F A M I L Y 
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Experimenting with After Effects to achieve my desired animation style for this section of the film.
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I used this film as inspiration for the style and animation I have used in my film.
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Emails and Me
To finalise a clear message and make this film the most engaging and personal I could get I used the imagery of emails and various screenshots I have stored throughout my families travel to various countries. This displacement is what makes my family experience different from other peoples and it was I want to show visually and how it effected me but also have some ambiguous quality to it as to not distract from the rest of my interviews. 
I used these emails in various ways but it starts and ends the film accompanying footage of my family talking about memory.
I am much more happy with how this has worked out and completed the film.
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The Big Edit
Following the feedback I got I have made a massive push in editing the content, order and presentation of my film. This has been really successful in pushing the quality and tone of the film. 
I have cut the previous 12 minute film down to the recommended 6. I achieved this through careful review of what I have discovered through my interviews, what I have found out about myself and my own personal experiences and what I want to communicate. I realised I wasn’t communicating my own experiences the best way I could and this was letting down the start of the film, setting the tone wrong and leading the rest of the film into confusion as to what I really wanted to say or even what the film should be about. 
I have implemented more collage techniques and got feedback into the best footage I have from other people to properly present this content. I have go help editing the audio to make sure it is the right volume and the fades in and out are more effective. I also got recommended that the ending needed more powerful sound accompanying it and so have had the last song edited properly to allow for this. 
The hardest thing was to make the decision to cut one of my interviews out. I found this difficult because each interview is equally personal and revealing and has its own quality. Unfortunately this one didn’t mix with the rest of the content and had its own elements that were special to it individually but not to the rest of the film.
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I have finished a rough cut of my film. Following this I need to respond to the feedback I have been given after showing this rough draft to a group. The general response was the film seemed too long. It would communicate better if it was shorter, more concise and thus more powerful. The impact the film could have in communicating a range of feeling and emotion is evident but it needs to be executed a lot better with some serious refinement to reach this level. 
The sound needs to be mixed properly to the music to make the change in tone clear and support the footage the best way it can. 
I want the film to communicate my own personal experiences of family but also link this to other peoples family experiences. The effect of this is creating a sense of togetherness and society. I need to fully realise the core message for my film and sum this up in a punchy ending that really sends it home. 
Moving on I need to be more brutal in cutting down the footage and content. The advice I was given is to review each interview and decide on one area that they would represent and communicate in their section. I can then cut out any non-relevant parts and focus on something more concise. I feel the effect of this will be more powerful and engaging to the audience.
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Layering of Footage
As I described before I was struggling with making sure the animated elements combined well with the moving image I had filled and the VHS footage. What I envisioned the films style to have a collaged element. I have achieved this through layering footage to make some become a border for a smaller more relevant piece of footage centralised. I have experimented with size, colour and number in this layering technique to push a more artistic film that breaks away from documentary boundaries. 
The success of this has meant the animations work well as a further layer or a break from other sections of layering. I am really happy with how this technique has turned out and will be implementing it in work in the future. I think it gives the film a style that I relate to in my work and pushes the mood and tone of the film.
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Animation developments
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I have used After Effects to push my animations further using various effects to convert my shapes and overlays into more interesting and engaging additions to the film. The main struggle I have had with creating these animation is making sure they don’t seem out of place but flow with the rest of the film and the general mood I am trying to convey through the visuals. I think overall I have been successful in the combination and they have pushed the visuals further. 
Following feedback from friends I have used kinetic typography to help support Harriet’s section as it needed and extra illustrative quality to help make clear what she was describing and to communicate the most effectively. 
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To create my animations I started drawing and planning stages I wanted to animate using ink and pencil. What I wanted to create was supporting overlays to my moving footage. I wanted the animations to morph and change and reinvent themselves. I wanted them to be verging on grotesque and in turn quite transparent and ethereal in quality. These drawings will be used for Grace’s section to accompany her audio and the colours of the footage used.
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To overcome my struggle creating a consistent mood throughout the film I have made developments with the music and audio. I have spent time researching possible accompanying music and how this would combine with the audio I am using from the interviews. I have selected two songs to use now: 
Promises of Fertility by Huerco S
 Under our Crystal Cuppola by Adeodat Warfield
The tone of the film has been emphasised by the use of this music and it sets the vibe and feel for the interviews and footage. It isn’t too intrusive but rather supports the audio and the visuals and enhances a reminiscent emotive feel to the film. 
Following this development I now need to work into editing the audio from the interviews. As they were all recorded on location and with different external factors effecting the quality they jump up in down in volume etc 
It is clear to me this needs to be properly fixed in order to fully refine my film. The levels of both the audio and the songs need to be balanced in order to support the visuals the best they can and fully communicate the story of the subjects.
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Editing struggles
When editing the film I have struggled to maintain a consistent style in line with my vision for the film. I want to create almost moving image collages with a layering of different clips on top of each other but I am not sure if this makes the piece seem too busy and confusing. This was my method of incorporating the VHS footage in more easily and also use the VHS footage to help illustrate the idea of familiarity in family amongst different people. However I haven’t used this technique consistently due to the fact certain real time footage clashed too much with the VHS stuff and seemed out of line with what was being said. I need further feedback to know if the film flows with the editing I have done.
However I do like the style I am attempting as it has given me more freedom to experiment and allow the film to have a different more artistic style than the documentary style would allow. I feel less restricted and more able to push different ideas and combine different footage this way.
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I have been looking at what style writing I want to use to create into kinetic typography. I feel the letterpressed stamps could be effective in stylising certain sections of the film but might not flow that well when animating. The hand rendered ink type could give the piece a more personal feel because of the use of hand writing. Also in terms of animation this style may flow better and appear more natural on the screen.
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Now I have collected all my footage and audio I want to start going through the interviews to pull key sections from each person that really is unique and resonates with their experience of what family can do and is to them. 
My aim after that is to piece together a sort of narrative exploring everyones stories through them talking and seeing their favourite or personal space. I want to tell the story of Family and how we each have a struggles but ultimately happiness and love seem to pull through those times. 
I am going to edit on AfterEffects so I can use the programme to develop some animations layering over the top of my footage once I have finished editing. 
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I have gone through hours of VHS footage from my childhood and sorted them into labelled clips to make the editing process easier. This clips will be used to create a feeling of nostalgia and reflection as the interviewee talks on childhood and family the viewer will see childhood scenes. I am using this footage as well because it is a reminder that despite how different everyones families our we are all bonded together through the ups and downs and failures and happy times. 
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The next stage of the project is for me to decide what I want to find out about FAMILY and write an interview. I can then send this out to potential interviewees that might be interested in being in my film. What I found hard about writing an interview is navigating different ages and experiences - I didn’t want to make something too obvious or bland but really try and find out more about this topic in a new interesting way. 
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