hanssssolo96-blog · 6 years
One Last Ride
Every year we have our field trip and this is my last one here in CASA. Our field trip was on November 30, 2018, This time we went to the following places: Art in Island, ABS-CBN studio and last is Cultural Center of the Philippines.
My day started when I woke early in 3:00o’clock in the morning but 4:00 o’clock is the time that I get my self prepared and the exact call time at school is 5:00 am. When I was on my way to school I forgot my power bank so I went back home to get it. Then when I went back to school, we’re all complete and went to the bus.
The first destination is Art in Island. This Art in Island is a completely different world made possible through optical illusions,bright colors, and fantastic designs. It’s q museum with visually stunning 3D artworks that you can touch, interact with and be part of. Stickers are placed on the floor to serve for photographers capturing the funny moments and interactions. In some museums you are not allowed to take pictures, or only after turning your flash off. Well, this museum is different. They want you to take as many photos and videos as you like. Art in Island is a great interactive 3D museum for all ages. Artists have created numerous 3D art paintings and you are allowed to be part of the art. I enjoyed taking selfies and groufies in their 3D art paintings with my friends.
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The second stop is the ABS-CBN Studio Experience located at trinoma mall. It is an interactive indoor mini theme park where you can get experience on what it is like to be on your favourite tv show. There are many activities inside that I enjoyed like the action academy wherein you can try to become an action movie star like cardo dalisay. Also the Kapamilya Theater we played a game based on Laluna Sangre wherein you will fight with your friends.
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We had dinner at harbor square before we go to our final destination . Finally we reached our last destination which is Cultural Center of The Philippines. We watch the performance of ballet philippines show which is entitled snow white, I enjoyed watching because the performance was very smooth and organize. And it shows the importance of your friends and love.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 6 years
Hi im Ezekiel Tenorio, I went to a field trip more than a week ago and I am here to talk about my experiences in it.
Anyways I woke up 4 in the morning for the 5 am call time, because we were told that our first destination which is the Art Island would be much enjoyed if there are less people in there and have more time for it. When we got there, I was amazed by its large walls filled with beautiful murals. Not only that but the murals was painted in a way that people could interact with it, those murals made with holes in it so that visitors could feel that they are part of the painting. Then after we've spent some time looking around the museum, all the visitors were corralled at the great Hall for the light show. In the light show, it made all the paintings around the room come to life as a complex set up of expensive projectors made it all possible for the murals to act like GIFs.
After the lightshow, we head straight at Tri-Noma for lunch and then to ABSCBN Studio Experience, which is also in Tri-Noma. Inside the ABS-CBN Studio Experience, we had much fun in there as we really got involved in a typical TV game shows: they have The Voice (which of course I feel flaunting my talent that time); they also have a parkour section where you get to feel like an action star, me and other varsity members tried this one but none of us got to finish it; there are also other sections like the Minute to Win It and Pinoy Big Brother, but we didnt have much of the time. All in all, its a good place to visit, its almost like Timezone and Toms World if only it had more sections to interact with.
After the ABS-CBN Studio Experience, we head to the Museum of Natural History, although it closed unexpectedly, we head to By the Bay near MoA for dinner and CCP event. In their, we had dinner, not much to tell about but after dressing up and having dinner we went to CCP again just like last year. In the CCP, we had something new, we watch a play about the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves with no dialogues but choreography and music only. Even though it had no dialogues, it was able to tell the story perfectly, worth the trip and would definitely watch again.
To summarize my experience during the field trip, I am saying it's worth my money and time to take leisure upon. It could have been better though if the Museum of Natural History didn't closed that early.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 6 years
Art Nomad
On November 30, 2018 we celebrated the birth of Bonifacio with a field trip. A palpable feeling of excitement was present as the Senior High School students of Casa del Nino had beheld the beauty of 3D art, had experienced the intensity of being in a reality show and had watched the aesthetic sense of ballet.
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                                A taste of Venice at Art in Island
The first destination for our field trip was on the Art in Island. It is the largest 3D museum in Asia that houses over 200 3D trick arts. This is the best destination for selfie lovers. Camera, different poses and courage were the things that I brought. The 2-storey mural got a hold on me. It was really mesmerizing how it was created with finesse. While topping up our tans, the team had the most-instragramable photos to post.  
