hansikar · 4 years
EAT has an important role in determining where your business website to be placed on the Google result page. Though EAT doesn’t have a direct impact on ranking, but it has a significant impact on placing your website in SERPs.
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hansikar · 4 years
How can we get more traffic on website in 1 week?
Well, it is hard to gain traffic on the website within a week but you can surely gain through several processes.
Organic traffic is the main and qualitative traffic that a website requires to get a higher rank on Google search engine result page.
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Now to gain organic traffic the one and only option is to apply SEO on the website.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can drive you tons of organic website but it requires more time about a couple of months.
Now to get instant traffic, you can get help from various social media platforms. You can create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest or even on Quora then share your website contents.
This will drive you instant traffic within a couple of days.
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hansikar · 4 years
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hansikar · 4 years
How Do Social Media Platforms Impact SEO?
Social media platforms and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are two substantial aspects of digital marketing. To some extent, social media can power SEO but can’t relay completely to improve ranking.
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As AJ Kohn says, “It’s not the actual social activity that matters, but what happens as a result of that activity.”
Let’s say you wrote content and it got shared in social media. Your content has reached many people, and it gets lots of views. The content that gets a lot of views has a chance of improving viewers’ engagement and more likely to get linked by other websites.
The backlinks that you get from those websites are the cause of improving your rank. And that’s how you improve your SEO.
It’s not about how many times your content gets shared in social media, but you should concentrate on how your shared content is performing in social media.
With this brief scenario of social media effect on SEO, let’s discuss what you can do to strengthen the performance of your content on social media.
1. Create share-worthy content.
It’s all about quality.
Give people a reason to share. If your content is poorly written, that drops the interest of the readers. Why would people share the content that they don’t like?
The ideal way you can encourage the audience to share your content is by writing what they want to read. And content should be formulated in the style that interests your audience.
Don’t create random content. Focus on creating content that benefits your audiences.
You can publish promotional content letting people know how your products can benefit them or tell them about your company.
Instead of producing the same blog, try delivering informative content to your audiences. You can add value to your content by including info-graphic, data, or videos, some elements that encourage people to share your content.
Do invest time in planning content strategy. Well, plan content can get more attention than unplanned content.
2. Build a relationship
Building a relationship in social media just not means having a lot of followers, but you need to connect with those people who are likely to share your content.
Take time to build a relationship with your audience. Interact with them to create a strong bond. An incredible bond can encourage them to share your content, and moreover, they can even give you a content idea.
If you want to get noticed, share people’s content that matches your business so that your content also gets shared by them.
When you share the content, mention how good is the content and give a reason why people should read it, it’s like helping each other displaying the content.
Help them to get views, and they can help you increase visitors on your website.
Power your social media to influence people to share and read your content to uplift SEO performance. Create valuable content that helps your followers understand you and give them a valid reason to read your content.
3. Every social media platform has different audiences
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You can also share your content, which you think can attract more people. But you need to keep something in mind.
Every social media platform doesn’t consist of identical people with similar interests.
People using Instagram are different from those who are using tweeter. Similarly, people who are on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn also vary from each other.
So when you share your content in any kind of social media platform, you should share the content in a way that appeals to your audience.
The caption you write should make people click the link naturally. Content in social media can succeed only when people click and read your content.
Therefore, make sure people don’t skip your content. Instead, encourage them to read it by writing an attractive caption.
When putting all the effort to make content shared in social media, your energy has to pay off too, right.
Below are the advantages that you can get if your content performs well on social media.
1. Increase reach
The number of traffic you get on your site has a certain impact on ranking. Social media can help you drive traffic to your site by increasing your visibility. Creating attractive content will help you make people click the link to your website, which adds new traffic to your website.
Social media will surely help you increase the reach. But the only condition here is, are your contents interesting and informative enough to be shared.
And above all, the shared content needs to be clicked by people to increase traffic.
2. Drive traffic
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Regularly engaging your audience in social media will keep your business on top of the audiences’ head.
