hannahdodrawings · 4 years
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Celebrity portrait
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
Illo Experiment: Scale and Composition
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
Illo Experiments: Celebrity Portraits
Celebrity: Selena Gomez
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
Illustration Experiment: Vector
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My simple illustration experiment using vector in Adobe Illustration.
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
Rough sketch of monster
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This is my rought sketch of a monster deity for our class new colouring book. I took insparation from hindu and buddist. I contempating to make it more demonic, but I shall wait for some comments.
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
Illustration Experiment: People doing things
Medium used: watercolour.
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Doing experiments.
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
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These are some of my thumbs for my class new project: a colouring book. The theme is “Monster”.
I have 3 main themes with these thumbs: “Monster doing human thing”, “Horror story”, and “Create a monster”.
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
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This is a colour experiment piece, so I wanted to draw something with lots of layers and subjects. The main subject of this piece is the dragonfly eggs; the rest is decoratives. I use a cooler tone for the background, and warmer tone to highlight the main subject.
Sorry for the quality, the piece is lighter in my photoshop :(
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hannahdodrawings · 4 years
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This is an illustration for a random word pair: Awful Lift. My idea of awful lift is “an unexpectful encounter”, hence this illustration: an unexpected encounter between two mythical creatures. At first, I thought of just an encouter between a human and a mythical creature, but I thought it would be funnier if both creature were shock at each other existence. I had mostly red to yellow tone colour for the demon and the background to indicate that the lift came to hell, and the opposite green to show how of place the alien was. I did this illustration in Adobe Illustrator. 
(Sorry for the bad picture quality)
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