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The second stop was on the ABS-CBN Studio Experience located at Trinoma. This destination offered exciting games and jump-packed attraction. I expressed my artsy side and had my best performance level at every studio. The Minute to Win It studio took me on fire. I experienced to be a contestant for just a day and finished three stages, but still unable to reach the ultimate round. ABS-CBN XP is the great place for anyone who aspires to be an artist.
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                                              Selfie with Dopey
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                                 Cast of Snow White - Ballet Philippines
On top of all the places we visited, the Cultural Center of the Philippines stood out. The performance of the Ballet Philippines took my heart out of its place. I witnessed the prowess and passion of ballet dancers.  As the performance ended, the danzatore, ballerino and the ballerina had their parade night and this was the time I had seen their humility over success.
In just a day, I received a bucket-full of lasting memories and indulging experiences. I experienced to see a wall used as a canvass, to be a viewer on screen and dancers on the tips of their toes.
-Kenneth Luis T. Dandal
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hanssssolo96-blog · 6 years
See You Again
November 30 is that day we Filipinos commemorate our hero Andres Bonifacio. I started my day very early to prepare myself for the Fieldtrip that our school is having. At 3:30 am I started to prepare the things that I need to bring. I also prepared the foods that I will be bringing. I went to school 5 o'clock am so that I won't be late. Our bus departed here at school at exactly 6am.
The first destination that we are going is Art In Island. This place is full of beautiful paintings that was made by the great artists and sculptures. You can see that the paintings were done with thorough work. The paintings were made in a way that the visitors could interact with, so that the visitors would feel that they are part of the painting. After taking a lot of pictures and having fun, we went to the major hall of the building and watched a show wherein they featured the creation of our planet Earth.
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         Next, we went to Trinoma Mall where our next itinerary is which is the ABS-CBN Interactive Studio. We were given 2 hours of free time to eat lunch and roam around the mall. After some time, we went to our meeting place which was the Interactive Studio. Inside the studio, there are a lot of merchandise and they will really make you feel like you’re inside ABS-CBN. They featured shows like The Voice and Minute to Win it. This place was really fun because there is also a “Ninja Warrior” kind of area were you climb your way through different obstacles.
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Our final destination for the day was CCP were we watched the ballet performance of the Ballet Philippines where they performed “Snow White”. We quickly ate dinner and changed to our formal wear at Harbor Square. The show here was really amazing and very entertaining, especially the performance of the seven dwarves. It was a new experience for me to watch that kind of show.
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Overall, this fieldtrip was really memorable for me since it will be our last fieldtrip. It was really tiring yet it was fun. These trip really brought us together since the each and every one of us bonded and got together. The next time I look at this blog, it will surely be a trip down at memory lane.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 6 years
Who’s The Fairest Of Them All?
Field trips are compulsory activities that happen every year. It could be spiritual, educational, or a fun way to pass the time. Sometimes it flat out sucks, but ever so often there are those moments that brings out the best in you, makes you whole again, and just gives you hope for the future. These are the ones that will remain in your heart cherished, for the rest of your life.
To be honest, I never felt like there was a field trip the day before. We were being barraged to death with requirements that it felt like a chore to attend. But there was one denominator, friends that made it worth going for. We had been talking all night when I opened up with things I've never told anyone about, it was weird especially since I'm not always comfortable sharing a side of me. That left me with a smile in my sleep. Next morning, I came just right before the sun rose, but not after the cold wind of the morning had left, they weren't there yet, but the buses were.
Our first destination was in Art in Island, as a whole it was such a great place, if it were up to me I'd live there. But there's a problem, there are times where looking at the murals gets me thinking of her smile. It's funny how sometimes they'd just get in your head uncontrollably. Confused, I thought to myself that it at least adds to the experience of a fun trip. 
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Next on the itinerary was the ABS-CBN Interactive Studio, it's freaking fantastic man, I may be a snob to the whole Philippine television industry, but making a quasi-theme park based on your shows? That's just ambitious. We spent a few hours there which felt like minutes, but there was definitely a lot left to be desired considering it got repetitive as it ended.
*Insert boring lunchtime somewhere here...
