hannahjae27 7 months
It's really interesting that you choose to use your podcast on spotify for this assignment! Like others have mentioned, I also think that creating some form of graph, table, or chart would be helpful to display to data you have collected. Or just finding some way to color-code the data and/or add some extra visuals that relate to the podcast content would be interesting as well.
Original Content Peer Review Request (Post 3)
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This a graphic that displays all information regarding my latest podcast content. What are some ways I can organize this information into my data analysis for the readers convenience? How can I apply the rhetorical situation to this graphic, and enhance it via adding different color variations and word choices? Would adding lines to separate information make it easier to view and read?
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hannahjae27 7 months
I think this would be a very useful visual to include in your essay. It's easy to see the amount of like and comments the posts you use have. The use of color in the graph is great too!
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Peer Review Post 3
I added a graph of my Instagram interaction because I thought it was clever and useful. Many of my peers made graphs, and they inspired me to do the same. The design of this graph is very plain, which I will probably change later. Would this graph be useful to include in my essay as a visual aid?
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hannahjae27 8 months
DrPGame Week 4:
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This GIF that I found represents different shades of green. A darker forest green or pale green are my favorite color, so they always put me in a better mood when I see them. This past week, I haven't really been in any certain mood, like happy or sad or stressed even. I've just been in a slightly neutral mood, if that's even considered a mood. So, I figured with this weeks #drpgame, I'd explain how the color green makes me happy. I do have a lot of future plans to travel after I graduate college, and to eventually have a home, and I know shades of green will definitely be an aesthetic I would love to use.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Original Content Post #3, Week 4:
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As I began to collect data from the ville.englishworldlanguage Instagram page for this assignment, I expected to find more patterns than I did. I was expecting to find patterns like similar amounts of likes and comments for each post because I can see this page being followed by the same students and faculty within the ENWL department. However, I realized that after collecting the data, the main pattern I did find was a pattern of 10-30 likes on the posts. This is a slightly varried number of likes, but it is still fairly similar. I also now understand that since this is a public Instagram page, it makes it available for new students and other audience members to find and explore the page.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Original Content Post #2, Week 4:
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For this data analysis project, I've been collecting data from the ENWL Instagram page, ville.englishworldlanguage. I've been looking at the more recent posts, like updates about the ENWL department, student and department events going on, and updates on the student organizations or clubs involved within the department. I figured that selecting five of the more recent posts, like it states to do for the assignment, but also the posts that seem to have a similar purpose, will have better data collection for this assignment. I have been collecting data that is about the audience reactions and interactions to the five posts and to help with the audience analysis part of this assignment.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Reblog #2, Week 4:
Yes, I try to do the exact same thing. I like to dedicate or block out certain times every day to get work done for each of my classes. Most of the time, this strategy has worked out for me, and I have been able to get the majority of my work completed the best I can and one time. I often struggle with procrastination but it's something I'm trying to really work on, so writing things down in my planner and blocking out times every day to get work done is what I've found that helps me to tackle longer projects.
My Strategy for Tackling Long Projects
Normally, I dedicate specific time to my work in order to avoid a mountain of stress. I tackle projects like these in increments rather than one time to save me the trouble of being overwhelmed. I pinpoint what areas of my project need to be addressed and try to knock out the most important aspects of it first before I delve into the much easier parts. Reason why I say I dedicate a specific amount of time is because I dislike working on things that I no longer have the energy for. I know myself and I know if I spend too much time on something without the same energy I had coming in, then it will likely show in my work.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Reblog #1, Week 4:
Those are some great reasons to focus on your own social media platform for this project. Understanding your posts and audience on your own Facebook account is much easier to collect data from rather than an account that you might not know too much about. If I would post on my own Instagram more often than I do now, I probably would be looking at my own account too.
share how you are collecting data, why?
