My mum is so rude to me and my dad doesn’t realise how rude she is to me and when my dad is rude to me she doesn’t realise how rude he is to me so when I tell one of them they just respond with more rudeness. And then I have to tell both of them that they are being rude but they just ignore me and don’t respond of even identify that I’m standing right next to them, so then I’m forced to yell (to get their attention) and THEN THEY YELL AT ME FOR YELLING! Like it’s not my fault that you ignored me in the first place like WHAT THE HECK. But then my mum just stops yelling smiles and speaks “nicely” to me and it’s not like a actually nice voice it’s the voice you use when you are trying not to yell and you are speaking through gritted teeth. Now, I CANT STAND THAT VOICE! And she knows that’s why she is using that voice just to get on my nerves. So then I’m forced to yell at her again and then my phone gets threatened to be taken away and so on and so forth. BUT the worst thing is, after all of this she proceeds to talk to me like nothing has happened and then after a while I forget that I’m angry at her and then everything is fine for a while until a few hours later the same cycle begins again.
My life is a emotional reck of trauma, depression and tears. I’m sorry that I’ve written all this I just needed someone to vent to as an only child, with no real friends. But another story for another vent and cry session.
Thanks for reading.
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