hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 17
Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?
She’s probably an early bird when it comes down to choosing. She prefers to get up early and get everything done rather than staying up late to finish things.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 16
How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?
Not very vain at all. She dresses very modestly and really doesn’t try to impress anyone with her looks. She thinks she looks relatively average for a girl her age although doesn’t really expect to get any prettier with age. 
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge 14 & 15
Describe your character’s happiest memory. 
It would probably be when she was offered the position of the gym leader. She couldn’t believe that she was getting such an important position and right after her eevee had evolved too!
What does your character’s bed look like when they wake up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?
Hanako’s bed is always very neat, whether she’s sleeping in it or not. Since she doesn’t move around a lot it stays in near perfect condition when she does get into it. She usually sleeps on her side or back.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
“Oh, no! It’s alright.” Hanako smiled, waving her hand dismissively in response. “I don’t mind at all. You were just curious. It’s alright. It’s not like talking about that upsets me or anything.” she gently smiled.
She lightly laughed as he stumbled over his words, holding her hand in front of her mouth to try and muffle it. He was so worried about offending her. That was actually pretty nice of him...
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“Oh, alright.��� she nodded, noticing the shop up ahead as well. “If you wish to continue talking then I’ll wait right here.” she smiled, lightly crossing her arms. “I don’t have any challengers at the moment so I have all the time in the world to talk with you. It’s nice...”
Introductions | Hanako & Fay
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 13
Who does your character trust?
Literally everyone. Who doesn’t this girl trust? It’s honestly worrying that she’s so trusting.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | 9-12
Under the cut: more catch up
Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.
A turning point for her would definitely be when she became the gym leader. Ever since then she’s been doing her best to be way more outgoing then she ever has been!
Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? 
Not really. She can make simple things. Although her favorite recipes are simple things too! Lots of salads and sandwiches... She loves the greens.
What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be like?
Someone sweet who will talk to her for hours and let her talk to them for hours in return. She’s not really picky with appearance.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 9
How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?
Hanako smells like the forest. It’s a light, fresh clean smell. Depending on the season she can smell more like flowers in the warmer months or more like pine needles in the colder months.
She doesn’t wear any kind of perfumes because she feels she’s too young for it. Plus it might scare the pokemon away.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 5-8
Some catch-up under the cut.
What is your character’s most embarrassing moment?
It would probably be the time her wheelchair got caught up in the flowers in her own gym. That was around the time she realized she was probably going to fix the place up to make it a bit easier for her to get around in.
Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason? 
She only has one on her knee from when she was very little and still learning how to work her wheelchair, It tipped over and she fell out, scraping up her knees pretty badly although the scar is hardly noticeable now.
Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby? 
Hanako’s hands are very small and delicate looking. Though they are calloused from constantly wheeling herself around.
Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.
Flowers of the Past - Gumi
A song for a Hanako that could be about her thinking to the future or even represent her a little older than she is now. People pass through her city every day and she realizes as she grows older that she just watches them pass by, really unable to follow anyone out without hassle. She sometimes wishes to go back to the days when these things didn’t bother her.
Make This Leap - The Hunts
Young Hanako thinking about the future with her partners. She’s nervous about becoming the gym leader in the future, worried that she might not be able to do it. But deep down she knows her and her pokemon will pull each other through it all.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
“Oh, I see.” Hanako nodded, gently touching her bow in thought. She supposed it did stand out against all the green... but it was nice. She waved her hand dismissively with a smile at their concern. “No, not at all. It’s alright.” she replied happily.
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“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” she smiled, going back to the topic at hand. “I know just about every pokemon around here. I spend all my time in this forest, you see... So it should be easy to help you find the perfect new addition to your tesm! Were you looking for anything specific?” she asked, tilting her head a bit.
“If not I suppose we can just head to a populated area... But if you are I can take you to where they’re most likely found.” she elaborated, holding her hands in front of her.
