hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Cover letter
An example of a cover letter that I would send. 
"Hello Joebert, ​
My name is Hannah Coull, and I am a 21-year-old commercial photography student. For a while now I have felt inspired by the work; it's lovely to see your personal experiences reflecting within your work. I too like to think about my experiences and create conversation from my photography. ​
I wanted to contact you to ask if it would be possible to assist you? I am passionate about creating work with meaning in both studio and location settings. I am trained in the studio on both Broncolor and Profoto lighting; set-ups including low and high key lighting. I also am confident with loading film and have used Capture One. ​
My CV is attached for further information. ​
Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you. ​
Best wishes, 
Hannah Coull
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Letterhead, business cards and postcard’s
I decided to make the business cards look like a Polaroid, this is because my photography style is very in the moment and I feel this captures my style. I have made a few different business cards as I feel it would be nice for them to be treated like a collection. I feel the idea could be that there could be a collection of Polaroids from the same project. I am happy with how these turned out. 
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The Letterhead also sticks to the theme of Polaroids. I have made a larger version. This is something I will continue to change and alternate the work on the back of it. I have for now used this image from my current project which I feel represents my work well. 
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As for the postcard I wanted to add a few images onto the back but sticking with the Polaroid theme again. I wanted to make these friendly and something that I can write a personal note on. I decided to have my logo on the back of the postcard along with ‘best wishes Hannah” and then for it to be blank to have a note written on it. It also has my contact details on too. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Interview with Joebert Tupas
The answers from him were really genuine and nice. I am really grateful for the response he gave me. I asked him questions similar to Rora however iI also wanted to question element of the creative industry such as assistant work. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
CV  updated
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I just wanted to make the lines thiner on my cv (in hope this takes less ink and looks neater). I prefer how this looks. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Branded email
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Marketing/ Promotional materials
Before adding imagery I have sorted out one side of all my materials. I wanted these all to have similar themes and I think they work as a collection. 
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I wanted to keep the letterhead as basic as possible. I like the fact it has a little colour on it adding a little bit of personality to the work. 
Business Card:
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This is the business card, I liked the layering of this and the fact once printed could have different textures to it. 
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For the postcard I wanted to create something that could be customised and more special for each person. i decided to leave it blank without a message and something that can be written dependent on person receiving it. To go further with this I could put a little about section on this? I am happy with how this looks for now. 
I need to now work on imagery for the front of each bit. i am happy with the back. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Business Cards
From the other day I wanted to continue to experiment and play with business cards. From looking at this further I found a layout that i like for one side. 
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The thing I like about this is the layering. Now, I need to decide the imagery to go on the other side. This needs to match my postcards to an extent too. I am happy with the point i am on this. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
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This is the first experiment for what my postcard could look like. I like the fact more than on image from a series is used. 
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Another idea is to use a symbol instead of a thank you on the front. This is nice. 
I need to also consider whether I would like more then one postcard design and what imagery I would like on it but this is a good start to designs. I am happy with how the back looks and will check this with Ellen. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Further postcard experiments
I think it could make it interesting to have “dear” or “from Hannah” on the postcards already printed in my brand colours. Below are a few experiments of this. I am not sure if this makes my postcards too much. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Postcard experiments
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I know for imagery for my postcards I would like to choose something from my current projects. It would be nice to have a few postcards and I suppose not all imagery need to be from the same series as postcards would be given separately dependent on the person receiving it. However it would be nice to also consider treating the postcards like a diptych. This is something I need to decide and whether they match my business cards too.  
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
On my postcards I think it would be nice to have similar text as used on my website saying “thank you” or something personal. I will be testing with a graphics tablet on ways i can do this and for it to match with my website. i also have themes of hearts throughout my work and once again this could be something to experiment with on one side of the postcard. I know the point of the point card is for it to be a keepsake. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Paperwork update
I have looked back on my paperwork, I am not sure whether to include a heart to match my website or not. This is something I can discuss further. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Looking back at CV making and the type of things i would like on this. To start on the blog I looked at the examples.
This is another sample of my CV I just need to arrange the layout. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Website  update
I have now published my website which is super exciting! 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
SEO for website
I am adding SEO descriptions for my website to help boost it before launching it later today. 
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These are a few of all the pages that I filled in. I am happy with this. 
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Interview with Rora
Rora was super kind and her answers were really interesting. I have placed these below. I am really thankful that I got in contact with her. 
Hi Hannah,
I am good how are you? My studies are going well I am excited to finally be graduating this semester and then starting a Masters program this fall. How is your photography program going?
Thank you for sending over such thoughtful questions! Here are my answers-
At the point you currently are in your career has there been any turning points? For example, anything that made you know this is what you wanted to do.
The first piece of art that I made ended up going viral online and it catapulted my career in a very strange way. At that time I didn’t really know that what I was making was art. I only had exposure to painting and drawing and did not know that you could be a professional artist working in non-traditional mediums. Hearing others call what I was doing art gave me the courage to pursue the work I was making seriously.
How do you find the balance between commissioned and personal work? What was your first commissioned piece of work and did you enjoy it?
My first commissioned piece was in 2016. I was commissioned to do a site specific installation at an abandoned hotel. I did enjoy it, I was very early in my career at the time and I think the experience pushed me and helped me grow quite a bit. I don’t do much commissioned work, maybe one or so piece a year, mostly because I am able to make a living off of selling my personal work.
How have you found public responses to your work? Are there any that stand out?
Definitely. I make a lot of art about social issues, specifically about sexism, ableism, and homophobia. The responses to this work are often emotionally charged. People who have experienced these things often get to see themselves represented in a unique way. The flip side is that the work makes other people uncomfortable and I get some backlash there.
Your work has inspired me to express myself but as well as others within my photography. How have you found working with people and telling their stories?
That means so much to me! Creating participatory artwork gives me purpose. It is so nice to get outside of myself and be able to provide an outlet of expression for other people who need it.
The work you produce is text-based, when did you discover this was your style? I personally really like this about your work and that it can create conversation.
Thank you so much. I discovered it accidentally with the Unsent Project. I continued working this way because I feel that I can communicate best with the combination of text and visuals.
How have you found maintaining connections with other creators in the industry?
I do basically all of my networking online through social media. It’s been amazing, I have made lasting connections and lifelong friends. Connecting with people this way is the most accessible for me because of my physical disability. I love that there are alternative ways to network now because moving to a big city and hustling in person doesn’t work for everyone.
Do you think it is best to have an agent or be freelance?
I don't believe that one is better than the other. I think every person is different and what may be the perfect fit for one person won’t be the right path for another. Working freelance is what is best for me but I recognize that I am privileged in the fact that I am able to make a living working for myself. I do think that the internet is changing the landscape of agencies and galleries quite a bit. It is possible now for artists to represent themselves online in a way that did not exist before. I think it all depends on what type of work you are trying to create as well and who your audience is.
How do you deal with a lack of inspiration and/or motivation?
I have struggled with this recently for the first time in my career. It’s tough, I’ve learned to be patient with myself and trust that even when I feel like I am doing nothing I am still processing information that will be significant to my practice later. I have also found it to be helpful when I can’t seem to create anything to turn myself into a sponge. For me, this means reading, watching documentaries, visiting museums, and looking at other artist’s work.
Please let me know if you need me to elaborate on anything. Thanks so much!
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hannahmaycoull · 3 years
Website mobile version
These are screengrabs from my mobile version of my website. I am pretty happy with how this looks. 
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