hananokishi-blog · 6 years
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oh god, okay, i’m alive?? college pushed random crap on me last minute and now i’m having a rough time. i’ll get to whatever I can within the next week!
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
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“Well, I felt if I didn’t come near you now, nobody would notice you here, since there’s hardly anyone around in sight.” She says looking around her. The gondola services aren’t available either. It seems most people would stay home due to the rain today. The girl nods in return, “If that’s the case, why don’t I stay here with you a bit, until the rain goes away?”
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     ❝ I... ❞ There is no point in declining her offer. She does not particularly want to begin moving around in this weather, so she originally had accepted her fate to sit drenched in water. It doesn’t feel nice at all, being borne of fire dragons and becoming stuck in a downpour of the ice cold precipitation. She shivers, sliding over on the bench to make room for the girl. 
     ❝ Thank you, ❞ she says. ❝ I’m afraid I’m not used to company that does not attack me with constant questions. So... yes, thank you. I appreciate the company a lot, actually. ❞ With that, she realizes that her comment may prompt more questions, but... this girl seems genuinely concerned, at least. She figures this would be less painful than usual. 
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
→ @hananokishi
     A trick of the eyes maybe, but what else could it be? He hasn’t encountered someone who could conjure fire like … some people he has heard of. But then again, this city has its fair share of people with incredible diversity. Some people just so happened to be more special than others, of course, but he wouldn’t be surprised to hear she was another one of that man’s reject.
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❛ What a sight for sore eyes, ❜ he said, walking closer to them. ❛ Inherited that from your father? ❜
       There she sits, kneeling in the grass of a quiet park. Regulating her breathing, her hands cusp a small, gentle flame. She hopes that no one would notice her practices, but alas, it seems she cannot escape to solitude for more than a few fleeting moments. The flame flickers and dims upon a stranger’s approach.
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       ❝ A trait of the dragonkin from my homeland. So... yes. I inherited this art from my father, a Grand Dragon. ❞ She places her hands over her knees, keeping an interested gaze forward. ❝ Do you, perhaps, know of taming fire? ❞
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
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[ sorry for my inactivity, just got done with a really hefty week of exams, 8-page papers and extra work shifts! as celebration, i’m gonna make this a starter call --- capped at 3, and i’ll get to them asap! ]
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
“Don’t stutter. It’s unbecoming,” lectures Wanda, getting a better look at her. This girl’s somehow even less intimidating than she is. But of course, it’s been a while since she’s been in contact with dragons. It’s possible throughout the generations they’ve been getting smaller and smaller like the fairies have, but she’s never known one to have a humanlike appearance. 
“Isn’t it obvious how I know?” she asks, folding her arms. “I could smell your dragon’s blood from miles away. I assume you sniffed me out too, right?” Wanda shakes her head. Or maybe not. If she’s part human, then she might not be able to do that. How would a dragon and a human have a child, anyway? She almost thinks to ask, but then again, she decides she doesn’t wan’t the answer.
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“And of course there’s an issue!” Wanda snaps. “Your ancestors ate my ancestors. So I think it’s not a huge stretch to assume you’re here to eat me, too! But let me tell you one thing–if you think I’ll go down without a fight, you’ve got another thing coming!” She bristles, almost like a scared raccoon. 
     This strange being---a fairy, was she?---was absolutely right. Cali clears her throat, adapting a more conscious approach of speech. Upon hearing her explanations,  though---something didn’t add up. Back at her home, Alerun, the dragonkin and the fae coexisted fairly well. In fact, fae vendors littered the streets and sold to her kind. There was never any fear of the food chain, because...well, it didn’t exist between the beings who could live and speak and own property. It was odd...really odd. 
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     ❝I apologize, Miss. Dragons eating fairies back at home was unheard of. The fae and dragonkin lived in harmony as did every other race there. You are quite different than the fae I know, however. Perhaps our homes and histories are non-reciprocal.❞ It was the only explanation she could think of. This woman was brash, indeed---there is an urge to calm and reassure that her fears are understandable, yet unnecessary around Cali. 
     ❝I’m certainly not here to...um, eat you.❞ she shakes her head, offering a warming smile. ❝I don’t want any misunderstandings, though I’m quite interested in...you, or your background, or... well, you get the picture. Might we discuss over coffee...?❞
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
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It was raining, but thankfully Chinatsu brought an umbrella. She was going on a light jog but now that the rain was pouring, she decided to walk. Her clothes were a bit wet, but not too noticeable. Even as it rained, the city seemed to look very pretty still. Still, she was alone.
She shook her head and continued walking. The girl was thinking of heading home, but as she passed a park, she noticed someone sitting on one of the benches. It was a girl, no rather woman who seemed to be rather down.
Chinatsu’s instinct told her to go towards them and she did. She walked to them cautiously and raised her umbrella over the stranger. “Are you alright?”
     It was supposed to be quite the clear skies throughout the day, but of course, her luck fell down the drain instantly once the clouds rolled in. The idea was to attend to the library today, picking up various books about astronomy, surprisingly enough. And then going to the nearest cafe to get her favorite type of parfait---strawberry and banana, of course. In fact, she really needed something to cheer her up. It was one of those days. 
