hanshi-hanshii · 5 hours
Co-worker Appreciation.
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They never talk too long, nor usually alone. But the Cosmodian enjoys Sun's Appreciation, even if they can't express their own all that often.
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hanshi-hanshii · 2 days
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this show needs to stop making me bawl my eyes out
I've never drawn angst before don't look at me like that
gonna laugh at this drawing in a few months
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hanshi-hanshii · 4 days
So, someone asked for a tutorial of this animation so, why not?
I need to say first that I'm not a profesional animator, I'm a selftaught artist and I'm terrible at teaching/making tutorials so maybe this isn't the best example of how to animate.
Having said that, this was my process:
I first drew the important key frames, in other words, where I wanted point A and point B to be. No details, only body and head (I have no save of the original frames but basically no bells or ribons nor ruffles)
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Then I needed a frame in betwen to conect them
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I added a bounce effect duplicating the images, squeezing and stretching it a little (I have no save of this part but I have a video on my phone from january of last year, sorry it looks a little bad, I had to crop it)
I slowed it down so you can see the bounce
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It's just like 3 frames each bounce
Now, to animate all the frames I started from A to inbetween 1,
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then later to point B and closed the loop with inbetween 2.
To make this easier I drew a "rute" on the background
It looked something like this
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and with the animation
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It's a process of trial and error. While you are drawing the frame you don't actually know if it's the correct pose (unless you are some kind of god), so you have to draw the inbetweens, check how it looks in movement, spot where it lack/exceeds frames or where it needs more space between frames... untile it's finished and you get something like this.
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As you can see only 8/46 frames aren't drawn. These 8 frames are little "stops" for the images so the character is still.
Some of these frames has the character still but something else is moving, like Moons hat.
Finally, I got to animate the details: sunrays, hat, bells, etc. Each of these objets has its own physics and this part enters more in how I belive the physics would behave like having in mind the mass of the objet and the inertia.
The hat has a lot of inertia because fast movement so: it moves faster and it takes time to stop.
The ribons and ruffles has less inertia because even though it is still fast is a slower movement so: it moves fast BUT stops fast.
Note to add: the faster and objet moves the less frames it needs to be drawn, sometimes it may need to draw the character/object deformed to look right. The slower it moves the more frames you'll have to draw and the more precision you'll need to make it look right.
Some cursed frames:
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Some "still" frames:
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Another note to add: this is animated at 24fps, this means every 1 second has 24 images. Most cartoons and movies are animated at 24-25 fps, this not only aplies to 2d animation but also 3d and stopmotion.
Fun fact: the human eye perceives between 30-60 fps, however animating at 30 fps or more can give an unnatural feeling to the animation.
At last, here is the animation clean up that I never finished
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I added a couple of frames to make it a lil' more smooth.
Hope this crapy tutoria helped somehow.
Now I'm going to bed and hope when I see this in the morning it looks decent.
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hanshi-hanshii · 5 days
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Concept comic for a scene I'm writing for Trod
Takes place in the before-Shamura and mass dissention arc. I think the menticide mushrooms would react horrifically combined with godhood. Instead of seeing things that aren't real, they see real things they're not supposed to
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hanshi-hanshii · 5 days
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Concept doodles for the after-Kallamar-battle scene in Trod that I've been rotating in my mind for almost a year, that go with the past doodles I've made
The Lamb has a breakdown outside what this comic shows, Narinder gets closer to the truth, and they both become closer as a consequence.
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hanshi-hanshii · 8 days
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really helpful technique ^ once you know how to divide by halves and thirds it makes drawing evenly spaced things in perspective waaay easier:
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hanshi-hanshii · 9 days
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scratch scratch
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hanshi-hanshii · 9 days
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hanshi-hanshii · 12 days
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Do you ever think about how they took a robot that was built for theater and performances and stage work and then said "oh wait never mind" and made it do child care instead and just left that whole situation that way?
Sorry, the tragedy of being built for the purpose of retail work but your boss owns you and doesn't need to pay you and can alter you however they want got to me while I was thinking about Security Breach again. djfdsofhosdkflksdflk
Also my mom worked as a teacher's aid for kindergartners so I Know the struggles.
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hanshi-hanshii · 13 days
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after quite LITERALLY over a YEAR i have finished the companion pieces to go with THIS (center) piece.
i don't draw much daycare attendant anymore but god it has been a cathartic experience to finally finish these
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hanshi-hanshii · 13 days
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Some doodled scenes for chapter of trod, maybe chapter 21-ish so far. Soft songs and angsty dreams incoming
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hanshi-hanshii · 13 days
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who could resist a person wearing a halter bodysuit, I know I couldnt lol
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hanshi-hanshii · 13 days
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Some alt. versions
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I decided to draw a Moon piece to kinda match the Sun one i did and try my hand at perspective again just a teenie bit hehe
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hanshi-hanshii · 13 days
This is stupid *Takes away your suns gender*
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hanshi-hanshii · 15 days
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hanshi-hanshii · 15 days
LDR drawings i did a loonngg time ago and totally forgot about them until recently hehe,,
Love Death and Rollerskates AU by @spadillelicious
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(Spoilers for some chapters under the cut)
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hanshi-hanshii · 15 days
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moon’s design:
(Au I’m making with @alynwrench)
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