hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
Edmund bit his bottom lip as he stared down. For most people, he had forgiven himself. The past was not a subject he'd usually bring hence his siblings and most of the Kingdom believed in his sad smiles and grave attitude. In fact, not many people could see him so well like Ellie did, and that made him feel... Strange. It was somewhat invasive, but he couldn't bring himself to feel mad at her. Instead, it was a new sensation, like he could finally speak his mind and receive no judgement in return.
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"I will forgive myself eventually. I promise. But I guess regretting it is a way of doing it. It reminds me that I have changed and that I now sit on a throne I helped my siblings conquer. Thinking about my betrayal reminds me of our victory. I wish it had been done differently, that's all."
“I doubt anyone but the Naiads, mermaids, and fish themselves can out do Susan when it comes to swimming.” She laughed softly. “It’s like she’s a Naiad herself, trapped in a human form.”
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After several long moments of silence, the girl shook her head. “You’ve got to forgive yourself at some point, Edmund. There was nothing you could do to stop it. Everything that you’ve been through, everything you did, was fated. You couldn’t have prevented it anymore than I could have prevented the slaughter of my village. We, as mere mortals, cannot fight prophecy. I wish, for your sake, that I could have seen it differently. That my visions would have been different. I never meant for what I saw to cause you, your brother, or yours sisters harm. I’d take it all back if I could. But that isn’t in my power, nor in yours. Not even in Aslan’s.” 
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
"Oh, no! Caspian-- Please, wait." Lilliandil gently pulled her hands away from the King's to nervously smooth the fabrics of her dress. "I... I am a foreigner to this land. And you... You are their King. What if..."
She couldn't bring herself to say the words aloud, but she only hoped that Caspian would understand what she meant. Surely his people would be happy for him, but that did not mean that they would necessarily like or accept her.
Breezes -Caspian X & Lilliandil-
He gave a smile so wide that his cheeks hurt. She truly was like nothing or no one he’d ever met before. How had Caspian become so blessed? He didn’t deserve her, but oh how he’d spend the rest of his life trying to be someone who was worthy of being hers!
“Come.” He laughed, pulling back and taking her hand in his. “We must announce our betrothal to the kingdom!”
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
Deep Ass Starters.
Sometimes it's hard to get in depth with your muse and their backstory, because you can't figure out how to bring those things up with others. Here are a couple of starters intended to make things a little more personal!
"What's holding you back?"
"I'm not comfortable with this conversation."
"Will you /ever/ be comfortable with this conversation?"
"Let me in sometime!"
"It's not that easy, you know."
"Help me understand."
"It's hard to connect with someone when all they do is push you away."
"Why are you always so cold?"
"Why are you always so happy?"
"Are you really happy now?"
"Who hurt you this badly to make you this way?!"
"What, did your ex mess you up that badly?!"
"Why do you keep fighting it any time you feel?"
"It's a problem, I get it."
"This is all kinds of messed up."
"That's not exactly a good coping method."
"So what happened, with your parents, really?"
"What was your childhood like?"
"Everyone has at lest a little bit of mommy/daddy issues. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
"My parents aren't exactly perfect models, either."
"You were bullied? What for?"
"Was it hard? Coming out, I mean."
"You can't just run away all the time."
"You can't just hide all the time."
"Are you still thinking about them?"
"I'm not the enemy here. But this makes me wonder who the real one is for you."
"Is the reason you're so cold and defensive because you feel threatened?"
"How long has it been since you last spoke to them?"
"You never talk about it, why?"
"How come you're so different around them?"
"It's like you don't have a care or worry in the world."
"You seem so perfect. I don't get it."
"What was your ex like?"
"I don't think I was ever good enough for them."
"Are you not comfortable being intimate?"
"Why don't you feel comfortable being intimate?"
"Letting someone see you that vulnerable, it's a scary thing."
"Are you scared of being hurt?"
"Have you ever been taken advantage of?"
"Why are you afraid of saying I love you?"
"I never understood how someone could say those words so easily."