I am going to collect my data from my personal Facebook account. I feel that I am most comfortable with the posts that I create and the audience that I follow. It will be easier for me to know what I am talking about and why the audience is interested. I also will be able to talk more about it because it鈥檚 my own posts. I know my own posts so I will have more information and more interests in the data than I would someone else鈥檚 posts. Overall, I feel that collecting data from my personal posts would be more beneficial than collecting data from someone else's posts.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Original Content Post #1, Week 4
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When I have any type of long project or assignment ahead of me for a class, I always try my best to manage my time well. The first thing I do is write down the assignment and due dates into my planner. Then, I might write some extra notes into my planner to block out times to work on certain parts of an assignment each day. Blocking out times of the day like this usually helps me to tackle longer projects over multiple days of the week.
For example, this week, I have a writing assignment for each of my classes due by Sunday, the latest for two of the classes at least. So, I've been doing the same strategy for my other classes by blocking out times every day to work on parts of an assignment for each class.
Sometimes, this method does not always work for me, depending on the level of the assignments I have to complete. However, this is the best method that I know of at this moment. If anyone has any tips or other strategies for tackling longer projects, that would be helpful to know!
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hannahjae27 8 months
Thursday Check-In, Week 4:
I've been looking at the English and World Langauge Instagram posts for this data assignment since I do not post much on my own social media. So, a question that I do have, which plays into both data collection and audience analysis, is whether we should look into both the positive and negative data (likes and dislikes, for example)? I believe a lot of it would be obvious to notice about the audience, as the Instagram page is for the ENWL department. However, what do you think would be the best way to analyze the audience interests and expectations? I think this is the part I have been struggling the most with this assignment so far.
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hannahjae27 8 months
DrPGame Week 3:
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This is a trailer image/clip for a later season/spinoff for The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead has been my favorite show for years now, I've been watching it since it began back in 2010. It honestly has been one of the shows I've kind of grown up watching, and there's so many important aspects of the show that you would not know unless you've watched it. It deals with the concepts of survival, obstacles, battles, adapting and growth, finding family, and more. I've been watching the show for over half my life now (I'll be 21 in a couple months), so it's a show that I often watch just for background noise since I don't have to pay attention to it anymore to understand what's happening. It's overall a very great show, I highly recommend it!
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hannahjae27 8 months
Reblog #3, Week 3:
It looks like you have a great idea and understanding of the rhetorical situation for your essay. I love the use of color and organization that you are including because it helps to highlight your points and show how they all interconnect with each other. I've been including some similar aspects into my own rhetorical situation for the multimodal essay as well.
Content in my Multimodal Essay
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This is a part of my rhetorical situation made for my multimodal essay. I included three different colors in my image, displaying the separation between the key concepts in chapter two and the terms from the traditional rhetorical situation. I used red to represent the traditional rhetorical situation words, blue to represent the key concepts, and purple to demonstrate how audience is included in both of them. I chose these colors because when you mix red and blue, it makes purple, and that can resemble how we are combining these two features when making our web writing rhetorical situation. This will help me differentiate where each of these concepts stemmed from, and how they contribute to my creation.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Reblog #2, Week 3:
My revision process is similar, and it's one that I usually follow with most of the writing that I complete. I love to hear both positive and negative feedback on anything I do, writing especially because that's how I can learn to improve on my skills. When I revise, I always focus on the major issues first, like thesis, main points, cohesion, and audience. Then, I'll focus on the more "minor" issues like grammar, punctuation, style, and conciseness. I fully agree with you that nothing is going to be perfect right away, and that is why having a solid revision process is important.
Original Content Writing #3 3/4
What will your revision process look like? why does a strong approach to revision matter for you, after graduation?
My revision process begins after I see things that didn't work in the original or things that may need to be changed around. You aren't going to do everything perfectly on the first go around so a revision process is necessary. This is especially important post graduation if I'm going to pursue graphic design. Trends are always changing and one thing may work one day and then you change your mind. That's why getting feedback on things is important because then you can make a revision based on that feedback.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Reblog #1, Week 3:
I also do pretty much the same thing as you when I'm texting a friend. When I text a friend or family member, I always keep my texts super informal, but I am usually a bit more professional when I'm texting someone like my boss. Although I still like to use good grammar and punctuation most of the time, mainly because it just bothere me when I don't. Some moments I'll use text slang like "rn" or "tbh" or a few other ones but not very often. I'll also use emojis because they're just an interesting way to express how I'm feeling and make texting more fun.