Getting visitors from social media means you’re getting organic traffic, and this has a positive impact on organic ranking. An increase in organic traffic will increase the domain authority of your website, and this is a good sign to Google that lets your website display more often on the result page.
Also, when visitors are regularly visiting your site, this indicates that people are enjoying the content on the website. And when people enjoy reading your content, they spend time on your website. This is a great way of telling Google that people are valuing your content, and it’s informative enough to be ranked.
Posting high-quality content in social media platforms can generate not only shares but likes and comments as well. The number of times your content gets shared, likes and comments also encourage people to click the link to your website.
3. Search engines rank social media profile
You might have experienced when you type business name in the search engine, you also get social media link in the result page.
The business is not only able to rank their website but also is able to show-up its social media platform. This can help businesses beat out their competitors in terms of visibility.
You can also display your website and social media in SERPs when your business name is searched in search engines.
For a website to rank, you obviously need to use SEO. And for social media platforms, you need to be active and interact with your audiences.
For the complete article, click here.
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hansikar · 4 years
Local 3-pack is a list of businesses you get on Google’s search engine result page when you search for the business in your area. Google considers listing the businesses from most to least relevant to the search query, according to search location, and which has high quality.
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hansikar · 4 years
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How Do Social Media Platforms Impact SEO? Social media platforms and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are two substantial aspects of digital marketing. To some extent, social media can power SEO but can’t relay completely to improve ranking.
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hansikar · 4 years
Social media platforms and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are two substantial aspects of digital marketing. To some extent, social media can power SEO but can’t relay completely to improve ranking.
As AJ Kohn says, “It’s not the actual social activity that matters, but what happens as a result of that activity.”
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hansikar · 4 years
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EAT has an important role in determining where your business website to be placed on the Google result page. Though EAT doesn’t have a direct impact on ranking, but it has a significant impact on placing your website in SERPs.
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hansikar · 4 years
6 Major Advantages of Local SEO for Businesses
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Advantages of Local SEO is what most of the businesses are looking for. Get ready to welcome local customers to your business
Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an online marketing practice that promotes local businesses to local people. It’s a simple approach that puts your business in front of the locals when they make a search relevant to your business.
Let’s illustrate with an example,
Imagine your cousin is getting married and you want to wear a designer dress. So what’s the easiest way to find a designer? of course, you’ll look for a designer on Google.
You’ll search for “boutique near me” in Google and you’ll get a list of boutiques.
This list has appeared on your screen because those boutiques have optimized local SEO.
Local SEO works by adding your location to search engine listing, which allows customers to find your business in their locality. And this is one of the advantages of local SEO.
Continuing with the example,
You will go to their website to check their designs, look at their reviews and you might also visit their social media account before making a decision.
There’s a high probability that you’ll check the boutique from the Google 3 pack list. This is the list that Google orders from most to least relevant with search intent.
And this list is really important as it appears 93% of the time when there is a local search.
When you’re using Google to search for the local business near you, your customers may also be searching for your business.
So, come out of the shade and let your customer know what you have to offer. Allow your business to get all the advantages of local SEO.
Below are the advantages of local SEO
1. Attract potential local customers
Local SEO allows you to generate massive awareness online, which is why you can attract potential locals to your business. If your business can satisfy locals, then local SEO is what you should not miss in your business marketing strategy.
Do you aim to gain customers?
Then, there is nothing easier than converting locals to your customers. Whenever someone from your area searches for a similar business like yours, they’ll make a visit to see your business or may even buy a product from your business.
If you want that to happen, you need to rank higher in local search.
High ranking is not an immediate result. The day you start practicing local SEO you will not make an appearance in Google 3 pack. It will surely take time.
But that doesn’t mean, the only business that appears in Google 3 pack gets traffic. The list of similar businesses below the Google 3 pack list can also get optimal traffic.
However, you’re not only attracting local people, but local SEO can also help you capture temporary residents in your area.
A business that sells products or offers services in the hotel area can get a big help from local SEO. Tourists in the area can search your business on the internet and get involved with your business.