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“Hah… Sorry, I saw something red and got excited…” Rem admitted sheepishly, rubbing their neck. “I hope I didn’t startle you.”
At Hanako’s offer, Rem brightened up. “Wah…! You do!?” they beamed, eyes widening as they spread their arms out behind them. “I’d really appreciate it! Oh! I’m Rem, and this is Hikaru!” At the mention of his name, the little shinx wagged it’s tail and meowed loudly.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
Hanako smiled at him as she led him to the herb shop. It wasn’t too far but she liked to take her time and talk with people when she got the chance. It was a nice change of pace when she wasn’t busy with her gym.
“I suppose so. Herbs are pretty bitter. Especially the ones we have around here. I guess it does make the pokemon a little happy even if it does seem better for them. Surely the natural remedy should be better, right? Ah, regardless everyone has their own personal choice.” she nodded a few times.
She glanced up at him when he asked her his question, a surprised look coming to her face before she smiled again, softly this time. “Ah, well, it was a pretty easy decision you see. You might say it was made for me.” she laughed.
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“Ever since I was little... Well, even more little than I am now, I knew I wanted to train pokemon. But when you’re stuck in a wheelchair that can’t get you over tough terrain and none of your pokemon are big enough to carry you... you realize that your choices are pretty limited... I couldn’t go out and challenge the league... so I started training at the gym. And well, one thing lead to another and suddenly I was being offered the posotion... I simply couldn’t say no.”
Introductions | Hanako & Fay
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
hanakoakihara liked for a starter!
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Rem had barely even left their hometown and they were already nervous. They clutched the straps of their back pack as they stared out at the path ahead. Paved road stretched forward until it vanished over the horizon, framed by trees that cast shadow over grass up to Rem’s waist. Taking a deep breath, they reached to their waist and pulled the sole pokeball off of their belt. A click of the release and a flash of light, and a small blue pokemon appeared on their shoulder.
“Come on, Hikaru, let’s do this together.”
“Shinx!” agreed Hikaru, giving Rem a reassuring nuzzle.
Taking a deep breath, Rem started towards the tree line and plunged into the grass. “Keep your eyes peeled,” they told Hikaru as they moved deeper in. Their vigilance was rewarded soon with a flash of red moving past a gap in some trees. Adrenaline surging, Rem pushed through the grass towards it with an attack command heavy on their lips. But as they stumbled onto the clearing, all they saw was a girl, about their age, dressed modestly with a red ribbon that matched her wheelchair.
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“What? You’re not a pokemon!” Rem blurted, stumbling to a halt.
Hanako had been spending her free time, as she always did, hanging around in the forest. She just loved it so much... how could she not? She had gone quite far this time, nearly making it to the other edge of the forest in comparison to where the city was. She glanced over when she heard someone call out, her eyes widening.
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Ah, why no. I’m not a pokemon.” she lightly giggled, bringing up a hand to cover her mouth as she laughed. “I’m sorry, did you mistake me for one?” she asked, tilting her head. “I can’t say that’s ever happened to me before... but mistaking me for such cute little creatures... I’ll take it a a compliment!” she added on with a smile.
“I’m Hanako. Are you hunting for pokemon? I could help you find some! I know every pokemon in this forest.” she explained proudly. While she couldn’t say she knew every pokemon in the forest it was pretty believable that she knew most of them with how much time she spent within it.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
Neighbors | Hanako & Theo
Hanako didn’t do a lot of traveling since moving across regions became quite a hassle with her wheelchair. Although today was a special occasion. She was going to meet with one of the other gym leaders! Or so she hoped. It would be a shame for her to come all this way to not meet them... although Celestic Town was very pretty. Plus it hadn’t been too hard to get to. Certainly not like flying halfway across the region would be.
She slowly wheeled herself around the area, taking in the sights as she tried to find the gym. It was a very nice town... it felt a lot like her home town, only smaller. She felt she could get used to this place very easily. She figured it shouldn’t be too hard to find a gym leader in such a small town... Her eyes lit up when she spotted the gym and she quickened her pace to head over.