Two photos that I have in Trinoma Mall.
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*The MCU fan in me wishing for one of these :(
Due to unforeseen circumstances, two of the itineraries was cancelled so we went to Harbor Square for dinner while concurrently, the fun didn't stop as me and my friends would find things that entertain us both in the trip and ourselves. Of course like last year, Harbor Square has something that I want, my favorite Krispy Kreme signature brew coffee which I bought in a heartbeat.
Lastly, the main event, the Snow White ballet. A story filled with love and hope, translated using, obviously ballet. The way they interpret the story hit me in all the right notes. It hit me hard because I knew that I myself had been looking for a Snow White of my own. Out of all the places, thoughts of infatuation invade me, a hopeless romantic who knows will take a thousand years just to find the perfect girl, in this wonderful show. Like the prophecy of the mirror, one comes more beautiful, someone worth it, the fairest of them all. She just makes you feel special, makes you smile, and genuinely cares. It makes you wonder, who will it be for me?
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The field trip may have been a feast for the eyes and a fun final ride to my fellow seniors, but to me it was a journey that will last a lifetime, stay a memory for the years to come. For my Snow White, she remains a star that shines her beauty in the night sky, for I'm not the prince charming to bring her in a galaxy far, far away yet.
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To my subject teacher, changes were made from the passed draft as preventative measures to omit the obvious identity of Snow White, for now...
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hanssssolo96-blog · 7 years
Trip in Manila by Joben Tamonte
I woke up early that day because they told us that we will leave early. So I came to school at 5:40 but we still waited for some time because some students came late. I ate breakfast in school first because I was very hungry
We then go to the bus at 7:30 and we got to Manila by 9 and we got to Rizal Park as the first destination. It wasn't my first time there but I have forgotten it so I was happy to be there again. But it was my first time in the garden where Jose Rizals story before he died is being narrated.
We then went to the two churches, Manila Cathedral, San Agustin but one of the church had a wedding going on so we didn't get in.
We then went to intramuros and walked from one point to another. It took a while to get there but it is worth it.
After that we were taken by the bus and dropped off at Harbor square to eat. I ate inside the bus.
We then went to Central Bank and itbwas funny on the way there because Ezekiel and my friends was singing in the karaoke.
We then went inside and it they made us watch a video about money, then we looked around to look at old money. We then continued our destination in national museum where I took pictures of paintings for my mathematics and arts subject.
It started raining when we are inside the museum so the bus had to get near the door so we can enter.
We then went to MOA to eat for one hour and I ate with my friends and had fun bonding
Lastly, we went to cultural center of the Philippines and we had to walk to it because the buys can't park. When we came in we had a pictorial before the Bayanihan 61 started. I liked the show even if I don't usually watch those things. When it ended we still waited around for the bus to come back so we stayed in the CCP for few more minutes. After the bus came in we finally went home.
For me the whole Rizal Park destination was the highlight because I loved it when I went there as a kid. And now I finally got to watch the lights and sound play about Dr. Rizals time before his death.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 7 years
Fieldtrip 2K17 by MJ Baja
I woke up at the morning feeling sleepy but I had no choice so I got off the bed and brushed my teeth. After that, I took a bath and went straight to school.
When I came in school my friends are already there. We waited for 1 hour before we left. We got to Manila in 8 or 9 and then we got to our first destination. It is Rizal Park and I sticked with my friends the whole time and learned a lot from the sounds that played in the garden.
After that we went to the Manila Cathedral and San Agustin. It was all so beautiful. After that we went to the intramuros and walked in it for sometime. We got really hungry from walking Then the bus picked us up from the last church and then we went to Harbor square to eat. We went to Starbucks for a drink and then we went back to the bus
On the way to Central Bank of the Philippines Ezekiel and my friends sang in the karaoke.
Then we waited for 1 hour more because we were early in central bank. When we got inside everything looked so cool. We also watched two videos about how money is made.
We then went to National Museum and they liked the speaker because she was cute. We also took pictures of some painting for math and arts.
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I laughed so hard when kahiwat took a picture with the speaker.
We then went to MOA and I had dinner there with my friends and walked around for the 1 hour they gived us. It was the highlight of my day because we bonded so much with each other.
