hanakohateismagical · 9 months
i gotta make a return for this
lets be clear THIS looks sooooo good and it's beautiful
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AidaIro has clearly shown through their manga that they believe that it's impossible for love to come without hate, it can come without grudges, but you will always hate parts about someone, and that's okay. I think it really shows through with how they build their characters through this, it's what makes the tbhk characters so fun, they are loveable, but hateable, especially with how AidaIro brung Hanako up, he has his charms and quirks, but his actions and morals are so so hateable, but we have Nene defending him with a weak argument of "he's saved me" when she doesn't actually have a counter argument anymore, she just loves him because she does, the way his character is built is to give you the hate and love that's found in enjoyment of anything.
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"sm cool akane arts were ruined by hanako" submitted by Lemon Anon.
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hii you're being severely rude and petty please stop the fighting! I didn't mean to start anything with my post if you don't like it please just continue scrolling or block the #hanakoslander and #hanakohate tags!
also please don't continue searching for drama, all that can do is upset or hurt others, so stop being a bitch okay?
if you don't like my blog or just like making fun of others for entertainment please stop, I made this blog for other people like me who criticize him and I decided to make it a meme based blog and make things feel over the top about the way I feel, such as the "Hanako warnings" and even my PFP and Banner?
stop looking for drama!! I can get temperamental and have arguments but this is very childish and I won't stand by this
Hanako does not deserve to be on so many official arts with Akane & Teru, like bitch get outta the picture Akane is slaying 🤭🙄🚫
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nope we still hate Hanako!!! I just don't post as often woops but we're still a high Hanako organization over here, also if you look at the last time I posted it's not that old...
anyways bye
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omg I'm so sorry!! I didn't realize that sounded so bad towards you! I was seeing that sentence so often and it was kind of annoying so I thought it'd be a good hate post for Hanako, I didn't mean any offense it's just people can get mad about people criticizing or not filtering their analysis much and the sentence "he's just silly and it's just a fictional character!" LIKE THE POINT OF A MANGA LIKE THIS IS THE MYSTERY AND ANALYZING CHARACTERS OR SYMBOLISM AND IF YOU'RE JUST GONNA LET IT PLAY OUT THEN WHY CRITICIZE A ANALYSIS?
uhm I'm sorry wait ignore my temper..ehem
you can have any opinion you want I just get kind of annoyed when my opinions get shut down because "he's just silly" you're fine though you're more chill abt not wanting to read smth like that and I wasn't thinking of you when i wrote this, IM SORRY!!
btw I'm honored that with the latest chapters Hanako has been out through more critism, although the fandom now is just "well I don't care because he's silly!" so I give up
anyways take this it was so amazing
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"I love how the fandom just ignores how bad Hanako is compared to Tsukasa.
Hanako has
-gaslit nene
-hurt Mitsuba and Kou
-locked nene in a tower
-joked about Aoi (girl) getting eaten alive
-lied and ignored nene constantly
-put her to sleep without her consent
-tried to erase her memory without her consent (and then got angry that he was stopped from doing whatever he wants with her)
-smiled while telling her her best friend is dead and it’s her fault
-constantly kept secrets and only told half truths
And yet TSUKASA is the bad guy" submitted by Anon.
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btw I'm honored that with the latest chapters Hanako has been out through more critism, although the fandom now is just "well I don't care because he's silly!" so I give up
anyways take this it was so amazing
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
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"How does know one else see how terrible Hanako is? Like bro nearly killed several people for some girl that visits him every one in a while that may or may not die in a year... Kou should have let Teru kill him in chapter 10
I need justice for what he did to Aoi, Akane, Kou, Yashiro, Teru, Half of the school mysteries, Sakura apparently, and me. My mental state is suffering.
Tysm hanako xx" Submitted by Anon.
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
with the anime announcement that means more Hanako.....
oh dear, this is going to be a nightmare
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
Hello!!! ^_^!! I'm same anon that submitted the "romantic mitsunene and tsumitsu exist unironically?" confession, I generally just want another place to ramble on that isn't Twitter as I always do so I'm glad I found here!! heheh!!
As Hanako's my personal favorite character, I really like the idea of him being more than what meets the eye and being more like Tsukasa than people tend to talk about :D!!
The story's inside of Nene's POV, and as much as she's one of my other favorites, she's not a exactly good source of information when it comes to the fact that Hanako always showing his good side around her/is always keeping secrets! He was fully open with his plan, when inside of the picture perfect arc, Kou's POV was shown so I was thinking... what if he has a whole entire other side that he's shown very briefly a few times? (off topic but i love 'villain' hanako as much as goofy hanako!!!)
Which is why I always have a open mind whenever talking about him in specifically, mostly because there's about so many things that we don't know about him which makes his choices very unpredictable (just like Tsukasa!!!) and sort of strange? Hence why they're both very special to me!!!
Also, just because I much prefer Hanako being deranged as much as he would act normally, that doesn't dismiss his actions one bit! You could like a character and relate to them a whole bunch, but that doesn't mean you have to agree with their actions. I feel like people tend to flip-flop between those a lot? I dunno!!