"You're hurting others the way you've been hurt in the past, don't you think that's ironic?"
"You use people to make yourself feel better."
"I'm scared of being used again..."
"Losing someone isn't easy, but you're making it harder than it needs to be."
"How long has it been since you lost them?"
"You're too attached."
"I'm not attached, I'm just comfortable with what I'm familiar to."
"Maybe the real reason you're so controlling is because, deep down you'd rather have them in your grasp than lose them."
"Why did you ever break up?" / "Why did we ever break up?"
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
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“Understand that you have given me Narnia forever, you have lost your own life and you have not saved his. In that knowledge, despair and die.”
Jadis the White Witch RP. 6 years of roleplaying on Tumblr, 14 years of knowledge of Narnia. Mun over 18. OC friendly, multiship friendly. Used to be @thequeenofcharn
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
“Far…” Lilliandil said dreamily and smiled. “I would say that.” She curtsied too, glad that she had found someone to talk to. She was usually too shy to approach someone, although she did like to make friends. “My name is Lilliandil, but some know me only as Ramandu’s Daughter. I do believe you have met my husband, King Caspian.”
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"Excuse me." He blurted as he tripped into the lady standing in front of him, he brought his drink closer to him, mindful of the other party guess around him. "I'm so sorry." He said hastily "Allow me to introduce myself."
The star chuckled, waving her hand at the apology. “Please, it is quite alright. There is no need to apologize at all. But please, do introduce,” she smiled brightly, although she had no doubts concerning the identity of the young man in front of her.
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
"That is very nice of them," Ed chuckled. "I've never been a very good swimmer myself, but I used to practice during school breaks. I think I was a little competitive when I was younger and wanted to beat Susan at swimming. Unfortunately, that never happened," he laughed again.
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Edmund knew Ellie wouldn't lie to him, and it wasn't her saying that was difficult to believe, it was the words themselves. Not because his friend was lying, but because he believed she couldn't see him well. She saw good in everyone, even when there wasn't any good to see. "I know you woudln't," he said simply.
“Yes.” The dryad agreed. “It always is so calming just to lay to the banks and listen to the water rushing by. And the Naiads are quite sweet. They’re always sure to keep an eye on me, since they know that I cannot swim.”
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But she had picked up quite easily on her friend’s uncertainty and almost disbelief of her word. “You do know that what I’ve said was in sincerity, don’t you, Edmund?” Ellie questioned. “I wouldn’t lie to you.”
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
At his words, Lilliandil let go a soft laughter, not because she thought something was funny, but because she felt so happy that it could only be expressed through her voice in soft tones of chuckles and bright smiles. She wrapped Caspian in her embrace when he held her, all shyness and insecurity suddenly disappeared.
"And I love you," was her answer, followed by one more of her happy chuckles, as she breathed in all the love surrounding them.
Breezes -Caspian X & Lilliandil-
When she consented, Caspian felt as though he’d lived a thousand years in a single moment. He’d seen their future, and all the happiness it would hold. And yes, they would be so very happy! He would give her anything her heart desired, and she would make him better. 
Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for another kiss, the King lifted the Star off her feet and spun them both around in a wide circle. Even when her feet were back on the ground, he didn’t let go, instead pulling her close and just holding her. 
“I love you, Lilli.” Caspian whispered sincerely into her ear, his cheek resting on the top of her head. 
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
It was harder to breathe as each minute passed. But as soon as Lilliandil heard the promise, it was like she was finally able to let go. Everything that was holding her into this world, was gone. She was finally able to forget about the pain and... rest.
For a brief moment, she felt afraid. What was to happen to her husband and son without her? Would they live well? Would Caspian find happiness again? Would he be able to take care of himself and of Rillian? With tears streaming down her cheeks, Ramandu's Daughter prayed in silence, for one last time.
Take my soul as I rest in your strong paws, my dear Aslan, but please, take care of them. Do not let them lose themselves, show them your mercy and love, as I leave this world of pain and join you in your country.