Writing Process for Texting a Friend
When texting a friend, I do not put much thought into my writing in comparison to writing an essay. I typically just text them based on context of the conversation we are having. I don't worry about using capital letters or proper punctuation, as texting is very informal. I tend to use text abbreviations, such as "idk", "lol", and "omg". I also like to use emojis to express my feelings about a certain situation.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Original Content Post #4, Week 3:
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My process of revision is generally similar each time, no matter what form of writing I may need to revise. In my experience, my revision process begins with the feedback I receive, both from others and myself. Then, I go back to my piece of writing, read it completely through, and take note of any problem areas there are. After that, to begin the actual editing process, I focus on a few major aspects, like the thesis (message/purpose), main points, citations (if needed), style, cohesion, and audience. Once I do my best to revise those areas, I'll reread through my writing again and revise any of the "minor" issues like grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Lastly, after I feel that I revised the writing as best I could, I'll reread it again to triple-check, fix any final issues I see, and then I'll have completed at least the first revision of my piece of writing (depending on if it goes through a multiple revision process).
I've been a writing student for almost two years now, and the revision process is one of the most important steps I follow. I generally get into the habit of following those revision steps because I know I will use them in any future writing career that I may have. I also just like to practice writing in different styles, genres, and contexts, both for career and personal goals. This is why having a strong approach to my revision process matters for me after graduating college.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Original Content Post #3, Week 3:
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I have included some main points in my content reflection so far on a few principles of rhetoric writing, analysis, and situation. For example, understanding your audience, creating content towards that audience, the context to include, and the message or purpose of the writing. Focusing first on these key concepts is how I can write the essay towards the specific purpose of content reflection. I believe these are very important concepts to initially understand so you can learn to use these concepts better and have the ability to bring in more concepts further on in a piece of writing. I know that I can use this information and other key concepts from the textbook into many forms of writing I do in the future.
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hannahjae27 8 months
Thursday Check-In, Week 3:
I do not have many questions for either of the reflection assignments or about the key concepts from the textbook, but I do have something that I'd like to bring up about my process so far.
I do not have much experience at all with creating a graphic image. So I've been looking into Canva, but most likely will use PowerPoint to create the graphic. Since I am much more familiar with PowerPoint, I'm not too worried about creating the graphic. However, I do have one small question about the writing (letter/essay) part of the reflection, which is, is there a specific word count or word limit/maximum for the reflection? Or can we just write as much as we need to answer the questions with enough context and discussion?
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hannahjae27 8 months
Original Content Post #2, Week 3:
What does your writing process look like when you text a friend?
When I text a friend, my writing is usually very informal. Although I generally do not like to use any text slang, because I like having good grammar. It slightly bothers me when people do use slang, like "hru" or "wyd," especially if I just met them, because it's really not that difficult to type out the full words. If I'm texting a family member, like my parents, my texts will pretty much be straight to the point, or usually explaining how my day is going. Some of my family members, like my grandparents, do not really text so I'll call them, but the communication between us is same as if I was texting them (just maybe not in an as organized manor).
Some of my family members like my sister and brother, my cousins, or my good family friends (who I've grown up with and are like family to me) our texts can be all over the place. This is the case a lot of times when we are trying to make any sort of plans to get together. Our texts are generally super informal and just like we're having a good time texting with each other.
On the other hand, if I'm texting someone like one of my bosses from either of my jobs, my texts will be more formal and professional. However, my one boss is very laid back and easy-going, and after working with him for almost a year now, our work environment has become us all being good friends. So, not all of the texts between my boss or coworkers are super formal anymore. My other boss, whom I've been working with for almost three years now, she is a good family friend of mine and is also pretty easy-going. However, it's a more professional and fast-moving work environment, so we generally keep things formal and straightforward when we text.
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