>< ahh pretty nervous but i just wanted to get some thoughts out of way!!!
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
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"I love how the fandom just ignores how bad Hanako is compared to Tsukasa.
Hanako has
-gaslit nene
-hurt Mitsuba and Kou
-locked nene in a tower
-joked about Aoi (girl) getting eaten alive
-lied and ignored nene constantly
-put her to sleep without her consent
-tried to erase her memory without her consent (and then got angry that he was stopped from doing whatever he wants with her)
-smiled while telling her her best friend is dead and it’s her fault
-constantly kept secrets and only told half truths
And yet TSUKASA is the bad guy" submitted by Anon.
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
hanko didn’t get to have any firework fun, serves him right
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
clears throat
I'm sorry but, I'm to assume you also 'dont get' writing and story and character building? being a writer and manga artist takes time and a story where your reading can enjoy it, and if a story was written to be viewed in a specific way, that's horrible! writers and readers always talk about how it's something you can interpretate and understand them through actions, it can be read any way you want! if that wasn't possible and you didn't enjoy the series because you find out "you read it the wrong way" that makes it shitty writing, honestly, what else confuses you? what's so hard trying to understand there's more to writing and more to the story then just liking one character? because I'm sure allll the hxh fans would laugh in your face if you acted like this, "yeah I mean I like Gon because if I didn't and looked at the Chimera side that wouldn't make it as enjoyable" like, what? if you're so kean on reading it the right way, then maybe a manga author wouldn't want you reading it and saying anyone else that doesn't agree with what you find appealing (also stupid to read a manga/show for one character!) and tell them they're reading it wrong, that's stupid, I'm going to start telling people they're reading it wrong because they see Hanako as the good guy(that was a joke btw) what I find confusing is that people can belittle a reading experience and not see Hanako manipulates, if you told me you liked Hanako but because he has this horrible hiding and going behind back tendances and can also be energetic for other people, I'd say, okay let's continue our conversation, and if you said you like Teru for the mischievous things he does and how menacing he can be, how he knows little but always knows something, I'd say we can continue the conversation, but if you say you have to like Hanako because there's no other way to read the series is so, like, do you realize how you sound? if you're just here for Hanako content okay then, but do you have to tell people they have to like Hanako?
because I don't want to hear "I'm not telling people they have to, just that I'm confused!" okay let me say, if that was put with something else, boom gaslighting tactic, suddenly very depreciating, maybe you should rethink about being so "there's always a right way to do things" because clearly you couldn't write a solid story, sorry not sorry but this is complete bullshit, what are you confused about? people can't enjoy other characters? can't enjoy Hanako for a different reason? can't think he brings horrible things to the manga and still like everything about it? you're very closed minded, because using the "it just confuses me" is also a manipulation tactic in never planning to understand or just continuing to say you don't get it, I'm not saying you're manipulative, but I'm saying you should rethink what you keep saying, because this is harmful, and also stems to not trying for other things, downing others opinions, and you might not even notice or think whether it does, the last thing we need in this planet is another conservative person that never thinks they're hurting others
nvm I'm not a therapist anyways this also stems to the "side characters don't get as much time of background because they're not main" I HATE THAT!!! because that's also bad writing, if all the manga was was main character and then throw away character (like Aoi) that would make the series incredibly, well how do I say this? NONE OF THE FANBASE WOULD LIKE THIS MANGA AS MUCH!!! that's also why the anime is bad! because they just used Hanako and Nene and threw out everything else, they just got to Mitsuba and through what means? not caring for the other written characters! completely bullshit
okay I'm so mad and fuming I'm done bye btw I have no idea what confuses you about having a separate opinion but maybe you should think of other people's thoughts more? since seeing content or someone telling you doesn't cut it, also a story is not just Hanako or mc, it's much more then that
okay I need to go cool down —
it seems like its just one person who owns like multiple blogs making hanako hate posts from each one of them, idk why or for what reason. i don't think that many people actually hate hanako in the fandom imo (quite the opposite I think), it's just a couple people being really loud about it
Oh don't get me wrong I'm absolutely aware that the majority of people like hanako. The manga is set up in a way where if you don't like yashiro or hanako, it's significantly less enjoyable! So, ofc, a majority of fans DO like both characters.
That's exactly why I was confused seeing, what I considered to be, an odd amount of passionate the for him in the tags. And mind you I'm not just talking about hate that arose with this chapter update but hate that I've seen floating around for a while now (which peaked the most during the kiss scene lol)
I don't think it's just one person with multiple accounts, as funny as that is. But I def agree it's a vocal minority that genuinely baffles me.
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
if y'all want Hanako to like your sorry ass then stop putting him as a baby boy in your mind
it's canon he likes when ppl can see him for who he is like Akane, he loves the guy and they're not even nice to each other! he ain't gonna love you like in those x readers because you'd treat him like precious cargo
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
say your regards, personally, I saw through your evil plans and see you for what you are you maniac
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congrats on the death bed
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