nothing of it.
“I understand,” he said. “But if you ever do, I won’t ask for anything in return: my metaphysics debs outclass anyone’s.”
The bottle was on its way before she could get a word in. No, she wouldn’t be joining him tonight. It would have been too easy to flush the discomfort out of her body with booze, and there was no telling how the evening would turn with the both of them upset and inebriated.
“I doubt that. You’re quid pro quo to your core. What do you want from me. What will you want from me?” She almost tagged his name at the end of the sentence, but stopped herself just in time. Tsunade didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of hearing his own name. 
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
dolomite and hiddenite!?
@goldenscribe || gem headcanons
dolomite: a sleep headcanon
Tsunade, for a good number of years after Dan’s traumatic death, was the victim of constant night terrors. She used to force herself to stay up until she passed out either from drinking or exhaustion, and because of her nightly night caps, she never made the correlation between alocohol and her night terrors. She’s since graduated to sleeping pills (after lengthy trial and error).
Tsunade also dislikes sleeping in a room by herself. During her travels she shared a room with Shizune to save on costs. Now, she likes to sleep with Tonton at the foot of the bed.
hiddenite: how much of an “inner child” my muse has
If she’s famous for anything, it’s her temper. Tsunade grew up spoiled to the core, and while she’s matured greatly, she gets irritated if things don’t go her way. Her impulse control is really kid like too! If she wants something, she’ll buy it. If she doesn’t have the money for it, she’ll gamble to get the money for it. Hashirama really messed up with this one!!! She was a real heathen in her hay day!!
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
In reply to her words, he nodded once, to let her know he had heard and understood them. His gaze drifted from her face to her hands. The fingers looked soft.
This hostile silence was not how he had envisioned a conversation with her. He had had no time to prepare this. If he had had time, surely he would have come up with different and more clever things to say. Maybe he would have said things that made her understand his self-justifications. Or he could’ve said things that could make her stay. Here in front of him sat Princess Tsunade, his Only and Most Reluctant Friend. He felt happy the same time as he felt sorry.
“I can tell you do not want to be here with me,” he whispered. Even though I want to be with you. I want to hold your soft hand when it doesn’t hurt me. I want to see your smile. Is this what he felt all these years?
“So is there anything… -closure?- that I can offer you?” Or services, or money, or information? “…Asssk me anything.” Anything at all, my dearest.
The crooning of his voice yet again caught her off guard. Too much had changed within him since she’d seen him last; it was like someone had shucked the edge out of him. She could feel his eyes trace her like ice. It wasn’t pleasant.
“You don’t have anything I want.” The words rushed out. He probably had money, he’d probably give it to her too. A blank check, a safehouse filled with cash. Something she could run off with while he faded into obscurity. Her eyes darted to the bartender for the slightest second. 
Out of all the restaurants in the middle of the ocean, he had to be at this one. She adjusted herself and tried her best to look bored. There wasn’t much else she had to say.
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
All the happy… I was tagged by @zilaiyc​ (Thanks a bunch!! <3)
Pass the happy along!! When you get this, tell five things that make you happy. Then send it to ten other nice people.
My friends
My beautiful, perfect kitty
Delicious food
Sitting by a sunny window
I tag: Whoever hasn’t done this yet!!
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
"Ahaha! Happy Birthday, Tsunade! Look-look! I got the perfect gift for you!" With both hands, Aina holds out a stack of coloring books, a box of crayons (120 in total) sitting on top. "I reckon these'll help you relax when you get stressed or upset about something. I considered gettin' you colored pencils, but crayons are much better for relaxation. If you break 'em into itty-bitty pieces, you can still use 'em. Please give these a try..."
@super-kame-love​ || Birthday Wishes 
A week and and a half had passed since her birthday. Things were back to normal; the annoying whispers about her age were given up for more recent gossip; chaos and paper continued to pile up in her office. Business as usual. 
Tsunade, in a desperate effort to find an ink block she hadn’t left to dry out, had all but gutted the top drawers of her desk. She paused when her hands had groped themselves around a small, wonderful little cardboard box. A smirk broke though her annoyance as she brought the box to her face, shifting the crayons out of their places to get a good look at the labels. 
Muavelous, Electric Lime, Wild Blue Yonder. How cute, she thought. Eventually, Fern was plucked from the lineup. Tsunade cleared some space on her desk and in her mind, rolling the crayon between her fingers as she decided what to write. 
Dear Aina, 
I wanted to thank you again for your gift, it definitely came in handy today. Please keep up the good work. 
Senju Tsunade, Godaime Hokage
The letter seemed a little bland. There was a balding blank space that stared at her, and before she knew it a crudely drawn characature of Tonton giving a thumbs up appeared on the page. Embarrased, but unwilling to rewrite the rare letter, Tsunade quickly enveloped the paper, placing a ‘For Your Eyes Only” sticker over the flap and sent it on its way.