The point is, your business needs to show up in local search when there is a relevant query and you can make this possible only if you implement local SEO in your marketing strategy.
2. Gain a competitive advantage
Are you aware that 84% of “near me” search is done by mobile and more than 50% of “near me” searches result in-store visit?
If you’re not practicing local SEO then you may try coming up with a number to identify what you’re losing. Can you afford to lose that number of potential customers?
You’ve not just missed the local opportunity but you’re giving this opportunity to your competitors by not practicing local SEO.
It doesn’t matter even if you have a high-quality product or offer standard service if you’re not found by Google, locals will not find you too.
People are getting adapted to a world that is getting smarter. Having a mobile phone in every individual’s pocket makes shopping easier than before.
One can decide which product to buy and which service to take within a few clicks. Somehow, this can the reason why it’s becoming difficult to maintain business status in the market.
If you think your competitors are getting heavy on you,  local SEO can help you gain back your business position.
3. Customers retention
If you’re an old business in your area you might have noticed that locals are already your regular customers. When you’re already getting customer retention you may not feel necessary to use local SEO.
That’s right, when your customers are very satisfied with your business why would you need local SEO.
But for now, let’s think this way,
Let’s assume someone new has shifted to your area and want to buy the product that you sell. So local SEO will help you capture that individual to your business. And that someone can become your regular customers.
Even if you’re the only one business in your area, you’ll need local SEO.
What if someone comes to your competition? If you’re using local SEO people can make a decision in your favor by reading online reviews. If you’re actively practicing local SEO you can earn new customers as well as retain old customers.
A business that engages their customer can retain the customer again and again.
Though you’re an old business in your area, local SEO can help you stay competitive to add customers to your business.
However, it doesn’t matter how old your business is but it’s about practicing local SEO to retain customers and maintain your business position in the area.
4. Gain more local reviews
So when you do shopping you’ll do it in your area.
Let’s suppose you want to take your family for dinner in your area and you’re searching for a nice local restaurant. When you made a search in Google, you got a long list and now you’re confused about which restaurant to go for dinner.
What you’ll do next?
Obviously, you’ll check reviews to identify which restaurant is suitable for your family.
People like to read reviews before making their final decision. In fact, 90% of people read reviews before making their purchases.
When reviews are becoming so important in purchases decision- Do you have online reviews for your business?
If no, local SEO can encourage customers to drop a review for your business.
Reviews are not just important to attract locals but they also impact Google ranking. If your customers leave positive reviews in business directories like Google My Business profile then your business ranking can improve.
5. Earn customers’ trust
One of the major strengths of local SEO is that it can increase the trustworthiness and authority of your business. If you have loyal customers in your business you’ll retain them, as well as they can bring new customers to your business.
But how local SEO can help in earning customers’ trust?
Obviously reviews are one of the reasons that increase the trustworthiness of the business. When you have more positive reviews, you will increase the number of customers in your business.
Also, creating locally tailor content can attract an audience and tell Google on which area your business is focused and help you appear when there is a relevant search.
Positive review and tailor content is a good combination to attract customers to your business and increased loyal customers in your locality.
Local SEO can help you build a locally trusted business and assist you to grow your business in your area.
6. Make customer buy the product
Why do people search for a local business online? Obviously, they want to get involved with the business. People don’t usually make a random local search to get information.
Although they don’t visit you immediately after they find you online, they will visit you when they are free.
In fact, 28% of local search results in purchases. If you want your customer to buy your product you need to incorporate local SEO in your business marketing.
Though 28% seems to be less, it should not be underestimated. That percentage has a large number of customers.
The chances of purchases are higher with mobile users. Local search in mobile has 1 in 3 chances of being purchases
It’s very obvious that when the numbers of mobile users are increasing, people will make most of the search with mobile. And they will make a decision through the information they get on their phone.
Get ready for a local opportunity
Local SEO can be the best help for small, medium, large, and multi-location businesses to get the most out of search marketing. The main motive of SEO is to drive the potential local customers to the business and to keep them updated with customized information to engage them in business.