Opening her eyes, Lilliandil looked at her dear husband one last time. She was unable to speak anymore, her throat closing causing terrible pain. But it would all be finished soon. She wanted to talk to him again, but she only hoped he could read the words in her eyes. I love you, she spoke in silence.
And then, as soon as it had started, it was all finished. Instead of pain, the Star felt a strange and new feeling in her body and it didn't matter how much she tried, she couldn't feel any pain or be scared of anything. Not far, shining as if He were a Star himself, was Aslan, smiling to her. She walked to him and knelt as He gave her a Lion kiss.
"Well done, dearest," He said. And she knew that from that moment on, everything was new.
The King shook his head in stubborn determination. “I need not swear it, because you shall not go. I forbid it.” He’d tried to keep his voice strong, but desperate emotion took hold, breaking him. Sobs echoed audibly from his throat as Caspian leaned down to kiss his wife for the last time. 
“I promise.” He vowed through his tears. Quaking fingertips brushed that vibrant yellow hair from her face. 
God, was this what the death of light was truly like? Lillandil had been so much more than a Star. Than a Queen. She was his bride, the love and light of his life. Through every darkness, real and metaphorical, she was there to guide him with her gentle touch. And now, when he needed that light the most, it was fading away before his eyes. Forcing the chair away, the King crawled into the bed and took her into his arms, pressing her head to his chest. 
Could she hear his heart breaking? All that was good in the world slipping away? Could she feel his will to live leaving with her?
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
Startled at the idea of someone loving his smile, Edmund blushed terribly and looked down. Lucy was the one to make everything brighter. When Susan smiled, men from all over the world would instantly fall in love. Even Peter had the magic of making people smile along with him. But the Just King had always been graver and quieter, not to say a little darker. The idea of him making someone happy warmed up his heart in a way that he hadn't felt in a long time.
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"Of course," he finally said, enjoying the opportunity to change the subject. "Walking by the water is always good to relax and think."
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The Dryad beamed. “Good. I do love when you smile.” Ellie told him sincerely. “It suits your face so well. And it seems so rare… But when you do, it’s like the sun. It makes everything brighter.” 
With a contented sigh, she looked around. “Suddenly, I quite feel like going toward the river. Would you care to take a walk?”
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
As soon as Caspian approached, Lilli found her heart racing and her legs as light as a cloud, but it was only when their lips finally touched, that she felt… calm. It felt correct, like nothing she had ever felt before. She was certain Aslan had separated them both at birth to be together. It was the first time in her life that she truly knew she nothing could possibly go wrong.
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Smiling to herself when Caspian touched her cheek with such devotion, Lilliandil knew he was the only man she would ever want to be with. The entire world didn’t matter anymore, as long as she could be with him, as his love, his wife, his Queen. Before he could even finish his sentence, the Star answered with such trembling, happy voice it was almost as if the entire Sky was shouting with her: “Yes! Yes, my love, I will be your wife and your Queen! For my entire lonely life, I have never had such happiness filling my heart. You have given me this and more ever since you came to my father’s Island and asked to break the spell. You have won my heart forevermore.”
Breezes -Caspian X & Lilliandil-
Caspian had not expected the gesture. Lilliandil was always perhaps a little distant and shy when it came to affection. And for his own part, naturally, the King respected that. She was far too pure, too angelic, to even consider forcing anything upon. To taint. The brave look in her eyes made his heart thunder, and robbed the King of his very breath. His dark eyes dropped to their entwined hands and a wide smile tugged at his lips. He freed one of his hands to reach up and tuck some stray hair behind her ear.
Gently, carefully, as if he was cradling a holy relic, Caspian wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled the Star toward his body. “My Lady,” He whispered reverently. “May Aslan strike me down where I stand if ever I should let thee down or disappoint thee.” Closing his eyes, he tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips to hers. 
