happy-xndings · 3 years
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jenny slate / two, sleeping at last / an oresteia, euripidies (trans. anne carson) / the chaos of stars, kiersten white
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happy-xndings · 3 years
Mia looked up from her computer when she noticed someone sitting across from her. She listened as the other woman spoke before speaking up herself. “its no problem.” She then glanced over her shoulder at the couple Iseul pointed out and she tried to focus on what the couple were saying. “Hmmm she’s saying that she couldn’t believe he was dumb enough to try and hide some panties that weren’t hers.” She started. “He’s struggling to answer and now saying that it was a one time thing even though that’s a lie.” Mia’s eyes went wide before stifling a laugh. “The woman threaten to chop his balls off and serve them to the mistress in a pie.”
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"hide panties?” she gasped with a growing grin.  “this is the best day ever . . . ! truly.  the fact that new york people love having all of their arguments out in the public is a blessing. one second.”  iseul leaned over and reached into her bag, pulling out a light blue notebook and a pink pen with a rabbit head as the top.  she opened to a page that was decorated with washi tape and colored sticky notes of varying shapes, sizes, and hues, all with scribbled notes and thoughts from whatever had happened that day or whatever had come to mind that she felt would be important to remember later.  she began detailing the situation:
dumbass --> panty-hider --> pink and lace?
threatening --> ball chopping to pie baking = forced self-cannibalism.  too extreme?  potentially for an ex. trait would probably alienate protagonist from audience sympathy.
it’d be funny tho.
“you have been extremely helpful,” iseul said, smiling at the stranger.  “i hope you have plenty of exciting stories wherever you go.”
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happy-xndings · 3 years
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happy-xndings · 3 years
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( closed starter ) @bcllet​  apartment lobby
as soon as the elevator dinged and opened, iseul spied rafael in the lobby with a big grin and an excited clap of her hands.  “perfect!  you’re here!” she exclaimed, skipping toward him with an eager glint in her eyes.  iseul had yet to sleep, having spent all night working on potential character designs.  sometime around 8 am, she had a massive artist and writer’s block. after another shot of espresso and a badly burned piece of buttered toast, she seemed to have made some leeway, but she needed her one and only best friend to help narrow some things down.  
“i’ve been waiting all morning for you, rafael!  it’s not good to make a lady wait; lesson number 49 from yours truly.”—never mind the fact that he was working.—”come up to my apartment; we’ve got lots of things to discuss— eggplant-shaped things, if you get my drift,” she said, trying to be discreet so as to not offend other people’s sensibilities.  
“penises,” she blurted out almost immediately.  “i’ve got fourteen penis designs and we’ve got to figure out which one best fits the love interest.” iseul rolled her eyes and waved off the lobby receptionist’s hard stare. “harold, don’t give me that look; you were totally useless this morning.  this is a job that only rafael can do!!  come on, the amazon shipments can wait, rafael, but a man’s—um, what’s the word?—equipment cannot.”
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happy-xndings · 3 years
I know what it’s like to be loved. I want to know what it’s like to be loved unconditionally.
U.G. (via unremarkablegirl)
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happy-xndings · 3 years
Who: Josefina & ____ [ @exclusivestarters· ]
Where: On the subway to some kind of physically demanding class
“Remind me again why this is a good idea?” Josefina asked, shifting her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. The pair were one stop away from their destination, and the woman was starting to regret her decision to attend the class with the other. She had a perfectly good gym in her building, one that was often empty, leaving her to worry less about somebody seeing her working out. “Can’t we just work out back at my place?”
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iseul huffed, rolling her eyes.  “fina, please,” she said.  “you know i don’t work out, so if we’re working out, it’s gotta be a good one.”  iseul did a quick glance around to see if there was anyone on the subway that matched a prince charming role, but they all looked unshaven or broke.  seeing no one of interest, she turned back to josefina.  “i heard my neighbor say the other day that she left this class throwing up, but her butt grew one and a half inches.  sounds like a fair price to me.”
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happy-xndings · 3 years
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Despite residing in Manhattan, Rosalind was a regular in Brooklyn. There was something about it that brought her solace, especially in one of its coziest cafés. She’d been at her seat for over an hour, enjoying a second coffee and a browse through The New York Times in its traditional paper form. She preferred to hold it in her hands, much like books, but every single time she made that comment aloud in the past she felt always truly felt her age.
The abrupt presence of a complete stranger snapped her attention away from what she was reading in an instance. Given her former title, she was always on high alert, especially when there were no Secret Service guards around. She was naturally hesitant at first, furrowed brows and a small look of disdain on her face until she realised the shameless young woman was harmless. Incredibly nosy, but clearly no threat to anyone except the privacy of the couple she was spying on.
“First question. Do you know these people personally?” Her expressions softened just a tad, turning into one that resembled amusement instead. She glanced at the pair in question, eyes narrowing as she tried to decipher what was being said. Oh god. Now she was getting into it.