     Quite often, Cali would reminisce about her home city. She often vocalized her disinterest regarding living there, but alas, everyone falls homesick at least a few times. Her older sister was so kind and caring to her, and she just up and left without a word. Thinking about how she might have broken her heart, she sits on the nearest bench and allows the rain to beat down on her ill feelings. That is, until a kindhearted stranger arrived to offer an umbrella.
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     ❝Ah? Um...❞ her head raised to the girl, but then they quickly fell again. ❝Yes, I’m fine, thank you. The rain...cancelled my plans. I was about to go home, but...❞ she couldn’t reveal her real homesickness. Though, it is quite a  relief to see she wasn’t the only one caught in the poor weather. ❝I appreciate your concern, however. It’s quite nice of you to check up on me, someone you don’t know.❞
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
@hananokishi ♡’d for a starter 
“Ack—!” It’s a pure accident, as is true with most things involving her clumsiness, that her hand manages to knock into a stranger’s as she passes by. Marinette turns halfway to earnestly apologize, make sure she hasn’t done any damage— instead looks on in horror as she sees a deck of cards has fallen to the ground in the process.
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“Oh! I’m so sorry about that! Pardon, I wasn’t paying attention…” She’s already knelt down to start picking things up as she speaks, apologetic from her tone to her body language. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
     Chin up, eyes forward, thoughts scattered. While walking, she finds a wonderful idea about organizing her cards, instead of mindlessly shuffling them back into their box. It would make spread-building so much quicker... as the consideration pops into her head, Cali eagerly grabs her deck box out of her bag to find a specific card to put on top. It most likely was not the best of interest to do it while walking, however. A stranger bumps her hand into her arm, and the cards fall. 
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      ❝Oh, goodness---❞ she mutters, but her attention falls directly to the erratic girl already picking up the cards. This causes Cali to stifle a chuckle---she’s never seen someone so...energetic, in a sense. ❝I’m quite alright, it was my mistake for taking my deck out while walking. There’s no need to apologize, Miss. I do hope you’re okay.❞
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
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    “Hey, that’s like the Digital World! ” The gogglehead says as if he understands her point. “I mean technically, almost not everyone knew about their existence but only Digidestines can!” He figures that he can trusts Cali with his secret ever since he arrives in Koi with Veemon. “Actually can I let you on one thing? Thing is, people say I’m ordinary but I’m a Digidestined, a Digidestined of Miracles kinda a savior of the Digital World.  My Digimon partner isn’t with me right now but at home? Think you can keep it  a secret for me? I think I’m the only available Digidestined in this city.”
    He nods again, that is if he’s free from his job and school. A grin at the question. He has a lot of hobbies. Golly, Where does he even start? He scratches his head nervously. “Aha, my hobbies? There’s playing video games and soccer, eating.  I can name a few here.”
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   ❝Hold on,❞ she states, ❝Digital World? Like, technology? Or...❞ Cali tries to imagine whatever he could mean by such a thing. Did this boy come from a television? Even with the lack of context, she does not feel that is plausible. Then again, this place was a conjunction of unique people left and right, and so, she learned to dismiss what impossible would be in her thoughts. Her expression speaks for her curiosity.
    ❝I can keep your secret, but... Well, in exchange, please tell me about it. It’s a bit confusing...❞ she admits. Her own secrets could be disclosed---like her abnormal dragon heritage, and the power which dwells within---but perhaps she should save that for another time. For now, there’s a more pressing matter at hand. ❝I’m quite interested aside from being confused, though.❞
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
i met a really cute guy in a french bakery... i hope that our paths will croissant again
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     ❝Perhaps he should keep his distance from someone who makes puns like that.❞
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
killuit replied to your post: What was your biggest inspiration for creating...
/this was inspiring to read! it’s wonderful that you love cali so much and it really shows!!
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[ thank you!! i’m glad others are curious as well, i could talk about her for ages. i also love hearing about other people’s OCs too, it’s such a wonderful thing!! ]
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
What was your biggest inspiration for creating this character?
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[ Oh gosh, where do I begin? 
     Cali started out as an in-game name I used in a private server of an MMO, and as a customizable and outfitted character. I soon enough fell in love with the way I set up her outfits and proceeded to draw her and my friend’s characters regularly. We started adopting personalities for them, fitting them into AUs for any other video games and plots. 
     Pretty soon she strayed far enough from her origin, and is now a fleshed out character of mine, to put it in short. I used to have another character (and wrote for her on a blog, too!) who was very near and dear to me, which I expanded with an ex of mine. We have cut ties years ago, putting aside that character due to ill feelings protruding from those memories, and personally I think that creating Cali in place of that old one has been for the better. Cali created new, liberating memories for me with a new friend, who is still my best friend today. 