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When at last the two parted, Caspian licked his lips and kept his arms around her. His head was swimming, and he felt as though his heart was going to burst right out of his chest. As he gazed devotedly on her face, the young man realized what love truly was. What devotion and adoration were. He would have given his life for any of his Knights or subjects, but  for her, the Telmarine wanted to give his life. Before he quite understood what he was doing, or was able to stop himself, his hands lifted from her waist and settled on her cheeks. 
“Never have I felt such a joy as I do in this moment. Why, the very heart within my chest is soaring higher than the heavens! I had never thought a love like this was possible for a humble servant of Aslan’s law. Lilliandil, at every moment, I am willing to sacrifice my life for those that follow me. But now that thy light has filled that life, the very idea of losing it grieves me more than words can convey. That life, and everything in it, every possible chance and material thing, I want to give to thee. To share with thee. Make my life as full of sheer and filling glee as it can be. Give me the chance to give thee all that thou could want. Let us truly live out the endings of the fairy tales. The Princess has stolen the heart of the King, and there is no other in his eyes. Be my Queen. My wife.”
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
I do not want to go, Lilli thought. She wanted to tell him that, so he would never believe that she had left him, for that was not true. It hurt her very soul to think that her beloved husband would be left alone, that she would not be there to help him see the light when shadow attacked, she would not be there to help their son become a good King and even the more selfish matters… She wanted to live to spend more time with them. She wanted to kiss Caspian’s lips once more and ride a horse alongside him and watch the stars and teach him about the constelations, just like they used to do when they first got married. It was too soon. And too unfair.
She wept too, for her husband and son’s pain and for all the time she wanted to have, but couldn’t. Finally, with hoarse voice and a broken heart, she asked him one more time. “Caspian, you need to promise. Promise that you will take care of him. Please, so I can go in peace, promise me.”
“No…” Caspian whimpered, sobbing softly. “You cannot leave me… Please…I will send someone to get the cordial. Lilli… my darling Lilli…”
The King had never prayed harder in his life. He begged Aslan to take him instead. To let him die. He gladly would have breathed his last right there and then if it meant that she would live on. 
Oh, she knew him so well! Even without him having to say a word, she knew what he was thinking! But how was he supposed to live without her? 35 years was not enough… They were supposed to grow old together, and Caspian was only 55! They both still had plenty of years left! They still had things to do! 
‘Aslan, please, hear my prayer! Have I not done all that thou have asked of me? Have I not been loyal and tried to do thy will all my life? Do not do this; do not take her from me! Let me die in her stead! Take me now, and spare her!’ The King silently pleaded. ‘I will do anything, just please, do not take my wife from me!’
“Lilli…” He wept. “Please… Stay! Fight! Live!”
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
The last thing Lilliandil remembered was incredible pain. There was happiness, too. A lovely afternoon with her son, listening to his babbling about knights and horses below a clear blue sky in a Spring evening. What had gone wrong? And why did she feel so… Strange? The bed she was lying on was not hers and her body was not normal. Everything was numb and painless, but not in a good way. It was like she was too heavy to even get up. Opening her eyes with tremendous difficulty, Ramandu’s Daughter frowned when it was evident she was not home.
“Caspian?” she called, not liking what was happening at all.
Fate of a Star
Caspian and the others thought Lilliandil dead. They were meant to think so. The serpent had done its work beautifully, and afterwards it had been almost trivial to steal Lilliandil and have her sleeping form brought back to Agrabah. Jafar, sometimes called “the sorceror” and sometimes called “the snake”, smiled. Caspian’s love was finally beginning to wake up from her long, deathlike slumber.
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
There was not a single soul in the entire world who could have told Lasaraleen Tarkheena was afraid, although her heart was racing inside her chest like a bell in a high tower. She was a noble woman, afterall, and she would not beg, or cry, or, may Tash forgive, kneel. She had never been the bravest of women, but she had done incredible deeds as well. If it wasn't for her, Aravis would have never escaped alive, and even if Maladh wasn't as dear to her as Aravis was, he was still her husband. And being a widow was just not elegant.
"I have come from far, O my Lord" her voice broke. What was she truly supposed to address him as? With her life and Maladh's on the line, it was getting harder and harder to stand proudly and unnafraid. "And I wish to know what is to happen to my husband."