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
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tag yrself art history edition
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
"It may be hard to believe, but recently I lost the ability to read."
Likely story, Kakashi. She would have believed him if it weren’t for the fact that he was still reading a worn-out first edition signed copy of Icha Icha Paradise. “You know, I think have some more documents for you to go through. Shizune, give him the file.” 
A binder thicker than her arm is pulled out. Which is saying something; she’s got some killer guns.
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
Each step closer to the tower added weight, heavy footfalls almost silent as he went up the stairs. It was late and most shinobi were out celebrating, rejoicing with each other and reuniting with families. One in particular, the one he sought, would be alone. Perhaps there might be company in the shape of a lifelong friend, but he doubted it.
Tsunade had always done things alone. It would be a surprise for this one to be any different.
If he were honest with himself, he knew it was because she would be alone that he made that visit. The first one he saw – over the boy who saved the world and still held his heart, over the student of his pupil, over every other person in that village he would pay respects to – she came first. She always had.
Several heartbeats passed by loudly as he stood in front of that large, closed door. So many times he’d walked through, not a care in the world. Three different Hokage to visit, to adore, to report to. But this instance…this was different from every time before.
Slowly, the door opened, a soft smile on his lips. She wouldn’t know and if he were lucky, he might not have to visit the hospital. Still, seeing her, hearing her, being with her–
“Paperwork again?” he asked. “I figured you’d be celebrating with everyone else.”
The clock clicked away, grating at her ears. It was expensive. It was expensive, and Kakashi liked it, and two weeks from now she would never have to look at it again. Spearing her fist through it wouldn’t be worth the mess.
A heavy breath streamed out from her nose as she forced herself to keep writing. Reports, summaries, recommendations, and a bevy of other forms had to be sent out in triplicate by next Wednesday. If she worked through a couple of nights she’d be able to get it done and wash the stress out of her hair forever. No deadlines, no genin, no more hunching over a desk on a holiday.
There was a click and a creak, and Tsunade specifically remembered asking for no interruptions. But then he spoke. He spoke.
Her hand stilled mid-air. She didn’t dare breath. Every neuron screeched that it wasn’t real. Ten lead seconds went by before the muscles in her neck followed her eyes and she saw his shoes, his hands, his vest, and his face. She sat there while her larynx tightened with the words that wouldn’t come. 
It was him.
It had to be.
The sound of his breathing, the brightness of his presence, the way he looked at her – it was him. Her grip softened. The pen rolled out from her desk and onto the floor while the clock sounded with her heart. Tsunade didn’t even register the saline that was building up, overflowing. 
“I – I...” It’s all she could muster. She couldn’t think, couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything but sit there and take in everything that made him him. Her breath caught up with her deep and fast; fear seized her. Two years. Two years she’d spent healing, and the thought that this was a trick of the light or late hours ripped her apart.
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
This is LIBEL
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
( i’m going to sleep!!! )
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hanafudafists-blog ¡ 7 years
Please do the URL meme for Zilaiyc! ♡
@zilaiyc​ @uchihacollector​ | Toss me them URLs
Yes ma’am!!!!
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Jiraiya is goofy, and loyal, and genuinely cares about the people in his life. He literally died for them. I think we’re all in agreement here that his death really got us good! I’m firm in my belief that the Sannin had the strongest base of character in the series. There’s just so much to him! He’s lived through two wars, trained two hokages, lost two teammates to apathy and an army of his friends and students, but he still held fast to his beliefs. And he summons giant fucking toads how cool is that 
How they play them: I love Nikki’s portrayal! She brings this sense of wholeness and humanity to all of her characters, and has done an excellent job of fleshing Jiraiya out! I respect her a lot because she knows her muse in and out, as well as their limitations; it’s so refreshing and really helps me to get to the root of my character! We’re in the big leagues now boy!!!! I’ve actually spent quite a bit of time going through her headcanons and almost gave myself an aneurysm because my head was nodding so much. SHIT’S AIR TIGHT. Really, everything in that headcanon tag is Good Shit, please check it out!!!!
The Mun: First of all, I’d like to thank Nikki for introducing us to Cowboy Troy. Second of all, she’s just wonderful! She’s always been up for going back and forth on character analysis, and she is just so gosh darn good at communicating!! Everything she does has so much thought into it!!! i love it!!!!!
Do I:
RP with them: Yes, and thank the lord!! These two have such a complicated relationship. It’s been such a treat to work out Tsunade’s character with you!
Want to RP with them:  Yeahhhhh boyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: GREAT jiraiya GREAT mun I give this blog an official ten frogs out of ten frogs, which makes it eligible to win a giant golden frog in our grand prize drawing in June. Stay tuned folks and keep listening to NIKI 101.7 for a chance to win.
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