hapantwin · 1 year
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N E O N S H A D O W S ➳ a multimuse collective featuring star wars expanded universe/legends muses (open for rping and also geeking out about legends :P):
↠ Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo // Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium @ereneda
↠ Jacen Solo / Darth Caedus // Jedi [verse dependent ;)] @goodofthegalaxy
↠ Gadell Vessau // Hapan Royal Social Secretary / OC @gadellvessau
↠ Zekk // Jedi & Hapan Security Specialist @tastybouquet
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hapantwin · 3 years
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hapantwin · 3 years
interest checker!
I made a quick interest checker for my blogs since I’m trying to get back into tumblr posting and don’t know who’s still her end wants to play!
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hapantwin · 3 years
“The best revenge is massive success.”
— Frank Sinatra (via quotemadness)
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hapantwin · 3 years
One didn’t need access to the Force to see the slight mental pause in Zekk’s words as he mentioned seeing her in the hall, at least not when one was as well trained in reading people as Taryn was. Her job was typically guarding her cousin and queen from threats to her person, which required a good read on people. Most, however, would probably miss his swift change in tack. Not that she cared who knew she’d spend the night in his bed. Or vice versa as the case may have been. It was only his semblance of propriety that she honored and didn’t mentioned anything more than their paths crossing in the hallways.
“Of course, all briefed,” she replied to his question with a nod, grinning all the while like a loth cat who’d just broken into the bantha milk. “What about you? No official Jedi business to take you off planet for weeks?” She assumed not, but things for the Jedi seemed to change rapidly and it was never a given.
“If you’re not busy tonight there’s a gala I’ve got to go to, for the usual reasons. I was wondering if you’d like to keep me company?”
@tastybouquet​ because I love you
How strange to be back, part of “normal” life again after six standard months undercover. It had been interesting, living another woman’s life for a time and doing so side by side with a Jedi Knight. Poor Zekk, sometimes she wondered if he hadn’t ever questioned his decision to take up with a woman more than ten years younger than him and in a situation where he’d been unable to tell anyone who mattered to him. She still could clearly recall Master Solo’s face when she’d put the pieces together for the first time. It was something close to discomfort laced with a sort of jealousy that often came from having to share someone who’d belonged solely to yourself up until that point. Taryn would probably look at the first woman Trista got serious with in the same way, though without the romantic undercurrent. 
Still, they’d decided to carry on the relationship that had started while hidden away from the world and that meant acting like it was a perfectly normal thing to do until everyone else accepted it as such. For Taryn that was hardly a problem. She’d never made her interest in the man a secret. Hadn’t Trista told her off for flirting with him the day they met? If anyone was surprised that Taryn had eventually gotten her way they didn’t know her very well. She didn’t give a kark that there were at least two other Jedi in the room who could see them when she marched her way up and pulled him into a brief but not dispassionate kiss. “Hey, handsome. Miss me?” 
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hapantwin · 3 years
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elena satine icons
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hapantwin · 4 years
“do you like boys or girls?” yes.
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hapantwin · 4 years
What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature?
18K notes · View notes
hapantwin · 4 years
interest checker!
I made a quick interest checker for my blogs since I’m trying to get back into tumblr posting and don’t know who’s still her end wants to play!
39 notes · View notes
hapantwin · 4 years
interest checker!
I made a quick interest checker for my blogs since I’m trying to get back into tumblr posting and don’t know who’s still her end wants to play!
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hapantwin · 4 years
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Hello! We have a brand new masterlist 2.0 post seeing as the old one was getting quite crowded and notifications weren’t coming through. Same rules apply, though if you’ve already reblogged the old one and you’re already on the masterlist, you do not need to reblog this one.
So, if you’re a new blog, all you need to do is reblog this post and state the following in the tags:
your muse name
canon or OC
single or multi-muse blog
for muses outside of Star Wars that have a dedicated verse, make sure you include the fandom you’re in. if you’re fandomless, just tag it as such.
For example: Luke Skywalker / canon / single                        Steve Rogers / canon / Marvel / verse                         Ahsoka Tano / canon / multi
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hapantwin · 4 years
@tastybouquet​ because I love you
How strange to be back, part of “normal” life again after six standard months undercover. It had been interesting, living another woman’s life for a time and doing so side by side with a Jedi Knight. Poor Zekk, sometimes she wondered if he hadn’t ever questioned his decision to take up with a woman more than ten years younger than him and in a situation where he’d been unable to tell anyone who mattered to him. She still could clearly recall Master Solo’s face when she’d put the pieces together for the first time. It was something close to discomfort laced with a sort of jealousy that often came from having to share someone who’d belonged solely to yourself up until that point. Taryn would probably look at the first woman Trista got serious with in the same way, though without the romantic undercurrent. 
Still, they’d decided to carry on the relationship that had started while hidden away from the world and that meant acting like it was a perfectly normal thing to do until everyone else accepted it as such. For Taryn that was hardly a problem. She’d never made her interest in the man a secret. Hadn’t Trista told her off for flirting with him the day they met? If anyone was surprised that Taryn had eventually gotten her way they didn’t know her very well. She didn’t give a kark that there were at least two other Jedi in the room who could see them when she marched her way up and pulled him into a brief but not dispassionate kiss. “Hey, handsome. Miss me?” 
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hapantwin · 4 years
you know trista is the responsible twin and taryn is the gremlin because she literally just hit on zekk while on duty while trista was over there begging her to be freaking professional.
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hapantwin · 4 years
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Agent May Appreciation Post (1x15)
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hapantwin · 4 years
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