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Jafar smiled from his throne as the elegant noblewoman entered his audience chamber. The guards also eyed her approvingly. The noblewoman’s husband was…visiting the sorceror’s dungeons, and she had come far with a ransom to gain his release. Jafar waited for Lasaraleen to speak and act first.
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
Please don’t mind my blog right now, since I’ll be coding, changing my theme and working on the muses page and it might get really, really messy. Hopefully I’ll be finished by the end of the afternoon and will start working on replies~
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
This was a terror unlike anything he had ever known. War did not compare to this. Not even fleeing from his Uncle’s castle for his own life came close. Caspian’s whole world, his very reason for being hang in the balance. He couldn’t lose his wife. He just couldn’t! Without Lilliandil, he had no reason to live. 
Running a cloth soaked with cold water across her clammy brow, Caspian did his best to swallow his tears and keep strong. “Shhh. Shh, dearest. I am here, by your side. It’s all going to be all right. Let me get Queen Lucy’s Cordial. It can heal anything! I have seen it bring Reepicheep back from the very grasp of death! It can save you too, Lilli, please!” He begged with heartbreaking, urgent, desperation. “Rilian will need his mother! I need you! I need my wife! My love! Lilli, you’re my life! I cannot go on without you!”
"My love," Lilliandil whispered in relief, looking at him with the passion that had never left her eyes whenever she saw him. "There is no time," she spoke, tasting blood in her mouth while she was trying so hard to deliver her last message. "Don't leave m-my side. If I go and you..." She coughed, unable to finish her sentence. With all the stenght she got, the Star squeezed her husband's hand.
"Rillian... He needs you. He is the future King. Do not-- Caspian promise me you will not follow me. For our son."
It wouldn't be long now, she knew. If there was something good to see in all that, was about the pain going away. Instead, she felt numb, almost as if she was flying.
"I have loved you from the moment I put my eyes on you," Lilliandil smiled, with tears filling up her eyes. "The most beautiful man, so eager to kiss me for the first time. I always knew you would be my husband, my King, my love. I just.. knew..."
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
------- @kinglygrief
Her whole world was pain. It was difficult to remember a day when it was all sunshine and flowers and all the constelations celebrating life and love. There was a time when Lilliandil’s laughter filled the Castle like hot pie’s aroma, brighting up the day of whoever crossed paths with her.
Now everything was dark. It was impossible to tell where it hurt the most. The viper’s venom had spread so quickly in her veins that her once fair and glowy skin had gone grayish, far too pale. Her eyes, once blue like the sky she once saw in her father’s Island, had only tears. Even if she wanted to, there was not a way that she could mascarade the pain and the realization that she was dying.
Dying was for Daughters of Eve, not Stars. Yet there was no doubt that her life was fading, oh, so fast.
Lilliandil tried to find her voice, but it took her three attempts before she could finally faintly say:
“Casp… Caspian?”
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hannahwritesnarnia · 7 years
“You will never be selfish for wanting something that is already yours," Alvaro replied in a soft whisper, taking his wife's face in his hand and kissing her ever so gentle it was almost like it never happened. He smiled to himself, then shared his thoughts finally.
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"I never thought it could be possible, but each time I go and return, I love you more than I did before. You were in my thoughts all of the time and I asked Aslan to keep my family safe. You both are everything to me."
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Susan beamed at her husband and daughter. It were almost like he had never left them at all. And to the Queen that was a great relief. She’d worried that the baby might be frightened or not recognize her father when he came home. Clearly, she’d underestimated their child in that regard. 
“That I can do.” She replied lovingly. 
“Oh, much of the same. Lucy and I have been seeing to things as we always do when the Kings go to war. We did find a few rebels. I dare say a few traitors as well, but they have been handled. We’re awaiting a trading ship which should help the economy recover. But you are here now, and I want my attention to be on nothing but you and Eleanor. I am a selfish woman, and I want you to myself.” 
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