We then went to cultural center of the Philippines and it was raining so it was hard for me to het inside because it was slippy.
We watched the Bayanihan 61 and it was so colorful. I liked the music because it was very melodic. After the show we saw the actors upclose and the costume is so cool. After that we went down and took some pictures.
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We then went back to the bus and went home.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 7 years
The fieldtrip
My name is Ezekiel Tenorio, and this is my blog for the fieldtrip.
We went to school early in the morning. About 5 am. We waited for everybody and my classmates to come to school so we can go to our first destination.
When everybody has come to school, we then went to the bus and rode all the way to Manila. We went first to Rizal Park and I learned a lot about his history. I was with my friends the whole day. Then we walked to Manila Cathedral. After that we went to intramuros and walked around for a few minutes. Thento San Agustin.
We then went to Harbor square to eat and we went to Starbucks for a drink. After that we sang in the karaoke in the bus the whole way to Bangko Central ng Pilipinas. We sang bohemian rhapsody and many more songs. We then waited for an hour on the parking lot and we kept singing after that. We then got inside and we looked around to see the coins and old money around.
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We also watch two videos about how money is made.
We then went to national museum and we found the speaker pretty. We took a picture of an artwork to analyze.
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Before we go, kahiwat took a picture with the speaker with one hand pointing up 👆.
After that we went to MOA and ate dinner there.
Then, we went to CCP and watched Bayanihan 61. We all clapped so hard after the musical ended. And it was the best moment of the day, and for me was also the highlight. After that we meet with the actors and actresses of the show and my classmates took pictures with some of them.
After the long long day, we finally got back to the bus and went home.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 7 years
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A Different Memory
eaturing Ex BFFs
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Woke up at 3:00 am. Cooked my food and prepared everything I need. Took a bath for about 20-3- minutes. Put on my clothes and fixed myself up. And now, I’m ready to go. August 25, 2017, that was the day of our study tour/ field trip. i went on the school at exactly 5:00 in the morning and leave at 6:30 am. (Though we should have leave earlier than that based on our agreement Lol.) At first, It’s not that exciting for me to go. Because aside from I’m not wit my old friends anymore to do and ride on my jokes, my main reason why I thought I won’t enjoy the tour is because this is our exam in a subject. So I Thought, I can not really enjoy the tour. I mean how can you enjoy if you worry about something right?
First stop is the Luneta Park or they also call it Rizal Park. While doing the tour, our tour guide explains us everything about Luneta Park. While walking, we talk about so many things and we did not forget to take pictures of course. Next stop was the Intramuros. I was really tired of walking that time and we have to walk further. But I did not notice my tiredness anymore because I was busy checking out what’s the tour guide talking about. Until we got to Manila Cathedral. There I felt really tired yet I was a little refreshed with air. And then we decided to have our early lunch. I ate rice with adobong manok and fried chicken which my classmates gave me. Because I just prepared my rice hehe. After eating, we waited for more than 1 hour before we went to our next destination which is the Bangko Central ng Pilipinas. As we entered  BSP, I saw that they are really strict with those people who visit, then we entered. As we came in, I felt excited because it was my first time to come there. They let us watch 2 videos. The first video is about how money is made. The other is how money helps our country run. After that, we walked around to look at money from the years. We took pictures of most of it.
Then we went to the National Museum and I was like WOW. This is amazing, I cannot believe what I see. Its the Spoliarium and its so BIIIG and dark. And at first glance I was in love with it. The woman teaching us about it taught me a lot and I was like “OH OK HEHE”. After that we started walking around to look for a painting for contemporary arts and I saw The Oracion. I chose it because it was easy to make an art analysis for it. It was already raining outside when we went downstairs and we had to wait for the bus to come fetch us,
We then went to MOA and changed clothes and eat dinner. We ate at Dennis’ Grill and Restaurant. After eating, we immediately went to the meeting place. We took pictures yet again and then went to CCP.  It was our last destination and I was excited at last. It was the main highlight of the day for me. We watched Bayanihan 61 and I was really amazed by their performance. I was like wOOOAH. I wish I could be there with them. We took pictures with the performance and I was really happy. 