     So, what is the biggest inspiration? The closeness of having a character that you can detail infinitely. I have a forever-expanding love for dragons, and made her of dragon’s blood with a full background about it; I have written about her homeland in many of my notebooks. I’ve had this fantasy world created since I was twelve years old---and of course, I’m always editing and polishing it. 
     It has been years since I have penned a character on tumblr, and Cali revitalized the urge to write and interact with other people’s wonderful muses. I love her to death and I won’t lose her like I lost my previous character. She’s something special to me, and is a constant inspiration in my life as well. ]
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hananokishi-blog · 6 years
          Oh no, she had interrupted. 
     Bashfully, Haruka took the seat she’d been offered and fidgeted in the chair. There was no need to worry, the composer wasn’t looking for a reading but the curiosity she’d felt toward the art in the past was rearing its head around upon seeing the mystical set of cards. 
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     “I’m really sorry,” she apologized anyway, “I really didn’t mean to interrupt. I just hadn’t seen anyone–” maybe she didn’t want to talk about her tarot cards “er, sorry… this is my first time in this cafe, is there anything you suggest?”
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     ❝There’s no need to be sorry,❞ she reassured, ❝I attract the eye of many a person---some less welcoming than others. I’m used to it.❞ Fingertips covered her lips quite gently as another chuckle came. Without even thinking much about what to suggest, Cali grinned with a warmth to rival a cup of coffee---though hers became cold quite a bit ago from spreading her cards for a tad too long. 
     ❝Well, I had just gotten a cappuccino some time ago but I got sort of distracted. The parfaits here are delightful. Strawberry shortcake is my favorite, with the wafer crackers in the center---but blueberry is quite delicious, as well. There are many other desserts here than just those, though.❞ She seemed quite proud of her suggestions, acting like a connoisseur of confectioneries, but in the end, she just had a really big sweet tooth. One that could hunger for weeks.
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hananokishi-blog · 7 years
archetypes quiz! 
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47% Tastemaker
The Tastemaker is always on top of the trends—or starting their own. Their sense of style is second to none and their taste, impeccable.
29% Intellectual
The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
24% Royal
When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
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hananokishi-blog · 7 years
Olwen: What is your favorite flower?
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     ❝I was always particularly fond of primroses and orchids. They represent eternal love and refined beauty, respectively.❞
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hananokishi-blog · 7 years
Bastet and Freya
Bastet: Do you have any cats?
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     ❝I used to have a kitten before I moved. Her name was Boots. She was all white with black legs—creative, I know. But I was young.❞ 
Freya: Have you ever been in love?
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     ❝That’s a secret, darling. The question is—would anyone be in love with me?❞
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hananokishi-blog · 7 years
Thor, Poseidon, Vesta
Thor: Would you consider yourself pretty powerful?
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     ❝–No. When looking back at my family tree, they are powerful dragons. I, however, strayed. I cannot do as much as, say, my father can. He is powerful. I can simply conjure small flames. And fortune-telling isn’t a power—it’s simply reading the stars.❞
Poseidon: Are you a moody person?
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     ❝Who knows?❞
Vesta: Do you like being home or do you try to get out whenever you can?
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     ❝Home is where the heart is, as they say. I like to simmer down with a nice cup of coffee and a good book.❞
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hananokishi-blog · 7 years
Great. Great great great great great. There are dragons here. Everyone knows dragons resist fairy magic. Looking up from her newspaper, she gives the park a quick scan, looking for the dragon that more likely than not would be happy to turn her into an amuse-bouche. She doesn’t see anything. Wanda rubs her eyes. Dragons are big. There’s no way one could hide. Nor are they known to stalk prey–dragons are the type to take things by brute force. 
Wanda stands up on the bench and gives the air another whiff. There’s no mistaking it. The scent of dragon blood is so pungent it can be smelled for miles. Whatever. The news can wait for later. She doesn’t need to become a dragon’s supper. That’s when someone passes by. She’s so normal looking she’s indistinguishable from humans, except she reeks. Wanda jumps up, no longer intimidated but still surprised.
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“You’re the dragon I was so worried about?” she blurts out. “What sort of dragon are you supposed to be?”
     A walk in the park is supposed to be relaxing, right? Gazing at the falling cherry blossom leaves, watching sunshine peer through the branches, the clouds rolling by... It was not much different than Alerun, physically, and yet her new home soothed her. At least, when she was alone. Which was why did not show her face much aside from purchasing groceries and wandering off to the bookstore. 
     The sudden outburst of the strange woman she passes by catches Cali off guard, stimulating a jump and a sharp turn of the head. Her ponytail grazed her cheek once she turned, and scratched the area from the itchy feeling. Her hand stays there as her lips part to respond to such an introduction. 
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      ❝A-ah? H-how did you know I was...❞ she stutters. Her free hand drapes below her waist, tugging down the skirt she wears. Every morning, she had made sure the slight display of her lineage she possessed---her scales---were always out of sight by wearing longer skirts. Was it too short today? Maybe some peeked out? Unable to come to a rational reason, she sighs and nods. ❝I come from a family of dragons, yes. I apologize, but, might there be an issue...?❞
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