hapagirl92 · 2 years
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We’re a little team. Me as the teacher who can still do it, you as the student who can do it, just not as good. I’m proud of us!
SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE dir. Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman (in/sp)
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hapagirl92 · 2 years
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hapagirl92 · 2 years
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what was this movie even 
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hapagirl92 · 2 years
ppl being like “abortion is okay only if you took all the “correct” measures first or if you were impregnated non-consensually” SHUT UP! abortion for “sexually promiscuous” people and sex addicts and ppl you call sluts and whores and people who have one-night stands and every single person who had sex because they felt like it! you do not have to reach a quota of suffering to “deserve” an abortion. abortion is not something you earn. abortion isn’t a moral thing like you protestants like to think it’s a fucking right and everyone deserves access to it and they don’t have to prove that they deserve it. pregnancy is not a punishment for sex and every single person deserves the right to terminate a pregnancy regardless of how they became pregnant. shut up
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
just because it’s a short film doesn’t mean it’s incomplete and should have a full-length movie adaptation
just because it’s an amazing movie that did really well doesn’t mean it needs a sequel
just because it’s a well loved classic tv show doesn’t mean it needs to be remade anew
let stories be exactly the length they are, they don’t need to be extended and drawn out and added onto and redone until they’re not good anymore. if your story is short but it works that way then it’s done. you don’t need to add more. knowing when to stop is so important
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
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TT (2016)
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
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Surprise triplets 😂
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
I relish the idea of Harley Quinn, licensed therapist, figuring out how much damage supervillains are doing to Batman’s psyche and just. Going, “fuck it, I’m your nemesis now.”
Like she offs the Joker and then starts taking control of the Gotham underworld but like. Shifts it away from creepy serial killer shit towards 1966-era silly crimes. So like Bruce is walking into Riddler’s latest plot expecting him to be like “answer my riddles correctly or I’ll kill a hostage every hour!” except that it turns out that no, Nygma is just stealing pudding because it’s St. Patrick’s Day special and it’s colored green.
Harley’ll be like “I’ve TAKEN OVER GOTHAM, B-man, and you’ll have to work your HARDEST to stop me!” except all she’s done is hire a bunch of clown flash mobs to dance YMCA inside various police stations so Bruce just gets a little light exercise. Sometimes she breaks into the Batcave but there’s never any danger in it because she just wants to have tea. There’s no worry about any of his children getting traumatized because if she sees any of them are having problems she immediately stops her schemes for an impromptu therapy session
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
they took to it like a duck to water: they began naturally, almost effortlessly, and were immediately in their element
they took to it like a baby otter to water: screaming, certain they were dying, hating every minute of it despite being perfectly suited to the conditions
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
actually sex is fun and casual if you want it to be and serious and sacred if you want it to be bc you make that choice for yourself and nobody else!
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
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more closeups…….because he’s cute 💞
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
i didn’t have “cw goes bankrupt” on my 2022 bingo card but i probably should’ve
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
I'm gonna say it
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hapagirl92 · 3 years
a newly turned werewolf frantically googling whether or not they can eat chocolate now, finding several different answers that don’t clear anything up, and finally having a stare-down with a bar of chocolate wondering whether or not it’s worth it to just try it themselves and see what happens, and getting sidetracked wondering if they’ll have to go to the doctor’s or the vet if it turns out badly for them. 
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