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As she neared it she noticed someone outside, waving at them.”Hello! Is the gym leader around here?” she asked with a small smile, unaware that it was the gym leader she was talking to. “I came here to meet them you see. I’m the gym leader from the neighboring city!” she explained, holding her hands in front of her with a smile.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 4
What is their proudest moment thus far?
It would probably be her first win as a gym leader. It made her truly realize that she was cut out for the job she was so nervous about taking on. Winning against a challenger made her realize that she was strong enough to handle herself in the pokemon league.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 3
Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, uncles, grandfathers, aunts, etc. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?
Not really. She’s only ever lived with her mother and father, who are only children like herself so she doesn’t have any aunts or uncles. She never met her grandparents so she really only has her immediate family. 
Although she does consider Gardenia to be almost like a big sister due to her mentoring and passing on the gym to her.
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
“I try to greet everyone that comes through the city. It’s a pleasure to meet you Fay.” Hanako smiled happily, holding her hands in her lap. She seemed surprised as his second comment, her eyebrows raising in shock. 
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“You really shouldn’t think like that.” she pouted, looking up at him sadly. “Everyone is special in their own way and each and every person deserves to be welcomed! Just because I’m a gym leader that doesn’t make you any less special.” she explained with a small smile, brushing a bit of hair from her face.
“Oh,” she perked up at his question, nodding a few times. “Yes, I can take you there! It’s on the north side of town, which isn’t too far from here at all.” she elaborated, pointing her hand in the direction they were to head in.
“It’s this way, come on.” she instructed, putting her hands on the wheels of her chair to get started.
“You know the herb shop used to be really popular a long time ago but since more commercial medicines have come out most people don’t buy them much anymore... It’s a shame really because herbs are less expensive...” she mumbled almost to herself.
Introductions | Hanako & Fay
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
“Alrighty.” Hanako nodded with a small smile. “I’ll take you to the northern part of route 205 then. That’s the way back to my gym-- in Eterna City. Once we make it there you should be fine. The cities got a lot of inwards and outwards traffic so you should be able to find your way if you get lost again.” she added on, giving a small wave to his pokemon as she maneuvered herself to lead the way.
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“This way.” she began, pushing herself forward. “It’s nice to meet you, Kimura.” she hummed as she began to lead him out of the forest. “But you should've come here with a map if it’s your first time. It’s very easy to get lost here if you aren’t familiar with the area...” she mumbled.
“Plus it can get a little dangerous if you run into the wrong people... Not that bad people lurk around here though! Ah, it’s just always good to be on the cautious side when traveling... Oh, so I’ve heard. I really don’t travel much.” she added on with a blush.
International Business | Hanako & Araki
A soft sigh of relief left the blond, glad to hear that he’d finally get out of this goddamn maze. Unlike Araki, this girl seemed to actually enjoy being here, the thought of which caused him to furrow his brows in thought. He’d been wandering between the forest’s trees for about an hour, and it was a total nightmare; stumbling over tree roots and almost breaking a bone or two after falling down a slope while escaping from a small hoard of extremely pissed off bug types. Why anyone would want to willingly spend time here, it was a mystery.
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“Just out will do for now,” he grumbled, motioning for his pokémon to follow as he approached the girl, both Raticate and Scyther trailing behind him. “Anywhere but here is good.”
Idle conversation was certainly not his forte, but at this point, he was too tired both mentally and physically to put up much of an argument. Instead, he played along, coming up with an alibi on the spot to avoid suspicion.
“Name’s Kimura. I’m new here. Just wanted to see what the area was like. Kind of regret that now.”
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hanakoakihara-blog · 9 years
30 Day Challenge | Day 2
What would your character be ranked on the Kinsey Scale?
Hanako is probably like a 3 since she really doesn’t have a preference over gender. Although she’s never really had a crush on anyone before either so she doesn’t really know for sure!
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