Fortunately, local SEO brings big advantages which are why it’s rapidly growing among local businesses. A local business that aims to stay competitive and maintain market position locally then local SEO can prove to be the best marketing approach.
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hansikar · 4 years
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hansikar · 4 years
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hansikar · 4 years
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hansikar · 4 years
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hansikar · 4 years
Differences between on-page SEO and technical SEO
On-Page SEO
On-Page SEO is done within some certain pages of website like home page, about us page, blog page, etc. But mainly on-page is a major importance for the blog articles to manage the articles as suitable to Google.
Some points that belong to on-page SEO are:
Meta description
Title Tag
Headling Tag
Internal and External link
Image optimization
keywords optimization
Technical SEO
Technical SEO can be determined as the utility software of the website that keeps the website on-going without any technical errors. This aspect of SEO is really essential to keep the website healthy and error-free.
Some points that belong to Technical SEO are:
website security
Mobile friendly
Load speed
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hansikar · 4 years
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hansikar · 4 years
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hansikar · 4 years
Five benefits of pay per click advertising
PPC advertising is a type of adverting model that runs online and allows you to place ads about something on search engine results pages (SERPs), various channels of social media, and other websites. After running a PPC advertisement, advertisers offer on keywords, and they have to pay only for each click of their ads by users. That clicks transfer the visitors to a landing page of your website.
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There are various convincing benefits of PPC advertising. Some of them are given below.
It contributes to business goals
Every business is established with many goals ranging from high-level brand exposure and thought management to a hot lead proposal or e-commerce sale. In this phase, the goals that are set for conversion can be tracked. Here, PPC is regarded as a reliable tool that can align website traffic drivers to en-goals.
PPC is able to advertise content downloads, contest entries, pusher achieved for app downloads and seek newsletter signups that helps in raising the middle ground of nurturing. Similarly, PPC is very supportive in case of sales funnel and brand awareness. Brand awareness is only a way that helps in conversion. In this way, the list of identified goals can be achieved smoothly.
It is measurable and Trackable
The key benefit of running PPC advertising is that it is easy to measure and track. Tracking and measurement are possible by using Google Ads tool and Google Analytics. It should be noted that high-level result and details can be received with impressions, clicks and maximum conversions. Conversions can be seen based on defined business goals.
In another type of marketing channels, details and pictures are not clear. And when you sent the PPC traffic to specific landing pages and track it using Google Analytics, you can clearly see everything in details. Expenses and capital, according to the end goals, can be measured using Google Analytics. There is no other magazine ad or billboard that can attribute to sales like that.
Quick entry
In this competitive world, everything should be done on time or as fast as you can. In the case of PPC advertisement, you will be able to get up and dash holding a few optimizations even if you are a decade behind your competitors. There is a vast difference in using and PPC advertising. SEO efforts take lots of time and dedication to achieve the same traffic that is offered by Google Ads within minutes of launch.  
Talking about other channels, you have email and organic social, it could be benefited to target the people who don't know about your brand and who are not existing customer or followers. Here, PPC helps in the quick cast of a wide net and find new customers and fresh prospects.
Moreover, PPC advertising platform is used to research, the campaign builds out, write ads, etc. You can be on the top in a short time with minimum involvement of the development team.
You will be in control.
You will be controlled in reaching up to the potential customers. This begins with the keywords and the areas that are chosen by you to target.  You may also have lots of budget flexibility if you are starting from small. You will be free to set your ad budget, and bids and expenses will be based on your willing.
After a certain period, you will be positive or negative results. According to the outcome, you can scale up or down immediately. And if you are willing to continue the ads after certain time, you can stop or pause the running ad. Moreover, you can make quick edits and optimize the content inside the ads even if it is running.
PPC collaborate with other marketing channels
In this 21st century, content marketing has taken a better market in which content plan and calendars have become standard in business. Here PPC and SEO work together due to which people are finding products and services on Google.  
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