Pursing her lips, the former First Lady turned back to the other. “I believe I heard her accuse him of sleeping with her roommate. She saw the texts and she is also saying that she can’t believe their friends were covering from them both.”
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“sure, I know them,” iseul answered, sipping on her honeyed tea, “if by knowing them you mean see from across the street and follow into the coffee shop to figure out what’s going on . . . !”  she tried to make it subtle that she was excitedly peering at them several feet away, though it was difficult averting her eyes for long.  this was just too good an opportunity to miss.  Front row seats to a live action lifetime show?  Privacy be damned.
she gave a soft gasp as she looked at the regal woman, ecstatic and shocked at the news.  “he did what?  with who?  oh, my god . . .”  she shook her head.  “and her friends?  they covered for them, too?  why do we even need to watch tv; this is the better than any entertainment.”  she paused upon hearing her words, having a mature moment of realization and self-awareness that, perhaps, that wasn’t the best thing to say.  “i should, um, clarify, so that it doesn’t seem like I go around eavesdropping just because.  i’m iseul!”  she held her hand out.  “i’m a—a comic writer, basically.  thanks for letting me sit here.  this is so exciting.”
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happy-xndings · 3 years
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( open starter ) @exclusivestarters coffee shop in brooklyn
iseul immediately took the seat across from the other person, pulling the metal chair and setting her cup and pastry down with as little noise as possible.  it was rude, she knew, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“i’m so so so sorry to bother you,” she started, “but i really need to sit here.  you see them?”  she try to slyly point to the couple sitting a few tables away: the woman had pretty, yellow fringes earrings and the man had a well-groomed beard.  neither of them looked happy.  “they’re together, and they’re arguing, and it’s really really important that i know what they’re talking about.  nosy?  absolutely, and it’d be great if you joined me.”  this could be the big inspiration break that she had been looking for. “what are they saying?” she whispered excitedly. “i can’t hear; you’re closer.”
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happy-xndings · 3 years
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gdoc ; playlist ; pinterest
hi there!  the name’s kri, nice to meet y’all!  here’s 1/2 of my children, iseul.  she’s a 29 year old korean woman who’s been in manhattan, nyc, for the past 2 months.  she’s a manhwa artist, recently gaining traction for her smutty, m-rated works, under the pseudonym jangmi.  she’s in nyc to do some research for her next piece—and to hopefully find her prince charming (though maybe she’ll soon find out that her flawed idea of love and her romantic delusions are what’s holding her back.)
Not everyone can say they’ve been to the Big Apple, but  [ ISEUL NAM ], a [ 29 ] year-old [ CIS WOMAN ] has lived in [ MANHATTAN ] for [ 2 MONTHS ]. This is the city of dreams and [ SHE ] knows it, because they came to NYC to be an [ MANHWA ARTIST ]. Well, that and as an [ ROOMMATE ] to [ ROBIN NGUYEN ]. Living in the city means they meet all kinds of people, but everyone always seems to think they look like [ HAN SO-HEE ]. They even got away with free cab fare once because of it!
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》born to a single mom in boseong, south korea. 》iseul’s mom had a wildly romantic, one a million lifetime rush of a romance for a week with a rich man who was smitten with her: iseul’s unidentified father.  her mom tells her stories about this man, romanticizing everything. 》iseul thinks there’s a romance for her out there, too. 》her mom eventually marries a (boring) man and she convinces her to go for a stable major and career. 》iseul studies civil engineering.  when she graduates, she gets a job at a decent company, but decides to keep up her hobby of doodling romance stories and uploading them online as webtoons. 》out of the blue, her first completed work goes viral.  when her second, shorter work receives the same interest and acclaim, she quits her job and decides to pursue being a manhua artist full-time. 》she’s dated, but she’s crazy so she hasn’t found a man that fits her insane standards—or up puts up with her shit. 》she’s in nyc, doing research for her next masterpiece and hoping that this special city will make all of her dreams come true. 》important to note: she is fully colorblind, does not drive, and speaks english as a second language. she has horrifically skewed and high standards of love, believing that it's fairytale/hollywood story or nothing.
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happy-xndings · 3 years
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“PILLOW TALK” Han So Hee photographed by Ahn Joo Young for CHARLOTTE TILBURY, 2021
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happy-xndings · 3 years
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𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚍𝚞𝚖𝚙!
❝  ABOUT. 》 ♡ . . . the sea always filled her with longing. ❝  THREADS. 》 ♡ . . . for where all love is, speaking is unnecessary. ❝  TEXTS. 》 ♡ . . . how we need another soul to cling to. ❝  MIRROR. 》 ♡ . . . i am alone in a sea of wonders. ❝  MUSINGS. 》 ♡ . . . you are one of the lights, the lights of all lights. ❝  WANTED. 》 ♡ . . . it was love at first sight, at ever and ever sight. ❝  FEAT. 》 ♡ . . . name. ❝  MISC. 》 ♡ . . . i hope or i could not live. ❝  QUEUED. 》 ♡ . . . it was love at first, at last, at ever and ever sight.
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