That day ended very happy for me. I spent time with friends and got to see more of the every day life in Manila. I really enjoyed the trip even though I was tired. And I realized, one can enjoy a thing while learning something.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 7 years
A Different Memory
Featuring Ex BFFs
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Woke up at 3:00 am. Cooked my food and prepared everything I need. Took a bath for about 20-3- minutes. Put on my clothes and fixed myself up. And now, I’m ready to go. August 25, 2017, that was the day of our study tour/ field trip. i went on the school at exactly 5:00 in the morning and leave at 6:30 am. (Though we should have leave earlier than that based on our agreement Lol.) At first, It’s not that exciting for me to go. Because aside from I’m not wit my old friends anymore to do and ride on my jokes, my main reason why I thought I won’t enjoy the tour is because this is our exam in a subject. So I Thought, I can not really enjoy the tour. I mean how can you enjoy if you worry about something right?
First stop is the Luneta Park or they also call it Rizal Park. While doing the tour, our tour guide explains us everything about Luneta Park. While walking, we talk about so many things and we did not forget to take pictures of course. Next stop was the Intramuros. I was really tired of walking that time and we have to walk further. But I did not notice my tiredness anymore because I was busy checking out what’s the tour guide talking about. Until we got to Manila Cathedral. There I felt really tired yet I was a little refreshed with air. And then we decided to have our early lunch. I ate rice with adobong manok and fried chicken which my classmates gave me. Because I just prepared my rice hehe. After eating, we waited for more than 1 hour before we went to our next destination which is the Bangko Central ng Pilipinas. As we entered  BSP, I saw that they are really strict with those people who visit, then we entered. As we came in, I felt excited because it was my first time to come there. They let us watch 2 videos. The first video is about how money is made. The other is how money helps our country run. After that, we walked around to look at money from the years. We took pictures of most of it.
Then we went to the National Museum and I was like WOW. This is amazing, I cannot believe what I see. Its the Spoliarium and its so BIIIG and dark. And at first glance I was in love with it. The woman teaching us about it taught me a lot and I was like “OH OK HEHE”. After that we started walking around to look for a painting for contemporary arts and I saw The Oracion. I chose it because it was easy to make an art analysis for it. It was already raining outside when we went downstairs and we had to wait for the bus to come fetch us,
We then went to MOA and changed clothes and eat dinner. We ate at Dennis’ Grill and Restaurant. After eating, we immediately went to the meeting place. We took pictures yet again and then went to CCP.  It was our last destination and I was excited at last. It was the main highlight of the day for me. We watched Bayanihan 61 and I was really amazed by their performance. I was like wOOOAH. I wish I could be there with them. We took pictures with the performance and I was really happy. 
That day ended very happy for me. I spent time with friends and got to see more of the every day life in Manila. I really enjoyed the trip even though I was tired. And I realized, one can enjoy a thing while learning something.
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hanssssolo96-blog · 7 years
The Voyage of Dreams
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Upon searching for the word voyage, especially on search engines, it typically means a long journey involving travel by sea or space. So how come I used it in my title for my fieldtrip? Because to an average person, it sounds adventurous and due to the fact that it can captivate your attention, which is definitely much needed in this blog. 
Disclaimer: don’t expect anything spectacular on this blog, it’s as average as my skin color. (I’m Asian, so it would be yellowish, do not attempt to bring racism or politics upon my blog or I will have Ringwraiths chase you like you are the bearer of the one ring LOL.)
First off, I’m not writing an informative story, I will be focusing on the memorable events and whatever else I can remember from the top of my head. Then tell and treat them as adventures, if I can because I’m typing this at 2:28 AM. So here it is.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
cue Star Wars Main Titles theme and a short opening crawl then end scene*
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Every Senior High Students can be seen everywhere at this second home I call Casa Del Nino, its so early in the morning that the sky has not invited the fiery ball that is the sun to its premises. And I have a weird feeling about something and I can’t explain it. Once all students are complete and accounted for, we took a short walk to the bus, got inside, and readied ourselves to the voyage into the helish traffic of Manila (I still wonder who causes the traffic there).
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The first destination was Rizal Park, although I have moved on from my history loving phase from fifth grade, I was still as excited as I can be to be in the place where Jose Rizal last stood and breath. But what throbs more within me was my thirst and my urgent need to complete the process of my urinary system. And so I quickly made my way into the bathroom and bought a nice cold, full paper cup of buko juice. I still feel the sensation that something is missing. We then listened to a narrator tell the strings of events that unfolded leading to Jose Rizal’s death and used my vivid imagination, just like I do on every Dungeons And Dragons session.
Our next place of business was two particular churches, San Agustin and Manila Cathedral. I’m more of a man of science than faith so I found this boring and can easily be skipped upon this blog (I have no means to offend anybody, that is my sole opinion and mine only), the only interesting thing to these places was one of them had a library with a barter system in which you can exchange your book for another of your choice that is available in said library.
Not sure which church this is, but I’m clearly not photogenic (I’m the one on the right).
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The third destination was the Intramuros wall, the top of it. As a fan of the now possibly overrated yet great show, Game of Thrones, it’s hard not to imagine oneself as a watcher on the wall protecting the realm of men from what lies beyond. Thankfully, my imaginative mind fueled me enough to keep walking to reach the opposite end of that wall, which I assume is quite long.
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(I definitely can’t defend it against this undead dragon though)
We were then back on the bus and went to Harbor Square for lunch. At this time after eating I was still searching for something, craving. Then it came to me that it was coffee that had been haunting me since morning, I forgot to drink coffee when I woke up which was part of my morning routine. So I got off the bus and hunted for coffee. I saw Starbucks, my go to brand, but I wanted something new. Then I saw Krispy Kreme had coffee too and I tried their signature brew. Sweet christmas drinking it felt like the most wondrous thing in the world, like the song ‘Sila’ by SUD, I sang to it “Walang papantay sayo, maging sino man sila.” Because I’ve been in love with it ever since.
After drinking my new found love, I still fell asleep. It normally happens to me, I think after years of drinking coffee I have been immune to it. An hour later I woke up and we were already on the Central Bank of the Philippines. Upon coming inside, I was overwhelmed by the thousands of coins that surround the place, it’s not just metals and papers, it has history embedded on it. So I kept going around reading and reading those that I found were really beautiful and even searched the history of the same coin that we have in our house. 
I was moving too quickly at this place, probably from the slow effects of the coffee to my body, that I have read almost everything while everyone is still on the way of finishing it. So I just imagined a scenario in which the Adam West 1960s TV serial comes in saving the day because Two-Face is currently holding the bank hostage. Hooray for my imagination huh?
We then went to the National Museum and although the trip was cut short because of our tight schedule, was still quite fun because I got to see some art from the masters. And even had to take a picture with some of them for our art criticism in a subject. 
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We then had time restricted dinner on Mall of Asia because time was running out to get to CCP (Cultural Center of the Philppines) as early as possible. But of course, me and my friends always finds time to stop to take pictures, and show off our unifoms.
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The unexpected happened at MOA, at first I couldn’t believe it, but it’s true. She’s here, I didn’t know what to do at first, to say hi or not to hi, that is the question. But of course like any man would I came in and once more, bought that darn tasty signature brew of Krispy Kreme (not a paid advertisement at all).
We then went back to the meeting place and finally came what for me, was the highlight of the day. We were finally in the CCP where all Ladies and Gentlemen were required to dress formal. At first I thought the show would put me to sleep but I have never felt so wrong in my entire life. It was spectacular, grand, every long walks of the day or the boring parts payed off. I loved every single moment of it, seconds turned to minutes, then hours. And then bam, just gone, finished. I couldn’t believe something so fantastic only lasted for an hour or so. But at least I got to take a picture with my favorite singer from the whole thing.
I wish I can post my photo with her, but unfortunately, without her consent I cannot.
After a long day we were all relieved to finally get home and rest. So I popped my earphones in and listened to Joan Jett and the Blackhearts greatest hits.
So this is it. The conclusion to a Voyage of dreams, which stands for my wild imagination thoughout the whole day and what I expected the trip to be, a voyage of dreams. Although it was not what I have hoped for, it is definitely a memorable day and I am glad I changed my mind and chose to come instead or I may have missed one of the best experiences of my life.
I sincerely hope whoever you are, enjoyed my blog. I definitely lived up to the words Valar Dohaeris making this. Thank you and may the Force be with you.
This blog is made solely for a school requirement.
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